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Offline ZmaN

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Re: More proof of evolution

God did take every living animal...
The reason dinosaurs died was because he DID NOT WANT THEM TO LIVE....  It was to become a threat to man kind..  After the flood was over, the bible says hat God put the Fear of Man into all animals...  If he had put that in dinosaurs, you wouldnt be alive...
There is much evidence of the flood actually coming...  God didnt flip his fingers because he has givin all of us a free will...  To just take you would go against is policy, so to speak....
You asked was the water compressed...  No crap it was compressed...  The waterabove the earth was lingering in the atmosphere...  Its totally possible because all the ceans and rivers and wells were full for Adam and Eve to drink out of...  It was rain just like todays rain, except larger amounts had come down..

I gotta go...
This is a preface..
I will have the full paper later this afternoon
Well what do I do now?  Well Jack, you seem to have an act for blowing things up....  <---  The BEST BAND EVER!

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Matthew 1:1-2  In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.  He was with God in the beginning.


Offline ZmaN

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Re: More proof of evolution
As for my age, you really want me to rip my birth certificate out?
God you people are so daring...
Well what do I do now?  Well Jack, you seem to have an act for blowing things up....  <---  The BEST BAND EVER!

My Rig:
NZXT Apollo Case, with the insides painted black, and refinished side panels
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Intel Xeon E3110 (e8400) OC'd to 3.6ghz
Xigmatek S1283 HDT Cooler
Biostar TPower I45 Motherboard
2 x 2GB's Crucial Ballistx DDR2-800 RAM
XFX Geforce 8800GTX GPU
Onboard sound
3 x 36GB Raptors in RAID 0
1 x Western Digital 640GB stand-alone

Matthew 1:1-2  In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.  He was with God in the beginning.


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Re: More proof of evolution
From a purely curious point of view...

Did the ark take termites aboard?
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Offline karajorma

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Re: More proof of evolution
I will have the full paper later this afternoon

I'll leave it to Aldo to rebutt all the comments you just made because I certainly don't want to spoil his fun but I hope there is more logic in this full paper than what you just wrote. There wasn't a single logical rebuttal to any of Aldo's points in there.
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Offline aldo_14

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Re: More proof of evolution

God did take every living animal...
The reason dinosaurs died was because he DID NOT WANT THEM TO LIVE....  It was to become a threat to man kind..  After the flood was over, the bible says hat God put the Fear of Man into all animals...  If he had put that in dinosaurs, you wouldnt be alive...
There is much evidence of the flood actually coming...  God didnt flip his fingers because he has givin all of us a free will...  To just take you would go against is policy, so to speak....
You asked was the water compressed...  No crap it was compressed...  The waterabove the earth was lingering in the atmosphere...  Its totally possible because all the ceans and rivers and wells were full for Adam and Eve to drink out of...  It was rain just like todays rain, except larger amounts had come down..

I gotta go...
This is a preface..
I will have the full paper later this afternoon

Oh dear.

Firslty, animals don't have the fear of man.  That's why carnivores like sharks, alligators, cheetahs, etc attack man (because we're fragile & slow prey compared to, say, a gazelle).  Would you go out on a walk, unarmed, in the middle of the African plains?

The water was not lingering in the atmosphere.  It is impossible for it linger in the atmosphere, I already pointed out why with respect to atmospheric pressure changes and the requirement for that vapour to be superheated.  Do you know how much water is actually within the average raincloud?  About 1 cup.  Look at mist/fog and how dense it is (or rather, is not); that's nothing more that a low-level cloud.

Water is also highly incompressible (when it is a vapour, such as cloud, molecules are widely spaced.  When it is compressed, it becomes 'solid' liquid; liquid water is highly incompressible and hence is used as part of - for example - g-cushioning on chairs).  Having that amount of water 'compressed' up there would defy gravity (and it'd be liquid).  And, again, it'd have massive climatological effects due to the impact upon sunlight reaching the earth.

Dinosaurs did not exist at the same time as man.  Basic geology (the sediment layers used to date remains) show as much (lets not forget a lot of this sediment/strata dating was created by ardent creationists prior to Darwins revelations).  Also, this wouldn;t account for the animals that were extinct before the dinosaurs - unless you're seriously suggesting mankind was wandering around during the pre-cambrian, and God somehow just kept creating loads and loads of hostile animals (oops, eh), until having a flood.

It's interesting how you use  free will ifor a general excuse, but cannot comprehend the possibility of having free thought.   If you're going 'God took every living animal', then doesn't that mean the whole ark thing is rubbish?  Because there's no need for an ark, or free will, or God to even tell Noah if he's just going to scoop up everything anyways.  In fact, why have the flood?  Just remove the big nasty dinosaurs!

And, well, there's loads of inaccuracies here.  For example, one well does not make 40 feet of global water coverage, nor explain why that water was never seen before or since.  Have you ever even considered taking a rational look at the known facts here?

Tell you what, point me to 'much evidence'.  Because a precursory examination of ancient civillisation and geological records, not to mention the biodiversity and animal territory ranges, of the world today makes it blatantly obvious that there was no global flood.  Unless you care to explain how Egypt was miraculously spared from even noticing a flood?


Offline Shade

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Re: More proof of evolution
God did take every living animal...
How many species were there then, exactly? The same number we have today plus the ones made extinct since the flood?

Simply put, if you say yes, the boat was about 2.000 times the size of the Titanic, which I call a pretty damn impressive feat of engineering for just Noah and his wife to have undertaken. Hats off to them.

But if you say no, then you basically acknowlege evolution. Not nessecarily meaning that a god of your choosing didn't start it all in the first place and simply left evolution in as a means to cut down on his workload. But if he did have all the species on the boat back then, and there are more species now than could have fit on his boat, then where did the rest come from if not from evolution?

So you see, there are some pretty good reasons not to take the bible literally. Because if you do, you will quickly find that there are multiple instances where the world of today could simply not exist if things happened as described. Humanity, for one, would have died out after Cain and Abel, given that there were no women around except for their own mother.

But even if you accept all of it at face value (blissfully ignoring the things that would lead to the world not existing, of course) you can still accept evolution. Nothing in the bible rules it out. It basically says god created everything, but nowhere does it say he forces everything to remain static without ever changing. So evolution is actually quite compatible with the bible, a fact which as many others have already mentioned has in fact been acknowledged by the likes of the Vatican.
« Last Edit: April 09, 2006, 10:08:10 am by Shade »
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Offline aldo_14

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Re: More proof of evolution
“The Church joyfully accepts the real conquests of human knowledge.” (the Pope)

EDIT; it occurs to me that this, er, report, will come just as I'm at work tomorrow.  Tsch.  Still, going by evidence so far it'll be claptrap based on random assertions with no attempt made at scientific or even cursory common sense examination.
« Last Edit: April 09, 2006, 10:22:38 am by aldo_14 »


Offline Flipside

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Re: More proof of evolution
The thing about evolution being a theory no big deal. It's still a theory that the moon goes round the Earth, despite the fact we've gone up there and watched it do it. Why is it still a theory? Because scientists don't like to say 'this is undeniable fact' . Observable items of data have suggested that the Moon goes round the Earth, and is in the general habit of doing so, but no-one is going to say that it is a 'unchangeable limit of knowledge' that the moon goes round the Earth, it is merely doing so currently, because if the moon then plummets into the Earth, the scientists' career would be ruined. Oh, and we'd all be dead.

And you hit real theory the moment you start asking the question 'Why does the moon go round the Earth?' That's what theory does, it challenges itself constantly, deliberately stress tests itself and tries to find errors, it is that constant testing to breaking point which makes science, to my mind, far more likely to be right, because it tries to accept the possibility that it could be wrong. Admittedly Creationism is a bad example for getting scientists to admit that it does fall within the phase space of possibility, but, if you taught science that way, you'd have to teach every phase space of possibility, which is literally hundreds of thousands of theories. Science is a matter of asking the questions 'Why?' and 'How?' These are two questions that a lot of people don't ask enough of their own beliefs.


Offline Wild Fragaria

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Re: More proof of evolution

God did take every living animal...
The reason dinosaurs died was because he DID NOT WANT THEM TO LIVE....  It was to become a threat to man kind..  After the flood was over, the bible says hat God put the Fear of Man into all animals...  If he had put that in dinosaurs, you wouldnt be alive...

So kiddo who created other living organisms?  Did Satan created deadly the viruses and bacteria or you think GOD did?

I do not care what you believe.  Please just stop the nonsense explanation as for how and why things happened when you can not even prove GOD is the one holding responsible.


Offline Nuclear1

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Re: More proof of evolution
You asked was the water compressed...  No crap it was compressed...  The waterabove the earth was lingering in the atmosphere...  Its totally possible because all the ceans and rivers and wells were full for Adam and Eve to drink out of...  It was rain just like todays rain, except larger amounts had come down..

On a similar point, notice how the lifespan of everyone before the flood is significantly higher than the lifespans of those after the flood. This was not "just rain, but in larger amounts" that fell during this flood; it apparently was enough to cause factors that would have resulted in a shortage of human lifespan in the Middle East (skin cancer resulting from increased sun exposure, par exampla).
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Offline aldo_14

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Re: More proof of evolution
You asked was the water compressed...  No crap it was compressed...  The waterabove the earth was lingering in the atmosphere...  Its totally possible because all the ceans and rivers and wells were full for Adam and Eve to drink out of...  It was rain just like todays rain, except larger amounts had come down..

On a similar point, notice how the lifespan of everyone before the flood is significantly higher than the lifespans of those after the flood. This was not "just rain, but in larger amounts" that fell during this flood; it apparently was enough to cause factors that would have resulted in a shortage of human lifespan in the Middle East (skin cancer resulting from increased sun exposure, par exampla).

I have a feeling, also, that that much water wouldn't simply 'vanish' post-flood; you are talking about an amount sufficient to increase the globes diameter by over 40 feet (flood waters 20 feet deep at the highest mountain) and AFAIK there is no possible explanation for such a gargantuan amount of water popping in and out of existence.  Beyond His Noodly Appendage, of course.  Albeit this thread is going a bit OT vis-a-vis Noahs Ark anyways, as it's one of the easiest literal interpreations to debunk, alongside the flat circular earth fixed in space.


Offline Crazy_Ivan80

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Re: More proof of evolution
Evolution only interferes with young Earth creationism. In other words those people who believe that the Earth is 6000 years old cause the bible says so

Heh, not even the bible says so. It's Anglican bisshop Usher who said so based on what he read in the bible (the "begats"). But there's no date in the book. So Usher was making an interpretation, and one that is used plenty by these bible-literalists (which apparently, they only are when it suits them)

oh, and maybe everyone should read this
It's about the true effects of ID/creationism: namely trying to destroy (yes, destroy) science-education and science one step at a time. After all, if you want to kill of evolution you'll need to do more than just take out the biology side of it, you'll need to deal with geology too (and many other disciplines including nuclear physics, paleontology, medicine, etc.)
« Last Edit: April 09, 2006, 12:30:55 pm by Crazy_Ivan80 »
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Re: More proof of evolution
God did take every living animal...
The reason dinosaurs died was because he DID NOT WANT THEM TO LIVE....  It was to become a threat to man kind..  After the flood was over, the bible says hat God put the Fear of Man into all animals...  If he had put that in dinosaurs, you wouldnt be alive...

Tell me, please, how a psittacosaurus or a protoceratops coul;d be any more dangerous to man than a pig or a cow.
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Re: More proof of evolution
I do not have time to reply to what has been said, ATM. Im buzy tonight. All i have time for is this.

Here, ladies and gentlemen, is the much awaited report of mine:

Many people today want to know how the world and everything began. None of us today was there when it happened so we rely on beliefs and science to tell us how the world began. Both sides (Creationists and Evolutionists) cannot be completely proven or disproven, so in that light, I will discuss the main points of controversy of both sides and explain both points of view in hopes to give you a better understanding of each side.

In short, Evolution is the belief that all living beings originated from earlier species over millions of years, and the world was created with a mass explosion of built-up energy. Evolution also believes that man came from apes, and other earlier species before that.
Creationism, on the other hand believes in a higher being (God) who created the world, and all its life forms (as they are) in 6 days (According to Genesis). Creationism believes that God created man just the way we are; we did not ‘evolve’ from earlier species.

 Linus Pauling, grouped evidences of evolution in four main categories. The first being, fossil records of changes in earlier species. Second, the chemical and anatomical similarities of related life forms. Third, geographic distribution of related species. And last, the recorded genetic changes in living organisms over several generations.

1)  Fossil Records. Summary- Fossil and animal remains found in sediment are claimed to show changes in the creatures, through time. Extinct species, which are similar to major groups of organisms, are claimed to be proof that species can evolve. The fossil record of similar species is incomplete.
2)  Chemical and Anatomical Similarities. Summary- All things are similar in their basic anatomic structure’s. All living things are similar in that their cells can create complex structures, and only a few elements are needed. Many common proteins are made out of a few basic elements (Pauling says 6 of 92 common elements). Plants and animals inherit genes, as well as its characteristics, from their parent. Pauling claims most plant like living things inherit the energy needed for growth from sunlight, and as I said before, many of them are similar way. Pauling says, "This is the case with the vertebrates, which are the animals that have internal skeletons. The arms of humans, the forelegs of dogs and cats, the wings of birds, and the flippers of whales and seals all have the same types of bones (humorous, radius, and ulna) because they have retained these traits of their shared common ancient vertebrate ancestor."1  (Linus Pauling)
3)  Geographic Distribution of Related Species. Summary- Each area geographically has its own animal communities, all unique. Australia and other islands do not have inland animals, as they have their own indigenous species. Land mammals are non existent in the islands, yet they have marsupials . Pauling says,  "Each of these places had a great number of plant, insect, and bird species that were found nowhere else in the world."1(Linus Pauling)
4)  Genetic Changes Thorough Generations. Summary - Thousands of years ago, at several key times, the earth’s environments changed drastically. When the changes became intolerable to the species and inhabitants of the time, a widespread death occurred. The few survivors became tolerant of the change, immune so to speak, and their offspring were also. So the slow evolution and changes of the species is supposed to occur in this pattern. This is called "Natural Selection". Species that grow and reproduce many offspring in a short time evolve faster. They can adapt and develop immune quickly because of the faster rates they grow and breed. In the process of a species evolving, it eventually derives into several similar species. Man and apes are very similar in appearance and bone structure, so man is believed to have come from apes and their ancestors. Their similarities mean that they all came from the same ancestor canine species.

A man named Charles Darwin, started the theory of evolution .4 (Bruno J. Leone) He was a geologist on a ship that explored to find fossils of extinct species and study local species. As his journey progressed he began to doubt creation. The extinct species he found was similar to the existing species that was in the local areas; where he found the fossils. So, he came to believe that the species today came from extinct species. As the newer species adapted to the environment and changed throughout the generations, they became what we see today. He seemed to imply that someone or something created the first living being, which all the other living beings developed from.5 (Bruno J. Leone) At first, he only received partial support, but eventually, he gained massive support.

Creationism comes from the belief of Christians, in the words of the Bible. The bible is said to be Gods own words, and it is Him that created the universe. Christians believe that God created the world in 6 days and all the life forms just as they are today. The bible is a book of many books combined into one. The book that contains the words about creation is called Genesis. This book was written by a man named Moses, and passed on through the generations. Moses did not witness the creation, but this knowledge of it was given to him by God himself, to write down for his descendants.  Christians believe this around the world.
As Evolutionists interpret the main theory of Evolution differently in the fine points, Christians, as do all people, do the same. I won’t be getting into all the different beliefs but I’ll get into some of them.

Evolutionists believe that there was nothing in space. All matter and energy, over the millions of years eventually built up at an immense temperature and density, and in a big bang, exploded creating an anomaly. That release of energy and matter created the universe or, the elements or cells that created the universe or the matter thereof. Life emerged from non-living material and means.

Creationists believe that there was nothing but God (and space, nothingness). God, decided to, and created the universe, in six days. In those six days he also created man, plants, and animals, and everything else. He created Adam and Eve, the first male and female, from which we are all descendants. This is all found in the Bible, in the Genesis book.

Creationist believe the world was created in six days as the bible said.  However, within this position there are a wide range of opinions on how long this six days actually was.  Some say creation was in six 24-hour days, others argue whether it was more or less than 24-hours. Some say it was thousands of years before God created the sun and stars to regulate how long was a day. 

Creationists generally believe that man has been on this earth approximately 6,000 years since creation.  They present a wide range of evidences to support this belief beyond simple blind faith.

One example might be food for dinosaurs. The amount of vegetation needed to support one large dinosaur is estimated to be three and a half tons of vegetation per day.  However, in the places where they find dinosaur fossils, they do not find plant fossils to serve as food for the large masses of dying and repopulating species.

The obvious design of cell structure, and of the human body itself is so complex that it could not develop by chance.  Life created by chance by non-living material is radically impossible.

As John K. G. Kramer says in his section of "In Six Days", "Secondly, numerous pieces of evidence fit a young earth. To mention a few: The historical records, the population growth, the helium content in this world, the missing neutrinos from the sun, the oscillation period of the sun, the decline of the earth’s magnetic field, the limited number of supernovas, radioactive halos, the mitochondria DNA pointing to one mother, and the increase in genetic diseases, etc."8 (John F. Ashton)

A common factor in DNA, cells, and all living things, is orderliness and design.  You can’t have design without a designer. Orderliness tells of intelligence to make order, some other being or force out there; God. DNA carries the information necessary to tell the cell how to duplicate, feed, and how to cooperate with other cells. All in all, to become a complex living being. There is no way that could ever occur by chance. Cells and DNA are extremely complex and orderly, as a certain cell is used for a certain task. And the DNA cell tells which cells to be what and do what, and passes the necessary information to each cell in full, become a living organism. There is no order in chance, or luck. This order, or design, points to a creator, God.

Evolutionists believe that when the big bang occurred it also created ameba’s, which over millions of years mutated into living animals. Those animal species eventually faced catastrophes and intolerable climate changes, which led to mass extermination and few survivors. Those survivors either adapted and lived, or became immune to the event and they developed slightly changed characteristics. Those characteristic traits were passed down, to their descendants, which were immune from birth to the event that killed a lot of the pervious species.

This is the theory of Natural Selection. It may also be known as survival of the fittest. A species either died off, or a new species came from them. Traits and characteristics changed and allowed the current generations to adapt and survive. Species sometime derived into two species, instead of just one. So that’s how the many different species of animals today came to be. They kept mutating into what we see today. Foxes and Dogs and Wolfs all are similar species of the Canine Family. From the similarities, they say that they all came from the same ancient ancestor.

Creationists believe that God created all animals and living things at Creation. Though they may have changed since God created the universe, they didn’t change by natural selection or mutation, but changed within fixed limits. Not nearly as extreme as the Evolutionists believe. So the animals we see today are mainly how God created them at Creation.

Evolutionists believe that by natural selection and mutation, over millions of years, man evolved from apes and apes from previous species. There was no special plan or design, just survial of the fittest. They believe also that the path of evolution of species is all by chance, that there is no guiding force. That the big bang and the creation of life from non-living material was chance and luck, same as the evolution of all species was.

Creationists believe God created man in one day, not over millions of years. Man today came from previous men who all are decendents of Adam and Eve, the first male and female. Some Christians believe that God made the universe and left it. Others believe he directs it, or directs the evolution of the universe.

Evolutionists believe that the fossils are an accumulation of years of dead animals and extinct species spanning a great amount of time (millions of years). These are found through several layers of the earth’s crust. Though there are gaps in the fossil record, it is to be expected, as it is a natural and hard process for a fossil to be created by nature. In order for a fossil to be produced, the dead carcass has to first be buried quickly, and then several layers of sediment and earth has to cover it. Then it lies in wait forming the fossil, until someone finds it and uncovers it. Wind and rain and other natural forces can destroy fossils when exposed and uncovered, so it reduces the number of fossils we are able to find.

Creationists believe that at a time when man and animals were many in number God caused the Noachian Flood, also called The Great Flood, to happen. Sonder says, "Perhaps the Flood had been caused by a sudden shift of the Earth’s axis that had spewed up massive amounts of underground water. First, smaller animals had been swept away, and they had settled into the mud according to their specific gravity, or, roughly, their weight. Fish had died and floated to the water’s surface. Larger animals and humans ran to hilltops and mountain tops to escape the flood, but finally it reached them. They drowned and where covered with sediment in the years that followed. In other words, the fossils in the strata were not the remains of organisms that lived at different times. All had perished together in the Great Flood." 6 (Ben Sonder)

This explains how fossils got to be at different levels of the earth’s crust. The flood, which mass moved a massive amount of dirt, to account for the many layers of crust over the fossils, is why many species are extinct today. This is not the cause of natural selection, or because they were a weak species or died off due to catastrophes; but if God created the world only a few thousand years ago, the fossils could not possibly be millions of years old.

A faction called Intelligent Design, opposes evolution and denies Christianity at the same time. This group, which emerged in recent years, believes that there is no God or creator. They believe also that, the universe did not happen by chance, and evolution did not happen by natural selection (chance).  They believe, that the complexity of a living being, of all the cells, and the path in which evolution took, did not happen by chance. In theory, an intelligent force designed it that way, and sort of guided it along. Once again, not God, but an intelligent force. Some claim this is ‘creation science’ in disguise, and that it’s just another attempt to discredit evolution and be pro-creationist. According to Dwain L. Ford, in his section in the book "In Six Days", "Evidence for intelligent design is widespread in nature. For example:
A)  The motorized rotating flagellum of some bacteria.
B)  Blood clotting and its control.
C)  The high degree of organization within a typical cell.
D)  Cell division and its control.
E)  The system for protein synthesis.
F)  The human eye.
G)  The respiratory chain based in the highly organized mitochondria.
H)  The biosynthetic pathway in which acetyl CoA is the key compound." 7 (John F. Ashton)


Ben Sonder summarizes the main points of each position in his book as follows 3 (Ben Sonder) ,
"The Creationist Position
1. The universe, energy, and life were created from nothing.
2. Mutation and natural selection could not by themselves have brought about the development of all living things from a single organism.
3. The originally created kinds of plants and animals may have changed, but only within fixed limits.
4. Man and apes have separate ancestries.
5. The Earth’s geology can be explained by Catastrophism, including the occurrence of a worldwide flood.
6. The Earth and living kinds came into existence recently.

The Evolutionist Position
1. Through naturalistic processes, the universe emerged from disordered matter and life emerged from non-life.
2. Mutation and natural selection are sufficient to explain the development of present living kinds from simple earlier kinds.
3. Present living kinds emerged from simple earlier kinds by mutation and natural selection.
4. Man emerged form a common ancestor with apes.
5. The earth’s geology and the evolutionary sequence can be explained by uniformitarianism. *
6. The earth came into existence several billion years ago and life came into existence somewhat later.

*Note: uniformitarianism is a doctrine stating that modern geological processes are sufficient to account for all geological changes in the past."

Though my personal beliefs say that Evolutionism is not true, everyone is entitled to their opinion. They do have some facts, though they may be flawed in some form. They have fossils but the dating is flawed. Either way you have to decide for yourself, weather you will believe in Creationism or Evolutionism. As I said at the beginning, you can’t totally prove or disprove either side; so, it comes down to if you believe in God or chance.

Books & Sites quoted from:
1) Linus Pauling,
2) An Opposing Viewpoints Series, Bruno J. Leone, Book Editor. Daniel Leone, Publisher. Bonnie Szumski. Editoral Director. Scott Barbour, Managing Editor. "Creationism Vs. Evolution" (San Diego CA, Greenhaven Press, Inc. 2002)

3) Ben Sonder, "Evolutionism and Creationism"  (Franklin Watts a division of Grolier Publishing Co. Inc. 1999), pg. 100,101.

4)  Ibid., pg. 9.
5)  Ibid., pg. 14.
6)  Ibid., pg. 40.
7)  In Six Days, Edited by John F. Ashton. First reference from page 140.
8)  Ibid., pg 53. By John K. G. Kramer, who is a research scientist with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. He holds a B. S. (hons) from the university of manitoba, and M. S. In biochemistry from the University of Manitoba, a Ph.D. in biochemistry from the University of Minnesota and completed three years of post-doctoral studies as a Hormel fellow at the Hormel Institute and as a NRC fellow at the University of Ottawa.

Books looked in, but not quoted:
Bones of Contention: A creationist Assessment of Human Fossils, by Marvin L. Lubenow
Intelligent Design Creationism and Its Critics, Edited by Robert T. Pennock
M E M O R I A L ::,46987.msg957350.html#new

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Re: More proof of evolution
Where to begin?..... :D

The obvious design of cell structure, and of the human body itself is so complex that it could not develop by chance.  Life created by chance by non-living material is radically impossible.

MAJOR misunderstanding of evolution here. Evolution is not random. Mutation is random. Natural selection is the very antithesis of randomness. With this one sentence you have proved you don't understand evolution. Of course complex machinery like the human body can't arise by chance. No one said it could. You've completely failed to understand evolutionary theory if you think it is random chance. It is like me saying that I understand Christianity and then starting with "When Vishnu created the world...."

As John K. G. Kramer says in his section of "In Six Days", "Secondly, numerous pieces of evidence fit a young earth. To mention a few: The historical records, the population growth, the helium content in this world, the missing neutrinos from the sun, the oscillation period of the sun, the decline of the earth’s magnetic field, the limited number of supernovas, radioactive halos, the mitochondria DNA pointing to one mother, and the increase in genetic diseases, etc."8 (John F. Ashton)

You'd better explain those in more detail. Wikipedia is down and I can't point out the flaws in those arguments from nothing more than a title.

A common factor in DNA, cells, and all living things, is orderliness and design.  You can’t have design without a designer.

Patent nonsense. Crystals show a high degree of order without the need for a designer. Are you claiming that God designs ever single snowflake? Your argument is fallacious. You must prove that a designer is needed before you can claim this. So far you have not done this.

DNA carries the information necessary to tell the cell how to duplicate, feed, and how to cooperate with other cells. All in all, to become a complex living being. There is no way that could ever occur by chance. Cells and DNA are extremely complex and orderly, as a certain cell is used for a certain task. And the DNA cell tells which cells to be what and do what, and passes the necessary information to each cell in full, become a living organism.

Ignores the fact that DNA could have arisen from simpler self replicating molecules. The smallest of these are much much simpler than DNA or RNA. Certainly simple enough to have arisen by other methods. DNA may have simply usurped the place of these simpler molecules.


Evolutionists believe that when the big bang occurred it also created ameba’s

Complete and utter nonsense. They believe nothing of the kind.

Those animal species eventually faced catastrophes and intolerable climate changes, which led to mass extermination and few survivors. Those survivors either adapted and lived, or became immune to the event and they developed slightly changed characteristics. Those characteristic traits were passed down, to their descendants, which were immune from birth to the event that killed a lot of the pervious species.

Wrong yet again. Natural Selection is an ongoing process and does not require catastrophies to come into effect. This is a huge misunderstanding of what Natural Selection is.

This is the theory of Natural Selection. It may also be known as survival of the fittest. A species either died off, or a new species came from them.

Gross simplification. Natural selection occurs at the level of the individual not at the level of the species. It is hard to tell if this is just an oversimplicifcation or another misunderstanding.

Creationists believe that at a time when man and animals were many in number God caused the Noachian Flood, also called The Great Flood, to happen. Sonder says, "Perhaps the Flood had been caused by a sudden shift of the Earth’s axis that had spewed up massive amounts of underground water. First, smaller animals had been swept away, and they had settled into the mud according to their specific gravity, or, roughly, their weight. Fish had died and floated to the water’s surface. Larger animals and humans ran to hilltops and mountain tops to escape the flood, but finally it reached them. They drowned and where covered with sediment in the years that followed. In other words, the fossils in the strata were not the remains of organisms that lived at different times. All had perished together in the Great Flood."

Doesn't make sense at all. I think Aldo has already sufficiently pointed out the flaws in the possibility of a great flood in the first place so I won't restate his comments

if God created the world only a few thousand years ago, the fossils could not possibly be millions of years old.

Radiocarbon dating easily proves that those fossils are not only thousands of years old. There is simply too little carbon 14 present for them to be that young.

A faction called Intelligent Design, opposes evolution and denies Christianity at the same time. This group, which emerged in recent years, believes that there is no God or creator.

Wrong. The ID people are predominantly christian.

They believe also that, the universe did not happen by chance, and evolution did not happen by natural selection (chance).  They believe, that the complexity of a living being, of all the cells, and the path in which evolution took, did not happen by chance. In theory, an intelligent force designed it that way, and sort of guided it along. Once again, not God, but an intelligent force.

Wrong yet again. Most ID'ers do believe it's God. They simply don't say that much when trying to discredit evolution using ID. If you want to ignore ID completely in this debate I'm more than happy to ignore them too but at least get what they say correct in the first place.

According to Dwain L. Ford, in his section in the book "In Six Days", "Evidence for intelligent design is widespread in nature. For example:
A)  The motorized rotating flagellum of some bacteria.
B)  Blood clotting and its control.
C)  The high degree of organization within a typical cell.
D)  Cell division and its control.
E)  The system for protein synthesis.
F)  The human eye.
G)  The respiratory chain based in the highly organized mitochondria.
H)  The biosynthetic pathway in which acetyl CoA is the key compound."

All of these can be refuted but seeing as how you're saying that ID is rubbish I'm not going to waste my time refuting stuff which you appear to think is bollocks anyway.

Though my personal beliefs say that Evolutionism is not true, everyone is entitled to their opinion. They do have some facts, though they may be flawed in some form. They have fossils but the dating is flawed. Either way you have to decide for yourself, weather you will believe in Creationism or Evolutionism. As I said at the beginning, you can’t totally prove or disprove either side; so, it comes down to if you believe in God or chance.

As I stated would be the case your conclusions are formed on very big misconceptions of what evolution actually is. You're entitled to your opinion but if you have formed that opinion on bad data then it is worthless.
« Last Edit: April 09, 2006, 04:54:10 pm by karajorma »
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Re: More proof of evolution

Creationists believe that at a time when man and animals were many in number God caused the Noachian Flood, also called The Great Flood, to happen. Sonder says, "Perhaps the Flood had been caused by a sudden shift of the Earth’s axis that had spewed up massive amounts of underground water. First, smaller animals had been swept away, and they had settled into the mud according to their specific gravity, or, roughly, their weight. Fish had died and floated to the water’s surface. Larger animals and humans ran to hilltops and mountain tops to escape the flood, but finally it reached them. They drowned and where covered with sediment in the years that followed. In other words, the fossils in the strata were not the remains of organisms that lived at different times. All had perished together in the Great Flood." 6 (Ben Sonder)
Foolish, that doesnt even attempt to accounr for different groupings of fossils being in different places, if that were true they would all be mish-mash about.

This explains how fossils got to be at different levels of the earth’s crust. The flood, which mass moved a massive amount of dirt, to account for the many layers of crust over the fossils, is why many species are extinct today. This is not the cause of natural selection, or because they were a weak species or died off due to catastrophes; but if God created the world only a few thousand years ago, the fossils could not possibly be millions of years old.
You are not even talking about the absolute ages of the fossils, how can you make a conclusion on it?

A faction called Intelligent Design, opposes evolution and denies Christianity at the same time. This group, which emerged in recent years, believes that there is no God or creator. They believe also that, the universe did not happen by chance, and evolution did not happen by natural selection (chance).  They believe, that the complexity of a living being, of all the cells, and the path in which evolution took, did not happen by chance. In theory, an intelligent force designed it that way, and sort of guided it along. Once again, not God, but an intelligent force. Some claim this is ‘creation science’ in disguise, and that it’s just another attempt to discredit evolution and be pro-creationist. According to Dwain L. Ford, in his section in the book "In Six Days", "Evidence for intelligent design is widespread in nature. For example:
A)  The motorized rotating flagellum of some bacteria.
B)  Blood clotting and its control.
C)  The high degree of organization within a typical cell.
D)  Cell division and its control.
E)  The system for protein synthesis.
F)  The human eye.
G)  The respiratory chain based in the highly organized mitochondria.
H)  The biosynthetic pathway in which acetyl CoA is the key compound." 7 (John F. Ashton)
These are just a strewn together list of facts that you are posturing as evidence for ID. These dont show any evidence for ID in any way, in fact, most of them support evolution.
actualy, mabye not.
"When ink and pen in hands of men Inscribe your form, bipedal P They draw an altar on which God has slaughtered all stability, no eyes could ever soak in all the places you anoint, and yet to see you all at once we only need the point. Flirting with infinity, your geometric progeny that fit inside you oh so tight with triangles that feel so right."
3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944 59230781640628620899862803482534211706...
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Re: More proof of evolution
That post is so loaded with errors regarding evolution that it took me three tries to actually get through it. Anyway, lets start at the beginning shall we? I'll leave picking the creationist arguments apart to someone else, and just focus on the factual errors regarding evolution. Well ok, I might make a few exceptions.

Evolutionists believe that there was nothing in space. All matter and energy, over the millions of years eventually built up at an immense temperature and density, and in a big bang, exploded creating an anomaly. That release of energy and matter created the universe or, the elements or cells that created the universe or the matter thereof. Life emerged from non-living material and means.

The point being? This has nothing to do with the theory of evolution. The big bang theory is about how the early universe was created, and may or may not be right. There are several alternative theories about. Earth, the Sun and the other planets however did not spontaneously create itself out of pure energy, they formed from the slow consolitation of matter into larger and larger clumps. There is little disagreement over this, as it's a process continually happening throughout the galaxy and is readily observable with powerful telescopes. But regardless of, wrong theory.

Oh, and incidentally, the fact that such formation of far away stars is observable in telescopes, combined with the known and proven speed of light, completely invalidates any young earth (well, young universe, but since the 'world' goes beyond just earth it applies) arguments that might rear their heads later. It is simple: We know stuff existed millions of years ago. We can, quite literally, see it right before our eyes. So no 'nothing existed prior to 10.000 BC', please. I know noone has claimed that yet, but consider that a preemptive strike I guess. Actually wait a sec...

Creationists generally believe that man has been on this earth approximately 6,000 years since creation.
Guess you did claim it. That would be the exception I mentioned I guess, just couldn't let that one stand.

Evolutionists believe that when the big bang occurred it also created ameba’s, which over millions of years mutated into living animals. Those animal species eventually faced catastrophes and intolerable climate changes, which led to mass extermination and few survivors. Those survivors either adapted and lived, or became immune to the event and they developed slightly changed characteristics. Those characteristic traits were passed down, to their descendants, which were immune from birth to the event that killed a lot of the pervious species.

Err, no. Just no. Big bang and evolution are two entirely seperate theories. They have nothing to do with each other, at all. Evolution doesn't come in until we already have a fully formed planet with at least some life on it. As far as the theory of evolution cares, god could have taken care of all the initial world-building and life-seeding.

Evolutionists believe that by natural selection and mutation, over millions of years, man evolved from apes and apes from previous species. There was no special plan or design, just survial of the fittest. They believe also that the path of evolution of species is all by chance, that there is no guiding force. That the big bang and the creation of life from non-living material was chance and luck, same as the evolution of all species was.

Just how many times, on this thread alone, has it been pointed out that evolution is not considered random, not chance? Life itself, perhaps, but evolution has nothing to do with the origin of life itself. And again, you just had to throw the big bang in there didn't you? Please, just get that one out of your head, seems just one theory is enough of a problem to cope with, no reason to go to war with several.

All this just goes to show that you do, indeed, not understand the theory of evolution.

[Edit] Bleh, I type too slow :p Oh well....
« Last Edit: April 09, 2006, 05:30:10 pm by Shade »
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Re: More proof of evolution
You asked was the water compressed...  No crap it was compressed...  The waterabove the earth was lingering in the atmosphere...  Its totally possible because all the ceans and rivers and wells were full for Adam and Eve to drink out of...  It was rain just like todays rain, except larger amounts had come down..

On a similar point, notice how the lifespan of everyone before the flood is significantly higher than the lifespans of those after the flood. This was not "just rain, but in larger amounts" that fell during this flood; it apparently was enough to cause factors that would have resulted in a shortage of human lifespan in the Middle East (skin cancer resulting from increased sun exposure, par exampla).

That's circular logic.  There's no evidence outside of the bible that the human lifespan was ever longer than it is today (in fact, most actual historical records and, farther back, archeological records indicate that the human lifespan was much shorter) and so that Biblical reference cannot be used to justify another biblical reference.

Now, on to Charismatic's essay.  This is going to get ugly fast.

I do not have time to reply to what has been said, ATM. Im buzy tonight. All i have time for is this.

Here, ladies and gentlemen, is the much awaited report of mine:

Many people today want to know how the world and everything began. None of us today was there when it happened so we rely on beliefs and science to tell us how the world began. Both sides (Creationists and Evolutionists) cannot be completely proven or disproven, so in that light, I will discuss the main points of controversy of both sides and explain both points of view in hopes to give you a better understanding of each side.

In short, Evolution is the belief that all living beings originated from earlier species over millions of years, and the world was created with a mass explosion of built-up energy. Evolution also believes that man came from apes, and other earlier species before that.
Creationism, on the other hand believes in a higher being (God) who created the world, and all its life forms (as they are) in 6 days (According to Genesis). Creationism believes that God created man just the way we are; we did not ‘evolve’ from earlier species.

Linus Pauling, grouped evidences of evolution in four main categories. The first being, fossil records of changes in earlier species. Second, the chemical and anatomical similarities of related life forms. Third, geographic distribution of related species. And last, the recorded genetic changes in living organisms over several generations.

Overly general, and you've already begun to misrepresent evolutionary theory (among other things) but fine.  I'll humor you.  I'll get to the other issues eventually.

1)  Fossil Records. Summary- Fossil and animal remains found in sediment are claimed to show changes in the creatures, through time. Extinct species, which are similar to major groups of organisms, are claimed to be proof that species can evolve. The fossil record of similar species is incomplete.

First of all, the incompleteness of the fossil record is not an indication of its inaccuracy as you seem to be implying.  I don't know how many times I've seen this argument used (or at least implied) and it's completely wrong.  Fossils are fragile and hard-to-form things, the conditions have to be literally perfect and that only happens in extremely rare cases.  I don't know the exact numbers of how frequent fossilization occurs, but I do know that it's somewhere on the order of 1 in 1,000,000 if not much, much rarer.  The fact that we have as many different species fossilized as we do is more an indication of change over time than the lack of every single transitional form is evidence that it didn't.
2)  Chemical and Anatomical Similarities. Summary- All things are similar in their basic anatomic structure’s. All living things are similar in that their cells can create complex structures, and only a few elements are needed. Many common proteins are made out of a few basic elements (Pauling says 6 of 92 common elements). Plants and animals inherit genes, as well as its characteristics, from their parent. Pauling claims most plant like living things inherit the energy needed for growth from sunlight, and as I said before, many of them are similar way. Pauling says, "This is the case with the vertebrates, which are the animals that have internal skeletons. The arms of humans, the forelegs of dogs and cats, the wings of birds, and the flippers of whales and seals all have the same types of bones (humorous, radius, and ulna) because they have retained these traits of their shared common ancient vertebrate ancestor."1  (Linus Pauling)

Plants don't share the trait of growing from sunlight, they share the trait of using a specific chemical (chlorophil) to harnass light in the conversion of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen from lower-energy forms to higher-energy forms, also known as food (Sugars and complex carbohydrates, if you want to get technical).  Plants actually act, on a cellular level, much like any other multicellular organism on the planet outside of the chloroplasts.  This "category" also includes genetic evidence, which can quite easily show that man is more closely related to a chimpanzee than to a lemur, or that fish and whales share very little in the way of common genetics.  In fact, genetics can trace which organisms shared common ancestors more recently than others more easily than any other form of evidense.  There's a wealth of informaton here that a library can't cover.  That wealth of information all constitutes evidence to back up the theory, so none of the low-level similarities should be taken as the argument for evolution in and of themselves.
3)  Geographic Distribution of Related Species. Summary- Each area geographically has its own animal communities, all unique. Australia and other islands do not have inland animals, as they have their own indigenous species. Land mammals are non existent in the islands, yet they have marsupials . Pauling says,  "Each of these places had a great number of plant, insect, and bird species that were found nowhere else in the world."1(Linus Pauling)

Yes.  This is a hard one for young-earthists and literalists to get past.
4)  Genetic Changes Thorough Generations. Summary - Thousands of years ago, at several key times, the earth’s environments changed drastically. When the changes became intolerable to the species and inhabitants of the time, a widespread death occurred. The few survivors became tolerant of the change, immune so to speak, and their offspring were also. So the slow evolution and changes of the species is supposed to occur in this pattern. This is called "Natural Selection". Species that grow and reproduce many offspring in a short time evolve faster. They can adapt and develop immune quickly because of the faster rates they grow and breed. In the process of a species evolving, it eventually derives into several similar species. Man and apes are very similar in appearance and bone structure, so man is believed to have come from apes and their ancestors. Their similarities mean that they all came from the same ancestor canine species.

What you're talking about here isn't genetics, it's well, environmental selection.  And it happens.  That's what drove Darwin to write his theory in the first place - oh wait, I'll come to this later.  And the timeframe is not thousands, but rather millions of years.  No right-minded biologist would ever tell you than man and ape diverged within the last million years because (fossil record!) we actually have strong evidence of pre-humans long before then.

A man named Charles Darwin, started the theory of evolution .4 (Bruno J. Leone) He was a geologist on a ship that explored to find fossils of extinct species and study local species. As his journey progressed he began to doubt creation. The extinct species he found was similar to the existing species that was in the local areas; where he found the fossils. So, he came to believe that the species today came from extinct species. As the newer species adapted to the environment and changed throughout the generations, they became what we see today. He seemed to imply that someone or something created the first living being, which all the other living beings developed from.5 (Bruno J. Leone) At first, he only received partial support, but eventually, he gained massive support.

Hey, there we are!  Darwin.  First, Darwin was not on an expedition to collect samples of anything; he was sort of tagging along for the ride.  The Beagle's mission was a mapping expedition undertaking early in the Napoleonic wars; a naval exercise more than a scientific one.  Darwin was charged with recording everything he saw (really intended to be able to suppliment the map with information on regions' indigenous populations and resources) and only because he happened to have a solid knowledge of natural history was he able to make connections between species in other parts of the world.  What really made him settle on natural selection and evolution though was that he saw things on Galapagos that he could not otherwise explain.  Darwin himself was a Christian, and actually worried considerably both before publishing his works and later in life about what his discovery would mean to the church, but the evidence for evolution that he had seen on his journey was overwhelming.

Creationism comes from the belief of Christians, in the words of the Bible. The bible is said to be Gods own words, and it is Him that created the universe. Christians believe that God created the world in 6 days and all the life forms just as they are today. The bible is a book of many books combined into one. The book that contains the words about creation is called Genesis. This book was written by a man named Moses, and passed on through the generations. Moses did not witness the creation, but this knowledge of it was given to him by God himself, to write down for his descendants.  Christians believe this around the world.
As Evolutionists interpret the main theory of Evolution differently in the fine points, Christians, as do all people, do the same. I won’t be getting into all the different beliefs but I’ll get into some of them.

Actually, Creationism isn't religion-specific, it just means believing in the creation story of a religion. Christianity is just the major religion that is trying to exist in a highly advanced, scientifically conscious part of the world without conceeding to change though, and so is the most visible of all creationist sects.  However, framing Creation in the context of faith I have no issue with, but that automatically puts it out of the ability to attack anything science.

For the rest of this response, I'll go ahead and stick with your assumption that we're talking about Judeochristian Creationism.

Evolutionists believe that there was nothing in space. All matter and energy, over the millions of years eventually built up at an immense temperature and density, and in a big bang, exploded creating an anomaly. That release of energy and matter created the universe or, the elements or cells that created the universe or the matter thereof. Life emerged from non-living material and means.

Big Bang theory is astrophysics, not evolution.  And it's a theory that the entire universe - including what we know as space and time - all originated in an enormous release of energy.  Where that energy came from is almost philosophical in nature; our universe literally didn't exist before it so there's no way of even describing it.  Another point that seems to stem from the ID debate, unfortunately.  That life naturally arose from non-living material starts to get there, but it's still not really evolution either.  That said, big bang theory also has its share of evidence and support, and it's a theory that's constantly being refined to suit the latest data.

Creationists believe that there was nothing but God (and space, nothingness). God, decided to, and created the universe, in six days. In those six days he also created man, plants, and animals, and everything else. He created Adam and Eve, the first male and female, from which we are all descendants. This is all found in the Bible, in the Genesis book.

Creationist believe the world was created in six days as the bible said.  However, within this position there are a wide range of opinions on how long this six days actually was.  Some say creation was in six 24-hour days, others argue whether it was more or less than 24-hours. Some say it was thousands of years before God created the sun and stars to regulate how long was a day. 

All well and good, except that you're using a single source - the Bible - with all of it's fallacies and relying on interpretation of that book for your entire world view. 

Creationists generally believe that man has been on this earth approximately 6,000 years since creation.  They present a wide range of evidences to support this belief beyond simple blind faith.

That's just the "evidence" we've been looking to see.  I've yet to see a creationist produce any though, as the trouble is it doesn't exist.  We've got records of civilizations over 6000 years old, and that hardly leaves much time for early man even in a biblical context.

One example might be food for dinosaurs. The amount of vegetation needed to support one large dinosaur is estimated to be three and a half tons of vegetation per day.  However, in the places where they find dinosaur fossils, they do not find plant fossils to serve as food for the large masses of dying and repopulating species.

That's a lack of evidence, not evidence itself.  The two should not be confused.  There are so many logical fallacies in that statement that I almost don't know where to begin.  Again with misunderstanding what a fossil actually is, for one thing, or with the assumption that soft plant material would even fossilize in the same way that bones do (they don't).  Also, you're making the assumption that we know of dinosaurs and not their food, which is patently false; we do actually know some of the varieties of plant life that existed in that epoch despite the rarity of suitable plant fossils.  Dinosaurs are not in any way, shape or form evidence of creation or any of the other rediculous tennents that it relies on (young-earth).

The obvious design of cell structure, and of the human body itself is so complex that it could not develop by chance.  Life created by chance by non-living material is radically impossible.

That's the watchmaker analogy without coming out and saying it, which relies on faulty assumptions about what evolution is and what it means.  I'll leave this one to kara or aldo, as they have a ready reply to the watchmaker analogy.  Though you're using it here (?!) to justify the age of the earth.  That's saying "the earth is 6000 years old, so these things couldn't have developed, so the earth must be 6000 years old."  I shouldn't need to point out any more explicitly why that is incredibly stupid.

As John K. G. Kramer says in his section of "In Six Days", "Secondly, numerous pieces of evidence fit a young earth. To mention a few: The historical records, the population growth, the helium content in this world, the missing neutrinos from the sun, the oscillation period of the sun, the decline of the earth’s magnetic field, the limited number of supernovas, radioactive halos, the mitochondria DNA pointing to one mother, and the increase in genetic diseases, etc."8 (John F. Ashton)

None of which are both valid and actually offer any evidence that the earth is young.  Historical records are inherently only as old as (recorded) civilization itself, and as I've already said some actually predate the supposed creation myth.  The age of civilization and the age of earth itself are not one and the same.  Some of those "pieces of evidence" also extrapolate datapoints incorrectly (strength of the magnetic field does not take into account magnetic cycles or reversals, which we have rock-solid evidence of having happened).  Mitochondrial DNA spans KINGDOMS in some cases so while it does point to a common ancestor, it certainly doesn't point at one who was human.  And the genetic diseases thing is a product of humanity being able to live with those now, rather than having the child die in infancy.  Modern medicine is radically altering natural selection, so human history in the last 200 years isn't a good example of anything.

A common factor in DNA, cells, and all living things, is orderliness and design.  You can’t have design without a designer. Orderliness tells of intelligence to make order, some other being or force out there; God. DNA carries the information necessary to tell the cell how to duplicate, feed, and how to cooperate with other cells. All in all, to become a complex living being. There is no way that could ever occur by chance. Cells and DNA are extremely complex and orderly, as a certain cell is used for a certain task. And the DNA cell tells which cells to be what and do what, and passes the necessary information to each cell in full, become a living organism. There is no order in chance, or luck. This order, or design, points to a creator, God.

Again, the watchmaker analogy.  Again, I'll defer this one because it's been said so many times and because it will probably already have been said by the time this post is finished.

Evolutionists believe that when the big bang occurred it also created ameba’s, which over millions of years mutated into living animals. Those animal species eventually faced catastrophes and intolerable climate changes, which led to mass extermination and few survivors. Those survivors either adapted and lived, or became immune to the event and they developed slightly changed characteristics. Those characteristic traits were passed down, to their descendants, which were immune from birth to the event that killed a lot of the pervious species.

Or that a change led to an advantage in competition for resources and which drove the segment of the population without the change into starvation.  Or one that made reproduction more viable.  There are literally as many things that natural selection favors as there are needs and dangers in the world for an organism.

This is the theory of Natural Selection. It may also be known as survival of the fittest. A species either died off, or a new species came from them. Traits and characteristics changed and allowed the current generations to adapt and survive. Species sometime derived into two species, instead of just one. So that’s how the many different species of animals today came to be. They kept mutating into what we see today. Foxes and Dogs and Wolfs all are similar species of the Canine Family. From the similarities, they say that they all came from the same ancient ancestor.

"They believe" that to be the case because it is the best explanation of the evidence.  So yes.

Creationists believe that God created all animals and living things at Creation. Though they may have changed since God created the universe, they didn’t change by natural selection or mutation, but changed within fixed limits. Not nearly as extreme as the Evolutionists believe. So the animals we see today are mainly how God created them at Creation.

So how do you explain selective breeding?  Or those pesky antibiotic-resistant antibacteria?  Or for that matter the changes taking place in our own race?

Evolutionists believe that by natural selection and mutation, over millions of years, man evolved from apes and apes from previous species. There was no special plan or design, just survial of the fittest. They believe also that the path of evolution of species is all by chance, that there is no guiding force. That the big bang and the creation of life from non-living material was chance and luck, same as the evolution of all species was.

No one has ever said that natural selection was luck, and the rest of natural history (origins of the universe, origins of life) are almost as philosophical as they are scientific.

Creationists believe God created man in one day, not over millions of years. Man today came from previous men who all are decendents of Adam and Eve, the first male and female. Some Christians believe that God made the universe and left it. Others believe he directs it, or directs the evolution of the universe.

Simple genetics rule that one out, unfortunately.  A single male and single female of a complex, multicellular organism does not constitute a viable population and will not survive.  Sorry.

Evolutionists believe that the fossils are an accumulation of years of dead animals and extinct species spanning a great amount of time (millions of years). These are found through several layers of the earth’s crust. Though there are gaps in the fossil record, it is to be expected, as it is a natural and hard process for a fossil to be created by nature. In order for a fossil to be produced, the dead carcass has to first be buried quickly, and then several layers of sediment and earth has to cover it. Then it lies in wait forming the fossil, until someone finds it and uncovers it. Wind and rain and other natural forces can destroy fossils when exposed and uncovered, so it reduces the number of fossils we are able to find.

Creationists believe that at a time when man and animals were many in number God caused the Noachian Flood, also called The Great Flood, to happen. Sonder says, "Perhaps the Flood had been caused by a sudden shift of the Earth’s axis that had spewed up massive amounts of underground water. First, smaller animals had been swept away, and they had settled into the mud according to their specific gravity, or, roughly, their weight. Fish had died and floated to the water’s surface. Larger animals and humans ran to hilltops and mountain tops to escape the flood, but finally it reached them. They drowned and where covered with sediment in the years that followed. In other words, the fossils in the strata were not the remains of organisms that lived at different times. All had perished together in the Great Flood." 6 (Ben Sonder)

Ok, so you pseudo-quoted someone's definition of a fossil, which is great, but then follow it up with the garbage that is the ID explanation for how they got there.  The way the rocks in which fossils are stratified are formed makes it categorically impossible for them to have all died at once.  Sandstone doesn't form in a year.

This explains how fossils got to be at different levels of the earth’s crust. The flood, which mass moved a massive amount of dirt, to account for the many layers of crust over the fossils, is why many species are extinct today. This is not the cause of natural selection, or because they were a weak species or died off due to catastrophes; but if God created the world only a few thousand years ago, the fossils could not possibly be millions of years old.

Gasp!  Could we have the circular reasoning again?  "Fossils are not millions of years old, because they are on different levels of sediment, because god put them there 6000 years ago!"

Tell me then, why are they not evenly distributed across those layers?  Why are older, more primitive fossils found deeper than newer ones consistantly?

A faction called Intelligent Design, opposes evolution and denies Christianity at the same time. This group, which emerged in recent years, believes that there is no God or creator. They believe also that, the universe did not happen by chance, and evolution did not happen by natural selection (chance).  They believe, that the complexity of a living being, of all the cells, and the path in which evolution took, did not happen by chance. In theory, an intelligent force designed it that way, and sort of guided it along. Once again, not God, but an intelligent force. Some claim this is ‘creation science’ in disguise, and that it’s just another attempt to discredit evolution and be pro-creationist. According to Dwain L. Ford, in his section in the book "In Six Days", "Evidence for intelligent design is widespread in nature. For example:
A)  The motorized rotating flagellum of some bacteria.
B)  Blood clotting and its control.
C)  The high degree of organization within a typical cell.
D)  Cell division and its control.
E)  The system for protein synthesis.
F)  The human eye.
G)  The respiratory chain based in the highly organized mitochondria.
H)  The biosynthetic pathway in which acetyl CoA is the key compound." 7 (John F. Ashton)

And again, that's the watchmaker analogy.  Complex structures can develop naturally so long as you're not expecting them to come all at once.  But again, I'll let you have the full diatribe on that from someone else.


Ben Sonder summarizes the main points of each position in his book as follows 3 (Ben Sonder) ,
"The Creationist Position
1. The universe, energy, and life were created from nothing.
2. Mutation and natural selection could not by themselves have brought about the development of all living things from a single organism.
3. The originally created kinds of plants and animals may have changed, but only within fixed limits.
4. Man and apes have separate ancestries.
5. The Earth’s geology can be explained by Catastrophism, including the occurrence of a worldwide flood.
6. The Earth and living kinds came into existence recently.

The Evolutionist Position
1. Through naturalistic processes, the universe emerged from disordered matter and life emerged from non-life.
2. Mutation and natural selection are sufficient to explain the development of present living kinds from simple earlier kinds.
3. Present living kinds emerged from simple earlier kinds by mutation and natural selection.
4. Man emerged form a common ancestor with apes.
5. The earth’s geology and the evolutionary sequence can be explained by uniformitarianism. *
6. The earth came into existence several billion years ago and life came into existence somewhat later.

*Note: uniformitarianism is a doctrine stating that modern geological processes are sufficient to account for all geological changes in the past."

Though my personal beliefs say that Evolutionism is not true, everyone is entitled to their opinion. They do have some facts, though they may be flawed in some form. They have fossils but the dating is flawed. Either way you have to decide for yourself, weather you will believe in Creationism or Evolutionism. As I said at the beginning, you can’t totally prove or disprove either side; so, it comes down to if you believe in God or chance.

The problem is that what you've outlined is evolution vs. non-evolution (trying to pick holes in the evolutionary theory rather than putting something better forward).  Most of the criticisms used are inaccurate, misinterpreted, or just flat-out wrong and it gets tiring even having to write that.
« Last Edit: April 09, 2006, 06:11:38 pm by StratComm »
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"Holding the last thread on a page comes with an inherent danger, especially when you are edit-happy with your posts.  For you can easily continue editing in points without ever noticing that someone else could have refuted them." ~Me, on my posting behavior

Last edited by StratComm on 08-23-2027 at 08:34 PM


Offline Nuclear1

  • 211
Re: More proof of evolution
On a similar point, notice how the lifespan of everyone before the flood is significantly higher than the lifespans of those after the flood. This was not "just rain, but in larger amounts" that fell during this flood; it apparently was enough to cause factors that would have resulted in a shortage of human lifespan in the Middle East (skin cancer resulting from increased sun exposure, par exampla).

That's circular logic.  There's no evidence outside of the bible that the human lifespan was ever longer than it is today (in fact, most actual historical records and, farther back, archeological records indicate that the human lifespan was much shorter) and so that Biblical reference cannot be used to justify another biblical reference.

I wasn't actually aiming at justifying anything; simply using a biblical reference to disprove ZmaN's belief in the "only slightly more rain than usual" argument.
Spoon - I stand in awe by your flawless fredding. Truely, never before have I witnessed such magnificant display of beamz.
Axem -  I don't know what I'll do with my life now. Maybe I'll become a Nun, or take up Macrame. But where ever I go... I will remember you!
Axem - Sorry to post again when I said I was leaving for good, but something was nagging me. I don't want to say it in a way that shames the campaign but I think we can all agree it is actually.. incomplete. It is missing... Voice Acting.
Quanto - I for one would love to lend my beautiful singing voice into this wholesome project.
Nuclear1 - I want a duet.
AndrewofDoom - Make it a trio!


Offline aldo_14

  • Gunnery Control
  • 213
Re: More proof of evolution

Creationist believe the world was created in six days as the bible said.  However, within this position there are a wide range of opinions on how long this six days actually was.  Some say creation was in six 24-hour days, others argue whether it was more or less than 24-hours. Some say it was thousands of years before God created the sun and stars to regulate how long was a day. 

i.e. the bible has to be very liberally re-interpreted to try and justify it in the face of scientific knowledge which disproves the literal interpretation.

One example might be food for dinosaurs. The amount of vegetation needed to support one large dinosaur is estimated to be three and a half tons of vegetation per day.  However, in the places where they find dinosaur fossils, they do not find plant fossils to serve as food for the large masses of dying and repopulating species.

Utter tosh.  Do you honestly expect a 1:1 fossilization record between soft plant matter and hard animal - bone - matter? 

The obvious design of cell structure, and of the human body itself is so complex that it could not develop by chance.  Life created by chance by non-living material is radically impossible.

Rubbish.  Life did not create by blind chance; it created by random mutations selectected by environmental pressures (natural and sexual selection).  Life created by chance by nonliving material is not impossible (it's actually outside the bounds of evolutionary theory); just see any research on abiogenesis for work done on this. 

'Obvious design'?  Complete idiocy - if you have a series of selection pressures that reward suitability for a purpose, then of course it will appear well designed.  You're also making another fundamental flaw in assuming that life evolved the only way it could have, i.e. that the current form of life on earth is the only possible form, which is itself fundamentally unsound.

I'll try and come up with a simple analogy.  We have a random mutation, positive or negative (the vast majority being the latter). If this mutation makes the animal survive longer, or reproduce more, then it is propagated through being a genetically dominant characteristic.  So imagine, say, we have a machine that generates a sentence randomly, and we want that sentence to be a line from Hamlet.  Now, what you're suggesting would be that each time that sentence is random - pure chance.  That is unlikely.  But, evolution works as if we generated that sentence, and kept letters that were correct for the next generation.  And that, is not nearly so unlikely.  In fact, write a simple program, and you'll find it does so in surprisingly few generations.  It's not an exact analogy for evolution, but it illustrates the action of selection.

As John K. G. Kramer says in his section of "In Six Days", "Secondly, numerous pieces of evidence fit a young earth. To mention a few: The historical records, the population growth, the helium content in this world, the missing neutrinos from the sun, the oscillation period of the sun, the decline of the earth’s magnetic field, the limited number of supernovas, radioactive halos, the mitochondria DNA pointing to one mother, and the increase in genetic diseases, etc."8 (John F. Ashton)

Love how you don't define any of these.

Ok, I'll try and guess.  Historical records and population growth are rather meaningless, because you give no way in which these aren't accounted for by known human development and the extinctions within the fossil record. I'll try to be brief, because there are a myriad of scientific faults to address here and my arms are tired.

 Helium content; my understanding is that this is based on the helium-4 content in the atmosphere (created by regular radioactive decay), and the assumption it cannot escape from the atmosphere.  Unfortunately (well, for you) both the polar wind and magnetic pole reversals contradict this.  Specifically, the loss rate due to the polar wind has been recorded to be about the same as the accumulation rate used in the 'young earth' arguement.

Missing neutrinos; the 'shortage' has been provatively documented to be the result of neutrino oscillations (namely, collisions that convert neutrinos to different particles); this is proven by the SNO measurements of the sun, which detected neutrino particles (mau and one whose name I forget) only created by collisions (as documented in particle accelerator experiments).  Additionally, all the suns current colour, luminosity & helioseismology characteristics are all grossly inconsistent with a young star.

Supernovas; the arguement is that there are not enough supernova remnants to account for anything other than a young galaxy (these calculations being a classic example of picking the result you want first).  It's also based on wrong figures; the wrong estimation of both the rate of supernova and also the wrong calculations of which percentages of each stage supernovae should be visible.  The calculations also used the theoretical lifetime of the supernova, not the observable lifetime, and ignores a vast number of events which hinder the ability to see a supernova (remanants that have faded away, merged with other remnants or become noise, supernovas that are hidden by other radiation sources, that not all of the sky has been surveyed to the same extent, the technological limitations restricting the ability to observe supernova, etc).  i.e. it overestimates (badly) the number of expected supernova, and then ignores the restrictions upon finding them.

Magnetic field; utter claptrap.  There is irrefutable evidence that the electromagnetic field periodically reverses, making any decay-based measurement meaningless.  I believe this arguement also makes fundamentally unfounded assumptions that the internal magnetic field (vast majority of energy) of the earth shares the same fluctuations as the observable field.

Radioactive halos; An arguement that halos generated by polonium decay indicates a youn earth.  Numerous studies have shown there is no good evidence for this (or that these halos - ring shaped discolouration - are due to decay atall).  The research behind this also followed fundamentally unsound procedures, including selective use of evidence, faulty design, basic mistakes in geology and physics, and unscientific principles of investigation and arguementative style.

Mitochondria DNA; I believe this is the 'Mitochondrial Eve' hypothesis that claims one individual is the ancestor of all people and a recent ancestor, etc.  Except that ME is the most-recent common ancestor of all humans alive on Earth today with respect to matrilineal descent; not the ancestor of all, ever. This does not actually rule out other ancestors, either; it only refers to the matrilineal line of inheritence.  It's quite complicated, but consider this (which I won't bother to paraphrase);
[q]# Let us now see how the title of Mitochondrial Eve can change hands.
Consider an extremely prolific woman living today. She has many daughters and takes a vacation to a remote Carribean island for a week. During the same week a plague of a mutated Ebola virus sweeps the Earth and drastically decreases the fecundity of all living women. Not only that, the viral infection also changes the genome of these women so that the daughters they give birth to will inherit this reduced fecundity. This means that far more than average of their fetuses will undergo abortions (or, in a somewhat kinder scenario, their female fetuses will be aborted more often than male ones).
Only this one woman and her daughters who were off in this Carribean island are safe from the viral plague. Also assume that the viral plague consumes itself within that fateful week. This woman and her daughters are now free to breed in a world where their reproductive potential far outstrips that of every other woman alive (and to be born of these women). Soon, almost every one on Earth will be related in some fashion to this one woman. Finally, when the last woman who was born to one of the matrilineal descendents of an infected woman dies, the non-infected Carribean tourist takes on the title of the new Mitochondrial Eve. Every human alive on Earth at that point in time is now related via the mitochondrial line to her.
But consider this new twist. Suppose a group of astronauts (men and women) were sent off into space during the infection week, and were thus not infected themselves. After many centuries in a Moon or Mars colony, they returned to Earth. At that time, suddenly, the title of Mitochondrial Eve would revert back to our own ME. The humans alive on the Earth at that time would all share their mitochondrial DNA with an earlier common ancestor.[/q]

Genetic diseases; I have no idea what you're on about here.

A common factor in DNA, cells, and all living things, is orderliness and design.  You can’t have design without a designer. Orderliness tells of intelligence to make order, some other being or force out there; God. DNA carries the information necessary to tell the cell how to duplicate, feed, and how to cooperate with other cells. All in all, to become a complex living being. There is no way that could ever occur by chance. Cells and DNA are extremely complex and orderly, as a certain cell is used for a certain task. And the DNA cell tells which cells to be what and do what, and passes the necessary information to each cell in full, become a living organism. There is no order in chance, or luck. This order, or design, points to a creator, God.

Again, this is a wrong assumption of chance.  Also it ignores the theory of DNA and protein evolution.

Clearly, DNA which coded a cell to sit and die, is not going to be propagated very far.

Remember, we started as single celled organisms, and that cell structure evolved.  Multi-celled organisms came thereafter and, again, structures which were not beneficial would have been culled by natural selection.

Evolutionists believe that when the big bang occurred it also created ameba’s, which over millions of years mutated into living animals. Those animal species eventually faced catastrophes and intolerable climate changes, which led to mass extermination and few survivors. Those survivors either adapted and lived, or became immune to the event and they developed slightly changed characteristics. Those characteristic traits were passed down, to their descendants, which were immune from birth to the event that killed a lot of the pervious species. [/colour]

Evolutionists do not 'believe that when the big bang occurred it also created amoebas'.  This is wrong.  Firstly, abiogensis is a seperate topic to evolution, and does not predict spontaneous life - the opposite (for one thing, you need the stars and earth to accrete).

 Also, extinction as the driving force of natural selection/evolution is completely and utterly wrong.  Evolution does not require any form of catastrophe or climatic change.

Whilst an adaptation that allows an animal to survive a catastrophe would be an obvious one, the vast majority of mutations are negative.  Those few positive, can be very minor - like having 5% better vision and being able to avoid predators more easily (or conversely, catch prey).  Also, it depicts adaptation as a reactionary event, which is wrong; adaptation is not reactonary (mutations are random), but selection is (that is, it down to environment).

This is the theory of Natural Selection. It may also be known as survival of the fittest. A species either died off, or a new species came from them. Traits and characteristics changed and allowed the current generations to adapt and survive. Species sometime derived into two species, instead of just one. So that’s how the many different species of animals today came to be. They kept mutating into what we see today. Foxes and Dogs and Wolfs all are similar species of the Canine Family. From the similarities, they say that they all came from the same ancient ancestor.

You've forgotten sexual selection.  And also mischaracterised the pace of evolution IMO.

Creationists believe that God created all animals and living things at Creation. Though they may have changed since God created the universe, they didn’t change by natural selection or mutation, but changed within fixed limits. Not nearly as extreme as the Evolutionists believe. So the animals we see today are mainly how God created them at Creation.

Contradicted by fossil evidence.  Also fails to explain why God would create something that needed to be changed - isnn't His creation supposed to be perfecT?

Evolutionists believe that by natural selection and mutation, over millions of years, man evolved from apes and apes from previous species. There was no special plan or design, just survial of the fittest. They believe also that the path of evolution of species is all by chance, that there is no guiding force. That the big bang and the creation of life from non-living material was chance and luck, same as the evolution of all species was.

Again, the incorrect use of 'chance' referring to evolutionary progress; a fundamental error and an complete misunderstanding of evolutionary theory.  Survival of the fittest again ignores sexual selection.

Finally, consider this; if the big bang and life evolve by chance, what are the odds?  One in a trillion? More? 

Well, there are billions of planets in this universe.  So we only need a one in a billion chance of life forming to justify it here.  Not good enough?  How do we know there isn't an jnfinite number of big-bang/big-crunch style chains, in parallel or sequential?  That'd be infinite opportunities.

Here's another thing - how likely is it that an omnipotent and omniscent being just pops into existence, creates the earth, places stuff in the Earth contradicting the story he, she or it tells people, waits several thousand years before making itself known (and allowing the likes of polytheistic Greek, etc religions to toddle on), and makes such a botch job that they need to keep coming back and wiping out or modifying animals?

Creationists believe God created man in one day, not over millions of years. Man today came from previous men who all are decendents of Adam and Eve, the first male and female. Some Christians believe that God made the universe and left it. Others believe he directs it, or directs the evolution of the universe.

Evolutionists believe that the fossils are an accumulation of years of dead animals and extinct species spanning a great amount of time (millions of years). These are found through several layers of the earth’s crust. Though there are gaps in the fossil record, it is to be expected, as it is a natural and hard process for a fossil to be created by nature. In order for a fossil to be produced, the dead carcass has to first be buried quickly, and then several layers of sediment and earth has to cover it. Then it lies in wait forming the fossil, until someone finds it and uncovers it. Wind and rain and other natural forces can destroy fossils when exposed and uncovered, so it reduces the number of fossils we are able to find.

Creationists believe that at a time when man and animals were many in number God caused the Noachian Flood, also called The Great Flood, to happen. Sonder says, "Perhaps the Flood had been caused by a sudden shift of the Earth’s axis that had spewed up massive amounts of underground water. First, smaller animals had been swept away, and they had settled into the mud according to their specific gravity, or, roughly, their weight. Fish had died and floated to the water’s surface. Larger animals and humans ran to hilltops and mountain tops to escape the flood, but finally it reached them. They drowned and where covered with sediment in the years that followed. In other words, the fossils in the strata were not the remains of organisms that lived at different times. All had perished together in the Great Flood." 6 (Ben Sonder)

This is wrong; I mentioned earlier that history and geology proves the flood didn't happen, so lets just address fossils.  How can the strata be so perfectly sorted?  Why aren't brachiosaurs mixed in with elephants?  How could a large mammal move faster than a small one?  Why do all these fossils happen to be nicely organised in a way that shows a continuity of physical features?  Fluid mechanics says small animals should be at the top, not bottom of any soft strata - so why are small organisms lower down? Why is there different pollen in different strata - did the flood water also sort pollen so each layer of strata had different climatological data? (fossilized pollen is used to determine climatic history).  Why are there fossilized forests standing perfectly upright despite these vast tonnages of soil & sediment? (although there isn't actually any sediment deposits to support the flood).

Perhaps one of the most important issues - how does the flood explain fossil mineralization?  Because, y'see, fossils aren't bones - they're replaced by minerals.  We have archeological evidence from biblical and pre-biblical times that shows there's not enough time for this to happen.

This explains how fossils got to be at different levels of the earth’s crust. The flood, which mass moved a massive amount of dirt, to account for the many layers of crust over the fossils, is why many species are extinct today. This is not the cause of natural selection, or because they were a weak species or died off due to catastrophes; but if God created the world only a few thousand years ago, the fossils could not possibly be millions of years old.

Wrong. See above.

A faction called Intelligent Design, opposes evolution and denies Christianity at the same time. This group, which emerged in recent years, believes that there is no God or creator. They believe also that, the universe did not happen by chance, and evolution did not happen by natural selection (chance).  They believe, that the complexity of a living being, of all the cells, and the path in which evolution took, did not happen by chance. In theory, an intelligent force designed it that way, and sort of guided it along. Once again, not God, but an intelligent force. Some claim this is ‘creation science’ in disguise, and that it’s just another attempt to discredit evolution and be pro-creationist. According to Dwain L. Ford, in his section in the book "In Six Days", "Evidence for intelligent design is widespread in nature. For example:

Incorrect.  ID is well known and documented to be run and created by fundamentalist Christian groups.  For example, the 'Pandas and People' book cited in the Dover trial (where it was ruled ID was religious) saw a number of changes between editions that included the ad-verbatim replacement of 'creationism' with 'intelligent design'.

A)  The motorized rotating flagellum of some bacteria.
B)  Blood clotting and its control.
C)  The high degree of organization within a typical cell.
D)  Cell division and its control.
E)  The system for protein synthesis.
F)  The human eye.
G)  The respiratory chain based in the highly organized mitochondria.
H)  The biosynthetic pathway in which acetyl CoA is the key compound." 7 (John F. Ashton)

Kind of getting late, so I'll be brief and say all of these can be explained by the forces of natural selection (although I think e) is again abiogensis).  to take one specific case, it's been well illustrated how a human eye could evolve from a light sensitive patch in about 700,000 years, and this has been shown as well through convergent evolution (animals with different eye structures).  i'll let Kara or someone do the rest.


Ben Sonder summarizes the main points of each position in his book as follows 3 (Ben Sonder) ,
"The Creationist Position
1. The universe, energy, and life were created from nothing.
2. Mutation and natural selection could not by themselves have brought about the development of all living things from a single organism.
3. The originally created kinds of plants and animals may have changed, but only within fixed limits.
4. Man and apes have separate ancestries.
5. The Earth’s geology can be explained by Catastrophism, including the occurrence of a worldwide flood.
6. The Earth and living kinds came into existence recently.

The Evolutionist Position
1. Through naturalistic processes, the universe emerged from disordered matter and life emerged from non-life.
2. Mutation and natural selection are sufficient to explain the development of present living kinds from simple earlier kinds.
3. Present living kinds emerged from simple earlier kinds by mutation and natural selection.
4. Man emerged form a common ancestor with apes.
5. The earth’s geology and the evolutionary sequence can be explained by uniformitarianism. *
6. The earth came into existence several billion years ago and life came into existence somewhat later.

*Note: uniformitarianism is a doctrine stating that modern geological processes are sufficient to account for all geological changes in the past."

Though my personal beliefs say that Evolutionism is not true, everyone is entitled to their opinion. They do have some facts, though they may be flawed in some form. They have fossils but the dating is flawed. Either way you have to decide for yourself, weather you will believe in Creationism or Evolutionism. As I said at the beginning, you can’t totally prove or disprove either side; so, it comes down to if you believe in God or chance.

Actually, everything you've cited as creationist evidence is based on theories that have been scientifically disproven to be, at best, quackery (and usually formed in order to 'convince' people like you rather than in the interest of scientific endeavour).  You also have a fundamental misunderstanding of the role and action of natural and sexual selection within evolutionary theory.

Right, well this was actually a bit less than I'd like to write (because there is a lot to be corrected), but I have work tomorrow.  G'night.