Author Topic: And the **** hits the fan...(North Korea)  (Read 22103 times)

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Offline aldo_14

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Re: And the **** hits the fan...(North Korea)
So, what does Hugo Chavez have to say about this. lol

Well, indirectly;


"We condemn all nuclear tests because of the immense damage to the planet, to life on the planet.

"We oppose the proliferation of nuclear weapons and we are making an effort the world over to have those countries with nuclear weapons gradually disarm."


Offline Kazan

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Re: And the **** hits the fan...(North Korea)
oh oh pwnd redmenace, take your blind nationalistic trolling elsewhere now  :lol:
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Offline Unknown Target

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Re: And the **** hits the fan...(North Korea)
Oh Kazan oh Kazan, stop antagonizing everyone you talk to :p

Anyway, sucks for NK. They really screwed themselves over with this. I'm thinking that they think the rest of the world will capitulate to them a lot more readily than they really will.


Offline IPAndrews

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Re: And the **** hits the fan...(North Korea)
Oh Kazan oh Kazan, stop antagonizing everyone you talk to :p

If he did that he wouldn't be Kazan and he wouldn't be half as entertaining. :P
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Offline Unknown Target

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Re: And the **** hits the fan...(North Korea)
True dat :D


Free willy... :nervous:


Offline Kazan

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Re: And the **** hits the fan...(North Korea)
Oh Kazan oh Kazan, stop antagonizing everyone you talk to :p

he trolled

*notes your new post with the "free willy" reference*

LAME! You got something to say on that subject?  Do you? Eh? got something to say? bring it *****.  Find your testicles and start presenting arguments for your position or STFU you dickless wonder
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Offline Unknown Target

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Re: And the **** hits the fan...(North Korea)
Yuh huh...anyway, back on topic and away from stupidity.


Offline aldo_14

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Re: And the **** hits the fan...(North Korea)
Oh Kazan oh Kazan, stop antagonizing everyone you talk to :p

he trolled

*notes your new post with the "free willy" reference*

LAME! You got something to say on that subject?  Do you? Eh? got something to say? bring it *****.  Find your testicles and start presenting arguments for your position or STFU you dickless wonder

Y'know, it takes two to tango.  If I was admin i'd probably monkey both you for acting like 5 year olds......


Offline Unknown Target

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Re: And the **** hits the fan...(North Korea)
EDIT: Not worth it. Can we just get back on topic?
« Last Edit: October 11, 2006, 10:50:36 am by Unknown Target »


Offline IPAndrews

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Re: And the **** hits the fan...(North Korea)
So where is this North Korea thing going?  :shaking:
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Offline Unknown Target

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Re: And the **** hits the fan...(North Korea)
NK will probably be starved to death until it either A) capitulates, or B) goes on a last ditch rampage and attacks SK.


Offline Kazan

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Re: And the **** hits the fan...(North Korea)
or C) the population rebels, or D) all the of above
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Offline aldo_14

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Re: And the **** hits the fan...(North Korea)
So where is this North Korea thing going?  :shaking:

Up **** creek without a paddle.

Or, more specifically, in front of the UN Security Council where there will likely be sanctions upon the North Korean government in such areas as finance and fuel (but probably not food aid).  China will continue to be very very pissed off, both the US and NK will sabre rattle in the knowledge that neither wants a war (too expensive and too suicidal respectively), and the rest will stamp their feet and moan for a bit.


Offline redmenace

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Re: And the **** hits the fan...(North Korea)
oh oh pwnd redmenace, take your blind nationalistic trolling elsewhere now  :lol:
It was meant more of a joke considering Chavez attended a big third world country get together in NK.
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Re: And the **** hits the fan...(North Korea)
If you're going to say that the **** hits the fan, you'd better do it properly by quoting Ransom: "the defecation hits the ventilation....."


Offline Nuclear1

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Re: And the **** hits the fan...(North Korea)
If you're going to say that the **** hits the fan, you'd better do it properly by quoting Ransom: "the defecation hits the ventilation....."

No, that's actually courtesy of the original Derelict makers.  Ransom voiced the part years after it was written.
Spoon - I stand in awe by your flawless fredding. Truely, never before have I witnessed such magnificant display of beamz.
Axem -  I don't know what I'll do with my life now. Maybe I'll become a Nun, or take up Macrame. But where ever I go... I will remember you!
Axem - Sorry to post again when I said I was leaving for good, but something was nagging me. I don't want to say it in a way that shames the campaign but I think we can all agree it is actually.. incomplete. It is missing... Voice Acting.
Quanto - I for one would love to lend my beautiful singing voice into this wholesome project.
Nuclear1 - I want a duet.
AndrewofDoom - Make it a trio!


Offline Mathwiz6

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Re: And the **** hits the fan...(North Korea)
Oh **** Now the defecation has hit the ventilation  :lol:


Offline Bobboau

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Re: And the **** hits the fan...(North Korea)
you know your taking a nice long canoe trip down **** creek on a warm summer afternoon when China and Venezuela are like "/*inches away*/.... eh.... eh, don't look at me, I don't no this guy!"
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Offline Kosh

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Re: And the **** hits the fan...(North Korea)
So, what does Hugo Chavez have to say about this. lol

Probably laughing his ass off at how stupid Bush was to let this spiral this far out of control. Now lots of countries (namely Iran) are going to start thinking "If North Korea can do it, then we can do it too".

Now, however, what I predicted early after the nuclear test looks like it's coming true - North Korea, now that it has the bomb, seems to have decided that it can push other nations around. This, for all of those why not profiliate people, is why you don't want to have small, irresponsible countries like NK with nukes:

Japan, China, and Russia won't let them push very far.
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Offline Unknown Target

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Re: And the **** hits the fan...(North Korea)
Well yea, thats what I said. NK underestimated everyone, I think.