Author Topic: And the **** hits the fan...(North Korea)  (Read 22113 times)

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Offline aldo_14

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Re: And the **** hits the fan...(North Korea)
What do you want?  War?
No sane person wants war as a first choice, especially when dealing with someone as crazy and irrational as Kim-Jong.  But, if push comes to shove, if increased sanctions don't do anything, if he keeps pulling this same sort of crap and trying to provoke the hell out of the rest of the free world...then I say we should do what needs to be done, whatever that may be.

Edit: Along the lines of what nuclear said, what I meant was that I don't hold out too much hope for talk alone, or even sanctions, no matter how harsh, working in this situation.  Like someone said on the last page, I honestly don't think that Kim-Jong has any real clear concept of the consequences of his actions.  He's more like a petulant little child than anything else, and a petulant little child armed with nuclear warheads sitting right next to someone he hates is a very dangerous situation indeed.  I honestly think that the UN has a chance to shine here, depending on how things proceed; I only hope that they live up to that chance.

So what do you want?


Offline Kazan

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Re: And the **** hits the fan...(North Korea)
this is a silly conversation
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Offline Mongoose

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Re: And the **** hits the fan...(North Korea)
What do you mean, "what do I want"?  Like I said, I want this threat ended.  (In an ideal world, I'd love to see the communist regime be just a distant, unhappy memory for the people of North Korea, but that's an entirely different story.)  I honestly don't want things to resort to war, if there's any way to avoid it.  If sanctions do the job, if diplomacy (somehow) works, then that's fantastic, and huge international kudos to whoever pulls it off.  But one thing I don't want to do is completely rule out the possibility that some sort of military action may be a sad necessity if everything goes to hell in a handbasket.

Let me put it this way:  if things come down to the North creating a fully-functioning missile (of whatever yield), pointing it straight at the center of Seoul, and threatening to fire it off in a week's time unless some sort of ridiculous demands were met...would you be opposed to taking out the missile platform?  God forbid we come to a scenario like that, but I think it's something that everyone has to keep in the back of their minds.

And Kazan, you seriously need some fresh material.  My grandmother could have seen that coming a mile away. :p

Edit: Care to explain why, oh enlightened one?


Offline Kazan

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Re: And the **** hits the fan...(North Korea)
my last post is a quote referencing aldo's quote....

we have no right to invade that country simply because they got nukes and we don't like it - that's a war of aggression and is absolutely unacceptable.
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Offline Mongoose

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Re: And the **** hits the fan...(North Korea)
If a crazy dictator has acquired the means to deliver nuclear ordnance to several of our allies in the region (and perhaps even our own shores, eventually), I think it's well within our rights to nip the issue in the bud before it comes back to haunt us all.  Last time I checked, self-defense is a valid reason for taking physical action, within reasonable boundaries.


Offline achtung

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Re: And the **** hits the fan...(North Korea)
More than likely, the U.S. doesn't even need to really get involved.  China doesn't want North Korea to have nukes, that's a huge ecomonic threat to the region.  They'll probably do something whether the U.N. says so or not. | FatHax | ??????
In the wise words of Charles de Gaulle, "China is a big country, inhabited by many Chinese."

Formerly known as Swantz


Offline Mongoose

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Re: And the **** hits the fan...(North Korea)
And I really hope they do.  I'd rather not get involved with this, if at all possible.  If the nations in that region can manage to defuse the situation, then that's by far the best result.


Offline Kazan

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Re: And the **** hits the fan...(North Korea)
If a crazy dictator has acquired the means to deliver nuclear ordnance to several of our allies in the region (and perhaps even our own shores, eventually), I think it's well within our rights to nip the issue in the bud before it comes back to haunt us all.

bull**** it's our right - we don't have any farking right telling another country they cannot have a certain weapon - we don't listen to other countries telling us the same thing, why should we expect them to listen to us

oh right "We can kick their asses"

oh nice all high and enlightened democratic state.....

why do you hate our troups so much to misuse them in such vile manners

Last time I checked, self-defense is a valid reason for taking physical action, within reasonable boundaries.
It's not self defense until they ATTACK US!  Are we living in strangeworld now, where somehow preemptive action is self-defense?

when you attack first, you are the aggressor!
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Offline Mongoose

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Re: And the **** hits the fan...(North Korea) now I "hate our troops."  You're just a barrel of laughs today, aren't you?

So, let me get this straight...what you're saying is that we should wait until North Korea actually fires a nuke at the South, or Japan, or China, or wherever, until potentially tens of thousands are people are killed by said nuke, to do anything about it?  Is that pretty much the gist of your argument?  Just want to make sure.

If saving lives means being the agressor...then, by all means, I want to be called an agressor.


Offline Ford Prefect

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Re: And the **** hits the fan...(North Korea)
Here's the other problem: What exactly are we capable of doing to North Korea, militarily speaking? Even if a huge chunk of our army weren't tied up in the Iraq ****storm, I suspect that a land war in North Korea would basically be the equivalent of putting the U.S. forces in a giant blender.
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Offline achtung

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Re: And the **** hits the fan...(North Korea)
Here's the other problem: What exactly are we capable of doing to North Korea, militarily speaking? Even if a huge chunk of our army weren't tied up in the Iraq ****storm, I suspect that a land war in North Korea would basically be the equivalent of putting the U.S. forces in a giant blender.

What happens when we need troops? 


Not saying it's right or anything, but it could occur, and there would be nothing done aside from people whining about it. | FatHax | ??????
In the wise words of Charles de Gaulle, "China is a big country, inhabited by many Chinese."

Formerly known as Swantz


Offline redmenace

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Re: And the **** hits the fan...(North Korea)
Except, there are times that pre-emptive strike is necessary. Of course your intelligence must be rock solid and irrefutable. An analogy might be someone wanting to kill you. If the police arrest the perp while he is still planning to kill you is this wrong? But the police are the agressor?

Also Nuclear Weapons used against SK would also be used against US troops and against the multiple bases along the DMZ

Here's the other problem: What exactly are we capable of doing to North Korea, militarily speaking? Even if a huge chunk of our army weren't tied up in the Iraq ****storm, I suspect that a land war in North Korea would basically be the equivalent of putting the U.S. forces in a giant blender.
Yes, but keep in mind, that the "million man army" of NK is hungry, under equipped and under trained.
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Offline aldo_14

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Re: And the **** hits the fan...(North Korea)
What do you mean, "what do I want"?  Like I said, I want this threat ended.  (In an ideal world, I'd love to see the communist regime be just a distant, unhappy memory for the people of North Korea, but that's an entirely different story.)  I honestly don't want things to resort to war, if there's any way to avoid it.  If sanctions do the job, if diplomacy (somehow) works, then that's fantastic, and huge international kudos to whoever pulls it off.  But one thing I don't want to do is completely rule out the possibility that some sort of military action may be a sad necessity if everything goes to hell in a handbasket.

You've still not said what sort of action would satisfy you.  What UN action do you want?  What falls under 'what needs to be done, whatever that may be'?  How do you define 'needs'?

It seem that you're damning the UN already - implying there is some clear solution (which they will be subsequently damned for missing) whilst failing to state what that might be.  You want the military option on the table - what option?  Under what circumstances?  How far?  What about the collateral civillian damage and destabilisation, how much is 'ok' by you?  What sort of non-military sanctions are acceptable?

It's all very nice saying 'if the UN does not remove this threat then it's failed' (to paraphrase), but you have to define how that threat could be removed, to show that is a realistic demand.  Glassing Pyongyang might remove that threat - is that a success in your eyes?  Is the death of, say, a few million Koreans acceptable if it 'needs to be done'?

Let me put it this way:  if things come down to the North creating a fully-functioning missile (of whatever yield), pointing it straight at the center of Seoul, and threatening to fire it off in a week's time unless some sort of ridiculous demands were met...would you be opposed to taking out the missile platform?  God forbid we come to a scenario like that, but I think it's something that everyone has to keep in the back of their minds.

No, but that's rather a strawman argument in any case, and far removed from the reality of the situation, placing both ease of action (implying it is easy to find the missile platform), exaggerating the threat (most analysts believe NK is far from actually being able to fire this as a warhead), and providing simple justification (ridiculous demands).

If a crazy dictator has acquired the means to deliver nuclear ordnance to several of our allies in the region (and perhaps even our own shores, eventually), I think it's well within our rights to nip the issue in the bud before it comes back to haunt us all.  Last time I checked, self-defense is a valid reason for taking physical action, within reasonable boundaries.

That's the same pretext as North Korea is using to justify developing nuclear weapons, I note.  And they probably have more grounds at this point in time.

So, let me get this straight...what you're saying is that we should wait until North Korea actually fires a nuke at the South, or Japan, or China, or wherever, until potentially tens of thousands are people are killed by said nuke, to do anything about it?  Is that pretty much the gist of your argument?  Just want to make sure.

If saving lives means being the agressor...then, by all means, I want to be called an agressor.

But what motivation could NK actually have for provoking a war?  The country can barely survive in peacetime, and even if it had the will to, it's far from having the capacity to deploy any sort of nuclear warhead within a missile (and it'll be several years before it can).

Sure, Jong-Il is a loony... but lets' look at other famous despots with nuclear or other WMD.  The one overriding characteristic they have is self preservation.  KJ-L is playing brinksmanship, sure - but he's not going to commit suicide.  If he did believe his propaganda, then we'd have seen a war with the South long ago.  Remember, a despot is characterised by the desire for personal power, not public glory; they're not going to risk a war unless it's to a) save their own ass or b) is an easy and glorious war to win.


Offline Mongoose

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Re: And the **** hits the fan...(North Korea)
Here's the other problem: What exactly are we capable of doing to North Korea, militarily speaking? Even if a huge chunk of our army weren't tied up in the Iraq ****storm, I suspect that a land war in North Korea would basically be the equivalent of putting the U.S. forces in a giant blender.
A ground-based attack really would be the absolute worst-case scenario of all.


Offline vyper

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Re: And the **** hits the fan...(North Korea)
If a crazy dictator has acquired the means to deliver nuclear ordnance to several of our allies in the region (and perhaps even our own shores, eventually), I think it's well within our rights to nip the issue in the bud before it comes back to haunt us all.

bull**** it's our right - we don't have any farking right telling another country they cannot have a certain weapon - we don't listen to other countries telling us the same thing, why should we expect them to listen to us

Because we (where we being the collective forces for the Western world) happened to get those weapons sooner and have creater better versions. We also happen to have more of them. Thats why. The guise of morality is simply there for the 9 to 5 churchies so they can believe we're doing it for some greater moral good, as opposed to maintaining our position in the world order.

Besides which, NK ain't exactly a hippy paradise now is it?
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Offline Mongoose

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Re: And the **** hits the fan...(North Korea)
Aldo, did I ever say there was a clear solution?  Hell no.  This whole thing is one big complicated mess.  I don't pretend to have the answers to any of the questions that you asked; I'm certainly no diplomat, foreign affairs worker, or military strategist.  I honestly don't know exactly what would have to happen in order for North Korea to be removed as a potential nuclear threat to that region, and the only way we'll all find out is seeing what happens in the coming weeks.

On that note, how can you even ask me if I'd consider the deaths of millions of innocents "acceptable"?  I have a bit of a mind to take some offense at even the implication of that.  I don't want ANYONE to die from this, no matter what side they're on (previous "small-dicked" comment nonwithstanding).  And I can't give you any answer at all as to when military action would be "acceptable," to what extent it would be, or even in what form it could come.  All I can say is that I really don't want any military action whatsoever.  I want Kim-Jong to realize that pushing forward with this nuclear program is probably the absolute worst thing he could do in terms of preserving his regime's stability.  I want the world to get to the point where we no longer have to be concerned over what North Korea is doing.  I want the people of North Korea to have a chance at freedom and a decent standard of living.  But how, and for that matter, if, these things can come about...that's something that wiser minds than I will have to determine.

I honestly feel like I've repeated the same thing three or four times in here, but I'll say it once more for the hell of it: all we can do at this point is to watch and see how things progress.  You can't expect anyone to be drawing up detailed contingency plans when the exact situation is still an utter unknown.  At this point, I'm keeping my eye on the news and my fingers crossed.


Offline Bobboau

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Re: And the **** hits the fan...(North Korea)
well let me just put my cents in.
I want this situation permanently resolved, I don't care how, but I can not envision any situation which involves Kim remaining in power with nukes. at the moment I see no need for us to realy do anything, however I am willing to do what ever our South Korean alies ask us to do, wich at the moment seems to be 'finish cleaning up your Iraq mess pease'.

now I'd also like to go back to that gun analogy, as it's probably prety good consitering that in America, one of the most gun happy places on earth, there are things that can result in your never being alowed to own a gun, if you are deemed likely to misuse it (a violent history, or mental problems) you won't be allowed to get one.
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Offline aldo_14

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Re: And the **** hits the fan...(North Korea)
Aldo, did I ever say there was a clear solution?  Hell no.  This whole thing is one big complicated mess.  I don't pretend to have the answers to any of the questions that you asked; I'm certainly no diplomat, foreign affairs worker, or military strategist.  I honestly don't know exactly what would have to happen in order for North Korea to be removed as a potential nuclear threat to that region, and the only way we'll all find out is seeing what happens in the coming weeks.

On that note, how can you even ask me if I'd consider the deaths of millions of innocents "acceptable"?  I have a bit of a mind to take some offense at even the implication of that.  I don't want ANYONE to die from this, no matter what side they're on (previous "small-dicked" comment nonwithstanding).  And I can't give you any answer at all as to when military action would be "acceptable," to what extent it would be, or even in what form it could come.  All I can say is that I really don't want any military action whatsoever.  I want Kim-Jong to realize that pushing forward with this nuclear program is probably the absolute worst thing he could do in terms of preserving his regime's stability.  I want the world to get to the point where we no longer have to be concerned over what North Korea is doing.  I want the people of North Korea to have a chance at freedom and a decent standard of living.  But how, and for that matter, if, these things can come about...that's something that wiser minds than I will have to determine.

I honestly feel like I've repeated the same thing three or four times in here, but I'll say it once more for the hell of it: all we can do at this point is to watch and see how things progress.  You can't expect anyone to be drawing up detailed contingency plans when the exact situation is still an utter unknown.  At this point, I'm keeping my eye on the news and my fingers crossed.

Isn't that just a cop out?


Offline Unknown Target

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Re: And the **** hits the fan...(North Korea)
Here's the other problem: What exactly are we capable of doing to North Korea, militarily speaking? Even if a huge chunk of our army weren't tied up in the Iraq ****storm, I suspect that a land war in North Korea would basically be the equivalent of putting the U.S. forces in a giant blender.
A ground-based attack really would be the absolute worst-case scenario of all.

If the US does anything, it'll be bombing the hell out of NK plants with their stealth aircraft.


Offline Mongoose

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Re: And the **** hits the fan...(North Korea)
Quote from: aldo14
Isn't that just a cop out?

All right, so since I really have no clue whatsoever what the hell you're going on about, let me ask you this:  just what do you want out of me?  Do you want me to draw up a comprehensive, detailed, and cohesive game plan to resolve this situation?  Do you want me to sit here and puzzle over exactly what the percentage values of economic sanctions should be, or which officials from which countries should meet together in what cities on what dates?  Do you want me to create a 100-point list of criteria that would have to be met for any sort of military action of any scope to be taken?  Do you want me to perform a complete psychoanalysis of Kim-Jong Il and figure out every single factor that motivated him to conduct this test in the first place?

Just how exactly am I "copping out" here?  All I did in this thread was post a few random thoughts that were rattling around in my brain.  No more, no less.  I didn't intend to get into some multi-page discussion about the rammifications of potential actions of both sides.  I never once claimed to have any idea as to how the nations in question should proceed.  I'm sorry if that's the impression you received from me.  I've said my piece for now, and if you want to call that a "cop-out," then that's your prerogative.