Author Topic: Have any of you guys emailed [V]?  (Read 13544 times)

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Offline Snail

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Re: Have any of you guys emailed [V]?
How about a FS --- 3 FAQ Thread?


Offline Tyrian

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Re: Have any of you guys emailed [V]?
I guess on the subject of communication with :v:, there isn't much more any of us can do.  This is probably another hands-off instance.

On the idea of an FS3 FAQ thread, I think it would be very useful in reducing the number of FS3 threads popping up lately.  We could sticky it, then keep it open for a week for people to ask their questions, then lock it.  Anytime a new FS3 thing pops up, an admin could update it. 
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Bush (Verb) -- To do stupid things with confidence.

This year, both Groundhog Day and the State of the Union Address occurred during the same week.  This is an ironic juxtaposition of events--one involves a meaningless ritual in which we look to a creature of little intelligence for prognostication, while the other involves a groundhog.

Bumper stickers at my college:
"Republicans for Voldemort!"
"Frodo failed.  Bush got the Ring."

Resistance is futile!  (If < 1 ohm...)

"Any nation which sacrifices a little liberty for a little security deserves neither and loses both." -- Benjamin Franklin

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Offline Snail

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Re: Have any of you guys emailed [V]?
I say we just leave it open with a big sign on top of it saying "NO SPAM!!!".

Re: Have any of you guys emailed [V]?
On the idea of an FS3 FAQ thread, I think it would be very useful in reducing the number of FS3 threads popping up lately.  We could sticky it, then keep it open for a week for people to ask their questions, then lock it.  Anytime a new FS3 thing pops up, an admin could update it. 

let's do that. As of late, I have been posting FS3 in certain topics, though reminding n00bs to try to eliminate it from their vocabulary.

Also, I thought I heard somewhere that someone might have bought the Freespace rights from Interplay, and wants to keep it under wraps. Together, us and Volition might be able to purchase the rights. The biggest, and as far as I can see only, problem would be HLP and Volition buying the rights. I'm sure many, many, many of the members here at HLP would gladly donate to HLP to retrieve the Freespace copyright.


"Take my love. Take my land. Take me where I cannot stand. I don't care, I'm still free. You can't take the sky from me. Take me out to the black, tell them I ain't comin' back. Burn the land boil the sea, you can't take the sky from me. There's no place I can be since I've found Serenity. But you can't take the sky from me." - Ballad of Serenity


Offline Snail

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Re: Have any of you guys emailed [V]?
Also, we should have a sign saying "READ BEFORE YOU ASK!!!"


Offline IceFire

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Re: Have any of you guys emailed [V]?
I know that someone must have, but I did a forum search and it turned up nothing. There's a few interesting questions they could probably answer.

1. Did [V] ever do any preliminary work (concept art, etc.) on FS 2 < x < 4?
2.  Do they really have a storyline for the whole series or are they just letting out cryptic, meaningless comments like "Shivans are part of a bigger problem" and making it up as they go along?
3. What's the point in the EULA you-may-copy-the-disk loophole? Was it intentional?

1) No they didn't.  I asked in person.  They did have a bunch of really cool Descent 4 concept art that made its way into Red Faction tho :)
2) Mostly made up as they went along.  I don't think they had a solid plan of where they would be after the end of FreeSpace 2 and the story sort of ended there.  They probably would have wanted to try and do something else to clear that whole thing up but never got the chance.  At least not yet.

I'm curious to see if the space sim genre will make a comeback.
- IceFire
BlackWater Ops, Cold Element
"Burn the land, boil the sea, you can't take the sky from me..."


Offline Nix

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Re: Have any of you guys emailed [V]?
On the idea of an FS3 FAQ thread, I think it would be very useful in reducing the number of FS3 threads popping up lately.  We could sticky it, then keep it open for a week for people to ask their questions, then lock it.  Anytime a new FS3 thing pops up, an admin could update it. 

let's do that. As of late, I have been posting FS3 in certain topics, though reminding n00bs to try to eliminate it from their vocabulary.

Also, I thought I heard somewhere that someone might have bought the Freespace rights from Interplay, and wants to keep it under wraps. Together, us and Volition might be able to purchase the rights. The biggest, and as far as I can see only, problem would be HLP and Volition buying the rights. I'm sure many, many, many of the members here at HLP would gladly donate to HLP to retrieve the Freespace copyright.

This, along with every single topic discussed in this thread has already been discussed before.  I'm not trying to give you the impression of "STFU n00b", but please, do you know how much it would BE to acquire intellectual property rights from a publisher?  Way more than this community is able to donate. Again, it's THQ's decision to let Volition acquire the rights, in fact, the rights would probably be owned by THQ, NOT Volition.

That, and it doesn't do any good going around blasting people for talking about the coulda been FS3.  Explain to them why there is no FS3.  Dont flame/bash/belittle them because that's going to make one more new guy not like this community.  Image IS important, and if we're constantly fanning the flames of "you should be banned for even typing FS3" we're not going to have any new members show up.  It should also be removed from the welcome speech, IMO.  Doing it just encourages bad behavior with people asking about it.  I wasn't impressed how the one guy got his topic stickied because he made several threads concerning FS3.  More people flamed him and told him to "STFU, n00b" than explaining to him why we don't talk about this subject.  That or at least post the link to Karajorma's FAQ section.  Yes it WAS mentioned, but there were a lot of flames to go along with it. 

Re: Have any of you guys emailed [V]?
It's hard to write up an FS3 story, especially after Inferno, Inferno: Alliance, and, in 2200, Inferno 2....


"Take my love. Take my land. Take me where I cannot stand. I don't care, I'm still free. You can't take the sky from me. Take me out to the black, tell them I ain't comin' back. Burn the land boil the sea, you can't take the sky from me. There's no place I can be since I've found Serenity. But you can't take the sky from me." - Ballad of Serenity


Offline Unknown Target

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Re: Have any of you guys emailed [V]?
Since when are you not a n00b spartan? :p
And Nix; the community is so vehement about people posting FS3 because, quite honestly, we've seen it too much. I mean, most of us were nice for a long time, but after about the 1000th post you've seen about FS3, you just get tired of it. That's why most FS3 threads are basically insta-locked (and it surprises me that this one has remained open so long).
And I guess most newbies have a reason that they can post about it (search being down) but still - after awhile, it does get old, and people lose patience.


Offline Nix

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Re: Have any of you guys emailed [V]?
I know, I've lost patience myself, and that's why we need a thread that's a little more explanatory to newcomers (n00bs, ugh) rather than just getting pissed off every time. Even if it's a cold, curt "Look here, <thread location>" then insta-lock, it's better than projecting a hateful attitude.

Re: Have any of you guys emailed [V]?
I can understand why people would lose their cool. The horse was originally killed back in 2000 on the old VBB, and any mention of the alphanumeric characters of "f" "s" and "3" in that order would lead to the flamethrowers being pulled out. And that was six years ago. Basically, we just need one thread at the top of the boards explaining the whole FS3 situation.
<On "Their Finest Hour">
The GTVA sure knows how to launch feint attacks. You have the Colossus with her engines shut off, her battle group (all three ships) who apparently had problems with their weapon reactors, and a motley crew of fighters. No wonder the Bastion's escorts got decimated.


Offline CP5670

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Re: Have any of you guys emailed [V]?
To be honest, I have always found it a bit ridiculous that people here get so pissed off with any mention of FS3, and I've been in the FS community longer than most of you. It isn't even such a common topic anymore; it's only in the last month or so that it has come up repeatedly. A sticky thread explaining the issue would do a lot to clear this up for newcomers.


Offline Snail

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Re: Have any of you guys emailed [V]?
How about the FS3 FAQ Thread? Sticky it, and have a sign on it saying 'READ BEFORE YOU POST ANYTHING'. That should help. If needed, it could be locked if spam comes. I think I like that idea, it would also work pretty well. And we should also have a sign saying 'NO FLAMING'.


Offline castor

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Re: Have any of you guys emailed [V]?
To be honest, I have always found it a bit ridiculous that people here get so pissed off with any mention of FS3
Yeah, it really looks like some sort of a ritualistic tradition, rather than anything even mildly rational... pH3444R teh FS3!!!


Offline vyper

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Re: Have any of you guys emailed [V]?
Which is exactly the point. Tradition. All cultures have them - Space Sim gamers have this one.
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Offline Flipside

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Re: Have any of you guys emailed [V]?
The reason I don't like them is not because of the content, it's because they almost always end up as an argument, and as much as I like this place, I'll be damned if I'm going to spend all my time on it trying to keep a lid on those threads.

Even if it doesn't turn into an argument merely because it's FS3, I then have all the *****ing about what is 'Canon' and therefore applicable to FS3, and everyone argues about weapons and ships, let alone the story itself.

It's not that I'm anti FS3, it's just that I'm of the opinion that until we are told something one way or the other, we are not going to co-erce information out of any developer, regardless of who it is, it'd be like bugging Lionhead to reform Bullfrog so we can get a Dungeon Keeper 3, even if they were planning to do so, they wouldn't share that information with people who aren't directly involved with it until they were ready.

Personally, I think that the energy being used to discuss FS3 could be put to far better use.


Offline Tyrian

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Re: Have any of you guys emailed [V]?
Seconded.  But I still think that stickying a thread explaining the no FS3 posts attitude would be useful to the newcomers.

On the subject why this FS3 thread hasn't been locked, it's probably because it hasn't degenerated into a flamewar.  I think this  is a sign that people aren't tired of FS3 threads, it's just that we are sick of the arguments that result from them.  We should probably include a statement in the FS3 sticky thread that FS3 threads may be permitted in a limited scope, as long as the stay away from the flamewar problems.
Want to be famous?  Click here and become a playing card!!!

Bush (Verb) -- To do stupid things with confidence.

This year, both Groundhog Day and the State of the Union Address occurred during the same week.  This is an ironic juxtaposition of events--one involves a meaningless ritual in which we look to a creature of little intelligence for prognostication, while the other involves a groundhog.

Bumper stickers at my college:
"Republicans for Voldemort!"
"Frodo failed.  Bush got the Ring."

Resistance is futile!  (If < 1 ohm...)

"Any nation which sacrifices a little liberty for a little security deserves neither and loses both." -- Benjamin Franklin

Sig rising...


Offline Unknown Target

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Re: Have any of you guys emailed [V]?
No - we (me at least, and I know a few others) are definitely tired of threads asking about FS3, where it is, and bla bla bla.


Offline Nix

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Re: Have any of you guys emailed [V]?
I'm with UT on this.  Put everything what we know into it and lock it up.  No discussion, refer to the info thread.


Offline Polpolion

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Re: Have any of you guys emailed [V]?
Why not just create separate board for FS3 and let all of the topics just run rampant in there?