Author Topic: Oh, sweet Jesus...  (Read 14810 times)

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Offline Unknown Target

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Normally I would come I his defense but this time, he just blurred something out that he shouldn't have...

For a while I have wanted to do a pure action shooter sans all the high end complexities and niche attributes of my own games. I felt that trying to do that would taint my IP, alienate my existing and loyal install base who would probably have me lynched amidst cries of "sellout!". So I wanted to play it safe by using another IP.


You missed the next line:
Freespace 3 came to mind, so I started looking into obtaining the IP.

Just in case there was any doubt he was referring to the FS IP.

And anyway, wow. I gotta say, he's going to get roasted by the console community. If he thought the PC crowd was bad, at least we're reasonably comfortable with bad graphics. Putting stuff like that out on the XBOX360 will get him fried.

And I love how he admits, straight out, that his storyline is crap and unnecessary. And I'm practically falling for the way he talks about how being a simple "go here and blow up object X" is suddenly a second coming of gaming, and a true vision of his genius. When he compares his games to Freespace and XWING, he seems to forget that both those games had compelling stories and inventive gameplay - the former which he already admitted the game would not have, and the latter he implied the game wouldn't have when he said all it would consist of is
Go here. Blow stuff up. Return to base. Here, have a cookie for your troubles.

And I just can't get enough of the way he touts the BC and UC franchises as the bee's knees. Jesus, dude, everyone says they suck, get with the picture.


Offline Mathwiz6

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You know, I'm new to this forum and the world of FS2 and FS2_open, and missed the era of the "War of Dereks" as a user posted above.  Didn't even know who he was, only a vague outline of what happened.

After reading that post I'm almost as shocked and offended as I would have been if Jack Thompson had attacked... anything... again.  Freakin nutter.

Anyway, back on topic.

Since when did people who play action shooters (of any style, space or common FPSs) NOT care about story, good voice acting, good acting (if applicable), and the occasional cutscene?  Seems to me that Freespace's story, voice acting, and cutscenes are some of it's leading strong points.  Sure, it's hella fun to play but it's the story that made it truly great, IMO.  And I'm sure I'm not the only one who agrees.  Hell, from all that I've read, you "idiots" as he put it, didn't want him to make FS3 specifically because he didn't want to continue the story based off of Volitions model.

Why did Halflife do so well?  And Halflife 2?  Good voice acting.  Good story.  All alongside fun gameplay.

Sounds like this guy really needs to get a clue about the "niche" he's aiming for.

Derek's thread is in the HLP Classics. That, is history!

Have to admit, that was one of the longer pieces of random bafflegab (:D) that i've seen in a while.

I'm surprised how much you can spin stuff   :drevil:

what a disgustingly arrogant piece of ****

his game looks like crap

and for him to call anyone an idiot is unbelievable

how he manages not to kill himself for being so disgusting is completely incredible

Derek Smart: Not to much to tell really. The story, though quite good and engaging, is the usual run-of-the-mill fare thats just there to give some semblance of a purpose.

and.... om..., please god, strike that retarded piece of trash down with righteous fury

We have a spell check button now for a reason, try using it.

/claps for monkey

wow, that was anal as can be


Offline aldo_14

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what a disgustingly arrogant piece of ****

his game looks like crap

and for him to call anyone an idiot is unbelievable

how he manages not to kill himself for being so disgusting is completely incredible

Derek Smart: Not to much to tell really. The story, though quite good and engaging, is the usual run-of-the-mill fare thats just there to give some semblance of a purpose.

and.... om..., please god, strike that retarded piece of trash down with righteous fury

We have a spell check button now for a reason, try using it.

/claps for monkey

wow, that was anal as can be

There's not a grammar check button yet, unfortunately.


Offline Turey

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There's not a grammar check button yet, unfortunately.

Goober knows all the grammar rules, so it shouldn't be long before all our posts are in perfect English!
Creator of the FreeSpace Open Installer.
"Calm. The ****. Down." -Taristin
why would an SCP error be considered as news? :wtf: *smacks Cobra*It's a feature.


Offline aldo_14

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There's not a grammar check button yet, unfortunately.

Goober knows all the grammar rules, so it shouldn't be long before all our posts are in perfect English!

Correctness.  Forward to that day I shall look.


Offline Turnsky

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  • huh?.. Who?.. hey you kids, git off me lawn!
i haven't seen any one of his games yet that actually got a GOOD review... or a mediocre one for that matter..

PC Gamer gave Universal Combat a 75% rating.

PC gamer also has a mascot made entirely from coconuts...

not much credibility there.
do not torment the sleep deprived artist, he may be vicious when cornered,
in case of emergency, administer caffeine to the artist,
he will become docile after that,
and less likely to stab you in the eye with a mechanical pencil


Offline aldo_14

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PC Gamer used to be ok, but then it started reviewing things like the BF:V beta (and citing stuff dropped in the retail game like the B52) without saying so, or giving Halo 90% whilst saying that the notorious juddery slowdown as ok because it was 'authentic' to the original.


Offline AlphaOne

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I'm sorry but i just have to ask. Was he born an actual idiot or did he evolve over time???(Derek Smart)

And what is with this name already i'm getting sick of it. It's like Bill Gates chandign his name to Bilionare Gates. The obvious would apply but at least that guy actualy has bilions to prove it !

Geez man i wish this dude would come down mi block one day so then i can run him over in mi car all made to look like a Deimos corvette. Oh and i could put a re3ally big pole in the front so that when i ram him i could say "huh jerk you jost got ht by a beam cannon and rammed by the GTCv Smart.

This dude just made mi blood boil while at the same time he made me laugh at his superior stupidity. People like him should not be alowed to make compuer console or any other game.
Die shivan die!!
Then jumps into his apple stealth pie and goes of to war.What a brave lad....what a brave lad say the ladies in red.

(> < ) 

This is Bunny . Copy  Bunny  into your signature to help him on his way to world domination!


Offline Flipside

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You know, I'm sure I said at the start of this that I would prefer it not to slide into another 'We hate Derek Smart' thread? Anyone who was here the last time is perfectly aware of my opinion of the man, but just because he calls us 'idiots', whilst giving us relevance I might add, doesn't really excuse us sinking to the same level.

He's left us and the FS Franchise alone, that's what's important. Let's just let it rest please? I dislike the man just as strongly as anyone else, but by bringing him up over and over, we are giving him relevance.


Offline kode

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Me agrees. Least we and everyones else ignores he, him would get out of busyness, son enough.

spill chick? paced.
Pray, v. To ask that the laws of the universe be annulled in behalf of a single petitioner confessedly unworthy.
- Ambrose Bierce
<Redfang> You're almost like Stryke 9 or an0n
"Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored."
- Aldous Huxley


Offline WeatherOp

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Personally, I'd agree, one only has to look at something like the BtRL Mod to see the difference, visually, I'd say the SCP has the edge on it by quite a serious amount. I suppose the real test is playability, a good game with mediocre graphics is still a good game, but we'll wait and see on that count.

And let's face it, we might run at infinitely less cost, but he makes infinitely more profit ;)




He got owned. ;7

Decent Blacksmith, Master procrastinator.

PHD in the field of Almost Finishing Projects.


Offline kode

  • The Swedish Chef
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yeah, by the looks of it, his graphics compares to that of a "hotlinking forbidden" image, while the other one actually looks kinda like space.
Pray, v. To ask that the laws of the universe be annulled in behalf of a single petitioner confessedly unworthy.
- Ambrose Bierce
<Redfang> You're almost like Stryke 9 or an0n
"Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored."
- Aldous Huxley


Offline IPAndrews

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I love Derek Smart. The guy is just so entertaining.
Be warned: This site's admins stole 100s of hours of my work. They will do it to you.


Offline NGTM-1R

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He's left us and the FS Franchise alone, that's what's important. Let's just let it rest please? I dislike the man just as strongly as anyone else, but by bringing him up over and over, we are giving him relevance.

Derek Smart, for worse (since it seems unlikely to be for better) has left an indeliable mark on the community, however. I believe he qualifies as a Godzilla attack of sorts.

I.E. this guy:
"Load sabot. Target Zaku, direct front!"

A Feddie Story


Offline Flipside

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Offline Zuljin

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He got owned. ;7

You got Deckered :p

Well his hotlinking didn't get him any pictures ala goatse and tubgirl, so it's kind of unfair to put him on that level already :p


Offline Flipside

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:lol: Well, not quite as bad, but you get the picture ;)


Offline Mathwiz6

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Derek, live long and (don't) prosper.



Offline brozozo

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PC Gamer used to be ok, but then it started reviewing things like the BF:V beta (and citing stuff dropped in the retail game like the B52) without saying so, or giving Halo 90% whilst saying that the notorious juddery slowdown as ok because it was 'authentic' to the original.

I stopped subscribing to it years ago, but it does seem to have lost a bit a of it's luster. I only offered the Universal Combat review because it's in one of the magazines that is perpetual sitting on top of my toilet.