Author Topic: W-H-I-Y-L - boom shake-shake shake the-room.  (Read 3063740 times)

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Offline Dilmah G

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Re: W-H-I-Y-L - boom shake-shake shake the-room.
After 3 odd years as a slave, today I promoted to Captain Dilmah at work. Whilst the real military didn't turn out to be as cool as the GTVA (and definitely not as cool as the UEF), I credit Freespace for planting the seed for service early on in my life. Hopefully the next campaign we get to play will be a bit more fun than this 2020 edition.


Offline Colonol Dekker

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Re: W-H-I-Y-L - boom shake-shake shake the-room.

Well done bud, three pips good.
Mess bills bad.
Campaigns I've added my distinctiveness to-
- Blue Planet: Battle Captains
-Battle of Neptune
-Between the Ashes 2
-Blue planet: Age of Aquarius
-Inferno R1
-Ribos: The aftermath / -Retreat from Deneb
-Sol: A History
-TBP EACW teaser
-Earth Brakiri war
-TBP Fortune Hunters (I think?)
-TBP Relic
-Trancsend (Possibly?)
-Uncharted Territory
-Vassagos Dirge
-War Machine
(Others lost to the mists of time and no discernible audit trail)

Your friendly Orestes tactical controller.

Secret bomb God.
That one time I got permabanned and got to read who was being bitxhy about me :p....
GO GO DEKKER RANGERSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
President of the Scooby Doo Model Appreciation Society
The only good Zod is a dead Zod


Offline Dilmah G

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Re: W-H-I-Y-L - boom shake-shake shake the-room.
Thanks mate!
Mess bills bad.
Ain't that the truth. :(


Offline Colonol Dekker

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Re: W-H-I-Y-L - boom shake-shake shake the-room.
Privilege of rank bud.   You got a steward to Bull your boots now?  Genuinely made up for ya buddy, you'll have a crown on your rankslide before you know it 👍👍💪💪💪

Campaigns I've added my distinctiveness to-
- Blue Planet: Battle Captains
-Battle of Neptune
-Between the Ashes 2
-Blue planet: Age of Aquarius
-Inferno R1
-Ribos: The aftermath / -Retreat from Deneb
-Sol: A History
-TBP EACW teaser
-Earth Brakiri war
-TBP Fortune Hunters (I think?)
-TBP Relic
-Trancsend (Possibly?)
-Uncharted Territory
-Vassagos Dirge
-War Machine
(Others lost to the mists of time and no discernible audit trail)

Your friendly Orestes tactical controller.

Secret bomb God.
That one time I got permabanned and got to read who was being bitxhy about me :p....
GO GO DEKKER RANGERSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
President of the Scooby Doo Model Appreciation Society
The only good Zod is a dead Zod


Offline Nyctaeus

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Re: W-H-I-Y-L - boom shake-shake shake the-room.
3 am, returning from nightwalk with 2 fresh, cold beers in my bag to chill out my brain after day of work... And suddenly large, dark shape crossed the street 20m from me. Something quadrupedal and horse-sized. It stopped in the middle of the road to take a look at me, but decided to walk away.

Encounters with wildlife in the middle of the night is nothing new, but usually I encounter stray dogs, cats and hares. Sometimes foxes, deers and roes... Lel, but not this thing.

Either big deer or female moose as I saw no antlers. Wildlife is mostly harmless, but... Let's say I prefer avoid encountering large, dark monsters in the middle of the night.
Exile | Shadow Genesis | Inferno | Series Resurrecta  | DA Profile | P3D Profile

Proud owner of NyctiShipyards. Remember - Nyx will fix it!

All of my assets including models, textures, skyboxes, effects may be used under standard CC BY-NC 4.0 license.


Offline SL1

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Re: W-H-I-Y-L - boom shake-shake shake the-room.
Having a major damn anxiety attack. When I went into my bathroom to brush my teeth an hour ago, I had a sudden urge to walk over and touch the toilet so that I'd have to suffer through a full four-hour OCD hand-washing session. I'm pretty sure I took one step towards it and might have extended my arm in that direction. What the hell is this? Is this some weird kind of self-harm, an urge to self-flagellate born of extreme self-hatred?

I really wish I hadn't been born.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2021, 01:13:07 am by SL1 »


Offline DefCynodont119

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Re: W-H-I-Y-L - boom shake-shake shake the-room.
Having a major damn anxiety attack. When I went into my bathroom to brush my teeth an hour ago, I had a sudden urge to walk over and touch the toilet so that I'd have to suffer through a full four-hour OCD hand-washing session. I'm pretty sure I took one step towards it and might have extended my arm in that direction. What the hell is this? Is this some weird kind of self-harm, an urge to self-flagellate born of extreme self-hatred?

I really wish I hadn't been born.

Is there anything, anything at all that we can do to help you?
My gift from Freespace to Cities Skylines:


Offline SL1

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Re: W-H-I-Y-L - boom shake-shake shake the-room.
Having a major damn anxiety attack. When I went into my bathroom to brush my teeth an hour ago, I had a sudden urge to walk over and touch the toilet so that I'd have to suffer through a full four-hour OCD hand-washing session. I'm pretty sure I took one step towards it and might have extended my arm in that direction. What the hell is this? Is this some weird kind of self-harm, an urge to self-flagellate born of extreme self-hatred?

I really wish I hadn't been born.

Is there anything, anything at all that we can do to help you?

I appreciate the offer, but no, I don't think there is.


Offline SL1

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Re: W-H-I-Y-L - boom shake-shake shake the-room.
On a new antidepressant now. It's making my depression worse. Maybe I'll stop my OCD rituals not because I feel better and think I'm clean enough, but because I'm too depressed to care and I give up on ever feeling clean again.

I don't think I'm depressed because of a chemical imbalance. I'm depressed because my situation is hopeless and I'm either powerless to change it or too incompetent and pathetic to change it. Maybe the meds make it worse because my brain chemistry is actually fine, so trying to mess with it just screws it up.OCD only happened because I couldn't cope with the other problems in my life, the real problems. So that would mean that the OCD is my fault for not being able to fix the other problems or for developing the other problems in the first place.

I'm sorry for blogging here. I don't have many places to turn to.

Re: W-H-I-Y-L - boom shake-shake shake the-room.
I was under the impression that it was almost impossible to predict which antidepressant would work for a given person, so the standard procedure was to just try each of them until you find the one that works. Sounds like you need to sliiide over to the next one.

Remember: anybody telling you that you're incompetent and pathetic is lying to you. Even if it's your own brain saying that, it's lying.

We all have worth.

Re: W-H-I-Y-L - boom shake-shake shake the-room.
@SL1, blaming the victim is almost universally never the right move. Even if the victim is yourself.

Goodness knows I understand the impulse. The feeling that there has to be a reason you feel this awful, and maybe it’s because you deserve it? Look, none of us is perfect. None of us doesn’t have a banner flapping behind us of all our many regrets. Not if we’re being honest with ourselves. But unless you’ve made it your mission in life to make someone else miserable, spare yourself the lash. You feel this way because you are depressed. It is a biochemical symptom of depression.

The drugs? They can help, but at least in my experience, they aren’t a cure. And like Scourge said, it is almost impossible to know in advance which will help and which will hurt. And most of them take weeks before your system has equilibrated enough to tell. The change from one to another is almost always worse than whatever ground state you started from. Please be patient.

One thing I definitely sympathize with is there’s no pill you can take that will fix your job, fix your isolation, or change the circumstances you are living in. Hard as it is when you feel like you are living in at the bottom of a well, some changes you have to force your way through.

I’m not exactly a shining example of mental health. I’ve got an anxiety disorder which used to be crippling to the point of constant fear-induced nausea. Felt sick so I wouldn’t eat, so I’d get so hungry I’d get more nauseated and you get the picture. 2 years of that. But I’m better now. I’m not the picture of mental health. Still on meds and probably will be the rest of my life, but I’m worlds better than I was.  For me, i had to give up on academia and move over 1800 miles south, but it got me out of a toxic environment so I could at least start to put my life back together.

Don’t be afraid to think big. You’re worth it.
"Wouldn't it be so wonderful if everything were meaningless?
But everything is so meaningful, and most everything turns to ****.
-David Bazan


Offline SL1

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Re: W-H-I-Y-L - boom shake-shake shake the-room.
It doesn't matter. I can't get back what I've lost, I'll never have what I really want, and I'll never fill the void in my life. Even if I do have worth, it's not the kind of worth I care about. I'm losing the will to even vent anymore, because it's pointless and everyone just ends up frustrated with me. I didn't get what I needed when I needed it, and now it's too late. I've spent at least ten years thinking I needed to die. Maybe this is finally it. Maybe my subconscious mind knew what I had to do but also knew I was too comfortable to do it, so it ramped up the OCD to make my existence so painful that I'd have no choice.

I appreciate your attempts to help. I'll try not to bother you guys again.


Offline DefCynodont119

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Re: W-H-I-Y-L - boom shake-shake shake the-room.
No one is frustrated with you SL1, give yourself some time and you can pull though, we want you to live.
My gift from Freespace to Cities Skylines:


Offline SL1

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Re: W-H-I-Y-L - boom shake-shake shake the-room.
Live so I can do what? Everything I really wanted from life is out of my reach now, even if my OCD disappeared tomorrow. I can't fix it and I can't cope with it. The rest of my time on this planet is going to be spent in dull emptiness at best and agonizing despair at worst. If only I wasn't such a damn coward, I could end this.


Offline DefCynodont119

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Re: W-H-I-Y-L - boom shake-shake shake the-room.
You don't have to end it, you can still discover and achieve things in life you did not know you wanted.
My gift from Freespace to Cities Skylines:


Offline SL1

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Re: W-H-I-Y-L - boom shake-shake shake the-room.
I don't care about achieving things, and I don't care about what I don't know I want. I care about what I do know I want, and achievements are meaningless when you still hate yourself and feel like someone ripped out your soul. No achievement can fill this void.

Starting to get frustrated with me yet? Wouldn't surprise me.

Re: W-H-I-Y-L - boom shake-shake shake the-room.
Starting to get frustrated with me yet? Wouldn't surprise me.

Nope. Because we have perspective: The things that you hate about yourself, we can see that they don't matter. Even just as tiny little bits of text on the internet, we can see that the good things about you far outweigh whatever you think are the bad things.

I know it's hard to argue with your own feelings, but you just have to believe in the good parts of yourself, and that any parts that tell you suck are lying to you. Someday you'll realize this, and it'll seem crazy that you felt any other way. You just have to push through this rough patch.


Offline DefCynodont119

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Re: W-H-I-Y-L - boom shake-shake shake the-room.
I'm not frustrated with you, nor will I ever become frustrated with you, because I'm fighting for you.
My gift from Freespace to Cities Skylines:

Re: W-H-I-Y-L - boom shake-shake shake the-room.
Same.  I've been in the depths before.  No one needs to be lost there.  Think of your brain as a signal generator that generates different signals based on different inputs.  Some of those inputs are the signal it itself makes.  Sometimes, it can make signals that result in a terrible screeching feedback loop of pain, misery, and self loathing.

It is a malfunction in the signal generator.  It's sending you bad data, and it feels terrible, but the signal generate is malfunctioning.  With the right input and the right set of meds to adjust signal weighting, it IS possible to get back to a place where it is possible to be happy and achieve things that you can be proud of.

I promise.  Maybe all this **** we're saying isn't helping.  But understand WE think you have worth.  Your life has value, even if your brain is telling you it doesn't, you do matter.
"Wouldn't it be so wonderful if everything were meaningless?
But everything is so meaningful, and most everything turns to ****.
-David Bazan


Offline SL1

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Re: W-H-I-Y-L - boom shake-shake shake the-room.
If you're not ready to write me off, it's only because you haven't been talking to me long enough. There are things I won't budge on. There's lots of advice and suggestions I can't follow because of my condition, and when I tell people that, they yell at me for it. I just had it happen again in the past few days on another forum. So I guess I'll cut my losses and stop talking. For now. I'm sure it won't be long before I do it again.

I just wish someone could have stepped in and helped me with my real problems before it was too late. Before the pain and helplessness of those problems broke my mind and gave OCD an opening to take advantage of. I just didn't know what to do. I was a scared, confused kid with problems that terrified me, and I couldn't handle it. I just can't believe it's so bad.