Author Topic: Ep. 421 "Daybreak: Part 2" Discussion (SPOILERS)  (Read 36026 times)

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Re: Ep. 421 "Daybreak: Part 2" Discussion (SPOILERS)
Being able to see the virtual beings was not a genetic trait. They just chose to reveal themselves to certain people. Again I mention:

 - Virtual Six to baltar
 - virtual baltar to six
 - virtual elosha to roslin
 - virtual leoben to starbuck
 - virtual slick to starbuck
 - the five virtual beings that appeared to the final five telling them to go to the colonies.


Offline Locutus of Borg

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Re: Ep. 421 "Daybreak: Part 2" Discussion (SPOILERS)
If they hadn't revealed themselves to everyone else, what were they doing for the past 150,000 years?

Sure, sex is nice, but for 150,000 years?
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Re: Ep. 421 "Daybreak: Part 2" Discussion (SPOILERS)
If they hadn't revealed themselves to everyone else, what were they doing for the past 150,000 years?

Sure, sex is nice, but for 150,000 years?

I don't understand....

If they are beings of light, who says they experience time the same way we do? I think you're over thinking it. We're not going to understand the angels. we're not supposed to.


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Re: Ep. 421 "Daybreak: Part 2" Discussion (SPOILERS)
I guess not

One thing that bothered me about the episode were the commercials every five minutes! xD

What was the importance of the opera house? All it did was lead Hera, Caprica, and Baltar to the CIC

The preview for Caprica looks to be a bit disappointing; doesn't have the same dark feeling as BSG does. I don't know how they're going to make a show based on the premise that I've seen.
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Re: Ep. 421 "Daybreak: Part 2" Discussion (SPOILERS)
What an ending!!!!!

I thought that was absolutely brilliant!! An amazing ending!!!!

Wonder what became of the Cylons?
The Cylon Vs Cylon fight scenes were sooooo cool!
Like the very end scene, the future of robotics

Wondering if the Caprica scenes were simply to judge our reaction to the new show (although its set in the a lot more in the past)

Was Head Six an Angel and Head Baltar a Demon?

Wonder if Anders actually destroyed the fleet…….

It all basically makes sense  

I am well impressed

The fight scenes were amazing. Music was brilliant. Acting was memorising.
Think that could be my favourite episode of all time

So Earth really was paradise…

What does the future hold for us humans?
New breed of Cylons?

All that has happened before, it could happen again….
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Re: Ep. 421 "Daybreak: Part 2" Discussion (SPOILERS)
I think this episode could have done without the last two minutes tying into the 'real world', making such a blunt cautionary tale. It wasn't enough to ruin a mostly-satisfying ending, though.

EDIT: A few thoughts, that I suspended while watching:

- None of the potential 'dying leaders' didn't make it to New Earth.
- Why was the opera house projection so important and forshadow-worthy? The role of Baltar and Caprica Six in getting Hera to the CIC was very minor, compared to all the other things that happened to the girl. In fact, what was so important about Hera? Why couldn't anyone else be the mitochondrial Eve? Was she just a rallying symbol for leading Galactica to the final battle?
- The nature of Starbuck and the motives of the 'Head angels' were left unexplained, which is diappointing, considering how much of the series was invested in these mysteries. 'Something has been guiding us all along' is nothing that hasn't been said before.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2009, 11:01:33 am by FSW »


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Re: Ep. 421 "Daybreak: Part 2" Discussion (SPOILERS)
Well that was a great ending. Enjoy it although yes the last couple of minutes was a tad bit heavy handed but I liked it nonethless.

I'd say Diaspora has some work to do with that final space battle to end all space battles!
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Re: Ep. 421 "Daybreak: Part 2" Discussion (SPOILERS)
Awesome all the way through. The one thing that kinda nags me (but makes sense that they did it) was the disposal of the whole fleet. i honestly would have parked Galactica in orbit around saturn or one of the other more distant planets in this solar system as a testament to the journey they made. it would also serve as link to our past that would be out of reach until we can reach it again. thats just me though, i think it kinda sucks that 150,000 years later nobody remembers where we came from, the people that made the journey and a beat to hell battlestar named Galactica. but like i said i understand why they did it.

sentiments aside..........the battle KICKED ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Toaster on toaster combat, nukes, a pissed off Chief.....what more could you ask for?

yup....thats my 2 cents worth right there.

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Re: Ep. 421 "Daybreak: Part 2" Discussion (SPOILERS)
Absolutely frakking amazing. Ron Moore did not disappoint (nice cameo, btw). As the episode unfolded, I found myself going "Oh, I get that now! And that! It all makes sense!" The battle was epic, and the ending was very satisfying. I think they went a little over the top at the very end, with Hendrix's "All Along the Watchtower" and the montage of robots. But I like that they tied the series back to the overall message, that all of this has happened before, and all of this will happen again. I guess the question is, will we as humanity break the cycle this time?

The very end with the dialog and the montage was a bit heavy-handed for my tastes. The same purpose could have been served by simply having the Cylon theme play and Baltar/Six in the center of the crowd with it moving around them as if they're not there and on one of the bilboards a Centurion-esque product is advertised before a final taiko drum and fade to black.

I think that would have been worse.

Anything Cylon in modern day would have been picked apart forever.

That wasn't the point, the point was having it be "show not tell." Something a bit more subtle as opposed to hitting the audience over the head with a "The More You Know" message at the end.

If they wanted to break the fourth wall, then they should have had the main cast sitting in chairs in the middle of times square saying:

*150,000 years later*
"Hello, I'm Edward James Olmos."
"Hi, I'm James Callis"
"If you haven't figured out over the past four years that Battlestar Galactica is a cautionary tale."
"Then you should go and ****ing shoot yourself."
"In the long run, your species will thank you."
"...and so will your robots."
"Wait, did you say the F-word? On television? That'll get us pulled off the air!"
*Cut to black*
« Last Edit: March 21, 2009, 11:06:32 am by Ace »
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Offline Morwen

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Re: Ep. 421 "Daybreak: Part 2" Discussion (SPOILERS)
Turns out Baltar (more likely his later reincarnation) is Jesus, after all


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Re: Ep. 421 "Daybreak: Part 2" Discussion (SPOILERS)
It was a lovely touch the TOS music as the fleet flew to the sun.

Re: Ep. 421 "Daybreak: Part 2" Discussion (SPOILERS)
I think this episode could have done without the last two minutes tying into the 'real world', making such a blunt cautionary tale. It wasn't enough to ruin a mostly-satisfying ending, though.

EDIT: A few thoughts, that I suspended while watching:

- None of the potential 'dying leaders' didn't make it to New Earth.

well if you think about it, it did come true, roslin didnt live to see her new home, home doesnt nescesseraly mean planet :). home was where her and adama would live in his cabin, kinda sad really


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Re: Ep. 421 "Daybreak: Part 2" Discussion (SPOILERS)
It was a lovely touch the TOS music as the fleet flew to the sun.

That's been heard before. Tis the Colonial Anthem, first heard in season 2.

Re: Ep. 421 "Daybreak: Part 2" Discussion (SPOILERS)
Turns out Baltar (more likely his later reincarnation) is Jesus, after all

Rather, Baltar is the first Jew, if he is actually the founder of monotheism on our Earth.

Re: Ep. 421 "Daybreak: Part 2" Discussion (SPOILERS)
That was a great show! what better way to end a tale than to wage a massive battle in a black hole, find out your friends are 1000s of years old....and probably a figment of your imagination. Then move in with some cavewomen, smoke a splif(which i thought Roslyn was gonna do before she passed.) on a new planet while your ships fly into a star. nice. But isnt there one more cylon that is suppose to be reviled? and could he/she be the one head baltar was saying didnt like to be called 'that'?


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Re: Ep. 421 "Daybreak: Part 2" Discussion (SPOILERS)
AFAIK, all cylons have been revealed. "Daniel" hasn't been seen, and RDM stated in one of his podcasts that he wouldn't be seen, as he was killed off for real long before the series started.
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Offline BlackDove

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Re: Ep. 421 "Daybreak: Part 2" Discussion (SPOILERS)
They really tacked it on with the mystic bull**** a lot, but I felt it was a great ending, and it left me completely satisfied.

I guess I was always expecting them to do the smart thing and explain the "god has a plan blah blah blah" religious crap, but the final episode proved that they stuck to their guns, and the religious crap was what they were going for from the start. Cheapened the whole thing a bit, but like I said, I didn't mind, episode was good regardless.

Enjoy your campaign meaning something to the fans now that you have to get God and predestination in on it.


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Re: Ep. 421 "Daybreak: Part 2" Discussion (SPOILERS)
Well, my main disappointment was my hope that an "open ended ending" meant that there was going to be the mystical explanation "god did it" and also a possible materialistic explanation. Such as a throwaway line that The Colony was... very old, was happened upon by the Cylons, and despite the upgrades Cavil made to it was still largely a mystery. Then tossing in a scene where there's possible ambiguity that the Cylon god, angels, and Kara all could be machinations of The Colony, or that the Cylon god used the Colony as an instrument, before Cavil returned to it.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2009, 02:55:30 pm by Ace »
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Re: Ep. 421 "Daybreak: Part 2" Discussion (SPOILERS)
For the most part, I really liked it. Just a few nitpicks though.

I thought the whole opera house scene explanation was a bit drab. "Oh yeah you know that grandiose scene we've been gradually referring to for 4 years? It just meant go to CIC. That's all." What. :confused:

Also why didn't Galactica jump out as soon as Hera and all the birds were on board? We're they waiting for a respawn delay or something? :p

And then after all of that death and work, the 5 just go "Hey, we'll give you rezzing if you leave us alone" "Sure why not". It seemed a little contrived to me. However seeing Cavil eating a bullet, and seeing the chief choke the *****, made up for that.

The very end with all the robots was a bit cheesy, but I probably would've rolled my eyes at seeing a Cylon-like product anywhere.

However the question remains, which of the colony ships had the hairdressers and phone sanitizers? (Or was that the tribal people who actually found Earth first?)

EDIT: Also, to repeat what I said in IRC: LEE GET A HAIR CUT YOU HIPPIE!


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Re: Ep. 421 "Daybreak: Part 2" Discussion (SPOILERS)
The Opera scene was the confirmation of predestination as it relates between key people. It's the mystic bull**** I was referring to. It was meant to show how it's all been already set in stone, and the actors were just playing their parts faithfully, or to put it better, "how it all comes true in the end".

I think most of us wanted all that stuff to be more and have a better meaning, but it just wasn't. And that's fine, I mean, considering our entire species practices mass delusion in fantastic numbers on a daily basis, it's not like the show was catering that aspect to me, or people like me. A lot of the final episode, and Galactica in general now that we can look at it as a whole, was meant to straddle the line, entertain all sorts of people who believe or don't believe in things.

Just have to accept some things are not FOR you. At least, these aspects of the show were not for me. I can't speak for any of you.