Author Topic: BP: War in Heaven discussion  (Read 930224 times)

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Offline SF-Junky

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Re: BP: War in Heaven discussion
I also had the issue with bp2-blank.fs2 missing.

Just finished BP2 and my reaction is just - wow! Though I do not go along with all the music changes, it is really impressive how much the team improved on an already outstanding campaign. It is by no means an exaggeration to say that Blue Planet is easily one of the best fan projects in the world! :)

Keep it up!  :yes:


Offline General Battuta

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Re: BP: War in Heaven discussion
So who liked the new Act 3 outro!


Offline Valikdu

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Re: BP: War in Heaven discussion
Well, I was stunned by it.

Any, um... details on the
gigantic super bomber thing that's apparently called Gorgon?
It doesn't even have a tech room entry, I think (I checked with ctrl-shift-s).
« Last Edit: November 12, 2015, 05:35:54 pm by Valikdu »

Re: BP: War in Heaven discussion
yeah it does, it's the gtb gorgon
The good Christian should beware of mathematicians, and all those who make empty prophecies. The danger already exists that the mathematicians have made a covenant with the devil to darken the spirit and to confine man in the bonds of Hell.


Offline Valikdu

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Re: BP: War in Heaven discussion
Ah, found it.
So... it carries SSMs, and antimatter-pumped beam warheads, and commands drone wings, and has multiple other gadgets on top of just having the greatest armor and four turrets? I'm scaroused.

Also, considering Her Finest Hour. On higher difficulties, they send Auroras to go look for you... well, that's logical, but that actually makes things easier. I can just tell the Falcatas to get them while they're out in the open, away from the warships and sentries, and the Auroras will just die. Smoking them out used to be a big chore, for me anyway.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2015, 05:42:42 pm by Valikdu »


Offline Lowane

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Re: BP: War in Heaven discussion
Finally finished the War in Heaven part. First time I tried to do a BP playthrough on hard, and boy were some of the missions tough. But anyways!

I'll start with the voice-acting:
Thoroughly enjoyed it. Yeah, there were some voices I enjoyed more than others, but nothing that would have tilted my enjoyment in any way. In fact, some of the voice acting was outstanding. Several of them were already named on previous pages, and I can only agree. However, I would like to make one special mention, and that is Simms voice acting in Sunglare. That was first-class.

The music changes, although some were quite subtle, were, for the most part, very good. For instance, I loved the different ending in the Delenda Est briefing music (I didn't think that mission could get any better btw, but somehow it did. More on that later). Other changes I liked were the main menu, the amb music that plays during For The Wrong Reasons, the combat music that plays when you get ambushed during The Intervention, and finally, when you smack the Carthage with the Toutatis' air wing in Her Finest Hour.
Speaking of Her Finest Hour, there's also a change I didn't like. I rather liked the music that played in the opening stages of the mission. It gave the whole battle a kinda-badass feel to it.

Onto gameplay changes! Post Meridian was a brick wall for me. Not that I failed so often because I got obliterated by the cruisers (and oh boy, I did this time around), but because every time I lost a single gunship, the Meridian kinda butchered one of the frigates. The other thing that happened the first three times or so, was that I got tagged. That was fun for the few seconds it lasted. Don't get me wrong though. Yeah, the mission is a ***** to beat on hard, but I had an absolute blast.

The other mission I had terrible difficulty with was The Plunder. And I'm afraid that was one that wasn't very fun. Maybe I just totally forgot how to do the mission, or maybe it was that I was playing on hard instead of medium, or maybe it was the new Hyperion model, but the first two or three minutes basically consisted of me firing my paveways and then just staying completely out of the battle until the cruisers were engaged with the frigates. Because the second I was anywhere close to 1.5k km, I got splashed by a variety of beams.

Finally, there's Delenda Est. As mentioned above, the ending of the briefing music is somewhat foreshadowing if you know what will happen next. :P
Having to destroy the entire air wing before the Katana and Altan Orde arrive makes it just that more climactic before... y'know.

The new models I all like. The Erebus, Titan, Hyperion, Kumari etc. all look good, but the Titan, in my opinion, is the absolute best one. Sooo gorgeous now.

As for the Act 3 changes:

The dialogue changes are very good. As someone who hadn't read all the threads in this forum before my first playthrough I was somewhat overwhelmed by all the information in Act 3. Obviously I knew more this time around, but I still feel the rewritten dialogue helped a great deal. But more than that, the changes helped me to connect with my wingmen, which wasn't really there the first time. I mean, it's not like they were bad or anything, it's just that they didn't have the same feel Brie, Kassim or the Wargods had. I'm happy to say it was different this time around. It wasn't just them talking to each other (which was a really neat feature though), but the way they interacted during the training missions. The Custos training thoroughly made them click for me. That said, would it be possible to move the Vasudan Knossos a bit closer? The guy was interesting, but it was a bit annoying to fly 40k km every time. 

The training helped me to finally figure out how to hack one of the Mjolnir guns in Everything is permitted. Was glorious to see Henriksson get smoked by one of those cannons. However, I did encounter a minor bug here, but more on that later.

One Future was a bit like Post Meridian for me. Tough as nails, but very enjoyable. It didn't help that this time I showed mercy to the Gefs in Nothing is True, which resulted in me having to combat two more Gef cruisers. The perks of being a good guy.  :o

For Her Finest Hour, the training helped for sure. Managed to get 'Excellent' on the first try, largely because the training prepared me this time :P. As mentioned before though, I preferred the old music for the first part of the mission.

How beautiful is that new interface in Eye of the Storm? Also, was that the famous SOC Skin for the Nyx's I saw in this mission?  ;)

And that, unfortunately, already brings me to Universal Truth. Still ultra creepy of course, but I enjoyed the changes. However, the tunnel (?) I was flying through was a bit confusing at first, as I seem to remember flying through a nebula the last time. On a more humorous note, when I got back into the dreamscape at the end of the mission, my wingmates seemed so happy to see me that they kept trying to hug (Read: ram) me.

As for the final cutscene: That was a horrible thing to do. The cutscene was so good, so teasing that it'll make the wait for Act 4 unbearable. :(

Now, I did encounter some minor bugs. I never saw my full loading bar, only the very end of it, which isn't a big deal. Also, during Everything is Permitted, the Argus complained about strange activities at the Mjolnir twice. Once when I hacked it, then again when the Elder's transport got blown to bits. The final issue I had, was that the dialogue in Universal Truth was very quick, much quicker than usual. I'm usually a very fast reader, but had trouble keeping up with some parts, in particular the dialogue with Ken near the Capella star.

But overall, a spectacular release. Can't praise it enough, just incredible work.

Re: BP: War in Heaven discussion
Just want to verify the latest patch is working okay for you guys. Any installer problems? Any weird errors on startup/while launching 'Icarus'?

Playing through Age of Aquarius, The Great Preservers keeps crashing whenever the Gusion dies. The game freezes and I get that windows 'Freespace Open has stopped working' error message.


Offline General Battuta

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Re: BP: War in Heaven discussion
Talked on IRC and solved.


Offline Penfold

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Re: BP: War in Heaven discussion
For General Battuta -
Referring to danilm's comment from Nov 7th, I have a similar problem. Just today, I obtained the latest FSO build, downloaded all BPC files and have MediaVPs_2014. After initial splashscreen for SCP 2, I get this:

bp-wep.tbm (line 10497):
Error: Required token = [#End] or [$Name], found [+Tech Description: XSTR("A].
ntdll.dll!ZwWaitForSingleObject +21 bytes
kernel32.dll!WaitForSingleObjectEX +67 bytes
kernel32.dll!WaitForSingleObject +18 bytes
fs2_open_3_7_3_SSE2_20151103_0ea25e7.exe!<no symbol>   

The last line repeats.

I use an Alienware 17, Win7, GeForce GTX 780, all drivers up-to-date.

FS2 was a clean install, with patch. Launcher is current.

Gotta play my all time favorite (now especially!!!).
Would appreciate your help/suggestions.



Offline General Battuta

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Re: BP: War in Heaven discussion
Well that absolutely shouldn't be happening. Let me check up on it.

In the meantime, can you redownload the core VP and re-extract it?


Offline General Battuta

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Re: BP: War in Heaven discussion
Good news! I can't reproduce your problem, which means you probably just have a corrupt download. Should be super easy to fix.

Re: BP: War in Heaven discussion
To install patches we just need to rerun the freespace installer right?


Offline General Battuta

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Re: BP: War in Heaven discussion


Offline Doko

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Re: BP: War in Heaven discussion
Universal Truth 2 Dialogue

Original release

"There is a great rift in the heavens, Miss Laporte. A desperate design that begins to founder. The Shivans have a use for humanity. They will grant us survival...and in exchange, we will do the one thing that they cannot."

Director's cut

There is a great rift in the heavens, Miss Laporte. A desperate design begins to founder. The Shivans will grant us a form of survival...and in exchange, you will strike at the only enemy they cannot touch. Your mind is built for it."

:eek2: :eek2: :eek2: :eek2: :eek2: :eek2: :eek2: :eek2: :eek2:

Re: BP: War in Heaven discussion
Universal Truth 2 Dialogue

Original release

"There is a great rift in the heavens, Miss Laporte. A desperate design that begins to founder. The Shivans have a use for humanity. They will grant us survival...and in exchange, we will do the one thing that they cannot."

Director's cut

There is a great rift in the heavens, Miss Laporte. A desperate design begins to founder. The Shivans will grant us a form of survival...and in exchange, you will strike at the only enemy they cannot touch. Your mind is built for it."

:eek2: :eek2: :eek2: :eek2: :eek2: :eek2: :eek2: :eek2: :eek2:

Uh. That sounds rather reaperish... HIDE EVERYONE!


Offline Ghost

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Re: BP: War in Heaven discussion
Hello blue planet people. I haven't played either campaign to completion, although this re-release seems as good an excuse as any. I just read a bunch of the background fiction that goes with it, including the conversations and wanted to say... Falconer? Vidaura? Which one of you has been cribbing from the Takeshi Kovacs books?
Wh00t!? Vinyl? Is it like an I-pod 2 or something?



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Re: BP: War in Heaven discussion
If I'm just aching this can't go on
I came from chasing dreams to feel alone
There must be changes, miss to feel strong
I really need lifе to touch me
--Evergrey, Where August Mourns


Offline Penfold

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Re: BP: War in Heaven discussion
General Battuta,

I did the re-download, and all is well!!
You were was simple (perhaps that's why I couldn't "see" it!).



Offline Penfold

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Re: BP: War in Heaven discussion
General Battuta,
I have another for you that surprised me greatly -
Briefly; I do not "see" any Vishnan ships! I do "see" engine effects only.
The first run-into this in the mission to follow the unknowns in the stealth fighter.
The most notable occurrence is in the mission where Bei is to merge with the Sacred Keeper, which (along with the support ships) is not there!
I am using the settings (Features, etc.) as recommended, with no changes to them.
Also, this occurred during the game's initial cutscene whereby the Orestes "blinked" in and out., and, in the fighter encounter after Bei boards the Duke, Bei's fighter shows only engine effects!
I would appreciate your help (I really need to merge with the Sacred Keeper).



Offline Makhpella

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Re: BP: War in Heaven discussion
Uhm...Why is Calder not voiced in TBI?
'I'm from the marksman school of conversation.' -Kovacs