Author Topic: Caprica is dead  (Read 14325 times)

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Offline NGTM-1R

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I dunno, I'm not sold on that. The Sopranos was a novel of sorts. If they'd played it as, well, The Sopranos in space with robots, I coulda seen it going the distance. Or The Wire in space.

I really think it coulda been a contenda.

I'd disagree. The closest thematic references to this are more cyberpunk than anything else. Sopranos with spaceships doesn't work as a metaphor because that's a complete alteration of the worldbuilding. At times it felt Caprica didn't really remember that it was talking about a world where "what it means to be human" and "sentient robots" are even a possibility. Why? Because it's a TV show.

You illustrate basic differences in technology and how they effect a world better through a novel medium, because you can talk about them and portray characters reacting to them. Television and movies have it much tougher, because they have to work with actors who don't have a frame of reference for what they're trying to convey and implications that can't be emphasized. BSG pulled it off, because it never forgot it was talking about spaceships and interstellar travel. It couldn't forget since it was set on them. Caprica forgot the conventions of its world all the time.
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You know I really used to like Sci-Fi channel. But they are just so diluted that I don't think it will last long. Really good shows (with A LOT of Potential) are cancelled such as Firefly. Here is a link I wanted to share. I agree with this guy. And it is really ironic at the bottom of the page how life didn't imitate art as in this case it should have.


Offline General Battuta

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I dunno, I'm not sold on that. The Sopranos was a novel of sorts. If they'd played it as, well, The Sopranos in space with robots, I coulda seen it going the distance. Or The Wire in space.

I really think it coulda been a contenda.

I'd disagree. The closest thematic references to this are more cyberpunk than anything else. Sopranos with spaceships doesn't work as a metaphor because that's a complete alteration of the worldbuilding. At times it felt Caprica didn't really remember that it was talking about a world where "what it means to be human" and "sentient robots" are even a possibility. Why? Because it's a TV show.

You illustrate basic differences in technology and how they effect a world better through a novel medium, because you can talk about them and portray characters reacting to them. Television and movies have it much tougher, because they have to work with actors who don't have a frame of reference for what they're trying to convey and implications that can't be emphasized. BSG pulled it off, because it never forgot it was talking about spaceships and interstellar travel. It couldn't forget since it was set on them. Caprica forgot the conventions of its world all the time.

I think that's a critique of the execution of the show, and if your argument is 'it should've been better', I agree. But I don't think there was anything about its premise fundamentally incompatible with the medium.


Offline Snagger

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Well, I won't miss Caprica.  I have watched it all so far, and will watch the remainder, but it's too slow (ponderous would be appropriate), the characters are unsympathetic and uninteresting and it all takes itself far too seriously.  The BSG cast and characters seemed so much more accessible and interesting and the usual pace so much faster that it's hard to believe the same producers and writers are involved.  A shame, really, as it had some clever ideas.

I'm looking forward to the new spin off, though.


Offline chapel

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Thank god!

I hated Caprica, it took me 3 attempts to make it through the first episode and I gave up by the third. Blood and Chrome sounds like a much more suitable addition to Galactica.

Only saw The Plan the other day... that sucked too. Shame really.

Well, I won't miss Caprica.  I have watched it all so far, and will watch the remainder, but it's too slow (ponderous would be appropriate), the characters are unsympathetic and uninteresting and it all takes itself far too seriously.  The BSG cast and characters seemed so much more accessible and interesting and the usual pace so much faster that it's hard to believe the same producers and writers are involved.  A shame, really, as it had some clever ideas.

I'm looking forward to the new spin off, though.

I doubt the knuckleheads at NBC are going to consider another spin off since Caprica is dead. I just don't have faith in their decisions any more. Just as the link I posted in my post. They just don't get it. It really is a shame.


Offline newman

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You know I really used to like Sci-Fi channel. But they are just so diluted that I don't think it will last long. Really good shows (with A LOT of Potential) are cancelled such as Firefly.

To be fair, Firefly cancellation was FOX's fault, not the STD Channel's.
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Offline General Battuta

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Well, I won't miss Caprica.  I have watched it all so far, and will watch the remainder, but it's too slow (ponderous would be appropriate), the characters are unsympathetic and uninteresting and it all takes itself far too seriously.  The BSG cast and characters seemed so much more accessible and interesting and the usual pace so much faster that it's hard to believe the same producers and writers are involved.  A shame, really, as it had some clever ideas.

I'm looking forward to the new spin off, though.

I doubt the knuckleheads at NBC are going to consider another spin off since Caprica is dead. I just don't have faith in their decisions any more. Just as the link I posted in my post. They just don't get it. It really is a shame.

They've already announced a new spinoff, Blood and Chrome.


Offline Angelus

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i haven't seen all the episodes yet, but i liked it. Except for the V-world thing. It's fine to have a Virtual reality in a Sci-fi show, but during a lot of  scenes in V-world, i was thinking: Matrix.


Offline FIZ

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I thought seeing Colt .45s and Abrams tanks kinda screwed the illusion of it being another world/timeframe.

You know I really used to like Sci-Fi channel. But they are just so diluted that I don't think it will last long. Really good shows (with A LOT of Potential) are cancelled such as Firefly. Here is a link I wanted to share. I agree with this guy. And it is really ironic at the bottom of the page how life didn't imitate art as in this case it should have.

I think that was a very good opinion piece, and I heartily agree with the author. It is ironic that Caprica touched on the failing corporate strategy that ended up being its own cause of death. I really wonder when the networks will wake up and realize that television and the current ratings system are archaic, and that the future of "television" media is the internet.

You know I really used to like Sci-Fi channel. But they are just so diluted that I don't think it will last long. Really good shows (with A LOT of Potential) are cancelled such as Firefly.

To be fair, Firefly cancellation was FOX's fault, not the STD Channel's.

Thats right lol  :nod:  oops


Offline Rebound

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I think it's time we just let Galactica die before the property is so tarnished by lackluster spinoffs that the incredible power and scope of the "original" is forgotten.  We were lucky to get 4(debatable) awesome seasons of a quality show. Now it's corpse is being humped for every dime it's worth. Just let it die a quiet death.


Offline newman

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I'm not sold on the idea that every spin off has to be bad automatically. While Caprica didn't have that awesomeness the first two seasons of bsg did, it also wasn't a bad show and I wouldn't call making it "mutilating bsg's corpse". For mutilating a corpse with needless sequels (prequels, really), check with George Lucas instead :P
And I'm definitely interested in Blood & Chrome, wanted a 1st Cylon War based show/movie since forever.
You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with 'til ya understand who's in ruttin' command here! - Jayne Cobb


Offline Meleardil

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I'm not sold on the idea that every spin off has to be bad automatically.

DS9 was a spin off of TNG. It was magnitudes better in all ways. Just a well known example.
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Offline Snagger

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I'm not sold on the idea that every spin off has to be bad automatically.

DS9 was a spin off of TNG. It was magnitudes better in all ways. Just a well known example.
Only the Dominion War stuff - the rest was tedious beyond belief.  It was also a B5 rip-off, and nowhere near as good as that show, though the effects quality was better because of its bigger budget.

Voyager was another TNG spin-off that had more bad episodes than good but was still better than TNG (and at its best was the best series of the franchise, IMHO), which itself was a superior spin-off from the original.

Anyway, I agree that spin-offs can be better or worse than the original, and can often fluctuate between both.


Offline newman

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Voyager was another TNG spin-off that had more bad episodes than good but was still better than TNG (and at its best was the best series of the franchise, IMHO), which itself was a superior spin-off from the original.

This is where we disagree. I found Voyager to be the worst of Star Trek. It tended to solve problems through the power of technobabble much more than any other trek before, and had totally unlikable characters to boot. Captain Janeway - trying to be a female John Wayne didn't really work and her more authoritative posture attempts always made me cringe. Paris and Kim - bland, faceless characters without any character whatsoever. The Doctor - there was potential there but they ruined him as well with a bunch of stupid writing. Kes - oh how I celebrated when she left the show. Neelix - almost as bad as Jar-Jar; the less said about him the better. Tuvok - take Spock, remove every interesting thing about him and presto, Voyager's chief of security. Chakotay was somewhat tolerable but that wasn't enough to save the rest. No wonder they had to force a 3 sizes too small costume onto Jeri Ryan's body, fabric holding on to it's dear life, to get some of the ratings back.
And don't even get me started on the Borg kids.. Voyager had maybe 4-5 relatively decent episodes in it's entire 7 season run. That's a pretty bad ratio.
Of course, I find the entire Star Trek universe somewhat sterile, boring, and lame - but Voyager was definitely the worst of the lot, imo.
« Last Edit: November 01, 2010, 04:29:54 pm by newman »
You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with 'til ya understand who's in ruttin' command here! - Jayne Cobb


Offline Angelus

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Voyager was another TNG spin-off that had more bad episodes than good but was still better than TNG (and at its best was the best series of the franchise, IMHO), which itself was a superior spin-off from the original.

This is where we disagree. I found Voyager to be the worst of Star Trek. It tended to solve problems through the power of technobabble much more than any other trek before, and had totally unlikable characters to boot. Captain Janeway - trying to be a female John Wayne didn't really work and her more authoritative posture attempts always made me cringe. Paris and Kim - bland, faceless characters without any character whatsoever. The Doctor - there was potential there but they ruined him as well with a bunch of stupid writing. Kes - oh how I celebrated when she left the show. Neelix - almost as bad as Jar-Jar; the less said about him the better. Tuvok - take Spock, remove every interesting thing about him and presto, Voyager's chief of security. Chakotay was somewhat tolerable but that wasn't enough to save the rest. No wonder they had to force a 3 sizes too small costume onto Jeri Ryan's body, fabric holding on to it's dear life, to get some of the ratings back.
And don't even get me started on the Borg kids.. Voyager had maybe 4-5 relatively decent episodes in it's entire 7 season run. That's a pretty bad ratio.
Of course, I find the entire Star Trek universe somewhat sterile, boring, and lame - but Voyager was definitely the worst of the lot, imo.

pretty much this.

Although i have to say that the Doc, was the only really likeable character, and possibly the only one with something that's called character developement ( and he's a ****ing hologram!! ).
Chakotay had really potential, but i didn't like this "american-native-hollywood-edition-extended" bull****.

In my opinion, they really screwed it up, from episode one. And they had a chance to do something really good, the concept had potential.
We have here a a lot of possible conflict situations between the Federation part of the crew and the Maquis one.
Not used, only in one episodes, iirc.
The enemys, poor. Kazon?? srsly
Then they ****ed the Borg...

This show had it's good episodes, sadly not enough. Voyager is the worst of Star Trek. I like TNG ( post season 2), haven't seen enough episodes from DS9 to change my opinion yet.


Offline newman

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haven't seen enough episodes from DS9 to change my opinion yet.

I used to think TNG was the best trek show until I saw DS9 during the Dominion war. Ronald D. Moore did a fine job on those. And there's surprisingly little let's-all-be-good-and-prosperous political correctness / society utopia bs in it, at least for a trek show.
It's still Star Trek, though. Like food from McDonald's, at best it can be tolerable, it'll never be really great sci fi.
You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with 'til ya understand who's in ruttin' command here! - Jayne Cobb


Offline karajorma

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I don't know, Trek can do some really fantastic episodes when it pulls out the stops. The Inner Light from TNG (the one where Picard lives an entire life on another planet) for instance is a pretty impressive stand alone episode which any show could be proud of.

Of course this being TNG there was very little follow up. But then it wasn't until Babylon 5 came along that people realised that you could do story arcs in sci-fi shows.
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