Author Topic: Mass Effect 3  (Read 120781 times)

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Offline Luis Dias

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Except for the graphical differences, I actually kind of prefer ME1's style of play, even considering how boring the combat could become. It may have something to do with my hatred of the Thermal Clip system and my bizarre, unrequited love of the Mako though.

I still dont quite get it, how moving from a ME1 type weapon (no ammo or thermal clips needed.) to a ME2 type (no ammo, just thermal clips) was a good idea. The last discovery moved Human tech forward 200 years (I'm assuming more so away from bullet/clip loaded weapons to the common weapons in ME1), so now including thermal clip tech, we're going back down the tech tree again. Placing limits on field troops. (In most cases, heat in the ME1 weapons is contollable, and your troops dont need to carry additional equipment to keep the weapon functional)

Rule of cool: overheating was just that ****ing bad. It's precisely when you are more adrenalined that you "forget" that you can't abuse your weapon, and then you're bust, I mean it's just bad. So the "thermal clips" are just a neat and conssitent technobabble for ME to become more fun.

Other than that lack of explanation for me, ME2 was great. But it didnt have enough customisation as ME1 did (for me anycase). The change in the Galaxy Map was good, but the mineral exploration gets really .... annoying after a while.

The mega customisation of ME1 is really annoyingly too big. Hundreds of items that you have to compare and decide which one to use, I mean what the hell, I want to spend my time playing a game, not deciding "how" I'm gonna play it. But I agree with you in the mining stuff. Quite fun, but gets old fast.

I would like to see Conrad Verner again though....



Offline newman

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The mega customisation of ME1 is really annoyingly too big. Hundreds of items that you have to compare and decide which one to use, I mean what the hell, I want to spend my time playing a game, not deciding "how" I'm gonna play it. But I agree with you in the mining stuff. Quite fun, but gets old fast.

There's not that much to compare, really, but that's the bad thing. I mean there's really only a few models of everything with numbered versions, where a higher number presents a batter variant of the same thing. So if you liked Onyx V better than Guardian V, then that armor suits your playing style better and you'll likely just keep getting better variants of that. The problem was, in my book, the completely generic nature of all items in the game - just a few numbered series and that's pretty much it. You definitely didn't need or have to spend a lot of time analyzing the stuff just because the system was so oversimplified and generic. Compared to that, I actually prefer not having an inventory the way they did it in ME2.
Overall, I found ME2 to be the better game with a lot of streamlining and improvements, and a few steps back. The two most significant steps back, for me, were the new ammo system and the mining mini game they replaced the Mako with. In ME1 all weapons cooled down automatically and this was the mechanism forcing you to let go of the trigger every once in a while. In ME2 they tried to make the weapons seem more like today's guns so they wanted an ammo system. They couldn't reintroduce real ammo back after ME1's weapons as that would be a major technological step back and a plot hole, so they had those heat sinks that you have to eject to cool down the weapon. That's all well and good but it makes no sense that this is the only way of cooling down a gun - if you don't eject the heatsink your assault rifle will remain overheated until the end of the universe. That makes zero sense to me and while the action is fun, the weapons make no logical sense and feel like a technological step back compared to ME1.
The other step back was the mining thing. In ME1 everyone complained about the Mako sequences being boring. True, there was really precious little to do when exploring random planets with a Mako, and even if there was some side quest on a planet it was generic, short, and took place in a recycled building you saw 50 times before. Ok, so no wonder people found this boring; the way forward here is making more different sets for the quests to take place in, and write more interesting reasons to go planet hopping in a Mako. The basis of a very cool system was there; and while I understand that doing what I'd like to have seen would be a large amount of work, I find it was a shame to see the Mako replaced by a boring but thankfully short mining mini-game. It wasn't so much fixing a problem as trying to drive around it. I prefer option 1.
« Last Edit: June 07, 2011, 11:38:35 am by newman »
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Offline NGTM-1R

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Clint Mansell aint' an "addition" to the sound team. He's substituting Jack Wall and his team.

I'm probably the only person alive who's actually rather annoyed by that.
"Load sabot. Target Zaku, direct front!"

A Feddie Story


Offline Luis Dias

  • 211
newman, the eternal overheating stuff was actually a feature in ME1 :lol: (seriously, that bug bugged me a lot!)

NG, no you are not the only person, though I'd classify myself more as "worried" than "annoyed". Jack Wall and his team were awesome, and it's hard to outdo them. Clint has the talent, so let's not be too pessimistic about it.


Offline General Battuta

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In early versions of Mass Effect 2 guns reverted to the old overheating system when you ran out of thermal clips.

Then they pulled it because testers didn't like it or something.

If they'd kept the system Batutta just mentioned I would have been so much happier, as it would make more sense from a fluff perspective like Veers mentioned, and it would have given off a greater ME1 vibe, though thats a personal desire on my part. But instead we got what I felt was a needlessly intrusive and limiting ammo system that made the least amount of sense possible. Had it been a battlefield upgrade to insta-flush an overheated weapon that you couldnt take the time to let cool down, much more sense would have been made.

On another note, Batutta I noticed you expressing annoyance about Reapers landing on Earth. IIRC Sovereign's ability to land on Eden Prime was brought up and explained in his Codex Entry, and Eden Prime had Earth-like gravity.

(Also, Omni-blade for weaponized Shepard Pawnch ftw.)


Offline NGTM-1R

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On another note, Batutta I noticed you expressing annoyance about Reapers landing on Earth. IIRC Sovereign's ability to land on Eden Prime was brought up and explained in his Codex Entry, and Eden Prime had Earth-like gravity.

Hold on a moment, Batts has a point. You see the area where Sovereign landed. It's really, really ****ed up, looks like an active volcano. Now maybe that's from taking off, but I'm not wholly convinced.
"Load sabot. Target Zaku, direct front!"

A Feddie Story


Offline Luis Dias

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I dont' see any problem with reaper's landing, at all. In the end of ME, we see sovereign "grabbing" the citadel's tower. I don't see how the reapers couldn't do what they seem to be doing in ME3.

Hold on a moment, Batts has a point. You see the area where Sovereign landed. It's really, really ****ed up, looks like an active volcano. Now maybe that's from taking off, but I'm not wholly convinced.

I thought that had less to do with any reentry damage, and more to do with the excavation (it was right over the relic, right?), but I could very well be wrong. However in the trailer I don't recall seeing a landed space borne Reaper, just several in the process of landing. Maybe they will start ****ing up the ground when they get there.


Offline General Battuta

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Come on dudes, think about it. The problem is not that the Reapers can land. I have no problem with that ability.

The problem is that it's ****ing stupid.

I mean it doesn't matter, it's cool to have Reapers, like, knocking down buildings with their tentacles arms or whatever, but why bother?


Offline Luis Dias

  • 211
Perhaps hovering that huge mass is tiring them up, so they ease it with a little electromagnetic technology called "touching the ground"?

Ah, we can all agree that it follows the rule of cool so there :lol: but it's also a lovecraftian homage as well, so it's cool squared.


Offline General Battuta

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Pretty sure you don't have to hover in orbit home slice

But it's rule of cool, I am cool with it.

Actually, this time, I fail to see any stupidity.  Yeah, they should be using seekers or things like them to stasis everybody. Yeah, they should make damn sure to knock out fleets first. All that. But Landing on a world? How is that stupid? They have no other ways to deposit troops, they likely carry metric asstons of Husks they want to drop off, the little walking Reapers got to get down there somehow and I saw no hints at abilities of flight on those things. And the only reaper anybody has killed this cycle has killed was killed because he was a dumbass and decided to show his one weakness at  a critical moment (My one beef with Me1's story). I'm pretty sure that of all the stupid parts of the invasion, Reaper landings arent it. They want **** alive, they're gonna have to go down and get it. Same as any occupation.

Now that that rants out of the way, yes, Rule of Cool :D


Offline General Battuta

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When you are a giant spaceship that is a nation free of all weakness and you are the harbinger of their ascension and ****, I feel like you want to be at the top of the gravity well, not the bottom. Just fly your dudes down there with some dropships. Reapers have dropships, *****es love dropships.

Unless it's some kind of 'take the cities hostage' thing.

Really I don't see anything they can do at the bottom of the gravity well they couldn't do at the top.


Offline Luis Dias

  • 211
I don't remember reaper's dropships appearing anywhere in the ME universe.

EDIT: There's a good point for reapers being down. They are less prone for nuke attacks, since that would wipe out the megacities beneath them.


Offline NGTM-1R

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Really I don't see anything they can do at the bottom of the gravity well they couldn't do at the top.

Save on gas hauling the planetary population to a harvesting center for processing into new husk-type critters and/or new Reapers.
"Load sabot. Target Zaku, direct front!"

A Feddie Story


Offline General Battuta

  • Poe's Law In Action
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I don't remember reaper's dropships appearing anywhere in the ME universe.

Reapers have dropships. *****es love dropships.


Offline StarSlayer

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Pretty sure you don't have to hover in orbit home slice

But it's rule of cool, I am cool with it.

I assumed it had to do with their ability to indoc the populace.  Reapers are after all looking to to reap and enslave rather then annihilate.  Otherwise they could just orbitally bombard planets into glass.  I figure getting a bunch of them together dirt side allows them to start mass indocing the populace.

Plus if your a sentient nation/ship stepping on organics like insignificant bugs is probably a way too get your jollies off.
“Think lightly of yourself and deeply of the world”


Offline Luis Dias

  • 211
I don't remember reaper's dropships appearing anywhere in the ME universe.

Reapers have dropships. *****es love dropships.

I'm having a giant hole in my brain right now, since I don't recall one single reaper dropship, unless you are pulling my leg with some english semantical joke...

I hope they have Dropships. Dropships are handy. But Dropships can be shot down, Reapers cannot, and if you want to drop an asston of troops for an occupation, you use the safest method of getting them there. If we start seeing Reapers getting blown out of the sky on the way down, THEN I'll about face and call it stupid.

@Luis: He's quoting a meme, but he has a fair point. Reapers should damn well have some dropships lying around, but no Reaper exclusive Dropships have appeared yet in the story.