Author Topic: Minecraft  (Read 619379 times)

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Offline TrashMan

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Qaz, next time you're on, could you flatten a bit more of the land on the other side of hte main road in New TrashMania?
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Offline Mongoose

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I mentioned the idea to rhx when he was on earlier, and he left it up to me, so as long as no one has any pressing objections, I'm thinking about cruising around the Nether and recovering the track system, so I can put the components in the storehouse for common use.  It seems a shame to lose all that stuff when the Nether is wiped, at least for those of us who don't have creative mode.

Edit: Hey Grimper, I stopped by earlier to check out the setup at your tree farm, and that little "thumper" you replicated was lagging the hell out of me.  Also, I ran into two or three abandoned minecars on your track and was promptly set upon by multiple spiders, which was not exactly fun.  I put the minecarts in your "Free Seeds" chest.  You really need to plop down a few torches along that rail; I had to fumble along in the dark the rest of the way to your house. :p
« Last Edit: December 05, 2011, 11:07:21 pm by Mongoose »


Offline Mongoose

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    • Something of now, the Mongoose Salvage Co. has removed all of the rail, redstone torches, and buttons associated with the main Netherrail line, and placed them in their requisite chests in the storehouse.  (I might go back and grab the fencing separating the two rails later, since the storehouse doesn't have much of that.)  I didn't touch any of the signage, so it's still useful as a shortcut until the Nether's reset.  If anyone still needed to use the rail on a regular basis, I'll gladly pull a mea culpa and re-lay it.  I left the loop to the portal to Sara's floating island, since I assumed that was her own material.  I also left the loop from the locked "library" door to another portal, since I have no idea who owns that.  I'm assuming it's whoever made the great little "Your Ad Here" sign next to that huge circular...whatever it is.  It's an awesome thing, albeit rather infested with Endermen at the moment. :p

Oh, and if anyone is ever in need of wood, wheat, melons, or mushrooms, just let me know and I'll hit you up.  Come to think of it, I should toss some melon seeds in the storehouse, since I have more of them than I know what to do with.

Did my first big attempt at internal decorating in my Keep, turning the cold-grey stone lower interiors of the structure into quite a lively and 'warmer' environment. Playing around with underground trees is a hit/miss though. There's plenty of more methods and things I need to add, clutter, etc to make it even better but i'm pretty proud of the results thus far. Hope to eventually make the entire living area below the Keep be a nice place though I also want to keep at least a part of the area more like medieval, barracks, military like. Not sure what everything will turn out to be in the end though.
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Offline Grimper

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Edit: Hey Grimper, I stopped by earlier to check out the setup at your tree farm, and that little "thumper" you replicated was lagging the hell out of me.  Also, I ran into two or three abandoned minecars on your track and was promptly set upon by multiple spiders, which was not exactly fun.  I put the minecarts in your "Free Seeds" chest.  You really need to plop down a few torches along that rail; I had to fumble along in the dark the rest of the way to your house. :p

Ironically enough that thumper is set to go off when my mob trap spawns some mobs and kills them, and you encountered mobs outside as well. Jeez I can't catch a break xD
Spose I can slow down the thumper though.

Dunno what all the minecarts were doing there though...pretty sure they arn't mine.

As for lighting up the track...well that would make it too easy. I like natural, and lighting up unused outdoor space to keep mobs away doesn't seem natural to me. That's also the reason my minecart track moves with the land instead of continuing the elevated track.
« Last Edit: December 06, 2011, 07:34:04 am by Grimper »
When Australia burned.

Together since the world began, the madman and the lover.

"Post-counts are like digital penises. That's why I don't like Shrike playing with mine." - an0n of now, the Mongoose Salvage Co. has removed all of the rail, redstone torches, and buttons associated with the main Netherrail line, and placed them in their requisite chests in the storehouse.  (I might go back and grab the fencing separating the two rails later, since the storehouse doesn't have much of that.)  I didn't touch any of the signage, so it's still useful as a shortcut until the Nether's reset.  If anyone still needed to use the rail on a regular basis, I'll gladly pull a mea culpa and re-lay it.  I left the loop to the portal to Sara's floating island, since I assumed that was her own material.  I also left the loop from the locked "library" door to another portal, since I have no idea who owns that.  I'm assuming it's whoever made the great little "Your Ad Here" sign next to that huge circular...whatever it is.  It's an awesome thing, albeit rather infested with Endermen at the moment. :p

Oh, and if anyone is ever in need of wood, wheat, melons, or mushrooms, just let me know and I'll hit you up.  Come to think of it, I should toss some melon seeds in the storehouse, since I have more of them than I know what to do with.

Thanks for doing that.  I was planning on doing it myself but I got caught up in the 1.0.0 launch frenzy and had updated before I had realised and with other things occupying my time (Skyward Sword, Dorf Fortress, coding, life, etc.) I haven't had the chance to downgrade yet.

Anybody have any idea how I can prevent pigzombies from spawning on the tracks when I rebuild?  As some of you have seen I have been experimenting with combinations of blocks and fences to try and stop them but they still popped up from time to time and I want to get it right when I rebuild the network in 1.0.x.

Also... it might be a good idea for those with portals who want them linking back up to the new network to post their overworld X/Y/Z/F co-ordinates so I can manually rebuild the nether side ones to ensure we don't get as much conflicting as we did before.  Also say if you want a station, built-up or just left exposed.  I'll have creative access so I might as well make use of it. :D

If any of the new nether structures get in the way of the network I'll do my best to go around and even add a access station but if it looks like it will look good I will break in and build through unless anybody has any objections.

Once I have the basic layout done and tracks laid I will give up creative mode and return to my life of strip mining to continue it's expansion.
Find me as Hojo Norem elsewhere...

butter_pat_head... a name picked in sheer desperation more than 10 years ago from some super obscure Red Dwarf reference.


Offline FireSpawn

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Just how long will it be until bukkit updates to 1.0.0? It's just that every time I tried to downgrade, Minecraft stopped working. So now i've just given up with MPS and begun to hone my skills at strip mining and cave exploration.
If you hit it and it bleeds, you can kill it. If you hit it and it doesn't bleed...You are obviously not hitting hard enough.

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Offline Mongoose

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Yeah, this is kind of getting absurd.  I've seen reference to some people using whatever release candidate is out there to successfully run 1.0; is that a possibility, or would it just cause more trouble than it's worth?


Offline pecenipicek

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in my experience? avoid bukkit dev builds like the plague.

also, there's the itsy bitsy issue of plugin compatibility with dev builds.
Skype: vrganjko
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to heal my heart and drown my woe!
Rain may fall and wind may blow,
and many miles be still to go,
but under a tall tree I will lie!

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Offline deathfun

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in my experience? avoid bukkit dev builds like the plague.

also, there's the itsy bitsy issue of plugin compatibility with dev builds.

It'd be better if they had focus. I mean, sometimes they release the next version nearly right away, while others ends up taking them a month later.


Offline achtung

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I have decided to connect my rail to the road between trashmania and JC's place. If both parties agree, I would like to build a rail in both directions along the road. | FatHax | ??????
In the wise words of Charles de Gaulle, "China is a big country, inhabited by many Chinese."

Formerly known as Swantz


Offline Grimper

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I have decided to connect my rail to the road between trashmania and JC's place. If both parties agree, I would like to build a rail in both directions along the road.

Idk it kinda makes the effort put into that road and the midway inn useless, as well as my cool signs D:

If it was up to me, I'd do 2 new lines:
First one would be an extension of my rail line, leading to JC's first fort (ground level rail, not elevated, me and JC both like keeping natural beauty intact)
Second would be an extension of the trashmania1 line, leading to trashmania2. That way you could see all of trashman's creations from the 1 railway line.
(also, a short line going from spawn and connecting to the trashmania rail, if there isn't one already)
« Last Edit: December 06, 2011, 11:28:02 pm by Grimper »
When Australia burned.

Together since the world began, the madman and the lover.

"Post-counts are like digital penises. That's why I don't like Shrike playing with mine." - an0n


Offline KyadCK

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I have decided to connect my rail to the road between trashmania and JC's place. If both parties agree, I would like to build a rail in both directions along the road.

Idk it kinda makes the effort put into that road and the midway inn useless, as well as my cool signs D:

If it was up to me, I'd do 2 new lines:
First one would be an extension of my rail line, leading to JC's first fort (ground level rail, not elevated, me and JC both like keeping natural beauty intact)
Second would be an extension of the trashmania1 line, leading to trashmania2. That way you could see all of trashman's creations from the 1 railway line.
(also, a short line going from spawn and connecting to the trashmania rail, if there isn't one already)

Shade's line to Fenris -> Fenris/trashmania rail line
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Offline achtung

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Well, I've had the structure of the line from town to new trashmania close to done for quite some time, I just finished up the rest to the road tonight.

My original intentions were to run it to JC's and trashmania direct, but it was far too time consuming doing that underground. | FatHax | ??????
In the wise words of Charles de Gaulle, "China is a big country, inhabited by many Chinese."

Formerly known as Swantz


Offline TrashMan

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I was thinking of extending the Fenris-Trashmania railine to go to new trashmania.
Teh idea was for it to go underground for a short bit, then come back up right behind the Castle Clamidia, connect to Blue Flamses railline, and then adda  new section going from there to the harbor, sandwichs place, and from there to New TrashMania.

Seems to me like the most sensible way to connect all the different places with just 1 line..and they are all along the way anyway.
Nobody dies as a virgin - the life ****s us all!

You're a wrongularity from which no right can escape!

I agree with Grimper and Trashman, if you do want to extend a rail between the Fort and Trashmania2 after the original rail is connected to that area, I also suggest adding a extra 'station' at the Midway Inn, if possible or doable. Overall I'm fine with the idea as long as it won't make other creations obsolete ;)
I'm all about getting the most out of games, so whenever I discover something very strange or push the limits, I upload them here:



Offline -Sara-

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Strange idea that literally came to my mind 10 seconds or so ago. We could colour the line of blocks where rails are on, with different colours (red brick, black obsidian, grey cobble, yellow sandstone, blue dia-.. well maybe not diamond) to seperate the rail-lines from eachother. That way when you run into a red rail near Fenris and later a red rail near say Trashmania or the Spawn, you know using this rail connects all these zones, while if the rail is suddenly brown (say wood) you know this rail is not the rail you saw at Spawn. It's even possible to make one track red and the opposite track grey. That way you know that it's a one-way ride. The red track connects to the red rail, but seeing a grey rail next to it you also know that the red rail won't bring you back here. It's worth a thought.
Currently playing: real life.

"Paying bills, working, this game called real life is so much fun!" - Said nobody ever.


Offline Pred the Penguin

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Remember the days where we would plump wherever the hell we pleased?
That's probably where the current mess comes from. :lol:

I pretty much did start off in the middle of nowhere, I later realized it was quite a valid and good spot. I'm itching to explore to the north-east though (looking at it from the standard Dynmap) to build lots of smaller things without destroying nature.

However, I got some massive internet issues (Two days of practically no internet access) at home and I only have my work laptop here that's not fitting for Minecraft so my plans are now on hold.
I'm all about getting the most out of games, so whenever I discover something very strange or push the limits, I upload them here:



Offline achtung

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So here's my general idea for my connection from my regional rail to Trashania2/JC's.

The cyan line represents my proposed route from the station. It seems simple enough, and would include a stop at the midway inn. As you can see, I've already got the structure of the rail built out, I just need to lay the rail itself from underground.

It's also worth mentioning that I already have a planned connection to Sandwich's place, my rail runs right next to it underground. I will be completing that one after this one is done. | FatHax | ??????
In the wise words of Charles de Gaulle, "China is a big country, inhabited by many Chinese."

Formerly known as Swantz