Author Topic: GTCv Deimos  (Read 88360 times)

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Offline Aesaar

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Those do shoot blobs.  The Deimos multiparts aren't equipped with flak.


Offline Buckshee Rounds

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  • Lord Defecator
Wuh? I thought the Deimos had top flak?


Offline Hades

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Nope, the Deimos has all THTs in retail (Terran Huge Turret (greenblobs))
[22:29] <sigtau> Hello, #hard-light?  I'm trying to tell a girl she looks really good for someone who doesn't exercise.  How do I word that non-offensively?
[22:29] <RangerKarl|AtWork> "you look like a big tasty muffin"
<batwota> wouldn’t that mean that it’s prepared to kiss your ass if you flank it :p
<batwota> wow
<batwota> KILL


Offline Mito [PL]

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People are arguing? You don't know which turret pattern to choose? MAKE 2 DEIMOSES - one with sleek turrets, second with boxies. How about it?  :pimp:
How do you kill a hydra?

You starve it to death.

Hy Hades.
I would prefer the turrets you had used before on the Deimos. The looked more like the rest of the Deimos, more elegant. You know what i mean? :)
These turrets of course look fine, but i would like to see them on my Icini :D
I think they should work fine there ;)

Can i maybe get one for testing how it looks? :D


Offline esarai

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Well I can say that while not as sleek as the old turrets, these new ones are a lot closer to the turret design on the original Deimos, which was cool to see.  I think both types look really cool regardless.  The angular ones are 'tech gone wild' and the front-heavy ones are 'maximum war machine.'  So whichever you want.
<Nuclear>   truth: the good samaritan actually checked for proof of citizenship and health insurance
<Axem>   did anyone catch jesus' birth certificate?
<Nuclear>   and jesus didnt actually give the 5000 their fish...he gave it to the romans and let it trickle down
<Axem>and he was totally pro tax breaks
<Axem>he threw out all those tax collectors at the temple
<Nuclear>   he drove a V8 camel too
<Nuclear>   with a sword rack for his fully-automatic daggers

Esarai: hey gaiz, what's a good improvised, final attack for a ship fighting to buy others time to escape to use?
RangerKarl|AtWork: stick your penis in the warp core
DarthGeek: no don't do that
amki: don't EVER do that


Offline Hades

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Hy Hades.
I would prefer the turrets you had used before on the Deimos. The looked more like the rest of the Deimos, more elegant. You know what i mean? :)
These turrets of course look fine, but i would like to see them on my Icini :D
I think they should work fine there ;)

Can i maybe get one for testing how it looks? :D

If you want the scaled up version (so that you don't have to guess the ingame sizing) I can send you the full scaled version of the model.
[22:29] <sigtau> Hello, #hard-light?  I'm trying to tell a girl she looks really good for someone who doesn't exercise.  How do I word that non-offensively?
[22:29] <RangerKarl|AtWork> "you look like a big tasty muffin"
<batwota> wouldn’t that mean that it’s prepared to kiss your ass if you flank it :p
<batwota> wow
<batwota> KILL

Thanks for the model Hades :)
I already upscaled it for fitting on the Iceni and i think it looks really really good there.
But i have to do some smaller modifications there because the polycount of over 2000 is a bit to high in my opinion.
But on the Deimos, i would prefer the previous Turret you had.
That fits more to the sleek and stylish form of the Deimos.


Offline Hades

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Work on the bottom:

[22:29] <sigtau> Hello, #hard-light?  I'm trying to tell a girl she looks really good for someone who doesn't exercise.  How do I word that non-offensively?
[22:29] <RangerKarl|AtWork> "you look like a big tasty muffin"
<batwota> wouldn’t that mean that it’s prepared to kiss your ass if you flank it :p
<batwota> wow
<batwota> KILL


Offline Alan Bolte

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For the most part I love it, but for some reason the two pipes running perpendicular to the other pipes irk me.
Anything worth doing is worth analyzing to death -Iranon


Offline Buckshee Rounds

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  • Lord Defecator
Man you do not get enough praise, that thing looks gorgeous!


Offline DahBlount

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Looks great! Are you going to add the second pair of frontal beams single-parts at some point?
<Axem> yet still more insightful than #hard-light

<Axem> jad2.23 will just be cat videos

<DahBlount> So
<DahBlount> JAD2.2 is like that
<Axem> maybe
<Axem> it can be whatever you like!
<DahBlount> A Chocolate Sundae?
<Axem> sure

My models: GTF Gilgamesh - GTD Nuadha [Redesigning] - Ningirama [WIP] - GTG Zephyrus


Offline Ulala

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That is one sexy ass Deimos.
I am a revolutionary.


Offline Hades

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OK, update. Most of the changes are around the rear and middle engines.
[22:29] <sigtau> Hello, #hard-light?  I'm trying to tell a girl she looks really good for someone who doesn't exercise.  How do I word that non-offensively?
[22:29] <RangerKarl|AtWork> "you look like a big tasty muffin"
<batwota> wouldn’t that mean that it’s prepared to kiss your ass if you flank it :p
<batwota> wow
<batwota> KILL


Offline DahBlount

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It's beautiful, good job on the rear with those empty spots.
<Axem> yet still more insightful than #hard-light

<Axem> jad2.23 will just be cat videos

<DahBlount> So
<DahBlount> JAD2.2 is like that
<Axem> maybe
<Axem> it can be whatever you like!
<DahBlount> A Chocolate Sundae?
<Axem> sure

My models: GTF Gilgamesh - GTD Nuadha [Redesigning] - Ningirama [WIP] - GTG Zephyrus


Offline An4ximandros

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I hate to be that guy, but: The amount of greebles on this ship IS TOO DAMN HIGH!

Seriously, most of the work won't even be visible during gameplay... everyone except Quantum Delta will likely be too busy playing the missions to notice the details on the craft.

Mine 2 Cents.


Offline Hades

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I hate to be that guy, but: The amount of greebles on this ship IS TOO DAMN HIGH!

Seriously, most of the work won't even be visible during gameplay... everyone except Quantum Delta will likely be too busy playing the missions to notice the details on the craft.

Mine 2 Cents.
You're far more likely to see the details of the ship ingame than you are the details of a ship in a movie, but that didn't stop the people who created those models from stuffing tons of detail onto them.
[22:29] <sigtau> Hello, #hard-light?  I'm trying to tell a girl she looks really good for someone who doesn't exercise.  How do I word that non-offensively?
[22:29] <RangerKarl|AtWork> "you look like a big tasty muffin"
<batwota> wouldn’t that mean that it’s prepared to kiss your ass if you flank it :p
<batwota> wow
<batwota> KILL


Offline Killer Whale

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  • Oh no, not again.
Missions are not always combatcombatcombat. You spend time waiting for the next hostile to arrive, listening to chatter or watching cutscenes (playable and not). During that time I tend to gawk at the various models around, see if I can't get off a screenshot or 2 and just feel that this game is awesome. So no, that detail does not go unnoticed, I promise you.

Missions are not always combatcombatcombat. You spend time waiting for the next hostile to arrive, listening to chatter or watching cutscenes (playable and not). During that time I tend to gawk at the various models around, see if I can't get off a screenshot or 2 and just feel that this game is awesome. So no, that detail does not go unnoticed, I promise you.
Very much this!

I don't know if I'm the only one who immediately makes a beeline for the Tech Room to stare in awe at The Pretty™ whenever he opens the game, but I bet there's a lot of us who like to gaze at all of the nebulas (nebulae?), ships and general awesomeness which is Freespace Open. One example which immediately comes to mind is The Sixth Wonder. I generally send off my minions to deal with the last wing or two before the arrival of the Colossus, simply because I love watching The Big Bads™ explode out of subspace in all their fury. That means I just sit there gazing at the general vicinity of the Hawkwood; the Deimos whom the NTF have carving up Enif Station into tiny little pieces. Sometimes I go for a close up view - others I just wait for the beams and the death and the explosion.

Seriously, most of the work won't even be visible during gameplay... everyone except Quantum Delta will likely be too busy playing the missions to notice the details on the craft.
:v: created something very special, and when the final contributor leaves Freespace Open a very big part of my childhood will die. I like to think that when I secure a full-time job I'll find the time to learn how to be a helpful member of the community and create something which others will enjoy. Until then, I'm deeply grateful for every last detail lovingly crafted on into this Deimos. Each bug fix, each new SEXP, each pipe on a model took time and effort. It might not be something that you personally will notice, but it's something which improves the overall quality of the game. I'm sure there's a campaign out there which would have been impossible without the work of the Source Code Project. Did you notice when those necessary SEXPs were created? Did you care? Probably not.

You're entitled to your two cents, but it's a shame you spend your time demoralizing those to who you have so much to be grateful for.


Offline An4ximandros

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Oh dear. You really misunderstood that. I merely wished to provide Hades with my opinion. Something which has been asked on the modelling forums in order to reach a model the majority will enjoy. While the artist has every right to make the final call on what goes in or out, providing an opinion that goes against his/hers is not meant as an insult or to be demoralizing. Everyone needs a slight dose of criticism in order to improve their craft and take it ways they may not consider otherwise.

Secondly, I appreciate the coding advances more that you think. The first thing I did when I ran Freespace 2 for the first time in my life was run the Original Game (without any upgrades whatsoever) and then the SCP with its most shining campaigns back to back. The massive difference is a testament to the willpower of the community's coders to continue improving on an engine that was not designed to age well ("Codethulu").

That was quite an assumption you made. And was, quite frankly, insulting in its written composition.