Author Topic: What should the GTVA's strategy be?  (Read 168704 times)

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Re: What should the GTVA's strategy be?
Really cool black uniforms help with this sort of thing, too.


Offline FireSpawn

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Re: What should the GTVA's strategy be?
Get Axem's descendants to make a JAD with Ubuntu as the satirical base.
If you hit it and it bleeds, you can kill it. If you hit it and it doesn't bleed...You are obviously not hitting hard enough.

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Offline -Norbert-

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Re: What should the GTVA's strategy be?
Why dont they just threaten orbital nuking...? Its way easier.... Just have a raynor in orbit, and BAMM! Earth's at your feet.... :D
Remember the part about trying to change the ideology of Sols citizens? Do you think "do as we say or we'll nuke you" is very likely to help in painting the Ubuntu as the bad and the GTVA as the good guys?
"We are the good guys and if you can't see that, we'll kill you all" isn't really a very convincing argument...

Apart from that, jumping a destroyer into earth orbit, having it hold there and not having it blown to bits is a bit hard to do for the GTVA.


Offline NGTM-1R

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Re: What should the GTVA's strategy be?
Why dont they just threaten orbital nuking...? Its way easier.... Just have a raynor in orbit, and BAMM! Earth's at your feet.... :D

That was actually the original plan, but you'll recall a bunch of people defected and let the cat out of the bag that the GTVA can't actually afford to bombard Earth, because they want the industry intact. Such a threat will not be taken seriously.

So far. There might be a Godzilla Threshold in effect; the longer the war lasts the more likely lolShivans becomes and the more incentive there is to seek a quick decision regardless of previous strategic concerns.
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Offline Buckshee Rounds

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Re: What should the GTVA's strategy be?
Why dont they just threaten orbital nuking...? Its way easier.... Just have a raynor in orbit, and BAMM! Earth's at your feet.... :D
Remember the part about trying to change the ideology of Sols citizens? Do you think "do as we say or we'll nuke you" is very likely to help in painting the Ubuntu as the bad and the GTVA as the good guys?
"We are the good guys and if you can't see that, we'll kill you all" isn't really a very convincing argument...

Apart from that, jumping a destroyer into earth orbit, having it hold there and not having it blown to bits is a bit hard to do for the GTVA.

A myrmiddon stuffed with tempests would get the job done easily enough.


Offline Mars

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Re: What should the GTVA's strategy be?
BP canon missiles are simply absurdly powerful, not LOL-Omega-Tempest is apocalyptic powerful


Offline Buckshee Rounds

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Re: What should the GTVA's strategy be?
If I remember right Fury's have a 3 Kiloton warhead and that's pre-Great War!


Offline CT27

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Re: What should the GTVA's strategy be?
Why dont they just threaten orbital nuking...? Its way easier.... Just have a raynor in orbit, and BAMM! Earth's at your feet.... :D
Remember the part about trying to change the ideology of Sols citizens? Do you think "do as we say or we'll nuke you" is very likely to help in painting the Ubuntu as the bad and the GTVA as the good guys?
"We are the good guys and if you can't see that, we'll kill you all" isn't really a very convincing argument...

Apart from that, jumping a destroyer into earth orbit, having it hold there and not having it blown to bits is a bit hard to do for the GTVA.

What would you have the GTVA do then?


Offline -Norbert-

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Re: What should the GTVA's strategy be?
Only attacking military targets would be my main advice. The less they attack civilians the more chances they have to convince Sols civilians of the rightness of their cause after the war.
And I for one make a point of never making threats I'm not willing to see through, so I would only threaten to bomb a target if I'm really willing to do it.

Besides, the GTVA doesn't need any drastic actions anymore. The UEF military is close to exhaustion and supply collapse. The only worry that remains is the secret project. Besides if the GTVA manages to make the UEF military give up, or become unable to fight, while still remaining alive it would much better illustrate the whole "we can protect you better than you can yourself" point the GTVA's been making at the beginning of the war, which will sway at least some people over to the GTVA side I'd imagine.

The threat of bombardment might have worked well the way it was originally planned, right after the 14th came into Sol, but now that the UEF is prepared for it, it would be an unnecessary and reckless risk of capitalships and most likely wouldn't work anymore anyway.


Offline Crybertrance

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Re: What should the GTVA's strategy be?
Did you notice that almost all the strategy/tactics/pizza buying thread on this board boils down to one single thing.....

*puts on sunglasses*

<21:08:30>   Hartzaden fires a slammer at Cybertrance
<21:09:13>   Crybertrance pops flares, but wonders how Hartzaden acquired aspect lock on a stealth fighter... :\
<21:11:58>   *** The_E joined #bp [email protected]
21:11:58   +++ ChanServ has given op to The_E
<21:12:58>   Hartzaden continues to paint crybertrance and feeding the info to a wing of gunships
<21:14:07>   Crybertrance sends emergency "IM GETING MY ASS KICKED HERE!!!!eleventy NEED HELPZZZZ" to 3rd fleet command
<21:14:50>   Hartzaden jamms the transmission.
<21:14:51>   The_E explodes the sun


Offline -Norbert-

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Re: What should the GTVA's strategy be?
I'm not sure, but it might have something to do with it being important enough for the Elders and half the remaining fleet to put all their hopes into it... just maybe.


Offline Buckshee Rounds

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Re: What should the GTVA's strategy be?
The GTVA almost certainly has more cards up its sleeve than we know. They didn't just go to war over the "public" reasons, such as the danger of Ubuntu pacifism or the existence of the Fedayeen. Sol poses a greater potential threat than is truly known IMHO. GTVI knows about Vishnans, they know about Nagari and they know that the UEF knows about all this too.

Even for the militaristic GTVA, a peaceful reunion with Sol shouldn't have been out of the question. They are not stupid. They decided to draw up battle-plans with the very first battlegroup they sent through the gate without any other considerations. There is something in Sol that poses a huge threat: ideology, the Serkret project...a certain Nagari-sensitive individual perhaps?

We know Nagari is something to do with tangible communication with Shivans and Vishnans from certain "sensitive" Terran and Vasudans. It's hinted in the fiction that the Council of Elders have visions and speak to alien minds. What if the secret project is Sol's own version of ETAK? What if the GTVA knows way more about the Shivans' motives from their capture of Boschs device and knows about their ultimate motives? I'm just putting my thoughts on air here, but I think the GTVA is trying to protect the Feds from themselves.

Re: What should the GTVA's strategy be?
The GTVA almost certainly has more cards up its sleeve than we know. They didn't just go to war over the "public" reasons, such as the danger of Ubuntu pacifism or the existence of the Fedayeen. Sol poses a greater potential threat than is truly known IMHO. GTVI knows about Vishnans, they know about Nagari and they know that the UEF knows about all this too.

Even for the militaristic GTVA, a peaceful reunion with Sol shouldn't have been out of the question. They are not stupid. They decided to draw up battle-plans with the very first battlegroup they sent through the gate without any other considerations. There is something in Sol that poses a huge threat: ideology, the Serkret project...a certain Nagari-sensitive individual perhaps?

We know Nagari is something to do with tangible communication with Shivans and Vishnans from certain "sensitive" Terran and Vasudans. It's hinted in the fiction that the Council of Elders have visions and speak to alien minds. What if the secret project is Sol's own version of ETAK? What if the GTVA knows way more about the Shivans' motives from their capture of Boschs device and knows about their ultimate motives? I'm just putting my thoughts on air here, but I think the GTVA is trying to protect the Feds from themselves.
Very much agreed. I've held for a while that the GTVA has much better reasons for going to war than the ones that they've chosen to make public. If the GTVA suspects that the UEF is working on an analogue to ETAK and might be able to play the "Summon Shivans" card any day now, the Security Council's refusal to redeploy additional forces from their own systems for even a few weeks makes a lot more sense.


Offline CT27

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Re: What should the GTVA's strategy be?
But if they knew the UEF had a magical "call the Shivans" for help button that they could press (but wasn't operational yet), wouldn't the GTVA send in a lot more to stop that plan from becoming operational?

And if the UEF did do that, public support in the GTVA would swing drastically against Sol.


Offline Buckshee Rounds

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Re: What should the GTVA's strategy be?
Don't think it's quite as simple as "summon the Shivans". Will post later. :)


Offline -Norbert-

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Re: What should the GTVA's strategy be?
If the GTVA suspected the UEF to try to communicate with the Shivans, then they'd have no reason to keep that secret. It's a better justification for the war than all the current official reasons combined.
Everyone in the GTVA fears the Shivans a great deal and the argument that they are trying to stop the UEF from making a terrible mistake that would destroy them and possibly take the GTVA down with them, would ring very well with the Shivan-paranoid GTVA population. Support for the invasion would be massive.
And if that really was the reason behind the war, they'd never have fought with the gloves on in the first place (or whatever you want to call Severantis way). The Shivans are far too dangerous to care about collateral damage.

Now if the GTVA only got aware of the secret project right before they put Steele in charge, that would make more sense, because that would explain why suddenly keeping collateral damage to a minimum is no longer important.

But I don't think even that would work for a simple reason: Vasudans.
If the GTVA thought the UEF was going to contact the Shivans, the Vasudans wouldn't sit by and watch.


Offline Crybertrance

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Re: What should the GTVA's strategy be?
Since we are talking about the UEF and the Shivans, anyone notice that secret message on the Narayana?
<21:08:30>   Hartzaden fires a slammer at Cybertrance
<21:09:13>   Crybertrance pops flares, but wonders how Hartzaden acquired aspect lock on a stealth fighter... :\
<21:11:58>   *** The_E joined #bp [email protected]
21:11:58   +++ ChanServ has given op to The_E
<21:12:58>   Hartzaden continues to paint crybertrance and feeding the info to a wing of gunships
<21:14:07>   Crybertrance sends emergency "IM GETING MY ASS KICKED HERE!!!!eleventy NEED HELPZZZZ" to 3rd fleet command
<21:14:50>   Hartzaden jamms the transmission.
<21:14:51>   The_E explodes the sun


Offline crizza

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Re: What should the GTVA's strategy be?
Say what?


Offline Buckshee Rounds

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Re: What should the GTVA's strategy be?
If the GTVA suspected the UEF to try to communicate with the Shivans, then they'd have no reason to keep that secret. It's a better justification for the war than all the current official reasons combined.
Everyone in the GTVA fears the Shivans a great deal and the argument that they are trying to stop the UEF from making a terrible mistake that would destroy them and possibly take the GTVA down with them, would ring very well with the Shivan-paranoid GTVA population. Support for the invasion would be massive.
And if that really was the reason behind the war, they'd never have fought with the gloves on in the first place (or whatever you want to call Severantis way). The Shivans are far too dangerous to care about collateral damage.

Now if the GTVA only got aware of the secret project right before they put Steele in charge, that would make more sense, because that would explain why suddenly keeping collateral damage to a minimum is no longer important.

But I don't think even that would work for a simple reason: Vasudans.
If the GTVA thought the UEF was going to contact the Shivans, the Vasudans wouldn't sit by and watch.

It doesn't just have to be the Shivans you know, Nagari allows for communication with Vishnans too. Khonsu is reluctant to put anything in Sol as he wants to keep the Vasudan military ready for what he believes is the real threat.

I'm convinced at least that the GTVA went to war for more than just the public reasons and it may or may not have something to do with Byrne's project, which itself may or may not be something similar to ETAK (though I believe it is). It's entirely possible that on a very high level both sides are aware of what the other is doing to some extent and that they have very different opinions on whether or not this is dangerous to the species' continued survival. The Terran assembly may well fear that if the Vasudans find out the full story they may take the side of the UEF. The Vasudans may in fact already know, distrust between the two races may mean they are both withholding vital information from one another.

According to the fiction, Vasudan members of the security council were never consulted before the invasion of Sol and the council may have known about Byrne's project before the 14th went in. The GTVA *thinks* that this project poses a threat to them, which would justify an invasion, but it may not necessarily pose a threat to the human race, at least not yet. If it did they would have charged in with their full armada to put a stop to it.

It could be a case that the longer the project remains in development the greater the threat it poses. There may be a threshold where its development simply can't be stopped, like Iran's nuclear ambitions.

I don't want to rely too much on techroom entries, but reading through them there are a lot of simliarities in the way the Council of Elders and Khonsu's administration work: they both combine hard science with metaphysics and mysticism and they both have members who claim they speak to alien minds. The 'great apocalyspe' which Khonsu is preparing his race to fight may be the same cause the UEF is preparing for and for whatever reason the Terran assembly doesn't agree.

Or it's all bull****.  :cool:


Offline MatthTheGeek

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Re: What should the GTVA's strategy be?
I don't want to rely too much on techroom entries, but reading through them there are a lot of simliarities in the way the Council of Elders and Khonsu's administration work: they both combine hard science with metaphysics and mysticism and they both have members who claim they speak to alien minds. The 'great apocalyspe' which Khonsu is preparing his race to fight may be the same cause the UEF is preparing for and for whatever reason the Terran assembly doesn't agree.
It is very much implied and even stated clearly several times that the Vasudans and the UEF have a lot in common.
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Awaesaar: grace
batwota: oh right :P
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Darius: yes, i like that
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