Author Topic: Let's Play: Tropico 3: "Nucular" Edition  (Read 36707 times)

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Offline Alex Heartnet

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Re: Let's Play: Tropico 3! Now hiring workers. Apply within.
Crizza would still like to join if theres a place as oil men, militarist(factory worker) or radar dish operator.

The island is rapidly becoming very violent very quickly, and besides I already have a few posts typed out for later.  You won't want to become a oil driller only to die within the year, would you?

Once the population quiets down a bit, I will sort out job requests.  Everyone who died previously will be brought back as well.  It would just be too much of a pain to try and sort out who died when during the middle of a riot.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2012, 05:02:23 am by Alex Heartnet »


Offline Rodo

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Re: Let's Play: Tropico 3! Now hiring workers. Apply within.
I'm communist Rambo!  :lol:
el hombre vicio...


Offline Patriot

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Re: Let's Play: Tropico 3! Now hiring workers. Apply within.
Hohoho, i get to build BTRs for the glory of El Presidente's foreign interests!


Offline headdie

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Re: Let's Play: Tropico 3! Now hiring workers. Apply within.
I'm communist Rambo!  :lol:

At least you wont have to throw your shirt away at the end of a day's killing :D
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Offline Scotty

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Re: Let's Play: Tropico 3! Now hiring workers. Apply within.
So, do I get to be the leader of the Loyalists again? :P


Offline Alex Heartnet

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Re: Let's Play: Tropico 3! Now hiring workers. Apply within.
"How fortunate for leaders that men do not think."
- Adolf Hitler

Boy, this sounds like something that would actually happen in the US.

As the island’s monetary supply has been cut off, the government is forced to implement austerity measures.  Everyone now gets paid the same wage – there is no income discrepancy at all anymore.

We found someone to buy intelligence off of us - some guy who calls himself Dr. No.

…Wait a minute, what’s El Presidente building way out here?  And what IS this green stuff on the beach?!

The Marxists are too afraid to attack the palace, so they concentrate their efforts on the oil refinery instead.  Can’t find where the rebels are at though.

And unlike the last batch, these are battle-hardened veterans.  They might actually stand a chance.

Our hotels are located underwater.  Guests to our island get to sleep with the fishies.

I would show you the shootout, but the trees got in the way of taking pretty pictures.

I have decided that generals are worse then regular soldiers when it comes to fighting.

World news always seems to happen when the rebels are attacking.

Meanwhile, Tropico is rapidly becoming some kind of terrible forth-rate vacation destination.  The island is ugly and barren, there’s green slime on the beaches, bullets whiz over the tourist’s heads, and the less said about the population center the better.

The rebels were good, but not good enough.  No HLPers died in the shootout.

The airport isn’t just for tourists.  I never realized you could use it to gain more foreign aid.

You can also use it to go on trade missions.  The airport’s worth buying just for that.

Relax on our rocky, slime-filled beaches!  Stop at our coffee bar – because there is no alcohol to be had anywhere on the island!

And here comes the first set of suckers…erm…customers!


Offline z64555

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Re: Let's Play: Tropico 3! Now hiring workers. Apply within.
Ah, great. Now I gotta worry about some first-world disease in addition to these flea bitten sacks of meat. At least we still have plenty of that miracle drug, aspirin.

Yes, yessss.  :drevil:
Secure the Source, Contain the Code, Protect the Project

funtapaz: Hunchon University biologists prove mankind is evolving to new, higher form of life, known as Homopithecus Juche.
z64555: s/J/Do
BotenAlfred: <funtapaz> Hunchon University biologists prove mankind is evolving to new, higher form of life, known as Homopithecus Douche.


Offline FireSpawn

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Re: Let's Play: Tropico 3! Now hiring workers. Apply within.
Fear not, El Presidente! With these new tanks being built and the troops being trained by foreign war criminals commandos, the rebel alliance scum will feel the full might of Mother Russia's The Empire's Commander Shepard's Tropico's military! Mark my words, we shall do everything in our power to ensure that the only thing the tourists see of the rebels, is their bloated and fly infested corpses.
If you hit it and it bleeds, you can kill it. If you hit it and it doesn't bleed...You are obviously not hitting hard enough.

Greatest Pirate in all the Beach System.

Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.
The Force shall free me.


Offline Gortef

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Re: Let's Play: Tropico 3! Now hiring workers. Apply within.
Relax on our rocky, slime-filled beaches!  Stop at our coffee bar – because there is no alcohol to be had anywhere on the island!

Don't forget to mention the Cabaré in the Ad.
Habeeb it...


Offline NGTM-1R

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Re: Let's Play: Tropico 3! Now hiring workers. Apply within.
Fear not, El Presidente! With these new tanks being built and the troops being trained by foreign war criminals commandos, the rebel alliance scum will feel the full might of Mother Russia's The Empire's Commander Shepard's Tropico's military! Mark my words, we shall do everything in our power to ensure that the only thing the tourists see of the rebels, is their bloated and fly infested corpses.

Floating in on the tide. How do you think we got the beaches like that?

It was part of a rebel plot, of course.
"Load sabot. Target Zaku, direct front!"

A Feddie Story


Offline Alex Heartnet

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Re: Let's Play: Tropico 3! Now hiring workers. Apply within.
"Tyrants are always assassinated too late. That is their great excuse."
- E.M. Cioran

Yeah, well, what are you guys going to do about it?  Throw rocks at the palace?

Americano President John. K. Kennedy was killed by a magic bullet today.  The Americano public questions the official story.  CIA agents make for very incompetent assassins – just ask Fidel Castro about the 600+ attempts the CIA made on his life.

Reports pile up on El Presidente’s desk, but he is too busy taking a siesta on the beach to look at them.

El Presidente gets quite the surprise when he finally returns from vacation.


Offline z64555

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Re: Let's Play: Tropico 3! Now hiring workers. Apply within.
Good thing I've got my GTFO suitcase, right for any emergency!

Oh, by the way, has anyone seen the isopropal alcohol? We where allotted one large bottle of the stuff for sterilization purposes, but I have the feeling somebody was trying to drink the stuff.

Ah well, he'll be dead in a day or so.
Secure the Source, Contain the Code, Protect the Project

funtapaz: Hunchon University biologists prove mankind is evolving to new, higher form of life, known as Homopithecus Juche.
z64555: s/J/Do
BotenAlfred: <funtapaz> Hunchon University biologists prove mankind is evolving to new, higher form of life, known as Homopithecus Douche.


Offline Rodo

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Re: Let's Play: Tropico 3! Now hiring workers. Apply within.
Dammit, I leave the police station for a year and we get crime rates as high as tropico's debt!

Sorry El Presidente, I can't be everywhere  :(
el hombre vicio...


Offline Alex Heartnet

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Re: Let's Play: Tropico 3! Now hiring second round of workers.
Those that make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
- John F. Kennedy

Rudo went back to bring a cop.

It was a dark and stormy night.  Suddenly, it happened…

El Presidente was in the middle of giving a speech when the riots started.  Immediately after it began, every single person who was listening to El Presidente (including the big man himself) starts fleeing from combat as if wounded.  Strange bug.

Z64555 grabs his bag of GTFO and retreats to the relative safety of the Diplomatic Ministry.

Herra Tohtori gets crushed by a rampaging llama.

Dragon smashes Rudo on the head with a huge rock before getting shot by a soldier.

Ravenholme’s shack suddenly comes under danger of burning down.

The remaining Loyalist forces gather behind the palace for their final stand.

And…here comes the army of traitors!  Can our loyal citizens manage to hold out in time?

Victory!  We have victory!

Meanwhile, El Presidente could be seen fiddling smoking a Cuban cigar while Rome Tropico burned.

At this point, I think it is safe to say that most HLPers on the island are now dead.  As the riots have left us with lots of free job positions, Tropico is now hiring again.  If you died previously, you can come back.

The only two surviving faction leaders is the capitalist Spardason21, and Patriot, whom took over the role of Communist leader upon Dragon’s death.  The rest of the factions are in need of a leader, especially the intellectuals.


Offline Ravenholme

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Re: Let's Play: Tropico 3! Now hiring second round of workers.
Ah, it's so easy to forget to turn off the stove in the middle of an uprising - Good thing I remembered, or things could have got really bad
Full Auto - I've got a bullet here with your name on it, and I'm going to keep firing until I find out which one it is.

<The_E>   Several sex-based solutions come to mind
<The_E>   Errr
<The_E>   *sexp


Offline Herra Tohtori

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Re: Let's Play: Tropico 3! Now hiring second round of workers.
I'm not dead! I feel happy!

Seriously though, as if a llama could get the better of me. Even a three-headed one.

I was merely resting.
There are three things that last forever: Abort, Retry, Fail - and the greatest of these is Fail.


Offline Ravenholme

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Re: Let's Play: Tropico 3! Now hiring second round of workers.
Seriously though, as if a llama could get the better of me. Even a three-headed one.

How DARE you say that about my wife! >:|
Full Auto - I've got a bullet here with your name on it, and I'm going to keep firing until I find out which one it is.

<The_E>   Several sex-based solutions come to mind
<The_E>   Errr
<The_E>   *sexp


Offline NGTM-1R

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Re: Let's Play: Tropico 3! Now hiring second round of workers.
Rebel leader checking in after brutal repression of a popular uprising.

Though I'd be wiser not to!
"Load sabot. Target Zaku, direct front!"

A Feddie Story


Offline Alex Heartnet

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Re: Let's Play: Tropico 3! Now hiring second round of workers.
The following citizens are currently alive.  If one of you wants to be shuffled around, just ask.

Patriot - Policeman and leader of the Communists
Gortef - Showgirl
Starslayer - Teamster
Spardason21 - Professor and leader of the Capitalists
Z64555 - Doctor
Rudo - Policeman
Pred the Penguin - KGB Agent
headdie - Retiree
Firespawn - General

If you are not on this list, you died at some point.  If you wish to be brought back, just ask.


Offline FireSpawn

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Re: Let's Play: Tropico 3! Now hiring second round of workers.
Woot, I survived an attempt at revolution, whilst being a HVT due to being a general! Once again, firepower trumps puny ideals.

If you hit it and it bleeds, you can kill it. If you hit it and it doesn't bleed...You are obviously not hitting hard enough.

Greatest Pirate in all the Beach System.

Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.
The Force shall free me.