Author Topic: Let's Play: Tropico 3: "Nucular" Edition  (Read 36799 times)

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Offline Alex Heartnet

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Re: Let's Play: Tropico 3: "Nucular" Edition
On an unrelated note, I can't get any screen capture programs to work with Uplink: Hacker Elite.  Anyone have any bright ideas?

PrtSc, alt + Tab, save to paint.  :nervous:

That's a very sub-optimal way of taking screenshots, as I have to interrupt the action each time I take a screenshot.  Besides, that doesn't even work with Uplink - Win7 ends up taking a screenshot of my desktop instead, and the program I currently use - Lightscreen - has the same problem.

I initally tried doing my Tropico 3 Let's Play thay way.  I quickly realized that doing so just doesn't work, and instead used a screen capture program.


Offline Dragon

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Re: Let's Play: Tropico 3: "Nucular" Edition
Hmm... wasn't it so that in Overlord you could rename the minions? Then again it's not that easy to follow who does what even if you could.
I don't think so, the first one didn't even had minion names, and I don't remember this being possible in the second one either.
That doesn't change the fact an Overlord LP could be awesome, that game is hilarious.

I don't care for base RTS clickfest games (like Starcraft or Command & Conquer) at all.

The RTS needs to be either baseless (like in Ground Control, Hostile Waters, or Nexus), or be very different from the norm (AI War: Fleet Command is an RTS I AM willing to play).  Instead, I will look into playing Evil Genius as a possibility.
Overlord isn't an RTS, though it does require quite a bit of thinking. I don't think there's a good name for this genre ("Minion control", perhaps?), but if you know Pikmin, it's sort of like that. Except you're evil. And you control goblin-like minions instead of plants. And it's written by Terry Pratchett's daughter. :)


Offline Mika

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Re: Let's Play: Tropico 3: "Nucular" Edition
Evil Genius tends to become rather dull after the initial base is done. And at the very late stages of the game, it becomes very tedious, as foreign veteran agents require all the attention from the player - i.e. too much micromanaging since the traps are most of the time underpowered. Evil Genius would have improved quite a lot had there been more time to polish it. Now international missions are just statistics, there is no strategy related (ala XCOM) game play in there. It is one of the few games I regret buying.

Though the ways to dispose the super agents were usually hilarious. And the fact that the game allowed motivational shootings of underlings...
Relaxed movement is always more effective than forced movement.


Offline Patriot

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Re: Let's Play: Tropico 3: "Nucular" Edition
I vote GeneForge or Nexus, Dwarf Fortress seems like a fun game, but as you said, hard to keep track of 20 HLP-ers in a crowd of ten times that.

I would like to be the captain of a ship in Nexus and some random brawny guy in GeneForge.

I have no other ideas on other games other than NWN2 with the eh.. expansion pack(i forget which one, but you can create a whole party out of self-made characters if you so please. So naming would be easy)


Offline LordMelvin

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Re: Let's Play: Tropico 3: "Nucular" Edition
If ya do the NWN2 thing, can I be a half-orc bard.
Error: ls.rnd.sig.txt not found


Offline Alex Heartnet

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Re: Let's Play: Tropico 3: "Nucular" Edition
Whoever said I was doing NWN 2?  I said I was planning on doing a playthrough of The Temple of Elemental Evil.  The two games are not the same.

As for the half-orc bard request, I will only consider character applications once I actually post the thread.

For Nexus, I have a very specific way to handle player requests in mind.  Players that aren't assigned as one of the main characters will probably be jumping between being a fighter pilot, one of the commandos aboard my troop transports, and given command of a warship for those missions where you are given additional ships beyond your normal fleet.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2012, 06:44:38 pm by Alex Heartnet »