Author Topic: What are you playing right now?  (Read 631306 times)

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Re: What are you playing right now?
Granted nationality frames view, but Hood and Bismarck had a couple exchanges and it was battle over.  Bismarck only had her maiden sortie and that was it, Hood had Operation Catapult followed by Denmark Straight.  Tirpitz spent the war as 'Lone Queen of the North.'  Out of German BBs Scharnhorst and Gneisenau had much more interesting careers. The Battle of the North Cape between Scharners and the Duke of York was a more dynamic gun duel than Hood and Bismark. 

Simply put Kriegsmarine and Regia Marina never contested the RN in battles to the scale of the fleet actions between the IJN and the USN. 
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Re: What are you playing right now?
Well known to who? In terms of pure warship action I would venture that Hood and Bismark are the most famous ships of the entire war.

I'd say that the first ship names I think of after Yamato and Enterprise are Iowa, Arizona, and Texas.

I don't think I'd ever even heard of the Hood until after Freespace, and I only remember the name Bismark from Final Fantasy.

Re: What are you playing right now?
Point is, matter of perspective.  From history's perspective Britain was the preeminent sea power for decades if not centuries, I would venture that all the major navies of WW2 drew lessons from British expertise both from WW1 and the subsequent years. Treaties laid down in interwar years conceded the greatest amount of tonnage to the Royal Fleet. Battle of the Atlantic was one of, if not the longest campaign of the war.  Hood, Queen Elizabeth Class, Warspite, ships that with fighters from the Ark Royal and other carriers destroyed the Italian fleet and kept German warships like the Tirpitz in harbour or sent ships like the Bismark to the bottom of the sea.

All three of their games, warships, tanks and warplanes have put British content 4th or 5th in the priority list.  And frankly as a result I couldn't give two ****s about their games.  I realize the games are hollow exercises to just faff about and shoot things but at least have the appropriate content ready when the game is released.  A game without the British is in my opinion an unfinished game and if the company treats that demographic as second class customers then don't see any reason to take an interest in what they're doing.
« Last Edit: March 17, 2015, 12:13:36 am by Akalabeth Angel »


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Re: What are you playing right now?
As far as I know, a lot of the RN around WWII was fairly outdated as were their tanks/tank doctrine,  so I can entirely understand why they're slow to add the Brits.

Hell, one of the more popular British tanks is the Firefly, which is just a modified Sherman.
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[22:29] <RangerKarl|AtWork> "you look like a big tasty muffin"
<batwota> wouldn’t that mean that it’s prepared to kiss your ass if you flank it :p
<batwota> wow
<batwota> KILL


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Re: What are you playing right now?
Does it matter which nations/ships are represented in a closed beta? WG are clearly still working on this both feature and content wise, also the game is what 1 week out of closed ALPHA? give them chance lol
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Re: What are you playing right now?
Hell, one of the more popular British tanks is the Firefly, which is just a modified Sherman.

A sherman modified with a british 17-pdr, arguably the best allied gun of the war.  Also found in the Archer tank destroyer and Challenger.
Their tank doctrine was outdated compared to the germans but their anti-tank guns and tanks at the outset of the war were fine, and in some cases superior (Matilda II).  But the loss of the expeditionary force and the need for new guns quickly delayed the introduction of the 6-pdr gun so they were forced to use the 2-pdr for a number of years in Africa and suffered greatly for it.

As for the RN, not sure. I know some of the RN's aircraft carrier practices were superior to the americans (storage of AV Gas), their planes were outdated biplanes like the swordfish but compared to some contemporaries like the US Devastator I'm not sure they were all that bad. At least the swordfish got the job done. And Japanese of course took great interest in their success at Taranto and applied some of the lessons learned later on against the US.

For games however most players I find tend to prefer the biggest and best of everything which means late war tech. In a tabletop game, Flames of War, it's the same thing. Germans are the most popular faction to play and Late War is the most popular period. People want to play Tigers and Panthers not Panzer IIs.  Similarly Japanese players of WoWS probably want the Yamato, even though cruisers like the Myoko and Takao class had far more historical success than the Yamato ever did (unless you count SBY / Starblazers).

In any case the company has said it's all money-driven decision making. US is the biggest market, Russia is the country's homeland and germans are the opponents. For World of Warships, likely again US is the biggest market and the Japanese are the opponents.

- - - - -

Back on topic still playing Crysis.  Playing it for the first time some years after release the graphics are certainly not as impressive in comparison to more recent games like Skyrim.  The gameplay is decent, but the nano-suit needs another 50% charge to really evolve the gameplay. Story and dialogue is unremarkable.  Hope the balance in Crysis leans a bit more towards the suit playing a more prominent role instead of a 2-second buff.

« Last Edit: March 17, 2015, 02:38:14 pm by Akalabeth Angel »


Offline NGTM-1R

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Re: What are you playing right now?
As for the RN, not sure. I know some of the RN's aircraft carrier practices were superior to the americans (storage of AV Gas), their planes were outdated biplanes like the swordfish but compared to some contemporaries like the US Devastator I'm not sure they were all that bad. At least the swordfish got the job done. And Japanese of course took great interest in their success at Taranto and applied some of the lessons learned later on against the US.

To be blunt, there's a good reason why the RN didn't put in an appearance in the pacific until after the Americans won Leyte.

The Royal Navy had three problems during the Second World War. The first was structural: they had built up their numbers across decades, through a careful program of husbanding resources to build new ships constantly while keeping old ones, but this meant many of their ships were old and it also meant that in the event of war there was no practical way to make up major losses and they would have something of a struggle on their hands just keep what they had in service during wartime operations, particularly in the face of combat damage. (The fate of the Home Fleet's heavy units, of which many were paid off to reserve in late 1944 because they'd become decrepit, is instructive.)

The second was doctrinal. The Royal Navy missed the boat on the rise of the aircraft; modern antiair defenses were the exception rather than the rule among their ships, their investment into fighter-direction prewar was miniscule, and the armored carrier had become a technological dead-end by 1940. Only one armored-deck carrier during the war had a hope in hell of stopping a 1000lb AP bomb, and it was Japanese. (Taiho; and Taiho's success there is kind of iffy, but possible.) A lack of funds, and the fact that the Fleet Air Arm had been absorbed into the Royal Air Force and only returned to the Navy in the mid 1930s, retarded the development of shipboard aircraft such that the best of the British carrier aircraft during the war, the Firefly, was still no real match for American planes in most respects. And at the end of the war, of all bizarre possible things, the Brits were actually contemplating a jet biplane carrier torpedo bomber because if you're going to be backward you might as well go all the way. They never made the doctrinal leap to massed carrier striking forces until near the end of the war, and they could not sustain the operational tempo the Americans could.

The third was simple numbers. An IJN fleet carrier had 65 to 55 aircraft and if you had put together every carrier the IJN ever built or tried to build, all in the same place, they would have fielded 1500 aircraft roughly. A USN fleet carrier had 70-100 aircraft, and counting the CVEs if you put them all together then the USN could field well over 8000 aircraft. A British fleet carrier had 48 to 56 aircraft and put them all together and count the CVEs and you get about 1000 planes.

As an example, consider that despite active carrier cover at Anzio and Salerno, the Luftwaffe was able to use Fritz-X guided missiles against Allied warships covering the landings; something that required a multi-engine bomber to orbit at high altitude over the landing force for twenty minutes or so. This despite the fact they were frequently detected on radar while doing so. This simply could not have happened in the Pacific. Even the early-war pre-radar Japanese would have woken up and sent a flight of Zeros after them ten minutes in.

There were things the RN did well; I have much love for the Town-class light cruisers, for example, particularly Sheffield, and the effort they went to on every level from doctrine to training to produce an oceanic escort force is one of the models of how to attack a tactical and strategic problem. But in general they wandered off the path of innovation and success sometime shortly after 1918 and didn't come back to it until after WW2.
« Last Edit: March 17, 2015, 08:33:47 pm by NGTM-1R »
"Load sabot. Target Zaku, direct front!"

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Re: What are you playing right now?
Some of you guys know frightening amounts about the history of military hardware.  Massive nerd respeck.

Re: What are you playing right now?
There were things the RN did well; I have much love for the Town-class light cruisers, for example, particularly Sheffield, and the effort they went to on every level from doctrine to training to produce an oceanic escort force is one of the models of how to attack a tactical and strategic problem. But in general they wandered off the path of innovation and success sometime shortly after 1918 and didn't come back to it until after WW2.

Well the British made too many concessions in the Washington treaty from my understanding. Basically threw away their advantage and the shipyards went somewhat idle for years resulting in a decline in know-how.
In WW1 they had the two-fleet model, where their fleet was as large as the next two largest nations combined. After the treaties they seemed to have only a small advantage in tonnage. Though they were probably broke and the world wanted to avoid another arms race like the one prior to WW1 where the Brits were building 4+ Battleships per year every year from about 1907 to the outbreak of the war.


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Re: What are you playing right now?
Heroes of the Storm


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Re: What are you playing right now?
Cities: Skylines hates highways it seems.

Slope too steep
Space already occupied
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Re: What are you playing right now?
Bulldoze everything around the highways. No mercy. Forced relocation.


Offline BirdofPrey

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Re: What are you playing right now?
Oh no, it autodozes zoned buildings.  My problem is when I go to make a slip road and it says something's in the way while highlighting the highway I am connecting it to.  The other fun one is the supports can't be on a road, and the game engine doesn't relocate them automatically, so you have to doze and rebuild a couple times till you have a clear path for the stuff under the overpass.

Naturally trial and error costs money.
The Great War ended 30 years ago.
Our elders tell stories of a glorious civilization; of people with myths of humanity everlasting, who hurled themselves into the void of space with no fear.

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Offline NGTM-1R

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Re: What are you playing right now?
I have a Kongo, so it's time to switch from "Poi!" to "BURNING LOVE~" in the chat, I suppose.
"Load sabot. Target Zaku, direct front!"

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Re: What are you playing right now?
Yeah I made it to the Tier VI Matsuki and decided to take a break and concentrate on BBs till the Devs do the next balance adjustment on DDs.  Grinding the Kawachi constantly at bottom tier is proving an interesting experience, to say the least.  I'm really looking forward to the Kongo though.

It's funny seeing a few folks on the WoW forums clamoring for the RU line.  Really?  I can only imagine their thought patterns are arranged thusly: "I've got no idea what make believe paper ships they will have but hopefully "Russian Bias" will mean the Tier V CA slaps the **** out of an Iowa!" 
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Offline NGTM-1R

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Re: What are you playing right now?
The first-wave Alpha guys, of which I was one, had to get an RU forum account to get on the original Alpha server.

I remember once being told by DarkSkal_ID, who coordinated the early testing for NA (he talked to us during joint US/Russian sessions so we knew wtf we were supposed to bring to the battle) and sounded distinctly amused at the time, that my constant slapping people over the head with Imperatritsa Maria vs. Goeben when they asked about Russia even having built a dreadnaught battleship meant I was probably much more educated about and much more interested in the Russian line than the majority of the RU forums.

Apparently the Russians themselves, aside from a few specific ships like Aurora, really have no interest in their own line. They want to play USN carriers and IJN everything else.
« Last Edit: March 19, 2015, 02:58:28 pm by NGTM-1R »
"Load sabot. Target Zaku, direct front!"

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Re: What are you playing right now?
Potemkin or bust!  The Gangut and her descendants were pretty interesting, thoroughly business looking dreads.  Of course I'd imagine RN fans might have a conip if Arkhangelsk appears in the RU tree before the RN itself.
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Re: What are you playing right now?
Having finished Crysis, started playing UnEpic.
Gameplay seems okay though most of the enemies are so far fairly easy to deal with despite the fact I'm playing on so-called "Hard+".  Humour often doesn't hit the mark and the main character is a dork. But seems decent.

Re: What are you playing right now?
Just bought Inquisition.
I'll be playing that tonight.


Offline StarSlayer

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Re: What are you playing right now?
I have a Kongo, so it's time to switch from "Poi!" to "BURNING LOVE~" in the chat, I suppose.

Slayer has also unlocked Achievement: Burning Love~
“Think lightly of yourself and deeply of the world”