Author Topic: What are you playing right now?  (Read 631006 times)

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Offline Det. Bullock

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Re: What are you playing right now?
The basilisk aren't really a problem, I killed them in one or two shots, I think I got cursed only twice between normal and newgame++.
"I pity the poor shades confined to the euclidean prison that is sanity." - Grant Morrison
"People assume  that time is a strict progression of cause to effect,  but *actually*  from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint - it's more  like a big ball  of wibbly wobbly... time-y wimey... stuff." - The Doctor

Re: What are you playing right now?
Yesterday I beat Seath and killed Nito. Now its time to go down to the fiery evil place.


Offline Klaustrophobia

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Re: What are you playing right now?
Decided to go back and replay the entire Crysis series.  For some reason the original is kindof studder-y while sprinting in speed mode on modern hardware.  I wonder if that's from loading new terrain on the fly.  There is an awful lot of vegetation and whatnot to render on the fly.  I would have thought that running it from the SSD would eliminate that though.
I like to stare at the sun.


Offline Det. Bullock

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Re: What are you playing right now?
It seems my laptop lags a bit with joy2key, I've finally been able to play emulated Super Street Fighter 2 on my desktop PC and didn't have the same problems in pulling off moves, I could even do Shoryukens about half the times I've tried instead of one time out of ten.

I also did some Blaz Blue Calamity Trigger story mode, I got a few fights that were more difficult towards the end of some charater's storylines but nothing unbeatable, from what I googled to unlock alternate endings I must do the arcade mode to unlock finishing moves and replay the ending with them or lose certain fights.

The lore is kinda interesting, the humor (when present, the story is mostly quite melodramatic) is typically shojo, that is infantile with a couple of unexpectedly crude elements like a cloudcuckoolander character calling another "booby lady" during a sort of lore-heavy comedic tutorial.
« Last Edit: May 02, 2016, 11:53:50 am by Det. Bullock »
"I pity the poor shades confined to the euclidean prison that is sanity." - Grant Morrison
"People assume  that time is a strict progression of cause to effect,  but *actually*  from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint - it's more  like a big ball  of wibbly wobbly... time-y wimey... stuff." - The Doctor


Offline NGTM-1R

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Re: What are you playing right now?
Need to write up next HLPX-COM bit. Have finished it.

Also need to possibly consider I'm going to have to switch to imgur to post pictures.

Meanwhile Battlegroup Spire prepares to fight the Eternity of Pain.
"Load sabot. Target Zaku, direct front!"

A Feddie Story


Offline Det. Bullock

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Re: What are you playing right now?
For the Star Wars Day I fired up X-wing vs Tie Fighter and did the assault on platform Ellirad.

The rebel side can be very difficult, you fly Y-wings and the primary targets are really close to the platform, that means that after running out of torpedoes closing in to use lasers is suicide on normal and hard.
Instead taking escort duty with the A-wings essentially gets you all the attention from the assault gunboats, while they are manageable they tend to last very long under fire so usually by the time you deal with them the Y-wings are already gone.

The imperial side is more manageable, as long as you get to the Y-wings first and you don't get killed too many times, which is kinda of a problem in an assault gunboat (which is sort of a slightly faster and more manouverable Y-wing) while being pelted with missiles by A-wings, the tractor beam helps to get rid of them but then again the risk is not being able to intercept the Y-wings in time.

Also there is a spoiler-ish aspect in the mission that is going to make the mission fail anyway for the imperials even if you force the rebels to retire if you don't pay attention, but after the first time (and having played the mission on the rebel side) it's not really a problem.
"I pity the poor shades confined to the euclidean prison that is sanity." - Grant Morrison
"People assume  that time is a strict progression of cause to effect,  but *actually*  from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint - it's more  like a big ball  of wibbly wobbly... time-y wimey... stuff." - The Doctor


Offline NGTM-1R

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Re: What are you playing right now?
Rule The Waves.

It is 1922, and by some fiendish miracle, Austria-Hungary and the United States are only nations in the world that has made the conceptual leap to All-or-Nothing Armor.

The KuK Kriegsmarine's new Maria Theresa-class fast battleships are busily reminding the Royal Navy why this was a very important step in the history of construction. The Mediterranean is my lake, dammit. Not Italy, not France, not the UK's, mine!
"Load sabot. Target Zaku, direct front!"

A Feddie Story


Offline StarSlayer

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Re: What are you playing right now?
Naval Action

I've been busy leveling up my crafting capability so that I can build the ships I want and not be reliant on what is available in the shop.  After initially building Trade Cutters to grind out the early levels my shipyard churned out its very first Exceptional grade Brig.  As a byproduct of the build process we developed the blue prints for the Mercury, Navy Brig and Mortar Brig.   :yes:

There are six warships that automatically unlock at certain crafting levels, the rest you need to acquire blue prints in order to craft.  Blue Prints are randomly dropped during ship crafting(the quality of the build effects the chance) so getting the above three on our first ship was extremely lucky. 

Once I level up enough I will start work on building Mercuries so that I can unlock the BPs for the Renommée, Surprise and Niagara.
“Think lightly of yourself and deeply of the world”


Offline Det. Bullock

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Re: What are you playing right now?
Wing Commander Saga
I just got the medal in the mission where you are escorting the Armageddon task force, one of the capships was at 1% hull when I got leave to return to the Hermes.
It was mostly the last part that screwed me, it took me two tries to finally notice the bombers while distracted by the planetary missiles.
"I pity the poor shades confined to the euclidean prison that is sanity." - Grant Morrison
"People assume  that time is a strict progression of cause to effect,  but *actually*  from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint - it's more  like a big ball  of wibbly wobbly... time-y wimey... stuff." - The Doctor

Re: What are you playing right now?
Long sessions of Heroes of the Storm. Been playing a lot of aggressive support with my favorite Heroes, Rehgar and Tyrande. Losing in the Quick Plays is painful business. On the off-hand, been having some good old fun and my playstyle often nets big dividends. Hopefully closing on earning Rehgar a sweet Level 10 and Master Skin soon.

Short breaks involve slowly crossing off a long list of campaigns to complete, including really old releases; Silent: Threat Reborn, Inferno: Alliance, Phantoms: Echo Gate........and that's just the start. Up to Crossing the Styx, I think. I really should create some kind of alphabetical or chronological order to do them in. Ah well, shouldn't break rhythm now!
Previous Projects: Ancient-Shivan War | GTF Durandal

Current Projects: Exile: Into The Dark Waters (Proof-editing/misc)


Offline Black_Yoshi1230

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Re: What are you playing right now?
Right now, just Phantasy Star Online: Blue Burst.

Just got my RAmarl to Level 112. Still trying to get to the point where I can do the later halves of Ultimate without getting burned. (I have not touched Episode IV yet, because for Rangers, it is hell, as in some enemies block or avoid gunfire. I need a Lance.)
The MechWarrior 2 Resource Forum / Flyboy's Flight Sim + Aviation Page / Falcom Sound Team JDK / Jane's F/A-18 - Resources

&& "LAUNCH! LAUNCH! S__T WE'RE HIT! WE'RE TAKING CANNON FIRE! GET US THE HELL OUTTA HERE!" - The best Jane's Longbow 2 Co-Pilot Audio Clips.

|| BEAMS! DEATH BY BEAMS! <- Blue Planet: War in Heaven in a nutshell. (Phrase is adapted from the Freeman's Mind spinoff Barney's Mind, Episode 14: BEES! DEATH BY BEES!)

^ Give a kid a stick and tell him to beat up his enemies, he'll do it without a second thought. Give a kid a book and tell him to defeat his opponent, and he'll read the book, defeat the other's mind, and smack him on top of the head. Give a kid a flower, he'll force his opponent to eat it.

Re: What are you playing right now?
Right now, just Phantasy Star Online: Blue Burst.

:yes: My first MMO (or is that mMO?) Did you find a private server, or are you just playing offline somehow?


Offline Black_Yoshi1230

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Re: What are you playing right now?
I'm playing on a private server.
The MechWarrior 2 Resource Forum / Flyboy's Flight Sim + Aviation Page / Falcom Sound Team JDK / Jane's F/A-18 - Resources

&& "LAUNCH! LAUNCH! S__T WE'RE HIT! WE'RE TAKING CANNON FIRE! GET US THE HELL OUTTA HERE!" - The best Jane's Longbow 2 Co-Pilot Audio Clips.

|| BEAMS! DEATH BY BEAMS! <- Blue Planet: War in Heaven in a nutshell. (Phrase is adapted from the Freeman's Mind spinoff Barney's Mind, Episode 14: BEES! DEATH BY BEES!)

^ Give a kid a stick and tell him to beat up his enemies, he'll do it without a second thought. Give a kid a book and tell him to defeat his opponent, and he'll read the book, defeat the other's mind, and smack him on top of the head. Give a kid a flower, he'll force his opponent to eat it.


Offline The E

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Re: What are you playing right now?
That name RNG once spat out the name of one of my RL friends.
If I'm just aching this can't go on
I came from chasing dreams to feel alone
There must be changes, miss to feel strong
I really need lifе to touch me
--Evergrey, Where August Mourns

Re: What are you playing right now?
Playing Napoleon: TW really shows how bad I am at being a strategist.


Offline NGTM-1R

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Re: What are you playing right now?
It is 1903, October, and France and the United States have been at war for twelve months. Combat has mostly consisted of cruiser clashes in the Caribbean and a few interceptions of French raiders off the Philippines; for what little has occurred, the United States is winning, but the phrase "war is boring" has never rung more true considering the inability of either side to force action in the home areas of the other.

The French, in the midst of transferring their battlefleet to the active theaters of war, have a convoy to North Africa under the escort of one of their predreadnaught battleships, a light cruiser, a pair of destroyers, and armed merchant cruiser pressed into service. It constitutes nearly all their remaining naval forces in the Mediterranean. They are thus wholly unprepared when five American protected cruisers of the Olympia class, based in Sardinia thanks to a secret agreement with Italy, emerge from the dawn glare.

Predreadnaught FS Charles Martel and protected cruiser FS Sfax turn to interpose themselves against the onrushing Americans. Cruiser Division 9 and Cruiser Division 6 split north and south, drawing off the heavy escorts on to Division 6, while Cruiser Division 9 runs riot through the convoy ships. USS Des Moines closes to 3000 yards against Charles Martel, exchanging a waterline 12" gun hit that floods her bow for a torpedo from her portside submerged tube that induces serious flooding on the battleship; the two ships break away from each other and limp to safety, managing to control their respective flooding problems. USS Denver duels the Sfax, forcing the lighter French protected cruiser to break away and run for safety after disabling most of its guns on the engaged side. USS Cinnicinati and USS Columbia pick a fight with AMC FS Ville de Paris and its two destroyer escorts to cover USS Minneapolis as it attacks the transports. The AMC is quickly reduced to a drifting hulk, and the FS Catapulte takes a shot in the boiler room when it turns to run and doesn't escape.

All five American ships take minor damage, but eight French ships, all six merchants, the AMC, and a destroyer, are sunk. It is the greatest victory of the war so far.

Welcome to Rule The Waves.
"Load sabot. Target Zaku, direct front!"

A Feddie Story


Offline NGTM-1R

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Re: What are you playing right now?
Log, CC-6 USS Saratoga, the Second Battle of Corscia.

1123: TUCSON reports convoy sighted. All ahead flank to close enemy convoy.
1132: Enemy ships in sight. TUCSON engaging Galilee-class protected cruiser.
1136: All ahead two-thirds. Engaged Galilee-class protected cruiser with main battery. DesDiv 2 detached to attack convoy ships. CruDiv 5 falling behind due to 1 knot lower top speed.
1144: TUCSON shifts target, engaging enemy DDs. Reports additional enemy ships.
1150: TUCSON reports enemy battlecruiser, Dunkerque-class. Coming to heading 270 to close enemy CC.
1151: Major-caliber shell splashes observed near TUCSON. All ahead flank.
1154: Portside secondary battery engaging enemy merchantmen. Hits obtained. DesDiv 2 doing well.
1156: A and B turret shift target to enemy merchantman. Hits obtained.
1157: Y turret shift target enemy merchantman. Destroys bridge and stack. Secondary battery registering numerous hits on different target.
1159: Dunkerque-class CC in sight, range 12000 yards. A and B turrets shift target. Shell from first salvo strikes enemy CC's rear turret.
1205: B turret error in drill, only one gun fires. A turret obtains hit amidships on enemy CC. Course 310 to unmask Y turret.
1209: Enemy CC shell strikes after superstructure. 12 casualties, damage inconsequential. Y turret opens fire. Hit on enemy CC's conning tower. CruDiv 5 open fire on enemy CC.
1210: Enemy CruDiv of Coetlogon-class protected cruisers opens fire on us. No hits.
1212: A and B turrets straddle enemy CC. Multiple hits obtained. Secondary battery and CruDiv 5 engage enemy protected cruisers.
1213: Y turret obtains hit on enemy CC rear turret. Secondary explosion observed.
1214: Enemy armored CruDiv opens fire on us.
1215: Y Turret plants a full salvo on enemy CC forward turret. Appears to be jammed in train.
1216: Enemy light cruisers retreating. Secondary battery shifts target to enemy CC. B turret obtains hit at base of enemy forward stack. Enemy CC slowing.
1217: Enemy CA CruDiv shifts target to RENO. CruDiv 5 shifts target to enemy CA CruDiv.
1219: B turret obtains hit in enemy CC casemate guns. Secondary explosions observed. Secondary battery obtaining multiple hits in enemy CC superstructure. Enemy CC slowed to 15 knots, but forward turret back in action.
1220: All ahead two thirds.
1225: A and Y turrets hit enemy CC amidships. Large fire visible. Enemy X turret no longer firing. B turret jams.
1226: A turret obtains full salvo hit on enemy CC forward. Enemy A turret has ceased fire.
1228: B turret back to battery. Hit obtained on enemy CC's conning tower. Enemy CC turning to port. Changing course to 190 to close range.
1231: A turret jammed. Enemy DesDiv approaching. Secondary battery shifts target to enemy DesDiv. Obtains multiple hits on Etendard-class DD.
1232: Y turret hits enemy CC at base of aft stack.
1234: B turret hits enemy CC athwart aft stack with three shells. Secondary explosions observed. Enemy CC slows to 5 knots.
1237: CruDiv 5 shifts target to enemy CC. TUCSON engaging enemy protected cruiser to our starboard. Several enemy merchants have been sunk by DesDiv 2. Enemy destroyers engaging DesDiv 5. Portside secondary battery shifts target to enemy destroyer. Starboard secondary battery still engaging enemy CC.
1242: Enemy CC burning badly, drifting. Main battery shift target, Dupleix-class CA, 8000 yards.
1243: Enemy CA hit by A turret, amidships. Y turret engages enemy CC due to being masked, hits stern.
1245: Enemy protected cruiser engages us. No hits. Y turret puts three shells into enemy CC's waterline. Starboard secondary battery continues to register numerous hits on enemy CC. Secondary explosion in enemy CC's conning tower.
1249: Portside secondary battery shifts target to enemy protected cruiser, Coetlogon-class. Multiple hits registered.
1250: Hard to starboard. Evading torpedoes. Course 090.
1256: GRIDLEY torpedoes enemy CC amidships.
1301: Main battery shift target, Coetlogon-class protected cruiser 6000 yards. 1 hit from Y turret towards the bow. Enemy protected cruiser blows up.
1303: TUCSON engaging Galilee-class protected cruiser to starboard. We are being engaged by enemy armored cruisers coming back for second round. Starboard secondary battery shifts target to support TUCSON.
1305: Main battery shift target, Dupleix-class CA 10000 yards. 1 hit from B turret forward destroys enemy A turret. Secondary battery obtaining hits on Galilee-class. CruDiv 5 engaging enemy CA CruDiv, except RENO which is still engaging enemy CC.
1307: Enemy CAs turn away. Main battery shift target, enemy CL Galilee-class, range 7000 yards. 1 hit from B turret astern.
1309: 1 hit from Y turret on enemy CL astern. RENO torpedoes enemy CC wreck. Enemy CL turns away. B turret jams.
1317: GRIDLEY under fire from multiple enemy cruisers to north, sustains several hits. Come to course 350, all ahead flank. B turret back to battery.
1318: Main battery engages enemy CA, Dupleix-class, range 10000 yards. Come to course 290 to unmask Y turret.
1322: Enemy CA hit amidships from B turret.
1323: Enemy CA hit aft from B and Y turret. Main battery ammunition 50% remaining. Enemy CA CruDiv turns away, but our target is slowing.
1324: Medium-caliber shell splashes off the port side. Enemy CA CruDiv are engaging us.
1325: Multiple hits registered on enemy CA from A and B turrets near the waterline. Enemy CA stopped. Main battery shift target, Dupleix-class CA, 7000 yards.
1326: Hit on enemy CA's bridge from Y turret. B turret jams. DesDiv 5 detached to pick up survivors from enemy convoy. CruDiv 5 and TUCSON engaging enemy CL CruDiv to port.
1329: GRIDLEY on fire to port forward. Under fire from enemy CA, Conde-class.
1330: Main battery shift target, enemy CA, Conde-class, range 10000 yards.
1331: Multiple hits on enemy CA amidships.
1332: Y turret hits enemy CA aft.
1334: B turret hits enemy CA in superstructure.
1336: FLINT breaks formation from CruDiv 5 to move against Coetlogon-class CL closing our port side.
1338: Medium-caliber hit from enemy CA cuts bow jack. Enemy shells straddle.
1340: GRIDLEY hit by enemy CA secondary battery amidships multiple times, slows to a stop. Enemy CL CruDiv engages GRIDLEY. Enemy CA CruDiv turns away. Squall line moving into area.
1341: FLINT hit by enemy CL on forward turret. Shift target, Galilee-class CL, range 6000 yards. OAKLAND and RENO engaging enemy Coetlogon-class CL to our port in support of FLINT.
1345: Secondary battery engages enemy Dupleix-class CA to starboard. Enemy CL hit by A turret. Course 350 to pursue enemy ships.
1350: Main battery shift target, enemy Coetlogon-class CL, range 3000 yards. Course 040 to clear enemy torpedo water. Multiple hits obtained. Enemy ship is slowing.
1354: Enemy CL hit multiple times. Enemy CL blows up.
1357: GRIDLEY crew visible abandoning ship. Main battery shift target, Galilee-class CL, range 5000 yards. Course 350 to purse.
1404: Enemy CL hit forward by A turret. Raining. Sighting range down to 10000 yards.
1408: Enemy CL hit forward and aft.
1410: GRIDLEY has sunk. Enemy Dupleix-class CA we stopped has started moving again, engaging us. Main battery shift target, Dupleix-class CA, 8000 yards.
1414: Multiple hits obtained on Dupleix-class CA. Enemy ship has stopped and is on fire.
1418: Sight enemy Dupleix-class CA approaching range 9500 yards. Main battery shift target. Course 017. All ahead two-thirds. Starboard secondary battery engages stopped Dupleix-class CA. DesDiv 5 detached to pick up survivors from GRIDLEY, enemy CC and CLs.
1425: Lost target in rain. Enemy Etenard-class DD sighted, range 6000 yards. Main battery shift target. ROBINSON is closing enemy Dupleix-class CA that's stopped.
1427: Enemy Dupleix-class CA fires on ROBINSON.
1429: ROBINSON torpedoes enemy Dupleix-class CA multiple times.
1432: Enemy DD hit amidships by B turret. ROBINSON reverses course to unmask portside wing launcher, torpedoes enemy CA again.
1434: Enemy DD hit aft by B turret. Turning sharply to port. Course 275 to unmask Y turret. Enemy ships sighted ahead.
1436: Enemy DD hit amidships by Y turret. Slowing to a stop; TUCSON detached to finish it off. Main battery shift target, Conde-class CA, 9000 yards.
1444: Enemy CA hit amidships by A turret. Lookouts report navigation lights ahead, possibly Nice.
1446: Enemy CA hit multiple times.
1450: Medium-caliber hit from enemy CA on conning tower. No damage. Enemy CA locked in hard port turn. CruDiv 5 dispatched to finish it off. Main battery shift target, Conde-class CA, 6100 yards.
1455: Medium-caliber hit on forward mast by enemy CA. No casualties reported.
1460: A turret ammunition expended. City of Nice in sight. B turret down to 20% ammunition.
1462: B turret hits enemy CA forward.
1463: B turret hits enemy CA on stern. Enemy CA slowing.
1465: B turret hits enemy CA on aft turret. Secondary explosion.
1468: B turret hits enemy CA amidships twice. Enemy CA slowing.
1510: Y turret engages. All shots in both Y and B salvos hit enemy ship across his length. Starboard secondary battery engages. Enemy CA slowing to 5 knots.
1512: MCKEE engages enemy CA with torpedoes.
1517: Y turret hits enemy CA twice amidships.
1518: MCKEE torpedoes enemy CA. Submerged tube portside torpedoes enemy CA. Holding fire and returning to search for enemy cripples. Course 151.
1522: Unknown ship sighted to port. CruDiv 5 detaches to investigate but is unable to intercept before reaches suspected minefield around Nice.
1542: MCKEAN detached to pick up survivors from enemy Dupleix-class CA. All ahead one-third.
1612: Nautical twilight.
1622: Detach FAIRFAX and LUCE to Sardinia with damage.
1640: Sunset. Make last sweep for GRIDLEY survivors.
1720: All ships rejoined. Discharged all loaded guns through muzzle. Course for Sardinia.

"Load sabot. Target Zaku, direct front!"

A Feddie Story


Offline NGTM-1R

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Re: What are you playing right now?
Playing RTW as the US again. Got 3 centerline turrets when I could only build ships up to 16k tons.

The hell with it, the per-unit price on them is nothing compared to the 24k ton models I usually try to build as a baby's first dreadnaught. I poured all my money into the world's tiniest battlecruiser class, the Emancipators. When I got superfiring X turrets I poured even more money into the Emancipator Flight 2 with its R turret moved aft, and then with superfiring B turrets, the Emancipator Flight 3 with its X turret swapped to the B position. I have eighteen of these things under construction, and more battlecruiser tonnage than even the Royal Navy.

Let the world of 1906 drown in tiny battlecruisers.

EDIT: A Flight One.

« Last Edit: May 14, 2016, 01:08:02 pm by NGTM-1R »
"Load sabot. Target Zaku, direct front!"

A Feddie Story


Offline CP5670

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Re: What are you playing right now?
I finished KOTOR. Great game overall with a lot of interesting dialogue and side quests, and HK-47 has to be the best companion ever. :D The RPG combat system sucks compared to more modern games though. It's a good thing the game is quite easy, so you can spend more time with the story and dialogue. Your party also moves very slowly (just like Mass Effect; the turbo cheat is a must) and gets stuck in places all the time. I'm going to start the sequel now, with some of the content restoring mods.


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Re: What are you playing right now?
As always..... I'm playing battlefield  4.

And trying to get my old gba games (legal room equivalent) working on my 3DS.

Campaigns I've added my distinctiveness to-
- Blue Planet: Battle Captains
-Battle of Neptune
-Between the Ashes 2
-Blue planet: Age of Aquarius
-Inferno R1
-Ribos: The aftermath / -Retreat from Deneb
-Sol: A History
-TBP EACW teaser
-Earth Brakiri war
-TBP Fortune Hunters (I think?)
-TBP Relic
-Trancsend (Possibly?)
-Uncharted Territory
-Vassagos Dirge
-War Machine
(Others lost to the mists of time and no discernible audit trail)

Your friendly Orestes tactical controller.

Secret bomb God.
That one time I got permabanned and got to read who was being bitxhy about me :p....
GO GO DEKKER RANGERSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
President of the Scooby Doo Model Appreciation Society
The only good Zod is a dead Zod