Author Topic: What are you playing right now?  (Read 631216 times)

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Re: What are you playing right now?
So I finally finished my legendary playthrough of Halo : Combat Evolved on PC last week. Overall, I had an easier time to get through the game this time around, due to a combination of improved aim & more sensible tactics. The game comes off as rather contrasted difficulty-wise, most firefights are easy enough to manage, but most levels have a handful of sequences that are really tough and/or complicated to get through.

The Flood feels rather pitiful as an opponent compared to the Covenant forces, the only tough sequence that I can recall that really played to their strength is that one spot in the library where you are trapped between two doors in close quarters with little room to maneuver. They have a really hard time using their (mostly UNSC) guns effectively, which makes sense in-universe but makes them rather trivial to deal with in the overwhelming majority of situations (well, as long as you keep a UNSC weapon anyway).
In contrast, the covies are much more consistently a threat (well, except maybe the Hunters), and really shine in the later parts when you are facing the spec ops Elite & Grunts - who throw pinpoint-accurate grenades & carry fuel rods, respectively. IIRC, 2 & 3 bumped up the Flood difficulty a bit, putting both factions on more even grounds when fighting the player.

tldr; still a nice enough game, but it's aged a bit, especially compared to later installments.

In other gaming news, SC2 Wings of Liberty on Brutal is *really* hard, like mathematically so. I've got trouble finding an effective strategy some of these missions, especially when facing the Protoss (holy ****ing **** that crossdamned drill mission). It does work at giving the impression that your group is outnumbered and outgunned by everybody else though. Can't wait to get through it though, I've always had more playing the Zerg & the Protoss. With luck, I'll finally get to play Legacy of the Void before the end of the year (yeah, I'm late to the party, but none of my friends had it & I had no intention of shelling out more money to Blizzard than I already have over the years).

On the opposite end of the spectrum, I spend half an hour last night kiting a vastly superior enemy force to death during a siege in Heroes 3 - blessed be the Slow & Blind spells, watched the AI impaling itself repeatedly on my defenses in C&C3's Nod campaign the week before, and all but killed Archimonde on normal in Warcraft 3's final mission earlier this year. So point goes to SC2 I guess...


Offline Det. Bullock

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Re: What are you playing right now?
Earthsiege (PC)
So, it seems I needed to install the 1.01 patch to get the HOTAS working as intended (the patch is also needed to be able to regulate the difficulty of the career mode otherwise it's stuck on the hardest setting).
Basically the original WCS throttle support worked very much like my initial fake dual stick solution and using the throttle not only did work only as a centered axis (which basically meant you could only go full forward or full reverse and good luck trying to stop) but it also interfered with the man stick locking it into place until you recentered the throttle. Also the rudder support while more straightforward had pretty much the same problem which kind of defeats the purpose of being able to aim while steering the mech (or "HERC" as they are called here).
In the end I just mapped the arrow keys to the two front buttons on the throttle for steering, but with the throttle the thing has been much more complicated and required the above-mentioned patch.

The patch altered the throttle support, now when you activate the options instead of searching for the throttle the game just enables a series of speed presets consisting of CTRL+number and gives you a file to use with the WCS throttle.
Of course not having a vintage thrustmaster throttle the file is useless but with the presets I could program the throttle, though not in the easiest way of just putting in the preset keys in the throttle TAB in CH Control Manager because that doesn't work with button combination. So I had to use a script, first by setting a series of virtual buttons with the CH Control Manager CMOS setup with this macro:

Code: [Select]
    keys +LCTL +number -number -LCTL
“number” being one of the number keys and LCTL being the left control key.
Then on to string the virtual buttons together with the script proper:

Code: [Select]
    cms.b1 = [ js2.a3 < 30 ];
    cms.b2 = [ 31 < js2.a3 ] and [ js2.a3 > 60 ];
    cms.b3 = [ 61 < js2.a3 ] and [ js2.a3 > 95 ];
    cms.b4 = [ 96 < js2.a3 ] and [ js2.a3 > 125 ];
    cms.b5 = [ 126 < js2.a3 ] and [ js2.a3 > 135 ];
    cms.b6 = [ 136 < js2.a3 ] and [ js2.a3 > 150 ];
    cms.b7 = [ 151 < js2.a3 ] and [ js2.a3 > 180 ];
    cms.b8 = [ 181 < js2.a3 ] and [ js2.a3 > 200 ];
    cms.b9 = [ 201 < js2.a3 ] and [ js2.a3 > 220 ];
    cms.b10 = [ 221 < js2.a3 ];

Where every “cms.b” is a virtual button, js2.a3 means “third axis of the second device of the profile” (the throttle has a ministick which is axis 1 and 2, the throttle proper is axis 3) and the various numbers are the throttle axis potentiometer value intervals in which to trigger the macros attributed to the virtual buttons. I’ll probably revise the value intervals later to get a wider “full stop” zone as the absence of detents makes finding the center difficult sometimes but for now it seems to work as intended and doesn’t interfere anymore with the joystick allowing better control of the turret.

The rest was easy:

I must say the game becomes much easier when you can steer and aim the turret properly at the same time, especially considering that aiming for the legs of enemy HERCS is the best way to get extra salvage for repairing and building new HERCs.

The career mode is divided in several campaigns that seem to be dynamic to a certain extent, though I've found only one instance of a mission being altered because of the results of a preceding one until now.
The first campaign was relatively easy, at the moment I'm stuck at the first mission of the second one.
Also, that death animation: YIKES!
Projectile weapons seem to be the ones that work best, at least they don't drain shield energy and seem to have better range than most early laser weapons.
I'd just wish you coud see the distance indicator on the target display, in this game it seems you cannot know the distance and the status of a target at the same time.
« Last Edit: April 20, 2018, 07:28:22 pm by Det. Bullock »
"I pity the poor shades confined to the euclidean prison that is sanity." - Grant Morrison
"People assume  that time is a strict progression of cause to effect,  but *actually*  from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint - it's more  like a big ball  of wibbly wobbly... time-y wimey... stuff." - The Doctor

Re: What are you playing right now?
Wait. I forget. Is Earthsiege the original game? Because damn. Good luck man! I love some of the mech designs in that.


Offline Det. Bullock

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Re: What are you playing right now?
Wait. I forget. Is Earthsiege the original game? Because damn. Good luck man! I love some of the mech designs in that.
It should be the first game in the series, yes.
I stumbled upon it thanks to a Pixelmusement video (, I remembered Starsiege from a demo in an old PCgamer CD (my english was rather lacking at the time so I couldn't understand much of what was going on, also good luck finding a copy where I lived) so since it was freeware I decided to give the series another try.
I got to the fifth mission of the second campaign though I had to reload the second mission when I got to the fourth because one of my teammates got killed and that triggered a bug that wouldn't let me access the crew menu which made impossible to assign that sweet new Tomahawk HERC I had the engineers build.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2018, 09:40:28 pm by Det. Bullock »
"I pity the poor shades confined to the euclidean prison that is sanity." - Grant Morrison
"People assume  that time is a strict progression of cause to effect,  but *actually*  from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint - it's more  like a big ball  of wibbly wobbly... time-y wimey... stuff." - The Doctor

Re: What are you playing right now?
I've never actually played Earthsiege. I've been thinking about playing Mechwarrior 2 soon though. But I do love the setting.
The lore and story in StarSiege is really, really good for it time. If it does kinda retcon away the previous games. Starsiege also apparently had a pretty big multiplayer scene.


Offline Det. Bullock

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Re: What are you playing right now?
I've never actually played Earthsiege. I've been thinking about playing Mechwarrior 2 soon though. But I do love the setting.
The lore and story in StarSiege is really, really good for it time. If it does kinda retcon away the previous games. Starsiege also apparently had a pretty big multiplayer scene.

I still have to figure out which version of Mechwarrior 2 is the one to play, and I thought having three versions each of X-wing and Tie Fighter was complicated. :/
"I pity the poor shades confined to the euclidean prison that is sanity." - Grant Morrison
"People assume  that time is a strict progression of cause to effect,  but *actually*  from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint - it's more  like a big ball  of wibbly wobbly... time-y wimey... stuff." - The Doctor

Re: What are you playing right now?
...I totally forgot there were different versions depending on the graphics card. Oooof. I, uuuh, I'm going to need to write these differences down somewhere to compare notes.

EDIT: Would you have a recommended version?
« Last Edit: April 18, 2018, 07:45:50 pm by Mammothtank »


Offline Det. Bullock

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Re: What are you playing right now?
...I totally forgot there were different versions depending on the graphics card. Oooof. I, uuuh, I'm going to need to write these differences down somewhere to compare notes.

EDIT: Would you have a recommended version?
Beats me.

Normally I'd say the DOS version via dosbox (the only constant in what I've read is that the windows versions of Mechwarrior 2 are buggy as hell) but there seem to be multiple versions of that too.    :confused:
"I pity the poor shades confined to the euclidean prison that is sanity." - Grant Morrison
"People assume  that time is a strict progression of cause to effect,  but *actually*  from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint - it's more  like a big ball  of wibbly wobbly... time-y wimey... stuff." - The Doctor

Re: What are you playing right now?
I'll stick with the version my friend gives me. I'll probably get around to it after I play thought Dark Souls 2 SotS.

(Is it just me, or are there no summon signs?)


Offline 0rph3u5

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Re: What are you playing right now?
(Is it just me, or are there no summon signs?)

Which Boss/area?
In Scholar almost every boss* should have at least one summon but some NPC summons follow unwritten rules (e.g. Lucatiel of Mirrah) others are just at inconvient locations (e.g. in Black Gulch where the summon sign is on a hidden side path - which also contains a bonfire)

*(e.g. the Rat King's Convenant Bosses; those are located in PVP areas which get locked off as soon as you summon a white or golden phantom)
"As you sought to steal a kingdom for yourself, so must you do again, a thousand times over. For a theft, a true theft, must be practiced to be earned." - The terms of Nyrissa's curse, Pathfinder: Kingmaker


"I am Curiosity, and I've always wondered what would become of you, here at the end of the world." - The Guide/The Curious Other, Othercide

"When you work with water, you have to know and respect it. When you labour to subdue it, you have to understand that one day it may rise up and turn all your labours into nothing. For what is water, which seeks to make all things level, which has no taste or colour of its own, but a liquid form of Nothing?" - Graham Swift, Waterland

"...because they are not Dragons."

Re: What are you playing right now?
I just realized I was having such a tough time since I was in that Covenant in Majula that makes the game harder.

EDIT: Okay, I left it. But I'm still not seeing summon signs. I'm at the the Scorpioness Boss Fight, there's no summon signs outside of her boss door.
« Last Edit: April 19, 2018, 07:15:20 am by Mammothtank »


Offline 0rph3u5

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Re: What are you playing right now?
EDIT: Okay, I left it. But I'm still not seeing summon signs. I'm at the the Scorpioness Boss Fight, there's no summon signs outside of her boss door.

There is one summon for this fight but its one of the hidden ones:
First, the male half-man-half-scorpion must still be alive (He doesn't attack but you can't hear what he is saying either).
Second, You need the Ring of Whispers, sold by Sweet Shalquoir in Majula (aka the Cat). Putting it on will allow you to understand what the Manscorpion is saying.
Thrid, exhaust all dialogue with him.
Fourth, his summoning sign should appear in the antechamber of the bossfight.

Fifth, return to him after you defeated the boss. (If he died during the fight, you may have to rest on a bonefire for him to respawn)

EDIT: Checking the wiki for the correct names, I also found there is a second one in Scholar. But unlocking that is a real hassle (remember the foggy patch of the Woods with the nearly invisible enemies? You would have to clear that out)
« Last Edit: April 19, 2018, 08:38:27 am by 0rph3u5 »
"As you sought to steal a kingdom for yourself, so must you do again, a thousand times over. For a theft, a true theft, must be practiced to be earned." - The terms of Nyrissa's curse, Pathfinder: Kingmaker


"I am Curiosity, and I've always wondered what would become of you, here at the end of the world." - The Guide/The Curious Other, Othercide

"When you work with water, you have to know and respect it. When you labour to subdue it, you have to understand that one day it may rise up and turn all your labours into nothing. For what is water, which seeks to make all things level, which has no taste or colour of its own, but a liquid form of Nothing?" - Graham Swift, Waterland

"...because they are not Dragons."

Re: What are you playing right now?
I loaded up DS2 tonight because I couldn't sleep, and wow suddenly I just beat her. Like it was trivial. I was kicking myself. :(

Right now, I could explore through the pit in Majula, continue to explore the Shaded Woods, explore the Doors of Pharros, explore the Lost Bastile or where I currently am, Brightstone Cove Iseldora.


Offline 0rph3u5

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Re: What are you playing right now?
Right now, I could explore through the pit in Majula,

Bring a the torch briefly forgot that the torch in Dark Souls 2 is more a ressource that an weapon like in other Souls-games

explore the Lost Bastile

From where do you enter? No Man's Warft or Forest of Fallen Giants ?
« Last Edit: April 19, 2018, 05:30:11 pm by 0rph3u5 »
"As you sought to steal a kingdom for yourself, so must you do again, a thousand times over. For a theft, a true theft, must be practiced to be earned." - The terms of Nyrissa's curse, Pathfinder: Kingmaker


"I am Curiosity, and I've always wondered what would become of you, here at the end of the world." - The Guide/The Curious Other, Othercide

"When you work with water, you have to know and respect it. When you labour to subdue it, you have to understand that one day it may rise up and turn all your labours into nothing. For what is water, which seeks to make all things level, which has no taste or colour of its own, but a liquid form of Nothing?" - Graham Swift, Waterland

"...because they are not Dragons."

Re: What are you playing right now?
No Man's Wharf... I didn't even know you could enter it from Forrest of Fallen Giants.


Offline 0rph3u5

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Re: What are you playing right now?
I didn't even know you could enter it from Forrest of Fallen Giants.

The Last Giant-boss (you already killed) drops a key which opens up several doors in the fortress; one of these paths lets you go to the top of the seaside wall for your re-match with a certain someone who -most likely- air-dropped in earlier and -most likely- "murdered" your character; win there and you get the option to enter the Lost Bastile from another point
"As you sought to steal a kingdom for yourself, so must you do again, a thousand times over. For a theft, a true theft, must be practiced to be earned." - The terms of Nyrissa's curse, Pathfinder: Kingmaker


"I am Curiosity, and I've always wondered what would become of you, here at the end of the world." - The Guide/The Curious Other, Othercide

"When you work with water, you have to know and respect it. When you labour to subdue it, you have to understand that one day it may rise up and turn all your labours into nothing. For what is water, which seeks to make all things level, which has no taste or colour of its own, but a liquid form of Nothing?" - Graham Swift, Waterland

"...because they are not Dragons."


Offline 0rph3u5

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Re: What are you playing right now?
While I was downloading Angry Spartans New Aventures in Hyperborea Saturday (cause I forgot to leave the console on when going out Friday), I took some time out to up my Destiny 2 (PS4) Dawnblade-Warlock and Nightstalker-Hunter for the DLC next month (all 4 go-to weapons masterworked; all armor for that Spec masterworked and re-rolled the attributes to make all my non-exotic armor Heavy)

Yesterday then got started on the new God of War because it was advertised as the game equivalent of a single take movie; gonna see how that shakes out - currently on my way back to Midgard after a stay in Alfheim...
I kinda like the narrative device that Atreus has to explain Kratos almost everything concerning Norse mythology, even if it is clumsy when viewed objectively.
« Last Edit: April 23, 2018, 10:12:25 am by 0rph3u5 »
"As you sought to steal a kingdom for yourself, so must you do again, a thousand times over. For a theft, a true theft, must be practiced to be earned." - The terms of Nyrissa's curse, Pathfinder: Kingmaker


"I am Curiosity, and I've always wondered what would become of you, here at the end of the world." - The Guide/The Curious Other, Othercide

"When you work with water, you have to know and respect it. When you labour to subdue it, you have to understand that one day it may rise up and turn all your labours into nothing. For what is water, which seeks to make all things level, which has no taste or colour of its own, but a liquid form of Nothing?" - Graham Swift, Waterland

"...because they are not Dragons."

Re: What are you playing right now?
Playing a bit of the newer Doom game.  Seems okay, but also seems more derivative of Unreal/Quake than it does the original doom.  Doom combat is about getting ambushed, not fighting in arenas- something the devs didn't seem to pick up on.  Also armor + such is pretty pointless when my guy will die in only 3-5 hits. Why spend time finding a secret if the bonus will be almost instantly gone next fight?


Offline Admiral LSD

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Re: What are you playing right now?
Playing a bit of the newer Doom game.  Seems okay, but also seems more derivative of Unreal/Quake than it does the original doom.  Doom combat is about getting ambushed, not fighting in arenas- something the devs didn't seem to pick up on.  Also armor + such is pretty pointless when my guy will die in only 3-5 hits. Why spend time finding a secret if the bonus will be almost instantly gone next fight?

From memory, enemies drop health and ammo packs when you glory kill them in long chains, but I’ve never actually played it. I got part of the way through a Let’s Play on YouTube and got sick of the non-stop fake difficulty checkpoint bull****.
00:19  * Snail cockslaps BotenAnna
00:19 -!- Snail was kicked from #hard-light by BotenAnna [Don't touch me there! RAPE!!!]

15:36 <@Stealth_T1g4h> MASSIVE PENIS IN YOUR ASS Linux

I normally enjoy your pornographic website... - Stealth
Get Internet Explorer!

Re: What are you playing right now?
Playing a bit of the newer Doom game.  Seems okay, but also seems more derivative of Unreal/Quake than it does the original doom.  Doom combat is about getting ambushed, not fighting in arenas- something the devs didn't seem to pick up on.  Also armor + such is pretty pointless when my guy will die in only 3-5 hits. Why spend time finding a secret if the bonus will be almost instantly gone next fight?

From memory, enemies drop health and ammo packs when you glory kill them in long chains, but I’ve never actually played it. I got part of the way through a Let’s Play on YouTube and got sick of the non-stop fake difficulty checkpoint bull****.

Yeah they do. I have to glory kill guys all fight long to stay alive.  What I mean though is that there are secrets with like a suit of armour, but when I pick it up, the armour is gone in like 2-3 hits so searching for ways to get the secret is pretty pointless.  But yeah, as far as Doom sequels go, so far I think Doom 3 is still a better successor.  Was more horror than action but the main dynamic was there.  People just get hung up about not having a flashlight on their gun cause they're big babies and don't realize that the enemy illuminate themselves.