Author Topic: Asteroid Field Improvements Attempt (Images)  (Read 12240 times)

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Offline Kazan

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Asteroid Field Improvements Attempt (Images)
Ok, i started screwing around with the asteroid code today.. met it with mixed success

I tried adding two new asteroid types and increased the max number of asteroids.

The test is set to 1500 asteroids, collisions were broken, weapon sounds would play but nothing would come out.  The increased number of asteroid types prevented it from crashing with the new table, but i didn't see any instances in which the larger asteroids where used

I could definantly use your help dave with the collision thing if you're reading

my changes to the header


#define   MAX_ASTEROIDS         16384

#define   MAX_DEBRIS_TYPES      14
#define   ASTEROID_TYPE_SMALL      0
#define   ASTEROID_TYPE_BIG      2
#define   ASTEROID_TYPE_HUGE      3
#define   DEBRIS_TERRAN_SMALL      5
#define   DEBRIS_TERRAN_LARGE      7
#define   DEBRIS_SHIVAN_SMALL      11
#define   DEBRIS_SHIVAN_LARGE      13

from what it origionally was

and in the asteroid.cpp


void asteroid_create_all()
   int i, idx;

   // ship_debris_odds_table keeps track of debris type of the next debris piece
   // each different type (size) of debris piece has a diffenent weight, smaller weighted more heavily than larger.
   // choose next type from table ship_debris_odds_table by rand()%max_weighted_range,
   //  the first column in ship_debris_odds_table random number *below* which the debris type in the second column is selected.
   int ship_debris_odds_table[3][2];
   int max_weighted_range = 0;

   if (!Asteroids_enabled)

   if (Asteroid_field.num_initial_asteroids <= 0 ) {

   int max_asteroids = Asteroid_field.num_initial_asteroids; // * (1.0f - 0.1f*(MAX_DETAIL_LEVEL-Detail.asteroid_density)));

   int num_debris_types = 0;

   // get number of ship debris types
   if (Asteroid_field.debris_genre == DG_SHIP) {
      for (idx=0; idx<3; idx++) {
         if (Asteroid_field.field_debris_type[idx] != -1) {

      // Calculate the odds table
      for (idx=0; idx         int debris_weight = get_debris_weight(Asteroid_field.field_debris_type[idx]);
         ship_debris_odds_table[idx][0] = max_weighted_range + debris_weight;
         ship_debris_odds_table[idx][1] = Asteroid_field.field_debris_type[idx];
         max_weighted_range += debris_weight;

   // Load Asteroid/ship models
   if (Asteroid_field.debris_genre == DG_SHIP) {
      for (idx=0; idx         asteroid_load(Asteroid_field.field_debris_type[idx], 0);
   } else {
      if (Asteroid_field.field_debris_type[0] != -1) {
         asteroid_load(ASTEROID_TYPE_SMALL, 0);
         asteroid_load(ASTEROID_TYPE_MEDIUM, 0);
         asteroid_load(ASTEROID_TYPE_BIG, 0);
         asteroid_load(ASTEROID_TYPE_HUGE, 0);
         asteroid_load(ASTEROID_TYPE_COLOSSAL, 0);

      if (Asteroid_field.field_debris_type[1] != -1) {
         asteroid_load(ASTEROID_TYPE_SMALL, 1);
         asteroid_load(ASTEROID_TYPE_MEDIUM, 1);
         asteroid_load(ASTEROID_TYPE_BIG, 1);
         asteroid_load(ASTEROID_TYPE_HUGE, 1);
         asteroid_load(ASTEROID_TYPE_COLOSSAL, 1);

      if (Asteroid_field.field_debris_type[2] != -1) {
         asteroid_load(ASTEROID_TYPE_SMALL, 2);
         asteroid_load(ASTEROID_TYPE_MEDIUM, 2);
         asteroid_load(ASTEROID_TYPE_BIG, 2);
         asteroid_load(ASTEROID_TYPE_HUGE, 2);
         asteroid_load(ASTEROID_TYPE_COLOSSAL, 2);

   // load all the asteroid/debris pieces
   for (i=0; i      if (Asteroid_field.debris_genre == DG_ASTEROID) {
         // For asteroid, load only large asteroids

         // the above comment was depricated by Kazan's changes, now selects between BIG [probably], HUGE [kinda probable], Colossal [unlikely]
         int MainType = rand() % 9;

         // get a valid subtype
         int subtype = rand() % 3;
         while (Asteroid_field.field_debris_type[subtype] == -1) {
            subtype = (subtype + 1) % 3;
         switch (MainType)
            case 9:
               asteroid_create(&Asteroid_field, ASTEROID_TYPE_COLOSSAL, subtype);
            case 8:
            case 7:
               asteroid_create(&Asteroid_field, ASTEROID_TYPE_HUGE, subtype);

               asteroid_create(&Asteroid_field, ASTEROID_TYPE_BIG, subtype);
      } else {
         Assert(num_debris_types > 0);

         int rand_choice = rand() % max_weighted_range;

         for (idx=0; idx<3; idx++) {
            // for ship debris, choose type according to odds table
            if (rand_choice < ship_debris_odds_table[idx][0]) {
               asteroid_create(&Asteroid_field, ship_debris_odds_table[idx][1], 0);


void asteriod_explode_sound(object *objp, int type, int play_loud)
   int   sound_index = -1;
   float range_factor = 1.0f;      // how many times sound should traver farther than normal

   switch (type) {
      sound_index = SND_ASTEROID_EXPLODE_SMALL;
      range_factor = 5.0f;

      sound_index = SND_ASTEROID_EXPLODE_BIG;
      range_factor = 10.0f;


   Assert(sound_index != -1);

   if ( !play_loud ) {
      range_factor = 1.0f;

   snd_play_3d( &Snds[sound_index], &objp->pos, &Eye_position, objp->radius, NULL, 0, 1.0f, SND_PRIORITY_MUST_PLAY, NULL, range_factor );


void asteroid_maybe_break_up(object *asteroid_obj)
   asteroid *asp;

   asp = &Asteroids[asteroid_obj->instance];

   if ( timestamp_elapsed(asp->final_death_time) ) {
      vector   relvec, vfh, tvec;

      asteroid_obj->flags |= OF_SHOULD_BE_DEAD;

      // multiplayer clients won't go through the following code.  asteroid_sub_create will send
      // a create packet to the client in the above named function
      if ( !MULTIPLAYER_CLIENT ) {

         switch (asp->type) {
         case ASTEROID_TYPE_SMALL:
            asc_get_relvec(&relvec, asteroid_obj, &asp->death_hit_pos);
            asteroid_sub_create(asteroid_obj, ASTEROID_TYPE_SMALL, &relvec);
            vm_vec_normalized_dir(&vfh, &asteroid_obj->pos, &asp->death_hit_pos);
            vm_vec_copy_scale(&tvec, &vfh, 2.0f);
            vm_vec_sub2(&tvec, &relvec);
            asteroid_sub_create(asteroid_obj, ASTEROID_TYPE_SMALL, &tvec);
         case ASTEROID_TYPE_BIG:
            asc_get_relvec(&relvec, asteroid_obj, &asp->death_hit_pos);
            asteroid_sub_create(asteroid_obj, ASTEROID_TYPE_MEDIUM, &relvec);
            vm_vec_normalized_dir(&vfh, &asteroid_obj->pos, &asp->death_hit_pos);
            vm_vec_copy_scale(&tvec, &vfh, 2.0f);
            vm_vec_sub2(&tvec, &relvec);
            asteroid_sub_create(asteroid_obj, ASTEROID_TYPE_MEDIUM, &tvec);

            while (frand() > 0.6f) {
               vector   rvec, tvec2;
               vm_vec_scale_add(&tvec2, &vfh, &rvec, 0.75f);
               asteroid_sub_create(asteroid_obj, ASTEROID_TYPE_SMALL, &tvec2);
         case ASTEROID_TYPE_HUGE:
            asc_get_relvec(&relvec, asteroid_obj, &asp->death_hit_pos);
            asteroid_sub_create(asteroid_obj, ASTEROID_TYPE_BIG, &relvec);
            vm_vec_normalized_dir(&vfh, &asteroid_obj->pos, &asp->death_hit_pos);
            vm_vec_copy_scale(&tvec, &vfh, 2.0f);
            vm_vec_sub2(&tvec, &relvec);
            asteroid_sub_create(asteroid_obj, ASTEROID_TYPE_BIG, &tvec);

            while (frand() > 0.6f) {
               vector   rvec, tvec2;
               vm_vec_scale_add(&tvec2, &vfh, &rvec, 0.75f);
               asteroid_sub_create(asteroid_obj, ASTEROID_TYPE_MEDIUM, &tvec2);
            asc_get_relvec(&relvec, asteroid_obj, &asp->death_hit_pos);
            asteroid_sub_create(asteroid_obj, ASTEROID_TYPE_HUGE, &relvec);
            vm_vec_normalized_dir(&vfh, &asteroid_obj->pos, &asp->death_hit_pos);
            vm_vec_copy_scale(&tvec, &vfh, 2.0f);
            vm_vec_sub2(&tvec, &relvec);
            asteroid_sub_create(asteroid_obj, ASTEROID_TYPE_HUGE, &tvec);

            while (frand() > 0.6f) {
               vector   rvec, tvec2;
               vm_vec_scale_add(&tvec2, &vfh, &rvec, 0.75f);
               asteroid_sub_create(asteroid_obj, ASTEROID_TYPE_BIG, &tvec2);

         // ship debris does not break up
         case   DEBRIS_TERRAN_SMALL:
         case   DEBRIS_TERRAN_MEDIUM:
         case   DEBRIS_TERRAN_LARGE:
         case   DEBRIS_VASUDAN_SMALL:
         case   DEBRIS_VASUDAN_MEDIUM:
         case   DEBRIS_VASUDAN_LARGE:
         case   DEBRIS_SHIVAN_SMALL:
         case   DEBRIS_SHIVAN_MEDIUM:
         case   DEBRIS_SHIVAN_LARGE:


      asp->final_death_time = timestamp(-1);

« Last Edit: July 12, 2002, 03:53:07 pm by 30 »
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Offline Martinus

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Asteroid Field Improvements Attempt (Images)
Wow it looks really dense and pretty atmospheric. i wouldn't like to escort a large ship through there. :)

Great work Kazan :nod:


Offline Redfang

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Asteroid Field Improvements Attempt (Images)
Nice. :yes:
At least when/if it will be fully functional.
Larger (huge) asteroids would be very nice. ;)
Edit: Huge asteroids... fighter cannons wouldn't do much, and you'd need beams or bombs to destroy them. Now that would be something I'd like. :nod:
« Last Edit: July 12, 2002, 04:11:38 pm by 665 »


Offline Kazan

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Asteroid Field Improvements Attempt (Images)
ok, the larger asteroids ARE working, i just need to improve the odds for the COLOSSAL asteroid
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Offline Kazan

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Asteroid Field Improvements Attempt (Images)
hmm... that made it more interesting

collisions were working but i didn't change anything to make them work... weird - i'm tweaking the Colossal asteroid odds

weapons fire still borken - even the 10% damage cheat code was non functioning [after enabling cheats]

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Offline Kazan

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Asteroid Field Improvements Attempt (Images)
OK, the collision detection/firing problems etc is just from the number of objects on the screen - the same problem you see with asteroid fields of size 256 with the existing executable, we need to figure out how to fix that
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Offline Redfang

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Asteroid Field Improvements Attempt (Images)
:yes: Very nice. :yes2::yes:
Those seem to be pretty big now, but do they do more damage when they impact?
But what about destroyer (or so) sized asteroids?


Offline phreak

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Asteroid Field Improvements Attempt (Images)
i think there are too many objects on the screen for weapons fire to register. just my guess

code/object/object.h line 316

#define MAX_OBJECTS         1000
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Offline IceFire

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Asteroid Field Improvements Attempt (Images)
Perhaps thats sort of like when too many bitmaps are being rendered somewhere...the gun bitmaps stop showing up.

Happened in OTT with one of Venom's guns and a particular ship.  Too many bitmaps being rendered and they stoped being rendered.
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Offline Kazan

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Asteroid Field Improvements Attempt (Images)
that fixed it a bit phreak, but it quickly crashed
« Last Edit: July 12, 2002, 08:57:45 pm by 30 »
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Offline penguin

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Asteroid Field Improvements Attempt (Images)
Originally posted by Kazan
that fixed it a bit freak, but it quickly crashed
Are you running a debug build?  Is it spewing out anything useful before it dies?  Try turning Log_debug_output_to_file on and see what gets dumped to fs.log, if anything...
your source code slave


Offline Kazan

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Asteroid Field Improvements Attempt (Images)
no i was running a release, hoping for performance
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Offline Galemp

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Asteroid Field Improvements Attempt (Images)
Hmm... I'm looking for the smaller asteroids to be in there, too. We need humongous and smaller ones there.

We know the average asteroid speed is applied to every asteroid, right? Is there any way for larger asteroids to move slower while small ones zip around?
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Offline Bobboau

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Asteroid Field Improvements Attempt (Images)
I'm getting a buch of weird errors from osapi.h all of the sudden after trying to turn that Log_debug_output_to_file thing on (still getting it after I turn it off),
Code: [Select]

D:\Games\projects\freespace2_public\code\OsApi\OsApi.h(57) : error C2146: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 'os_get_window'
D:\Games\projects\freespace2_public\code\OsApi\OsApi.h(57) : error C2501: 'uint' : missing storage-class or type specifiers
D:\Games\projects\freespace2_public\code\OsApi\OsApi.h(57) : fatal error C1004: unexpected end of file found

I haven't changed anything in here so why did this just start hapening

and this is the line it doesn't like

uint os_get_window();
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Offline Fineus

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Asteroid Field Improvements Attempt (Images)
Impressive work! Nice one!

What are the chances of being about to do some small asteroids that spawn when the larger ones are destroyed? And by small I mean tiny. I know the game already makes slightly smaller asteroids when a large one is destroyed but it doesn't really feel like chunks of rock. I'd love to see about 50 something small (read, about a meter) large chunks of rock flying off away from destroyed asteroids. It'd make taking asteroids out a lot more interesting since those things can be bad for your shields if you let them hit you...

(I'm just getting heavily inspired from the asteroid field scene in SW2:AOTC).


Offline Vasudan Admiral

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Asteroid Field Improvements Attempt (Images)
mabey if the asteroids were far lower poly count, or a far away lod was 2d, it might be easier for the game to handle. that is definatly a more realistic asteroid field. lower polyed asteroids might make it work better. *guess*
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Offline Hudzy

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Asteroid Field Improvements Attempt (Images)
Originally posted by Thunder
Impressive work! Nice one!

What are the chances of being about to do some small asteroids that spawn when the larger ones are destroyed? And by small I mean tiny. I know the game already makes slightly smaller asteroids when a large one is destroyed but it doesn't really feel like chunks of rock. I'd love to see about 50 something small (read, about a meter) large chunks of rock flying off away from destroyed asteroids. It'd make taking asteroids out a lot more interesting since those things can be bad for your shields if you let them hit you...

(I'm just getting heavily inspired from the asteroid field scene in SW2:AOTC).

It always looked to me like the mass of the two smaller ones that spawned from the destroyed larger one was actually greater than the original larger one.


Offline Kazan

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Asteroid Field Improvements Attempt (Images)
btw: if you want to make planetary rings instead of asteroid fields - it's kinda doable with this code - you just have to replace the POFs for the asteroids
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Offline Kazan

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Asteroid Field Improvements Attempt (Images)
im still having problems with collision detection... ideas?
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Offline Inquisitor

Asteroid Field Improvements Attempt (Images)
Did the crashes stop?
No signature.