Author Topic: HLPXCOM: Long War - Guess what, I'm going to finish this  (Read 42697 times)

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Offline Mika

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Re: HLPXCOM: Long War - Guess what, I'm going to finish this
"Mecs moving up! Oh yeah look at these muscles"

Muscles? Muscles.... Muscle Powah!

Droid also got to probe Gortina.

On a side note, it seems the Long War MECs are far more sturdier than the vanilla MECs when faced with such an enemy count.
Relaxed movement is always more effective than forced movement.


Offline deathfun

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Re: HLPXCOM: Long War - Guess what, I'm going to finish this
Still in medbay I guess?
But great you're finishing this.

Yup, you're FINALLY out of bloody medbay. After, what, 40 days? 40 days in Long War is ridiculously long

Welcome back to the fight, Commander!

You on the other hand are still recovering!

"Mecs moving up! Oh yeah look at these muscles"

Muscles? Muscles.... Muscle Powah!

Droid also got to probe Gortina.

On a side note, it seems the Long War MECs are far more sturdier than the vanilla MECs when faced with such an enemy count.

They do certainly have access to a helluva lot more armour

Commander, this is the most recent report from the Research Labs. Great progress is being made towards being able to utilize the very plasma weapons the aliens use against them!

Well that's good news
Another one of our Interceptors shot down a UFO as well. Seems we've got another intact wreck to handle

With any luck, we'll be able to find fulfill the request Australia has for us

"Direwolf reporting in. Looks like the Commander wants us to run this as a capture mission"
"Why am I still not Colonel"
"Still asking this question are you"

"Nice little bit of mess they made here"
"Well, technically we made it"

"Contacts to our left!"

"Ramirez! Get close and give them what for"

Lets just ignore the fact steam achievements are now showing up in my screenshots :P

"We want the big one alive"
"Can never go wrong with more plasma rifles"


"Grenade out"

"See if you can avoid getting shot now! I will yet redeem myself!"

"****! Gah, my arm! It's chewing through the armour!"
"I'll be sure to give it a whatfor!"

"God dammit Veers!"
"I... think I'm just going to hide here... catch my breath"

"Alright, keep pushing towards the UFO. Least we'll get some meld out of this"

"Still nothing"
"Where is he?"
"I see him!"

"Fast little bugger"
"Not fast enough"

"He was standing still and you missed"

"Looks like he's moving again"

"That was... frighteningly simple"
"I'll take the win"
"I... don't feel so great"
"I think he's going to out for a while"



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Re: HLPXCOM: Long War - Guess what, I'm going to finish this
And it shall be known, that the last thing the alien shall see is the barrel and plasma diffusion being delivered unto their face. It will be done freely and in style, for they will know The Great Death is coming for them. In the form of a masked, unfeeling individual who in his spare time plays a table top game

I had problems deciding what I wanted to do for the last one honestly. I mean, I could have done a crit build, a two shots in their face or the ability to get up there without getting shot. I opted for the Lightning Reflexes one since Run and Gun + That is a deadly combination

Hey Commander, Russia wants some stuff from our storage
Don't they always... send it their way, we could always use the money and extra hands

Commander! Vahlen wants to personally see you immediately
Can't... she just call? I'm having my coffee

Okay Vahlen, you are forgiven. This is bloody awesome

For the love of god can I not just sit down and have my damned coffee without you constantly INTERRUPTING ME
...You've been drinking that coffee over the course of three days
Just look at your screen

Prep the team, we've got an abduction inbound

"Oh man does it ever feel good to get out and stretch my legs"
"So you mean you got out of your walker Trashman?"
"I'd hit you for that, but I know you'd like it Mongoose"
"Get that man a drink... he could use some to calm to hell down"
"I would, but that requires me to move three feet"

This is Big Sky, deploying team on rooftop location

"Easy there Crizza"

"Thin men, just ahead"
"This shouldn't be too hard"

"Not bad for an old man"
"Lets see what their next move is"

"Enemy movement detected. Scanning... Cyberdisc confirmed"
"Lets give them a taste of Odin"

"Who thought to give him the newest rifle?"
"Well, it's not like he isn't proficient"

"Suppose I ought to contribute"

"I'd love to slather myself up in that poison"

"I think I hit him... or at least his buddy"
"You just have a constant tube of beer don't you"
"Oh this is too easy"


"Aaaand I missed"
"Hold up, four more on our scopes"

"Scratch one"

"I am a professional at taking down aerial targets"

"Who does this prick think he is"
"Well crap, why don't we just alert everyone"

"Apparently we missed a lizard"
"That's alright, he'll get his turn"

"It's sad when you get to be so good nothing can hit you anymore"
"Oh yeah, someone's getting strangled"
"No no NO"

"Who let the drunk shoot it!"

"Line them up, knock 'em down"
"You suppress me, I suppress YOU"

"His arm is looking a little... bent out of shape"
"What do you expect, they hardly share any of our bone structure"

"This blaster is a thing of beauty"

"Trying to make me go nuts? JOKES ON YOU! I AM ALWAYS CRAAAAAAZY"

"No! I've sustained damage to my beer tube!"
"You'll live"

"Time to end this"

"Suppose us not having any arc throwers makes this easier"
"Deploying smoke"

"These things just don't go down easy do they"

"I'll make a quick change to that"

"Jesus Phantom, that's one helluva throw"
"I've been working out"

"You think this will stop ME?"

"So much for their cover"
"Hey, if I can't fly and blow **** up I'll ensure I get to while on foot"

"If we can't get the shielding sectoid, we'll just have to punch through the hard way"

"Something to be said about heavy gunners with their big toys"
"Is he still alive?"


"That's a wrap"
"Lepanto, did you even move anywhere?"
"Eh, kinda"



Offline crizza

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Re: HLPXCOM: Long War - Guess what, I'm going to finish this
Crizza's log:
Finally... after being in medbay for what felt like ages, I got out to do what I do best.
Getting **** done and with a shiny new weapon on top of that.
Feels like home already!


Offline Mika

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Re: HLPXCOM: Long War - Guess what, I'm going to finish this
Honestly thought that a bunch of heavy floaters and a mechtoid on a rampage catching the squad from two sides and with an elevation bonus would have been curtains for somebody.

It wasn't, so all praise the armor!

Makes me wonder whether I should do a community Ironman Impossible run of XCOM:EW (Vanilla). Third time's the charm, right?
Relaxed movement is always more effective than forced movement.


Offline deathfun

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Re: HLPXCOM: Long War - Guess what, I'm going to finish this
Honestly thought that a bunch of heavy floaters and a mechtoid on a rampage catching the squad from two sides and with an elevation bonus would have been curtains for somebody.

It wasn't, so all praise the armor!

Makes me wonder whether I should do a community Ironman Impossible run of XCOM:EW (Vanilla). Third time's the charm, right?

It was actually only one heavy floater supported by lesser ones alongside the Mechtoid. They're no match for a full squad however!
As for your desire to go do Ironman, go for it! I wonder what the turnover rate would end up being :P

Crizza's log:
Finally... after being in medbay for what felt like ages, I got out to do what I do best.
Getting **** done and with a shiny new weapon on top of that.
Feels like home already!

Your character is actually incredibly well suited for putting out insane amounts of damage. Don't remember how your crit build is however, I'll have to take a look at that next opportunity

Pretty standard week we've been having. I wonder where the hell all the alien activity is...
Honestly Commander, having the downtime has been excellent for morale. Well deserved rest is finally being had. Also, this just came in from Engineering

Welcome back Blargher, how are you feeling soldier?
Itching to get back into the fight and blow something up sir
Commander, sorry to interrupt but Vahlen wanted me to get this report to you ASAP

Now we just need to get Engineering the parts they need...
I am not looking forward to capturing aliens who are carrying around BGF 9000s
By the way Commander, we do have quite a bit of EXALT equipment still laying around. Should we sell them?

With that, we should be able to easily build the Psionic labs as well as getting some bigger equipment for our soldiers. Engineering, you are free to get started on the Novaguns

Finally some action. Prep the team, let them know their priority is to capture

"It is time, for us to shine! TO BRING RIGHTEOUS FREEDOM TO OUR ENEMIES!"
"So long as I get to see something explode into a fine mist, I am perfectly happy"
"Was going to say, glad to have you back Blargher"
"It's good to be back... if you call this being back"
"Veers, you never cease to amaze me"

"Spread out and form a wall. Nothing gets past us"

"I hope they dug their own graves! Because we're about to add to this cemetery!"

"Don't suppose there's someone with an arc thrower still available?"
"That's a negative"
"Put him down then"

"Got a couple extra targets coming in"
"Alright rookies, show us what you're made of"

"Looks like even the veteran couldn't pull it off!"
"You be quiet now! I'm the Commanding officer here!"
"Yeah yeah, and I've been remade into something that can make you into a fine red mist"
"Point taken... why are all the MEC people so unstable..."

"How rather quaint, his interior became his exterior"
"Few drones in the distance there"

"Rocket out!"

"...We could've used that"
"So I veered a bit to the left, whatever"
"If you want to live throughout this rookie, we're going to need everything we can"

"Nearly... BLEW him away!"
"HA! It's funny because you're blue"

"That ought to keep you guys from getting shot"

"Ironically enough, he still misses you"
"Hate it when they do that"

"Just shoot him first"

"WELL THAT didn't go so well"

"Sorry Sectoid, but this SECTion is off-limits!"
"Not your worst, but not your best MP-Ryan"
"It's time to get close and personal"

"Jesus, you threw him around like it was nothing"

"Who are we missing?"
"Hold up... I think I hear them"

"God dammit, these guys"

"Not this time tentacles, NOT THIS TIME"
"Command, we're clear. Lets bring it home people"

"Seems their Sacred God needs to set aside a few extra places in Heaven!"



Offline deathfun

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Re: HLPXCOM: Long War - Guess what, I'm going to finish this
It is with honour that we bestow this promotion to Trashman! May your leadership not get too many people killed in action
Way to put on the pressure

While we're at it, put in an order for a MEC upgrade

...Well god dammit, terrible timing on that MEC suit upgrade. No matter, prep the team, they're going to have to be fully stocked on this one

"Looks like we've got ourselves another landing!"
"Great, how often do these go our way?"
"Calculating probability - There is a 70.5% chance of complete survival"
"Buthelezi will hopefully keep our organs inside our bodies"
"May their God have mercy, for I shall not be delivering any MYSELF"
"Going back to the evangelic approach Hobbie?"

"Who wants to roll out the welcome mat?"
"I will. They deserve to face their death, as I will be delivering it"

"That's five... no six contacts!"
"Take cover!"

"Shred them!"

"Lets dance shall we?"

"You know, I thought that was going to be more effective"
"You need a bigger gun Hobbie"

"Attempt to intimidate has resulted in disappointment"

"Good shot Crizza"
"Only made possible because you blew everything up!"

"Seems they're repositioning"
"Keep up the pressure"

"Target locked. You're not going anywhere"

"Unlike Mutons to retreat like that"
"Check your corners"

"Guys, I think I found the bouncers"
"Well ****, this isn't good"
"Pick your targets wisely!"

"Why didn't we shred them first?"

"Dammit Mancini, why did you go after that one?"
"We can still salvage this"

"My fists will put the fear of GOD into you!"

"He's ripe for a stun!"

"God damned that worked!"
"No time to celebrate yet, we've still got work to do"

"Deploying countermeasures"

"He's making a run for it"

"Crizza, go do your thing"
"With utmost pleasure!"

"Oh I'm going to have fun drawing on your face..."
"Wait, what?"
"That other Muton is just around the corner"

"I'll finish the job"

"Clear here"
"Yeah, we're good here too"
"Direwolf, provide coverage from above. Hobbie, put those boots to use"

"I've had enough of you"

"Got a problem here"
"I see them"

"Executing orders"

"I think you just seared my eyelashes!"
"Not like you blink anyways Crizza... it's scary"

"Who do you think you are..."

"Pushing the line"

"Seems the coast is clear for now"
"They'll be waiting for us"

"That's two misses!"
"Taking fire here!"

"I am the Angel of Death. You will be sentenced"

"Dammit, didn't even penetrate the armour"
"Clearly you're not an ace!"

"I am 2/3 man of action"
"Direwolf, I don't think they understand Battletech"

"...No but they do understand grenades..."
"Where are you going puny disc"

"Christ these things take a beating"
"I really hope there isn't any larger robotics we'll have to contend with"

"System check... terrain clear"

"Final section here"
"Lets do a clean sweep"

"Targets detected! Executing retreat protocol"

"We've got to get on that roof"
"Those with grapples, get up there. Hobbie, looking to deliver justice?"

"What's their play..."

"Feeling a little bit of heat over here!"
"Sit tight, we've got you"

"Oh ****"
"Scotty, making new friends are we?"
"More to feed to my shotgun"

"That's for suppressing me!"
"Volkov, still got a rocket left?"
"I like how you think"

"Reinforcements inbound"

"That's just creepy"

"Just... shot it already"

"Plasma bolts inbound, accuracy determined to be marginal"
"HOLY ****"

"Buth! Respond!"
"****! I'm hit bad here"
"Vital signature at 14%, retreat order enacted"

"Jesus that was close"


"Time to poke the bear"

"I hate being on this roof"
"I quite like it, sun might give me a well deserved tan"
"Or cancer"

"You will regret being here"

"Can't you just kill him already Droid?"
"Hey big guy, WHERE YOU GOING"

"Hold on, where'd these Mutons come from?"
"This isn't good"

"I think the roof is clear"
"We've got new problems. Mutons inbound!"

"So much for the roof being cleared!"
"Trying to hide inside are we?"

"Acid detected. Engaging countermeasures"
"Come here you fat bastard"

"Droid, you never did kill him"

"Hey Mongoose, why not see if we can't bring this idiot home to meet the parents"
"Oh absolutely"

"3/3. That doesn't happen very often"
"Come get me!"

"Target neutralized"
"Seems he wants to play"

"...There's definitely a few of them over there"
"Right. Rooftop fellas, best get down there"

"You've... GOT... to be... kidding me"
"Order conveyed, retreat to safe distance"
"Another floater?"

"Getting... out of here"

"Alright you green uglies, I'd like to introduce myself!"

"Get around him"
"Shouldn't be too hard"

"Hobbie says hello"

"You're not going to take all of the fun are you Hobbie?"

"Who's still missing?"
"Sweep and clear"

"He's on the other side!"

"Good **** people"
"Roger roger. Command, area of operation is clear"
"Buth, you might want to get that checked out"



Offline Gortef

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Re: HLPXCOM: Long War - Guess what, I'm going to finish this
Welcome back Commander!

I hope they picked up all the strands of my hair before heading home. I want to have my hair just like before the "incident".
Habeeb it...


Offline deathfun

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Re: HLPXCOM: Long War - Guess what, I'm going to finish this
Welcome back Commander!

I hope they picked up all the strands of my hair before heading home. I want to have my hair just like before the "incident".

Much to the dismay of the salvage team
You know the entire place was burning and they did that for you still, right? God, you are like, SO demanding! :P

So many request we can fulfill, all at the same time. I'd prefer money though
Vahlen will be happy with the sheer amount of recruits we're sending her way however

UFO-100 eh? Jesus we've encountered a few of them. Why the hell are the obsessed with Asia though
There's a reason I have three fights all with laser cannons over Asia... THEY JUST DON'T STOP FLYING OVER ASIA. Also Laser Cannons are surprisingly effective, for the time being. I suspect this will change Post Base Assault

Commander, you've got an urgent incoming message from the Council
On screen! (Always wanted to say that)
...You say that basically every chance you get sir

Prep the rookies on this one. Should be a piece of cake

"Great, rookies, probably going to get us all killed"
"Uh... welcome back to you there Dart"
"Whatever Scourge, I'll probably just get shot and be on leave again"
"Hey... Valdez... you want some rum?"
"Ironbeer stop trying to get the rookies drunk!"

"Great, guess I'm the leader on this one"
"Oddly enough, yes. Guess we'll have to make due without any officers"

"Let's go get shot I guess"

"That's all we're up against? They don't seem tough"
"I might be timeless and the Scourge of these aliens, but trust me rookie when I say don't let their appearance deceive you"
"Ah ha! I get it, because they're trying to look human!"
"No that's not what I... ah whatever, sure"

"That wasn't so tough"
"Stay sharp regardless"

"You... you severed my beer line! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO"

"Got a lot of contacts here"
"Lets show them what we've got!"

"I really hope nothing important was in those buildings"
"You know, I seem to recall Command telling us something about offsite data storage?..."

"This... is going to be real fun"

"Jesus Dart, leave some for the rest of us!"
"Smoke out"

"If you Rookies keep this up, you'll be seeing promotions in no time!"

"Murray, question, do you ever actually hit anything?"
"I'm just a medic, I don't need to hit anything"

"Got someone on our flank here!"

"Sweet revenge"
"Keep up the pressure, we've got this in the bag"

"Got eyes on the data storage"
"Jesus, that was no more than a few feet from the rocket!"

"Ironbeer, are you okay?"
"No kill like overkill I suppose"

"The key to always looking ageless, is to make everything so effortless!"

"Easy with those misses, we don't want to hit anything important"

"That's where those other stealth pricks went"
"I think we've only got the one guy left"

"Wow, that actually worked"
"Dart, I think you should maybe one day not be so pessimistic, just once"

Another recruit? Just how many do we need?
I've got a bad feeling things might end up changing Commander...


Offline deathfun

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Re: HLPXCOM: Long War - Guess what, I'm going to finish this

Well, the more they ask us for stuff, the easier it is for them to resist the aliens so I guess win-win! Would still prefer outright money though

Phantom Hoover, how does it feel to know that you haven't actually shot anything down recently?
Just please, PLEASE transfer me to Asia! Just for a moment!

Now that, is incredibly useful. We need to get working on those as soon as possible

Jesus they're relentless. Get a team down there, prep them for capture if possible

"Attack of the rookies again?"
"I think there's a plan involved"
"Oh great, Veers is in charge"
"How does that work? Veers is lower ranking than Pena? Hell, Kozlov!"
"...That explains it nevermind"

"Jesus they really did a number on the buildings"

"Fan out, cover as much ground as possible"
"Surprisingly not angry"
"I can be normal... occasionally"

"I can't tell, was this all because of the UFO?"
"We are in hostile territory, I don't think we much added to the chaos here"

"Still no sight of anyone"

"We're moving in the right direction however"

"Hold on, think we've got something..."


"That's a few drones"
"Easy pickings"

"How DARE you shoot at me!"

"I think that's the last of them"
"Just one final guy it seems"
"We might've come overprepared for this mission"

"That's what YOU GET"
"Remind me never to piss her off"



Offline Gortef

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Re: HLPXCOM: Long War - Guess what, I'm going to finish this
Much to the dismay of the salvage team
You know the entire place was burning and they did that for you still, right? God, you are like, SO demanding!

Hey you know how much effort it takes to keep it in that perfect shape. Losing any would be like losing half of your life.
Habeeb it...


Offline deathfun

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Re: HLPXCOM: Long War - Guess what, I'm going to finish this
Hey you know how much effort it takes to keep it in that perfect shape. Losing any would be like losing half of your life.

I'd hate to be your hairdresser!

Also I realize it has been quite a bit of time before the update. I would have an excuse, but I really don't. Anyhow, here we go!

Good god it has been a busy week
Two UFOs over Europe, yet another over Asia... and seems like we've another big one coming up in South America
Get the team prepped ASAP, we'll meet them halfway
I'll inform the troops. Who are we sending out?
Take the second best... we've got a very important mission for our top troops immediately after their return

"Don't get too excited there Yari, we don't need you accidentally shooting any of us!"
"Na, I'm top gun safety, there ain't no dangerzone where I am!"
"Well well well, Scourge, welcome back yourself!"
"It has been a while Mika. Still brawling through everything?"
"God damned right! Check out this powerfist!"
"Mika... I wouldn't mind letting you fist me"
"Jesus Mongoose"

"Alright, seems I'll be taking point on this"

"I count six... no seven!"
"Here we go"

"Hunker down people, don't let them get the drop"

"They're... IN... MY HEAD!"
"Calm down! Keep with us Karlsen!"

"Oh you're going to get a taste!"


"God damn Mika"
"I know right? **** I feel manly"
"Guess I need to match you!"

"Clear here"
"Move up but keep it tight"

"No one inside?"
"That's highly unusual"

"Out front!"
"Blasting 'em!"

"Might've blew up your cover there"
"No worries Rheyah... so long as I don't end up getting shot"

"Oh ****"
"See if you can't get behind them"
"Mongoose, I think I see Commanders in that group!"

"Push up!"
"With utmost PLEASURE"

"Another Outsider down"
"They're feeling the heat!"
"So am I, there's literal flames in front of me"

"Here he comes"
"Wait, is he just going to stand there?"

"No, NO, NO NO NO!"
"Dammit Pena! Keep it together!"

"Solid hit there Scourge"

"Not over yet, we've still got sectoids about"

"Good god alive I love this gun"
"I've eyes on the Commander"

"Where the hell did he come from!"
"Danger close Mika!"

"Hold your fire on that Commander... we might be able to bag him"
"Your call Mongoose, but I'll be staring at him with this gun if you don't mind"

"Huh, seems he has an Outsider friend!"
"They certainly know how to hide"

"Tag him, bag him"
"Good **** Pena"

"Mika... did you just miss a punch?"
"I... uhhhhhh"

"I don't know what happened"
"He was literally in fron-"
"I hear something! **** CHRYSSALIDS!"

"Man they move fast"
"Defensive posture!"

"Get out of there Karl!"
"Don't need to tell me twice"

"Let them come to us"
"You sure about this?"
"99% sure... okay 90%"

"Nice shots Scourge!"

"I am covered in guts now..."
"No Veers, it doesn't"

"We've still got the Engine Room to check, so lets keep pressing"

"What the hell?"
"Is that EXALT?"
"I thought we took them down!"
This is Command... seems EXALT isn't quite as eradicated as we thought. Proceed with caution

"This isn't good"
"That's one... no two enemy MECs!"
"Commander! I see another Commander!"

"Mongoose, how do you want to handle this"
"We need some more on top. We'll keep the MECs busy while you guys push through the middle"


"How's it looking over there?"
"Still a couple left but we're pushing up"

"Commander down"
"MEC on the move!"

"Another one down! Look how he explodes!"
"Moving up, breaking their overwatch!"

"We're still missing a Mectoid"
"I'm on it"

"Again, why don't you let me shred him before you shoot?"
"I don't know!"

"Nothing like a little punch!"
This is Big Sky, I am detecting no more hostiles on target location
"Solid bloody effort people"
"B-Team my ass!"

Video playback on that one starts near the beginning because during recording I had to leave midway


Offline Mongoose

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Re: HLPXCOM: Long War - Guess what, I'm going to finish this
That's how you do it son.


Offline Mika

  • 28
Re: HLPXCOM: Long War - Guess what, I'm going to finish this
Love the smell of green goo in the morning, smells like victory

How much 'cha willing to bet this fist can break berserker's jaw? That's the ultimate X-COM vs Alien scum match up you all willin' to see.

If the fist connects, that is
Relaxed movement is always more effective than forced movement.


Offline Torchwood

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Re: HLPXCOM: Long War - Guess what, I'm going to finish this
Let's have a big hand for X-Com's MEC troopers!