Author Topic: SOON TO BE RELEASED: The Aftermath:Reboot by Herkie423 and Cyborg17  (Read 52349 times)

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Offline herkie423

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Re: WIP: The Aftermath:Reboot by Herkie423 and Cyborg17
Yeah, that is what happens. There's no good way around it at this time (see my previous post in this thread).

The 3.7.2 build has the interface-stretch option too. anyway, I tested the mod with 3.7.3 SSEs (Blue Planet), 3.7.4 RC1 and RC2 and it ran fine. No game play issue (in fact the AI of my enemies and wingmen have improved for some reasons which is probably my AI setting in my TBMs), no errors in parsing (running the DEBUG Build), no major graphical issues except with the Erebus - I will post a screenshot later about the issue. I guess The Aftermath mod is also compatible with the later builds
« Last Edit: July 08, 2016, 05:36:41 am by herkie423 »


Offline niffiwan

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Re: WIP: The Aftermath:Reboot by Herkie423 and Cyborg17
The GTCv Ophion has been released, you can get it from this post. (direct link)

Hmm... I can not download. May be the link is broken? Probably my network here. I will try again tomorrow. I have noticed that this the GTD Moscow. I have this already but it is the old Moscow I deduced. I will still download this and enlarged it then give it more guns. It's the UV map that's I'm after, more editing freedom.

Might be your network, I've downloaded it and mirrored it to two more locations in case it's some interaction between dropbox, your computer and/or your network.
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Offline herkie423

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Re: WIP: The Aftermath:Reboot by Herkie423 and Cyborg17
Thanks Niffiwan. I will try that tomorrow.

EDIT: Oh, the download came through! And Darius just me the Photoshop psd file of the texture! Jackpot! Thank you!!!
« Last Edit: July 08, 2016, 05:50:32 am by herkie423 »


Offline CT27

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Re: WIP: The Aftermath:Reboot by Herkie423 and Cyborg17
Something we touched on earlier:

You kind of said you might not touch on returning to Earth because Blue Planet has already done it.  However, I think returning to Earth is such an important idea in Freespace lore that no one campaign can have a copyright on that idea.

I'm not saying there should be a return to Earth/Sol in this campaign; all I'm suggesting is at least an update on how the process is going (an update on how the Sol Knossos/Sol Gate is going).  If the GTVA (by the way I do like the GTVA logo you made) can make this many new technologically advanced ships a few years after Capella, I think the technology would be there to try to create a way to return to Sol.

The new pictures look really cool.  That picture you have a main hall of (the first one on each format list), what kind of ship are you inside of?


Offline herkie423

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Re: WIP: The Aftermath:Reboot by Herkie423 and Cyborg17
Yes, there are references on the Terran's project to construct the Sol portal in the tech Intel database, in one of the missions, in John Richter's diary. There are many. The player will encounter them as he or she progress through the campaign. There is one Intel entry that fairly detailed the method that will be used of constructing the huge portal and the science of it. However, at this point in time, the GTVA is busy with the Shivans.

As for the mainhall, the one you've seen is the Excelsior. There is one for the, Mercenary base, the Titan, the police base, and the Warlock. The Excelsior is the Default mainhall.

By the way, I am close to finishing. Just 15 missions, 40 CB anims (static) and 5 loading screens. The images are easy because I have templates for them.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2016, 11:49:21 pm by herkie423 »


Offline herkie423

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Re: WIP: The Aftermath:Reboot by Herkie423 and Cyborg17
The number of missions in this campaign is 72 with the cut scenes and even after I have discarded the "cookie cutters." But per CT27's sugestion, I will add a one or two. So my final count, 74 missions.


Offline Nyctaeus

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Re: WIP: The Aftermath:Reboot by Herkie423 and Cyborg17
The number of missions in this campaign is 72 with the cut scenes and even after I have discarded the "cookie cutters." But per CT27's sugestion, I will add a one or two. So my final count, 74 missions.

Just don't. Believe me it's a hell.

Divide your campaign into chapters [three or four] and make a separate campaign files for all of them. It will really help the players to avoid "neverending story" vibe coming from campaign of this length.
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Offline herkie423

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Re: WIP: The Aftermath:Reboot by Herkie423 and Cyborg17
I was thinking about it splitting the campaign into two parts. There is actually a mission there that can serve as an ending for the first part and it is exactly in the middle of the story. But I'm concern that it will be kind of a spoiler, the story is continuous up to the climax in the end. Is there a way for the 2nd part to be locked at first?


Offline AdmiralRalwood

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Re: WIP: The Aftermath:Reboot by Herkie423 and Cyborg17
Is there a way for the 2nd part to be locked at first?
No, and there's little point in bothering; anybody who really wants to play your campaign out of order can do so anyway.
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<Aesaar> literary criticism is vladimir putin

<MageKing17> "There's probably a reason the code is the way it is" is a very dangerous line of thought. :P
<MageKing17> Because the "reason" often turns out to be "nobody noticed it was wrong".
(the very next day)
<MageKing17> this ****ing code did it to me again
<MageKing17> "That doesn't really make sense to me, but I'll assume it was being done for a reason."
<MageKing17> **** ME

<MageKing17> God damn, I do not understand how this is breaking.
<MageKing17> Everything points to "this should work fine", and yet it's clearly not working.
<MjnMixael> 2 hours later... "God damn, how did this ever work at all?!"
<MageKing17> so
<MageKing17> more than two hours
<MageKing17> but once again we have reached the inevitable conclusion
<MageKing17> How did this code ever work in the first place!?

<@The_E> Welcome to OpenGL, where standards compliance is optional, and error reporting inconsistent

<MageKing17> It was all working perfectly until I actually tried it on an actual mission.

<IronWorks> I am useful for FSO stuff again. This is a red-letter day!
* z64555 erases "Thursday" and rewrites it in red ink

<MageKing17> TIL the entire homing code is held up by shoestrings and duct tape, basically.


Offline herkie423

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Re: WIP: The Aftermath:Reboot by Herkie423 and Cyborg17
That's quite right. Well, to be or not to be? A daunting question.


Offline herkie423

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Re: WIP: The Aftermath:Reboot by Herkie423 and Cyborg17
I can work out the two parts in such a way that each can stand on it's own. Kinda like the two trilogies of Star Wars. Its only a matter of writing an introductory in Part 2's intro.


Offline CT27

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Re: WIP: The Aftermath:Reboot by Herkie423 and Cyborg17
Since you're talking about putting the campaign into parts, just for fun I came up with a place that might have been a good ending for the first half of the original The Aftermath:

"Avenging Adhara" would have been a good place to end Part 1 I think.  It basically stopped the Shivan advance and was the beginning of the GTVA counterstrike.


Offline herkie423

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Re: WIP: The Aftermath:Reboot by Herkie423 and Cyborg17
Hmm...OK. I will look into it. I am still contemplating whether I would split the campaign or not.


Offline CT27

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Re: WIP: The Aftermath:Reboot by Herkie423 and Cyborg17
Please don't misunderstand me, I'm not trying to tell you to split up the campaign or not.

This was a just for fun mental exercise I did from the old The Aftermath.  If you don't want to split up the new one, that's okay.


Offline herkie423

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Re: WIP: The Aftermath:Reboot by Herkie423 and Cyborg17
Nice fun exercise! I just woke up.  :lol: :lol: :lol:  Now, time for a brain jog.  :banghead:


Offline herkie423

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Re: WIP: The Aftermath:Reboot by Herkie423 and Cyborg17
Mission editing requires a level of tenacity. In one mission, I have to come up with 62 names for the Shivan destroyers  I could have just hide their ship names but the Avenger corvette that the player can pilot has :cool: a HUD display like BPC's Karuna and it's weird to have generic names in the turret list's target indicators and range finder.

Today, I have just completed debugging and editing 5 more missions.

EDIT: Actually, that last 5 completed missions were the last of the original campaign. The remaining 10 are new ones and remakes.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2016, 05:57:17 am by herkie423 »


Offline CT27

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Re: WIP: The Aftermath:Reboot by Herkie423 and Cyborg17
Looks like it's fairly close to completion, keep up the good work. :)

Just a suggestion, but you might want to PM Goober5000 about getting this campaign on the Freespace Open Installer when it's ready for release.  That could help more people be able to play it.


Offline herkie423

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Re: WIP: The Aftermath:Reboot by Herkie423 and Cyborg17

...after that, the minor details like the static CB anims and the fiction files (more story content will be placed).
I have already packed several folders into VPs. I am very close to completion.

Looks like it's fairly close to completion, keep up the good work. :)

Just a suggestion, but you might want to PM Goober5000 about getting this campaign on the Freespace Open Installer when it's ready for release.  That could help more people be able to play it.

I will roger that, CT...And thanks for all the help. You started this, man. You gave me the push to revive this mod. :yes: :nod: :)


Offline herkie423

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Re: WIP: The Aftermath:Reboot by Herkie423 and Cyborg17
Oh...One other note. I have been playing through the campaign using 3.7.4 SSE2 release and it worked like magic; no issues to date. I even noticed a great improvement to the frame rate and AI.  To the SCP staff and developers, great job! Outstanding! :yes: :yes: :yes:

PS: I will still be on the look out for anomallies considering I made this mod using the 3.7.2 release.


Offline CT27

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Re: WIP: The Aftermath:Reboot by Herkie423 and Cyborg17

I will roger that, CT...And thanks for all the help. You started this, man. You gave me the push to revive this mod. :yes: :nod: :)

I'm just a fan, but thanks for the compliment.  Cyborg17 deserves as much credit, if not more, though.  If he hadn't made the original workable/playable I might not have got into it again.  Lepanto also deserves some credit too. :)

Oh, when you PM Goober5000 about getting this on the FSO Installer, you will need at least two things (he might say you'll need more but this is what I know for sure right now):
-The campaign file itself (or at least a link to where people would download it from)
-A short sentence or two campaign description