I have some more comparison pics!
First a very rocky asteroid.
Blinn Phong


Your first reaction may be "huh, not as vibrant" which... it is, but the specular highlight on the asteroid is much less prominent which I think helps sell the "rockiness" of the asteroid.
Next SF Asteroth (I was experimenting with making new PBR textures for some Shivan fighters)
Blinn Phong


Again your first reaction may be "huh, normal map doesn't pop as much" which.. it doesn't, but if you look at the two rear panels, in Blinn Phong, one is well lit, and the other is just totally dark, only the environment reflection is doing anything. In GGX, both are well lit, and I think gives a better contrast with the rest of the hull.
Basically intensity of the lighting is a little bit less, but you get something more visually pleasing in my opinion. Everything isn't as harsh.
(Also here's a worst case shot of the Asteroth
Blinn Phong