Command briefing, stage 1: "Neo-Terran Front s 4th Fleet"
Command briefing, stage 6: "State in the art" State of the art, man.
Briefing, stage 2: "Command is commited to the evacuation civilian population"
Initially, Leo is at the exact opposite side of the battlefield in relation to Cancer, but is set to protect the Hercs. Kinda strange, but k.
This is a rather simple but challenging mission. The second section of it needs you to send your wingmen to deal with one bomber wing and get the fighters' attention while you yourself deal with the other bomber wing, and you need to do that fast. The third section is actually quite easy because the corvette's flak solves most problems right away.
Briefing, stage 2: "The destroyers X and Y stationed nearby." You need to make that sentence flow better with the previous one. Also, a typo in "Corsica" in the last sentence.
Briefing, stage 3: "... three prong offense" Three pronged offense.
A nice mission, but I'm afraid it might be self-completing. From what I saw, it's possible to just order everyone to protect the one cruiser and then just time compress until the mission is done (occasionally swatting some fighter that decided to attack you).
Nocturnal doesn't actually get hit with that beam. Did you mean "That beam nearly cut us in half before"?
Also, this mission is made uneccesarily hard thanks to being stuck in a heavy bomber that isn't really fit for the job of getting in fast, hitting an important target and then getting out alive. On the other hand, that action wasn't taken into consideration at the time of weapon selection, so maybe it should stay like that.
I've also looked into the possibility of disabling the destroyer and well, looks like the Citadel is actually very well positioned since it stops covering the engine section just a moment before everyone jumps out - nearly not enough time to hit the subsystem effectively.
Oh God, please make the dialogue go slower. Also, at some places it tends to get a little... Clunky. Something is off with the timing if you ask me.
Also, Maxim makes this mission laughably easy - you can immediately roflstomp the enemy cruiser and then just pick off any beams you can from a safe distance.