Author Topic: [Re-release] Light of Antares, Omnibus version (1.1.1)  (Read 10804 times)

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Re: [Re-release] Light of Antares, 2019 Update
I think i found one more interesting case - in mission with destroying convoys near the node, vasudan fighters are exiting the node? But, wasn't fighter-size subspace drive allowing to do it invented much later?


Offline 0rph3u5

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Re: [Re-release] Light of Antares, 2019 Update
in mission with destroying convoys near the node, vasudan fighters are exiting the node? But, wasn't fighter-size subspace drive allowing to do it invented much later?

Honestly, that's a case of the mechanics of the mission having to trump the rules of the FS universe for a bit:
If the escorts don't jump in close to the convoys, they tend to have no effect on actually stalling you from attacking the freighters.

But on that front, the new Epilogue provides a bit of redcon - - someone outside the Vorpal Swords is actually using them to test unstable prototype technology. Jump drives are not explictily mentioned but do I really have to?
"As you sought to steal a kingdom for yourself, so must you do again, a thousand times over. For a theft, a true theft, must be practiced to be earned." - The terms of Nyrissa's curse, Pathfinder: Kingmaker


"I am Curiosity, and I've always wondered what would become of you, here at the end of the world." - The Guide/The Curious Other, Othercide

"When you work with water, you have to know and respect it. When you labour to subdue it, you have to understand that one day it may rise up and turn all your labours into nothing. For what is water, which seeks to make all things level, which has no taste or colour of its own, but a liquid form of Nothing?" - Graham Swift, Waterland

"...because they are not Dragons."


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Re: [Re-release] Light of Antares, 2019 Update
Well, it's understable from mission design point of view... But it should be weird for characters in-universe, isn't it? From their point of view it is impossible - maybe pilots should notice, that it's veeery strange, or it should be said in debriefing that details of mission are classified? GTI would be surely very interested in that thing xd.


Offline 0rph3u5

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Re: [Re-release] Light of Antares, 2019 Update
Well, it's understable from mission design point of view... But it should be weird for characters in-universe, isn't it? From their point of view it is impossible - maybe pilots should notice, that it's veeery strange, or it should be said in debriefing that details of mission are classified? GTI would be surely very interested in that thing xd.

Originally, I didn't much care - design trumps all. But over years, I developed a "fix", but never quite deployed it (mostly because "continuity"-storys rarely develop enough substance to sustain them; Light of Antares and Hellgate: Ikeya being exceptions that prove a rule).

The updated version of Rain on Ribos IV is going to do catch some of that. Basiccally, I am working off the assumption that a "Race to the Drive" took place and in-universe characters can acctually speculate on some of the technical details (its a single Command Briefing Stage in which Tombaugh Command goes "please stop the baseless speculation while we figure this out"). The concept of a "Race to the Drive" will also feature as background detail in other projects.

Maybe one day I will do a full "re-master" that also fixes the continuity to ST:R (ST:R released after MoGW so I speculating quite a bit), which also fills in the dialogue and ties MoGW closer to The Lost Generation. But before the that I would like to finish all the stuff that needs tying together.
"As you sought to steal a kingdom for yourself, so must you do again, a thousand times over. For a theft, a true theft, must be practiced to be earned." - The terms of Nyrissa's curse, Pathfinder: Kingmaker


"I am Curiosity, and I've always wondered what would become of you, here at the end of the world." - The Guide/The Curious Other, Othercide

"When you work with water, you have to know and respect it. When you labour to subdue it, you have to understand that one day it may rise up and turn all your labours into nothing. For what is water, which seeks to make all things level, which has no taste or colour of its own, but a liquid form of Nothing?" - Graham Swift, Waterland

"...because they are not Dragons."


Offline AdDur

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Re: [Re-release] Light of Antares, 2019 Update
So, Rains will be next campaign released or will it be Vega?


Offline 0rph3u5

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Re: [Re-release] Light of Antares, 2019 Update
Vega must burn has priority, esspecially because it does technical groundwork, but Hellgate: Ikeya might be out before that (there isn't really that much to do there). Rain on Ribos IV is still ways off, esspecially since after Vega must burn I am going to switch back to The Lost Generation to apply the newly developed methods.

EDIT: re: apply developed methods, e.g.
One of the big technical issues with The Lost Generation - Ashcroft (seperate from a conricopia of writing issues) is the technical structure of the Mission 10, which diverges a bit depending on your loadout choice(s). This causes some issues, because interactions between events has become chaotic. One of the missions in Vega Must Burn will have a similar "one mission, two scenarios"-structure, but by building it from ground up I seek to find a scheme to tame that possible chaos.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2019, 06:47:26 am by 0rph3u5 »
"As you sought to steal a kingdom for yourself, so must you do again, a thousand times over. For a theft, a true theft, must be practiced to be earned." - The terms of Nyrissa's curse, Pathfinder: Kingmaker


"I am Curiosity, and I've always wondered what would become of you, here at the end of the world." - The Guide/The Curious Other, Othercide

"When you work with water, you have to know and respect it. When you labour to subdue it, you have to understand that one day it may rise up and turn all your labours into nothing. For what is water, which seeks to make all things level, which has no taste or colour of its own, but a liquid form of Nothing?" - Graham Swift, Waterland

"...because they are not Dragons."


Offline AdDur

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Re: [Re-release] Light of Antares, 2019 Update
Lost Generation was NTF campaign, right?

Well, it sounds really interesting, and i eagerly anticipate your next releases. Sorry, if my complaining for such details seems as annoying, but for me such details are often the biggest problem in overall great and having feeling as "retail-isch +" campaign you create.


Offline starlord

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Re: [Re-release] Light of Antares, 2019 Update
Sorry if this is off topic, but where does shivans and men stand in this? Is it still ongoing?


Offline 0rph3u5

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Re: [Re-release] Light of Antares, 2019 Update
Lost Generation was NTF campaign, right?

The Lost Generation is series title for three FS2-era campaigns, each with a strong narrative emphasis.
- TLG - Ashcroft is a NTF-campaign set in the time from before Proving Grounds to slightly after Endgame.
- TLG - Jaarin is a GTVA-campaign set in the Nebula sometime between Slaying Ravana and A Monster in the Mist.
- TLG - Santiago (aka TLG - Serqet) is a GTVA-campaign set at the NTF-Front between Surrender, Belisarius! and the aftermath of Rebels & Renegades.

Only Ashcroft has a preview topic yet, mostly because Jaarin doesn't produce compelling visuals (Curse you, Full Nebula envoirment *cartoonish shaking of fist at cloud*) and Santiago still needs a full script.

Sorry if this is off topic, but where does shivans and men stand in this? Is it still ongoing?

Of Shivans and Men is and has always been seperate from this. It's still ongoing but there are both technical and narrative issues with whole sweep of the project I didn't anticipate when I wrote it, e.g. how to manage the pay-offs across multiple story lines and how to make some of the set-pieces but not turn them into custcenes. I can't tell you when any episodes will come out, but they will be coming.

However the world building I've been doing is already bleeding into stories like Vega Must Burn, The Lost Generation - Jaarin and The Lost Generation - Santiago. (... as the common critique of the The Lord of Rings teaches us: World Building does not make a story.)

... and there is also the fact that being able to see the tech behind Wings of Dawn's VN segments provided some really interesting opportunities...

Sorry, if my complaining for such details seems as annoying, but for me such details are often the biggest problem in overall great and having feeling as "retail-isch +" campaign you create.

It's the internet, so a "Uhm, actually..." was expected to some degree :) - esspecially since I do it myself a bit too often.

With these campaigns it is actually not annoying, they are like "apprentice's pieces" to me, full of rough edges and hard turns - and even years on, I am far from achieving some kind of mastery.
« Last Edit: May 16, 2019, 02:03:40 am by 0rph3u5 »
"As you sought to steal a kingdom for yourself, so must you do again, a thousand times over. For a theft, a true theft, must be practiced to be earned." - The terms of Nyrissa's curse, Pathfinder: Kingmaker


"I am Curiosity, and I've always wondered what would become of you, here at the end of the world." - The Guide/The Curious Other, Othercide

"When you work with water, you have to know and respect it. When you labour to subdue it, you have to understand that one day it may rise up and turn all your labours into nothing. For what is water, which seeks to make all things level, which has no taste or colour of its own, but a liquid form of Nothing?" - Graham Swift, Waterland

"...because they are not Dragons."


Offline Goober5000

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Re: [Re-release] Light of Antares, 2019 Update
I think i found one more interesting case - in mission with destroying convoys near the node, vasudan fighters are exiting the node? But, wasn't fighter-size subspace drive allowing to do it invented much later?

Call it a blooper.  Vasudan fighters make intersystem subspace jumps even in the main FS1 campaign.  (See sm3-01, Exodus.)


Offline 0rph3u5

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Re: [Re-release] Light of Antares, 2019 Update
Support for this release has been discontinued.

I will continue to fix any bug you find, however any fix will go only towards a future release as part of the Memories of the Great War - Omnibus. This is due to a substantial divergence between the Memories of the Great War - Omnibus version of the "core"-package and the same package found in this release, I will not be able keep up with supporting two different builds.
"As you sought to steal a kingdom for yourself, so must you do again, a thousand times over. For a theft, a true theft, must be practiced to be earned." - The terms of Nyrissa's curse, Pathfinder: Kingmaker


"I am Curiosity, and I've always wondered what would become of you, here at the end of the world." - The Guide/The Curious Other, Othercide

"When you work with water, you have to know and respect it. When you labour to subdue it, you have to understand that one day it may rise up and turn all your labours into nothing. For what is water, which seeks to make all things level, which has no taste or colour of its own, but a liquid form of Nothing?" - Graham Swift, Waterland

"...because they are not Dragons."


Offline 0rph3u5

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Re: [Re-release] Light of Antares, 2019 Update
Obsolete now, replacement deployed:

"As you sought to steal a kingdom for yourself, so must you do again, a thousand times over. For a theft, a true theft, must be practiced to be earned." - The terms of Nyrissa's curse, Pathfinder: Kingmaker


"I am Curiosity, and I've always wondered what would become of you, here at the end of the world." - The Guide/The Curious Other, Othercide

"When you work with water, you have to know and respect it. When you labour to subdue it, you have to understand that one day it may rise up and turn all your labours into nothing. For what is water, which seeks to make all things level, which has no taste or colour of its own, but a liquid form of Nothing?" - Graham Swift, Waterland

"...because they are not Dragons."

Re: [Re-release] Light of Antares, 2019 Update
This wants to download MJNs Mainhalls  v1.2.0, which AFAIK is a fully compatibe subset of the recently released v1.3.0 & so takes up some unnecessary space if they're already up to date.

Glad to see you're making progress on this fine project, definitely planning to replay!


Offline 0rph3u5

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Re: [Re-release] Light of Antares, 2019 Update
This wants to download MJNs Mainhalls  v1.2.0, which AFAIK is a fully compatibe subset of the recently released v1.3.0 & so takes up some unnecessary space if they're already up to date.

Adressed for 1.0.1.
"As you sought to steal a kingdom for yourself, so must you do again, a thousand times over. For a theft, a true theft, must be practiced to be earned." - The terms of Nyrissa's curse, Pathfinder: Kingmaker


"I am Curiosity, and I've always wondered what would become of you, here at the end of the world." - The Guide/The Curious Other, Othercide

"When you work with water, you have to know and respect it. When you labour to subdue it, you have to understand that one day it may rise up and turn all your labours into nothing. For what is water, which seeks to make all things level, which has no taste or colour of its own, but a liquid form of Nothing?" - Graham Swift, Waterland

"...because they are not Dragons."


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Re: [Re-release] Light of Antares, 2019 Update
The Lightblue Ribbon

Inferno: Nostos - Alliance
Series Resurrecta: {{FS Wiki Portal}} -  Gehenna's Gate - The Spirit of Ptah - Serendipity (WIP) - <REDACTED> (WIP)
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Offline 0rph3u5

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Re: [Re-release] Light of Antares, 2019 Update
and it goes back for 1.0.2

I am so tired of this ... tangled web ...
"As you sought to steal a kingdom for yourself, so must you do again, a thousand times over. For a theft, a true theft, must be practiced to be earned." - The terms of Nyrissa's curse, Pathfinder: Kingmaker


"I am Curiosity, and I've always wondered what would become of you, here at the end of the world." - The Guide/The Curious Other, Othercide

"When you work with water, you have to know and respect it. When you labour to subdue it, you have to understand that one day it may rise up and turn all your labours into nothing. For what is water, which seeks to make all things level, which has no taste or colour of its own, but a liquid form of Nothing?" - Graham Swift, Waterland

"...because they are not Dragons."


Offline Mobius

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Re: [Re-release] Light of Antares, 2019 Update
Aaaand just completed it. What a classic.  :yes:

I noticed however that in the very last cutscene, the departing HoL Horus fighter collides with the Temple's fighterbay, and manages to get away from it after the destruction of the warship.
The Lightblue Ribbon

Inferno: Nostos - Alliance
Series Resurrecta: {{FS Wiki Portal}} -  Gehenna's Gate - The Spirit of Ptah - Serendipity (WIP) - <REDACTED> (WIP)
FreeSpace Campaign Restoration Project
A tribute to FreeSpace in my book: Riflessioni dall'Infinito
My interviews: [ 1 ] - [ 2 ] - [ 3 ]


Offline 0rph3u5

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Re: [Re-release] Light of Antares, 2019 Update
Omnibus update 1.0.3 is in the works, as a precursor to 1.1.

This update will mostly consist of updates to the Knossos dependencies (e.g. ditching Mjn.mixael's Mainhalls temporarily) and adding the 1.1 changes to the custom HUD gauges and the loading screens. Minor adjustments to the in mission dialogue - a few german-to-english translation issues - will also happen.

Should any player encounter (other than Knossos dependency issues) any issues, please report them as soon as possible.
"As you sought to steal a kingdom for yourself, so must you do again, a thousand times over. For a theft, a true theft, must be practiced to be earned." - The terms of Nyrissa's curse, Pathfinder: Kingmaker


"I am Curiosity, and I've always wondered what would become of you, here at the end of the world." - The Guide/The Curious Other, Othercide

"When you work with water, you have to know and respect it. When you labour to subdue it, you have to understand that one day it may rise up and turn all your labours into nothing. For what is water, which seeks to make all things level, which has no taste or colour of its own, but a liquid form of Nothing?" - Graham Swift, Waterland

"...because they are not Dragons."


Offline 0rph3u5

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Re: [Re-release] Light of Antares, 2019 Update
The update to the Omnibus from v1.0.2 to v1.0.3 will be out on Friday, ca. 1800 UTC+2

- Resolved the issue with the custom HUD gauges; Custom HUD gauges will no longer use elements from FS2 vanilla but custom elements.
- Resolved the issue of the PVC Aten not using the 4.4.2 MVP model and so texture replacement information being lost. This has been resolved by importing the altered Aten-model from v1.1.
- Now uses Axem's Extended Loading Screen Script to replace the loading screens with a design made to display short text of additional world building while you wait.
- Minor changes to the wording in some dialogue.

Known Issues:
- The issue with the HTL Karnak is still recorded as unresolved. The ability to skip Light of Antares Mission 2 remains intact.
- The issue with Terran Huge Turret, Vasudan Huge Turret, Terran Turret#Orion, Terran Turret#Acadia and Vasudan Turret#Typhon not displaying the MVP graphical enhancements remains unresolved.
- In Mission 2, Virgo wing may accidentally be destroyed by random collisions, if the low-poly version of the Karnak is used.
- In the Epilogue to Light of Antares, during the first scene, accidental collisions occured for unknown reasons. The ships involved have their collision detection with each other disabled as a stop-gap measure. In further updates one of ships' class will be adjusted to preserve texture replacement information and fix turn rates and acceleration.
- In the Epilogue to Light of Antares, during the first scene, due to afore mentioned issues with a ship's acceleration and turn times, the camera does not pan far enough to the right for scene display a ship warping out.
- Due to disabling the support for Mjn.mixeal's HD Mainhalls (reason: dependecy conflict on Knossos) both Hellgate: Ikeya and Light of Antares will default to the standard Galatea mainhall of the FS Port.
- The new loading screens are optimal at a resolution 1920x1080; at lower resolutions the text and loading bar may "spill" over elements that are supposed to host them. The new loading bar does not scale to higher resolutions either.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2021, 04:57:16 pm by 0rph3u5 »
"As you sought to steal a kingdom for yourself, so must you do again, a thousand times over. For a theft, a true theft, must be practiced to be earned." - The terms of Nyrissa's curse, Pathfinder: Kingmaker


"I am Curiosity, and I've always wondered what would become of you, here at the end of the world." - The Guide/The Curious Other, Othercide

"When you work with water, you have to know and respect it. When you labour to subdue it, you have to understand that one day it may rise up and turn all your labours into nothing. For what is water, which seeks to make all things level, which has no taste or colour of its own, but a liquid form of Nothing?" - Graham Swift, Waterland

"...because they are not Dragons."


Offline 0rph3u5

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Re: [Re-release] Light of Antares, 2019 Update
For the pleasure of those who don't want to replay the campaign - here are loading screen blurbs:

[Mission 1] The Antares Accords (2322), part 1

After the first battles of what would be the Fourteen Year War, diplomats from the Galactic Terran Alliance and Parliamentary Vasudan Empire convened a summt in the Antares-system. The resulting Antares Accords were signed on April 11th 2322.

[Mission 2] The Antares Accords (2322), part 2

The Accords lay out the rules of war and general rules of engagement by which both parties officially abide by during the ongoing conflict.

[Mission 3] The Antares Accords (2322), part 3

The Accords also regulate the protections for civilian and medical craft as well as multi-purpose planetary and space-born infrastructure.

[Mission 4] The Antares Accords (2322), part 4

Branding the terms of the Accords a diplomatic failure of the civilian leadership, the Admiralty Board was able to seize power on Earth in 2323.

[Mission 5] The Antares Accords (2322), part 5

By an acknowledgement of the status quo ante of 2321, the Accords provided a much needed reprieve for the PVE which was facing a growing threat that the GTA would limit the PVE's further expansion into unclaimed space.
"As you sought to steal a kingdom for yourself, so must you do again, a thousand times over. For a theft, a true theft, must be practiced to be earned." - The terms of Nyrissa's curse, Pathfinder: Kingmaker


"I am Curiosity, and I've always wondered what would become of you, here at the end of the world." - The Guide/The Curious Other, Othercide

"When you work with water, you have to know and respect it. When you labour to subdue it, you have to understand that one day it may rise up and turn all your labours into nothing. For what is water, which seeks to make all things level, which has no taste or colour of its own, but a liquid form of Nothing?" - Graham Swift, Waterland

"...because they are not Dragons."