Author Topic: The Return of Su-tehp  (Read 15611 times)

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Offline Sutehp

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Yeah, I got my joystick detected and adjusted. Hot damn but I've been waiting years to play FS1 on the FS2 engine! Everything old is new again! ;) :D :pimp:


Offline Goober5000

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After you've finished FS1 again, be sure to check out some of the other mods too. :D


Offline Sutehp

  • 23
After you've finished FS1 again, be sure to check out some of the other mods too. :D

Yeah, I'm downloading Wings of Dawn now. It seems to have a Robotech/Space Opera Anime vibe that looks interesting. After that, the Wing Commander Saga mod will likely be my next download. (Holy Jeebus, Wing Commander on a Freespace engine? How can that not be awesome?)  :cool: :D ;) :v:

One thing I'm most assuredly not getting is The Second Great War, Part II. Apparently from what I've gleaned from comments (located even in its own Details page!) about it is that it so utterly went past So Bad, It's Good and went all the way to So Bad, It's Terrible. Just blowing stuff up is boring after a while; it's the story of a video game that keeps me coming back. One of the reasons the Freespace games still have a special place in my heart is the story. Without that, a space sim is just an arcade game (though without the need to spend a bunch of quarters). :doubt:


Offline Goober5000

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There are quite a few mods on Knossos with very good stories.  You should be pleased. :)

You're not related to our other Su-tehp, are you?


Offline Sutehp

  • 23
There are quite a few mods on Knossos with very good stories.  You should be pleased. :)

You're not related to our other Su-tehp, are you?

Actually, I am him.  ;) :p :D :cool:

It's just been over 15 years since I posted on these forums and...I, uh...forgot my old I had to make another one....Oops.

TBH, at first when I posted yesterday after 15 years away, I wasn't sure if Su-tehp was really me, but that spelling with the hyphen is a username I've used plenty of times before over the years and I just reviewed some of "Su-tehp"'s old posts and they were definitely written by me. I even saw that old post when Sandwich and GalacticEmperor came to visit me in NYC back when I was in law school!

Gawds, sooooo much has changed since then....

But yeah, seeing a bunch of complete (or mostly complete) campaigns that I can easily access through Knossos is a humongous reward after so long away from HLP.

I just wish I could figure out why I can't get Wings of Dawn working right. :mad: :nono: :banghead:


Offline Goober5000

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Re: The Return of Su-tehp
Actually, I am him.  ;) :p :D :cool:

Welcome back! :D


That's crazy; the last time you posted on HLP we were still hosted by Gamespy and we didn't have the domain.  And Silent Threat: Reborn hadn't been released yet!  Make sure you play that and Scroll of Atankharzim. :cool:

Any chance of a DatDB renaissance?  Or failing that, a mod dump, mission dump, or story dump?

It's just been over 15 years since I posted on these forums and...I, uh...forgot my old I had to make another one....Oops.

I can reset your old login if you like, but I'll need some sort of proof that you're actually him.

Re: The Return of Su-tehp
Some info regarding "The Devil and the deep blue" would certainly do... ;7


Offline Sutehp

  • 23
Re: The Return of Su-tehp
Actually, I am him.  ;) :p :D :cool:

Welcome back! :D


That's crazy; the last time you posted on HLP we were still hosted by Gamespy and we didn't have the domain.  And Silent Threat: Reborn hadn't been released yet!  Make sure you play that and Scroll of Atankharzim. :cool:

Any chance of a DatDB renaissance?  Or failing that, a mod dump, mission dump, or story dump?

Some info regarding "The Devil and the Deep Blue" would certainly do... ;7

Good gawds, I don't even remember the name of the other guy I was working with...or even if I was working with someone else on DatDB. Details are hazy after 15 years. A couple of things I do remember, though, are these: DatDB would have had a years long time skip after FS2, but I didn't want to make it as long as 32 years like between FS1 and FS2, but I never made a hard decision on just exactly how many years would have passed. Another detail I still remember is that the GTVA would have sent an expeditionary force into Shivan space (though I don't remember exactly how the GTVA would have found Shivan space in order to mount an expedition, only that it would not have been an accidental fluke). Also, the expeditionary force would have encountered the Shivans' counterparts, who would have been called the "Eidolons" by the GTVA and their ships would have had a black-and-blue color scheme to their ships as a counterpart to the Shivans' black-and-red.

Basically, if the Shivans are the "Devil," then the Eidolons would have been the "Deep Blue" counterpart. The title of DatDB is a reference to the old saying about "being caught between the devil and the deep blue sea" when you're caught in a dilemma with no obvious solution. I never did manage to plot out the whole story, just the idea that the GTVA pulling an Enemy Mine with the Eidolons against the Shivans would turn out to have...unforeseen consequences. I didn't pull the name "eidolon" out of a hat, either: it means "an idealized thing" or "specter" or "phantom." Basically, the GTVA would have thought the alliance with the Eidolons was "ideal" to defeating the Shivans, but the alliance would eventually turn out to be as ephemeral as a ghost or a mirage. Would the alliance with the Eidolons have been an ideal image or an imaginary ideal? What if it turned out to be both?

Not that the Eidolons were "evil" per se (if even the Shivans can be called "evil" with their completely unknown motives), just that the Eidolons were almost as unscrutable as the Shivans (if in a different way) that they would turn out to be almost as dangerous. I remember that Volition said a long time ago that the Shivans "were part of a larger problem," and I wanted to keep that in mind with DatDB.

One other fun fact: Remember the models that were used for (at least a few of) the Aesdherians' ships in the Ancient-Shivan War mod? I think I recognized at least the Sword- and Crown-class ships as models I wanted to use in DatDB. Imagine them as black-and-blue instead of black-and-white and those would have been the Eidolons...or at least the Eidolons' ships. I don't have the slightest idea what an actual Eidolon itself would look like.

It's just been over 15 years since I posted on these forums and...I, uh...forgot my old I had to make another one....Oops.

I can reset your old login if you like, but I'll need some sort of proof that you're actually him.

I can provide that easily enough. You can PM me with the details of whatever you need, right?

Oh, and I already downloaded Silent Threat: Reborn; I'll play that just after I finish playing the FS1 Port. (Up until a couple of days ago, I had been waiting literally 20 years to play FS1 on the FS2 engine!) I've also got Ancient-Shivan War lined up (man, I only just found out that Act 3 was never completed! :( ) as well as Fall of Epsilon Pegasi, Blue Planet, Procyon Insurgency, and Wings of Dawn...the last of which apparently uses a text font my computer can't see. The Flying Spaghetti Monster alone knows how (or if) I'll be able to fix that. (Posters provided a link when I asked but I'm still trying to grok the solution. A coder I ain't.) From what little I've seen of those mods so far (just by going into their menus and reading their first mission briefings but not playing the actual missions yet), they seem exceptionally well-crafted (if not completely flawless in the writing to a self-admitted grammar nazi like myself) for fan-made games. I'm looking foward to playing them.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2020, 09:08:20 pm by Sutehp »


Offline DefCynodont119

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Re: The Return of Su-tehp
Absolutely play "Between the Ashes" no other mod adds so much depth to the Freespace universe. (well. . BP might but this is not a contest :p)  It's fully voiced And it's rock solid in terms of gameplay.

You may want to wait for it to update first, hopefully it won't be too much longer before it's done.
My gift from Freespace to Cities Skylines:


Offline Goober5000

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Re: The Return of Su-tehp
Good gawds, I don't even remember the name of the other guy I was working with...or even if I was working with someone else on DatDB. Details are hazy after 15 years. A couple of things I do remember, though, are these: DatDB would have had a years long time skip after FS2, but I didn't want to make it as long as 32 years like between FS1 and FS2, but I never made a hard decision on just exactly how many years would have passed. Another detail I still remember is that the GTVA would have sent an expeditionary force into Shivan space (though I don't remember exactly how the GTVA would have found Shivan space in order to mount an expedition, only that it would not have been an accidental fluke). Also, the expeditionary force would have encountered the Shivans' counterparts, who would have been called the "Eidolons" by the GTVA and their ships would have had a black-and-blue color scheme to their ships as a counterpart to the Shivans' black-and-red.

Basically, if the Shivans are the "Devil," then the Eidolons would have been the "Deep Blue" counterpart. The title of DatDB is a reference to the old saying about "being caught between the devil and the deep blue sea" when you're caught in a dilemma with no obvious solution. I never did manage to plot out the whole story, just the idea that the GTVA pulling an Enemy Mine with the Eidolons against the Shivans would turn out to have...unforeseen consequences. I didn't pull the name "eidolon" out of a hat, either: it means "an idealized thing" or "specter" or "phantom." Basically, the GTVA would have thought the alliance with the Eidolons was "ideal" to defeating the Shivans, but the alliance would eventually turn out to be as ephemeral as a ghost or a mirage. Would the alliance with the Eidolons have been an ideal image or an imaginary ideal? What if it turned out to be both?

Not that the Eidolons were "evil" per se (if even the Shivans can be called "evil" with their completely unknown motives), just that the Eidolons were almost as unscrutable as the Shivans (if in a different way) that they would turn out to be almost as dangerous. I remember that Volition said a long time ago that the Shivans "were part of a larger problem," and I wanted to keep that in mind with DatDB.

One other fun fact: Remember the models that were used for (at least a few of) the Aesdherians' ships in the Ancient-Shivan War mod? I think I recognized at least the Sword- and Crown-class ships as models I wanted to use in DatDB. Imagine them as black-and-blue instead of black-and-white and those would have been the Eidolons...or at least the Eidolons' ships. I don't have the slightest idea what an actual Eidolon itself would look like.

Very interesting!  I like that idea; I don't think anything quite like it has been done in the FS mod community, even today.

Regarding the gaps in your memory, an archive of the DatDB site provides a story overview and a list of staff.

I can provide that easily enough. You can PM me with the details of whatever you need, right?

Yup.  PM sent.

Oh, and I already downloaded Silent Threat: Reborn; I'll play that just after I finish playing the FS1 Port. (Up until a couple of days ago, I had been waiting literally 20 years to play FS1 on the FS2 engine!)

Ha!  But the FreeSpace Port was first released in 2002; were you not able to play it back then?


Offline Su-tehp

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Hooray! I'm posting as my old self again! Or to put it another way:


Goober, I totally forgot about that website. I must have had at least one other person working with me because I've never created a website in my life. I totally forgot that I did calculate the timeskip from FS2 to DatDB to 18 years. I also forgot my plot device of the GTVA discovering a new node and/or Knossos gate to Shivan space.

As for the Eidolons and the rest of DatDB being a new idea in the Freespace/HLP community, I thought that the Vishnans mentioned in Blue Planet were a similar equivalent, which would make DatDB's plot a rehash of Blue Planet. But then, I've only heard of bits and pieces of Blue Planet's plot and still have to start and finish playing that mod. Hell, when I glanced at TV Tropes entry for Blue Planet, I deliberately avoided any of the spoilers because I want to find out for myself what BP's story is.

As for the FSPort being ready in 2002, I had no idea how to even get that working. All I can say is this: Knossos is a friggin' godsend for getting and playing all these Freespace mods, especially the FS1 Port.

And DefCyno, I'll take alook at "Between the Ashes." Is that the mod that's going to be updated sometime in 2020 for some 10 year anniversary?

Creator of the Devil and the Deep Blue campaign - Current Story Editor of the Exile campaign

"Let my people handle this, we're trained professionals. Well, we're semi-trained, quasi-professionals, at any rate." --Roy Greenhilt,
The Order of the Stick

"Let´s face it, we Freespace players may not be the most sophisticated of gaming freaks, but we do know enough to recognize a heap of steaming crap when it´s right in front of us."
--Su-tehp, while posting on the DatDB internal forum

"The meaning of life is that in the end you always get screwed."
--The Catch 42 Expression, The Lost Fleet: Beyond the Frontier: Steadfast


Offline DefCynodont119

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nah, Between the Ashes came out 3-ish years ago.  It takes place in the time between FS1 and FS2.

MJN.Mixael was/is BtA's project lead.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2020, 12:16:09 am by DefCynodont119 »
My gift from Freespace to Cities Skylines:

That the DatDB campaign story sounds pretty good! :yes:


Offline Su-tehp

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Holy jeebus, I totally forgot how many people were involved with DatDB back in the day. I even forgot that we had this map all set up for the campaign.

Now I'm feeling (slightly) tempted to go back to making DatDB except for the fact that I'd almost be starting from scratch. Not to mention I still have a few unanswered questions like: "How are subspace nodes discovered?" "What's the procedure for exploring uncharted jump nodes now that the Shivans are known to exist and could be at the end of any intersystem subspace jump?" "Shivans are suspected of being able to use unstable(!) jump nodes since they somehow outmaneuvered the GTA and PVN's jump node blockades during the Great War; could the GTVA discover this capability? If so, how? Would the GTVA even manage to be technologically capable of copying this? Wouldn't the Eidolons likely also have this capability? And  if the Eidolons gave this ability to the GTVA as part of their alliance, would it turn out to be some sort of tainted fruit?"

And I'm no modder. The best I can do would be to write this story/campaign and give my notes/reference bible to someone who can get a suitable team together. I'd have to proofread all the dialogue because, let's face it, too many fan games (and not just in Freespace!) are absolute drek when it comes to grammar, mixed idioms and believable dialogue. :mad: :hopping: :banghead: :nono:

EDIT: Wow, I lol'ed after having re-read my old signature. It really has been a long time.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2020, 10:49:27 am by Su-tehp »

Creator of the Devil and the Deep Blue campaign - Current Story Editor of the Exile campaign

"Let my people handle this, we're trained professionals. Well, we're semi-trained, quasi-professionals, at any rate." --Roy Greenhilt,
The Order of the Stick

"Let´s face it, we Freespace players may not be the most sophisticated of gaming freaks, but we do know enough to recognize a heap of steaming crap when it´s right in front of us."
--Su-tehp, while posting on the DatDB internal forum

"The meaning of life is that in the end you always get screwed."
--The Catch 42 Expression, The Lost Fleet: Beyond the Frontier: Steadfast

Yeah I saw that giant nodemap, it's still probably the biggest until now.

I'm pretty sure there's some mechanism behind subspace node formation, but they don't necessary link to the most nearby star. Perhabs GTVA has figure out the basics behind that and sends Faustus ships to the area to scan them. I think near the end of FS2 it is stated that even tough the Shivans are capable of using unstable nodes or ones unknown to GTVA they can't just make them. My guess would be that the Lucifer just used one of the unknown ones; and rather than being strategicly brilliant just use their superior knowledge to take the straight way (apparently the nodes weren't found afterwards though).

I wouldn't think too much about GTVA exploring unknown jump nodes, bumping into Shivans and causing an invasion; I'm pretty sure the Shivans know pretty much anything about subspace and nodes - if they wanted to invade GTVA, they'd find their way in anyway. I sometimes see the sealing of Capella as a mistake by GTVA- for example if Capella has been turned into some long-range node to Shivan central systems, GTVA would not know what is going on there, while the Shivans could go to Gamma Draconis, the Nebula and further until they find one that links to GTVA. So in the end, GTVA would have a couple more pleasent nights of sleep before the Shivans roll over the unprepared ones; with the only change between Capella sealed/unsealed being that GTVA has no clue what is going on there.


Offline Su-tehp

  • Devil in the Deep Blue
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Yeah I saw that giant nodemap, it's still probably the biggest until now.

And the funny thing is, that nodemap is/was only going to be relevant for just the first few missions of the DatDB campaign, since the area of Shivan space that the expeditionary force was penetrating (A.K.A. "Known Shivan Grid 1") is where most of the campaign would take place. I never got around to designing Shivan Grid 1, but suffice it to say, it would have been a lot of red. Shivan Grid 1 could be millions of light-years away from GTVA space for all anyone knows. That means there's every possibility that DatDB could/would take place in an entirely different galaxy from the Milky Way. ("Admiral Petrarch, sir, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore...Hell, we're not even in Delaware....") One idea I had was to have the expeditionary force (and the player in a command briefing) have an Oh Crap moment when they realize just how far from home they were. They'd be way past the Andromeda Galaxy for sure and could even have left the Local Group.

I'm pretty sure there's some mechanism behind subspace node formation, but they don't necessarily link to the most nearby star. Perhaps GTVA has figure out the basics behind that and sends Faustus ships to the area to scan them. I think near the end of FS2 it is stated that even though the Shivans are capable of using unstable nodes or ones unknown to the GTVA, they can't just make them. My guess would be that the Lucifer just used one of the unknown ones; and rather than being strategically brilliant just use their superior knowledge to take the straight way (apparently the nodes weren't found afterwards though).

That makes sense; I do recall Admiral Petrarch saying in one of his briefings that "the Shivans are just as dependent on jump nodes as we are." And while the Shivans might not be able to create jump nodes, they're not beneath using the Knossos Gates the Ancients left behind. It seems just as likely that the Shivans don't even need to build their own equivalents of Knossos Gates since they can traverse unstable jump nodes that neither the Terrans, nor the Vasudans, nor even the Ancients could use. Building their own Knossos Gates would just have been a humongous waste of effort and resources for the Shivans when there are plenty of unstable (for everyone else but the Shivans) jump nodes.

Hmmm, does that mean the Shivans have the ability to predict where and when jump nodes will appear? Imagine the expeditionary force, while behind enemy lines in Shivan Grid 1, conducting operations to raid a Shivan installation simply to capture just one of these subspace node maps. Or even better, conducting raids to steal the Shivan capability of tracking and using unstable nodes. That sort of ability would be a godsend for the life expectancy of the expeditionary force, allowing them to stay just one step ahead of the Shivans even while trapped behind enemy lines.

I wouldn't think too much about GTVA exploring unknown jump nodes, bumping into Shivans and causing an invasion; I'm pretty sure the Shivans know pretty much anything about subspace and nodes - if they wanted to invade GTVA, they'd find their way in anyway. I sometimes see the sealing of Capella as a mistake by GTVA- for example if Capella has been turned into some long-range node to Shivan central systems, GTVA would not know what is going on there, while the Shivans could go to Gamma Draconis, the Nebula and further until they find one that links to GTVA space. So in the end, GTVA would have a couple more pleasant nights of sleep before the Shivans roll over the unprepared ones; with the only change between Capella sealed/unsealed being that the GTVA has no clue what is going on there.

Yeah, I agree with this idea that Capella was at most a reprieve for the GTVA. Then again, with an enemy as persistent and inscrutable as the Shivans, that's to be expected.

Tangental, but related topic: There's a sci-fi novel series I read a couple of years ago that is highly relevant to DatDB's idea of a space fleet operating behind enemy lines. It's called The Lost Fleet by John Campbell. The story takes place at least 1,000 years in the future and Humanity has settled several hundred colony worlds that are divided into 2 stellar empires: The Alliance (the good guys) and the Syndicate (the bad guys). The Syndicate start an unprovoked attack on the Alliance and a young Alliance captain, Jack Geary, loses his ship in the first skirmish of the war but manages to save his crew by staying behind on the bridge until the last moment while they get to the escape pods. Once his crew is safely away, Geary gets into the last escape pod, which puts him in suspended animation until he can be rescued. Unfortunately, the beacon on Geary's pod is damaged so his pod is never found and he remains in suspended animation for days, then weeks, then months, then years....

100 years later, the war between the Alliance and the Syndicate is still going on, which means that the economic base of both the Alliance and Syndicate are near collapse and attrition has so thoroughly depleted the officer ranks in both the Alliance and the Syndicate of people who understand space naval tactics because of the dire need to get people fighting on the front lines as quickly as possible. The Alliance launches the majority of their fleet as an expeditionary force (with the aid of a Syndicate traitor) in a desperate attempt to attack the Syndicate homeworld and win the war. On their way to Syndicate space, the expeditionary force finds Geary's pod by sheer chance and revive him. While Geary is recovering in the flagship's sick bay, the expeditionary force falls into a Syndicate trap (the Syndicate traitor turned out to be a double agent) and all the Alliance flag officers are captured during a parley and executed. Geary, despite being out of action for a century, nonetheless winds up becoming the most senior captain left in the Alliance fleet precisely because his date of commission in the Alliance fleet was 100 years ago. While he was asleep, the story of Geary's battle at the start of the war was made into a legend that continued to grow over the decades. Even though Geary was a bright officer, he never thought of himself as anything special (and he personally considered his battle a defeat because he lost his ship), but the people of the Alliance made him into a superhero.

So after a hundred year cryosleep, Geary wakes up to find that everyone he ever knew is long dead, he now has to deal with the hero worship from thousands of his fellow sailors which makes him extremely uncomfortable, he now finds himself in charge of a fleet that is trapped far behind enemy lines when his only previous command experience was captaining a single ship, and, oh yes, he has to rescue the entire Alliance from certain defeat in a century-long war when his only combat experience of the war resulted in the loss of his ship.

But Geary does have one advantage: he's expertly trained in space naval tactics in an interstellar war where everyone else only knows how to Zerg Rush.

There aren't any fightercraft in The Lost Fleet but they do use a faster-than-light system that basically mirrors the jump nodes in the Freespace universe. I highly recommend reading this series and the other spinoff series and media in the Gearyverse. There's lots of inspiration to be found for Freespace modders since The Lost Fleet parallels Freespace in many respects. Just for the record, though, I read The Lost Fleet years after I came up with DatDB, so the former did not inspire the latter. :P
« Last Edit: January 02, 2020, 08:28:11 pm by Su-tehp »

Creator of the Devil and the Deep Blue campaign - Current Story Editor of the Exile campaign

"Let my people handle this, we're trained professionals. Well, we're semi-trained, quasi-professionals, at any rate." --Roy Greenhilt,
The Order of the Stick

"Let´s face it, we Freespace players may not be the most sophisticated of gaming freaks, but we do know enough to recognize a heap of steaming crap when it´s right in front of us."
--Su-tehp, while posting on the DatDB internal forum

"The meaning of life is that in the end you always get screwed."
--The Catch 42 Expression, The Lost Fleet: Beyond the Frontier: Steadfast

Hmmm, does that mean the Shivans have the ability to predict where and when jump nodes will appear? Imagine the expeditionary force, while behind enemy lines in Shivan Grid 1, conducting operations to raid a Shivan installation simply to capture just one of these subspace node maps. Or even better, conducting raids to steal the Shivan capability of tracking and using unstable nodes. That sort of ability would be a godsend for the life expectancy of the expeditionary force, allowing them to stay just one step ahead of the Shivans even while trapped behind enemy lines.

Some time ago there was a short and unfinsihed fanfiction which instead of just showing all nodes used some mega-scale version of ETAK to observe the movements of all Shivan units (or their comm) in a sector of the galaxy that far exceeded the GTVA nodemap. I personally like the idea of seeing not the nodes themselves, but the Shivans using them; in addition to make something useful out of Boschs madness.

There are 2 campaigns that take place outside of standard GTVA space, the first "Uncharted Territory" is about a small carrier stuck in Shivan territory before and during the Capella incident; the other one is "Exile" that tells the story of Sol falling to the Shivans and the flight of the survivors through a node grid. There were a couple other similar mods, but they all rolled into the grave; Over the Top and Paradigm Shift being the more prominent ones.


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Tangental, but related topic: There's a sci-fi novel series I read a couple of years ago that is highly relevant to DatDB's idea of a space fleet operating behind enemy lines. It's called The Lost Fleet by John Campbell. The story takes place at least 1,000 years in the future and Humanity has settled several hundred colony worlds that are divided into 2 stellar empires: The Alliance (the good guys) and the Syndicate (the bad guys). The Syndicate start an unprovoked attack on the Alliance and a young Alliance captain, Jack Geary, loses his ship in the first skirmish of the war but manages to save his crew by staying behind on the bridge until the last moment while they get to the escape pods. Once his crew is safely away, Geary gets into the last escape pod, which puts him in suspended animation until he can be rescued. Unfortunately, the beacon on Geary's pod is damaged so his pod is never found and he remains in suspended animation for days, then weeks, then months, then years....

100 years later, the war between the Alliance and the Syndicate is still going on, which means that the economic base of both the Alliance and Syndicate are near collapse and attrition has so thoroughly depleted the officer ranks in both the Alliance and the Syndicate of people who understand space naval tactics because of the dire need to get people fighting on the front lines as quickly as possible. The Alliance launches the majority of their fleet as an expeditionary force (with the aid of a Syndicate traitor) in a desperate attempt to attack the Syndicate homeworld and win the war. On their way to Syndicate space, the expeditionary force finds Geary's pod by sheer chance and revive him. While Geary is recovering in the flagship's sick bay, the expeditionary force falls into a Syndicate trap (the Syndicate traitor turned out to be a double agent) and all the Alliance flag officers are captured during a parley and executed. Geary, despite being out of action for a century, nonetheless winds up becoming the most senior captain left in the Alliance fleet precisely because his date of commission in the Alliance fleet was 100 years ago. While he was asleep, the story of Geary's battle at the start of the war was made into a legend that continued to grow over the decades. Even though Geary was a bright officer, he never thought of himself as anything special (and he personally considered his battle a defeat because he lost his ship), but the people of the Alliance made him into a superhero.

So after a hundred year cryosleep, Geary wakes up to find that everyone he ever knew is long dead, he now has to deal with the hero worship from thousands of his fellow sailors which makes him extremely uncomfortable, he now finds himself in charge of a fleet that is trapped far behind enemy lines when his only previous command experience was captaining a single ship, and, oh yes, he has to rescue the entire Alliance from certain defeat in a century-long war when his only combat experience of the war resulted in the loss of his ship.

But Geary does have one advantage: he's expertly trained in space naval tactics in an interstellar war where everyone else only knows how to Zerg Rush.

There aren't any fightercraft in The Lost Fleet but they do use a faster-than-light system that basically mirrors the jump nodes in the Freespace universe. I highly recommend reading this series and the other spinoff series and media in the Gearyverse. There's lots of inspiration to be found for Freespace modders since The Lost Fleet parallels Freespace in many respects. Just for the record, though, I read The Lost Fleet years after I came up with DatDB, so the former did not inspire the latter. :P

Oh wow...take out the frozen-in-time bit and this sounds remarkably similar to Legend of the Galactic Heroes, particularly the character Yang Wen-li.


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That frozen in time bit is classic andeomeda 👍

Also on that node map, why is siriua closer to SOL than alpha centauri 🙄
Campaigns I've added my distinctiveness to-
- Blue Planet: Battle Captains
-Battle of Neptune
-Between the Ashes 2
-Blue planet: Age of Aquarius
-Inferno R1
-Ribos: The aftermath / -Retreat from Deneb
-Sol: A History
-TBP EACW teaser
-Earth Brakiri war
-TBP Fortune Hunters (I think?)
-TBP Relic
-Trancsend (Possibly?)
-Uncharted Territory
-Vassagos Dirge
-War Machine
(Others lost to the mists of time and no discernible audit trail)

Your friendly Orestes tactical controller.

Secret bomb God.
That one time I got permabanned and got to read who was being bitxhy about me :p....
GO GO DEKKER RANGERSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
President of the Scooby Doo Model Appreciation Society
The only good Zod is a dead Zod

FS nodemaps have always been like that.