Author Topic: The Return of Su-tehp  (Read 15547 times)

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Offline Su-tehp

  • Devil in the Deep Blue
  • 210
What exactly are you aiming for? Sure, broken pics and incomplete documentation are bad but you could just DL either the ShipsDB or Exile itself; if you're planing to use any of that you'd have to do so anyway. Of course I can just take screens for you but it's easier (and faster) to do that yourself. :)

I just installed Exile and played the first mission. Those Terran capital ships in the first mission look amazing, but those flash-to-white transitions are extremely annoying. I went into the Exile in-game database to at least get a look at all the other Exile cap ships, including the auxiliaries, but it doesn't have any of the new ships. In fact, it only has maybe a dozen of the Great War era fighters, containers and the Fenris and Leviathan cruisers and that's it. Where are all the new ships? For that matter, where are all the old ones like the GTD Orion and PVN Typhon? Wouldn't they also be included in the database? Do I have to progress further into Exile to even see the new ships? Or is the database busted somehow?

Creator of the Devil and the Deep Blue campaign - Current Story Editor of the Exile campaign

"Let my people handle this, we're trained professionals. Well, we're semi-trained, quasi-professionals, at any rate." --Roy Greenhilt,
The Order of the Stick

"Let´s face it, we Freespace players may not be the most sophisticated of gaming freaks, but we do know enough to recognize a heap of steaming crap when it´s right in front of us."
--Su-tehp, while posting on the DatDB internal forum

"The meaning of life is that in the end you always get screwed."
--The Catch 42 Expression, The Lost Fleet: Beyond the Frontier: Steadfast


Offline Goober5000

  • HLP Loremaster
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    • Goober5000 Productions
Ships are unlocked as you play the campaign, in the same manner as FS1 and FS2 gradually added ships to the tech database.

If you want to look at all the ships and don't mind spoilers, press Ctrl-Shift-S.  Alternatively, press F3 while in the main hall.


Offline Su-tehp

  • Devil in the Deep Blue
  • 210
Ships are unlocked as you play the campaign, in the same manner as FS1 and FS2 gradually added ships to the tech database.

If you want to look at all the ships and don't mind spoilers, press Ctrl-Shift-S.  Alternatively, press F3 while in the main hall.

Thank you, kind sir. You are a scholar and a gentleman and, one day, people will sings songs of your exploits.  :) ;) :D :cool: :pimp: :nod:

(And if they don't sing songs of you, then I will.) ;7 :drevil: :P

Damn, now I'm worried about spoilers for Exile.

EDIT: Just used the F3 option and I got a look-see at the ships without seeing their entries, so no spoilers, thankfully. Yeah, the Qadesh and the Hephaestus look very nice and a couple of the other support ships look suitable as well. Thanks again, Goober.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2020, 12:07:26 am by Su-tehp »

Creator of the Devil and the Deep Blue campaign - Current Story Editor of the Exile campaign

"Let my people handle this, we're trained professionals. Well, we're semi-trained, quasi-professionals, at any rate." --Roy Greenhilt,
The Order of the Stick

"Let´s face it, we Freespace players may not be the most sophisticated of gaming freaks, but we do know enough to recognize a heap of steaming crap when it´s right in front of us."
--Su-tehp, while posting on the DatDB internal forum

"The meaning of life is that in the end you always get screwed."
--The Catch 42 Expression, The Lost Fleet: Beyond the Frontier: Steadfast


Offline Goober5000

  • HLP Loremaster
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    • Goober5000 Productions
You're welcome. :):yes:


Offline Su-tehp

  • Devil in the Deep Blue
  • 210
Gawds, due to circumstances entirely within my control (yes, within, so it's my own fault), I am now playing through 4 separate Freespace campaigns at once: Freespace 2 (a replay, of course; I just finished the first SOC loop and am starting Act 2), Ancient-Shivan War (about 5 missions in); Exile: Into the Dark Waters (1 mission in), and Silent Threat: Reborn (2 missions in).

Do you guys think my being scattered between 4 different campaigns at once says something bad about my character? :P :nervous: :shaking: :confused:

Creator of the Devil and the Deep Blue campaign - Current Story Editor of the Exile campaign

"Let my people handle this, we're trained professionals. Well, we're semi-trained, quasi-professionals, at any rate." --Roy Greenhilt,
The Order of the Stick

"Let´s face it, we Freespace players may not be the most sophisticated of gaming freaks, but we do know enough to recognize a heap of steaming crap when it´s right in front of us."
--Su-tehp, while posting on the DatDB internal forum

"The meaning of life is that in the end you always get screwed."
--The Catch 42 Expression, The Lost Fleet: Beyond the Frontier: Steadfast


Offline DefCynodont119

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The fact that Just Another Day 2.3, Between The Ashes, and Blue Planet are not on that list is the real crime here.
My gift from Freespace to Cities Skylines:

The fact that Just Another Day 2.2, Between The Ashes, and Blue Planet are not on that list is the real crime here.
Playing JAD makes only sense when you played a number of other campaigns though, elseway you'll get spoilers instead of jokes.

Gawds, due to circumstances entirely within my control (yes, within, so it's my own fault), I am now playing through 4 separate Freespace campaigns at once: Freespace 2 (a replay, of course; I just finished the first SOC loop and am starting Act 2), Ancient-Shivan War (about 5 missions in); Exile: Into the Dark Waters (1 mission in), and Silent Threat: Reborn (2 missions in).

Do you guys think my being scattered between 4 different campaigns at once says something bad about my character? :P :nervous: :shaking: :confused:

Your chance of completing a FS campagin with that management skill is = 0. :p


Offline Su-tehp

  • Devil in the Deep Blue
  • 210
The fact that Just Another Day 2.3, Between The Ashes, and Blue Planet are not on that list is the real crime here.

Not to worry, Def. Between the Ashes and Blue Planet (as well as Scroll of Antarhazimhoweverdafuqitsspelled and Procyon Insugency) are all on my to-do list. JAD can wait until I get my fill of the other stuff since it's not Freespace continuity. I'm interested in JAD and WoD, but the anime-themed stuff is a lower priority for me. :D :p :lol:

Gawds, due to circumstances entirely within my control (yes, within, so it's my own fault), I am now playing through 4 separate Freespace campaigns at once: Freespace 2 (a replay, of course; I just finished the first SOC loop and am starting Act 2), Ancient-Shivan War (about 5 missions in); Exile: Into the Dark Waters (1 mission in), and Silent Threat: Reborn (2 missions in).

Do you guys think my being scattered between 4 different campaigns at once says something bad about my character? :P :nervous: :shaking: :confused:

Your chance of completing a FS campagin with that management skill is = 0. :p

Hey now, I just finished FS1! (Which means that your chance of being correct in your prediction that I wouldn't finish a campaign is now officially zero.)  :drevil: :lol: C'mon, I have to prioritize my campaigns, man! (I'm trying to do the campaigns, at least the canon ones in chronological order.) :p Not to mention rereading The Lost Fleet to get some inspiration for DatDB as well as working out the bugs in my system to get the MediaVPs working right. I'm making progress on both those fronts as we, type. :nervous:
« Last Edit: January 17, 2020, 11:38:05 pm by Su-tehp »

Creator of the Devil and the Deep Blue campaign - Current Story Editor of the Exile campaign

"Let my people handle this, we're trained professionals. Well, we're semi-trained, quasi-professionals, at any rate." --Roy Greenhilt,
The Order of the Stick

"Let´s face it, we Freespace players may not be the most sophisticated of gaming freaks, but we do know enough to recognize a heap of steaming crap when it´s right in front of us."
--Su-tehp, while posting on the DatDB internal forum

"The meaning of life is that in the end you always get screwed."
--The Catch 42 Expression, The Lost Fleet: Beyond the Frontier: Steadfast

I meant DatDB actually~


Offline Su-tehp

  • Devil in the Deep Blue
  • 210
I meant DatDB actually~

Lol! Yeah, if DatDB ever gets done, it's years away. 17 years ago, I at least had a staff of chumps-- er, volunteers  :nervous: --who had some FREDding skills and could make a few maps for me. Now I got nothing but my own imagination and The Lost Fleet sci-fi novels to serve as inspiration. Good thing a number of good Freespace mods have been made in the interim for me to play with.

I just wish Act 3 of Ancient-Shivan War hadn't been cancelled. That would have been epic. :( :sigh:

Is there going to be an Act 3 of Blue Planet: War in Heaven? I haven't caught up on that yet since I got back.
« Last Edit: January 18, 2020, 01:07:15 pm by Su-tehp »

Creator of the Devil and the Deep Blue campaign - Current Story Editor of the Exile campaign

"Let my people handle this, we're trained professionals. Well, we're semi-trained, quasi-professionals, at any rate." --Roy Greenhilt,
The Order of the Stick

"Let´s face it, we Freespace players may not be the most sophisticated of gaming freaks, but we do know enough to recognize a heap of steaming crap when it´s right in front of us."
--Su-tehp, while posting on the DatDB internal forum

"The meaning of life is that in the end you always get screwed."
--The Catch 42 Expression, The Lost Fleet: Beyond the Frontier: Steadfast

ASW 3 assets have been released, just like the outline for the Acts III to V.


Offline Su-tehp

  • Devil in the Deep Blue
  • 210
ASW 3 assets have been released, just like the outline for the Acts III to V.

Ooh, outlines for Acts 3 to 5? I'll have to find those once I'm done playing Acts 1 and 2. Huh, ASW was planned to go to 5 acts? Huh, they're not following a Shakespearian plotline if the ASW writers had the Hope Spot happen at the end of Act 2 instead the end of Act 3. But then, none of us are Shakespeare. Hell, most of us aren't even English Theater students. :nervous: :confused:

Creator of the Devil and the Deep Blue campaign - Current Story Editor of the Exile campaign

"Let my people handle this, we're trained professionals. Well, we're semi-trained, quasi-professionals, at any rate." --Roy Greenhilt,
The Order of the Stick

"Let´s face it, we Freespace players may not be the most sophisticated of gaming freaks, but we do know enough to recognize a heap of steaming crap when it´s right in front of us."
--Su-tehp, while posting on the DatDB internal forum

"The meaning of life is that in the end you always get screwed."
--The Catch 42 Expression, The Lost Fleet: Beyond the Frontier: Steadfast

ASW 3 assets have been released, just like the outline for the Acts III to V.

Ooh, outlines for Acts 3 to 5? I'll have to find those once I'm done playing Acts 1 and 2. Huh, ASW was planned to go to 5 acts? Huh, they're not following a Shakespearian plotline if the ASW writers had the Hope Spot happen at the end of Act 2 instead the end of Act 3. But then, none of us are Shakespeare. Hell, most of us aren't even English Theater students. :nervous: :confused:

The idea was to follow the stages established by the Ancient monologs from FS1 or something like that.

Link to Act 3-5:


Offline Su-tehp

  • Devil in the Deep Blue
  • 210
ASW 3 assets have been released, just like the outline for the Acts III to V.

Ooh, outlines for Acts 3 to 5? I'll have to find those once I'm done playing Acts 1 and 2. Huh, ASW was planned to go to 5 acts? Huh, they're not following a Shakespearian plotline if the ASW writers had the Hope Spot happen at the end of Act 2 instead the end of Act 3. But then, none of us are Shakespeare. Hell, most of us aren't even English Theater students. :nervous: :confused:

The idea was to follow the stages established by the Ancient monologs from FS1 or something like that.

Link to Act 3-5:

Oh, I see. Yeah, that makes sense.

Creator of the Devil and the Deep Blue campaign - Current Story Editor of the Exile campaign

"Let my people handle this, we're trained professionals. Well, we're semi-trained, quasi-professionals, at any rate." --Roy Greenhilt,
The Order of the Stick

"Let´s face it, we Freespace players may not be the most sophisticated of gaming freaks, but we do know enough to recognize a heap of steaming crap when it´s right in front of us."
--Su-tehp, while posting on the DatDB internal forum

"The meaning of life is that in the end you always get screwed."
--The Catch 42 Expression, The Lost Fleet: Beyond the Frontier: Steadfast


Offline Su-tehp

  • Devil in the Deep Blue
  • 210
So I'm still getting error messages when I play Silent Threat: Reborn. FWIW, I've got my latest debug log here.

Just finished The Wait on Medium difficulty. Man, that mission was a pain in the a$$ to rerun and finish. Then after 4 tries, I finally finished the mission without dying...and then I found out I didn't get either Lilith kill, so no Distinguished Flying Cross medal.  :banghead: :sigh: :(
« Last Edit: January 21, 2020, 08:29:13 pm by Su-tehp »

Creator of the Devil and the Deep Blue campaign - Current Story Editor of the Exile campaign

"Let my people handle this, we're trained professionals. Well, we're semi-trained, quasi-professionals, at any rate." --Roy Greenhilt,
The Order of the Stick

"Let´s face it, we Freespace players may not be the most sophisticated of gaming freaks, but we do know enough to recognize a heap of steaming crap when it´s right in front of us."
--Su-tehp, while posting on the DatDB internal forum

"The meaning of life is that in the end you always get screwed."
--The Catch 42 Expression, The Lost Fleet: Beyond the Frontier: Steadfast


Offline Goober5000

  • HLP Loremaster
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    • Goober5000 Productions
What error messages are you getting?  According to that log, it looks like you played through the mission successfully.  And I assume if you beat the mission you no longer have the problem with textures.

In any case, the log indicates you're still using Knossos.  In order to play ST:R without MediaVPs, you will need to launch it through wxLauncher.

Regarding medals, you get the Distinguished Flying Cross if you complete all objectives.  You get the Meritorious Unit if you do that plus get the kill for a Lilith.


Offline Su-tehp

  • Devil in the Deep Blue
  • 210
Yeah, I think I confused the Meritorious Unit and the Distinguished Flying Cross. I got the latter, but not the former because I didn't get the Lilith kill. Eh, no biggie.

On a more bemused note, while searching Freespace Wiki for information on which star systems belonged to the Terrans and which to the Vasudans, I stumbled across this. I had completely forgotten I had ever wrote anything like this. I especially forgot that I thought that during Reconstruction, the Terrans would possess and/or patrol more star systems than the Vasudans. In retrospect, I really should have known better than to think that the Terrans would control/populate 24 star systems while the Vasudans only possessed five star systems and thinking that the Terran-Vasudan War would still be so evenly matched as to result in a 14 year stalemate. :sigh: :o :doubt: :rolleyes:

Has anyone done a tally of which star systems belonged to the Terrans and which to the Vasudans after I published this?
« Last Edit: January 24, 2020, 01:09:52 am by Su-tehp »

Creator of the Devil and the Deep Blue campaign - Current Story Editor of the Exile campaign

"Let my people handle this, we're trained professionals. Well, we're semi-trained, quasi-professionals, at any rate." --Roy Greenhilt,
The Order of the Stick

"Let´s face it, we Freespace players may not be the most sophisticated of gaming freaks, but we do know enough to recognize a heap of steaming crap when it´s right in front of us."
--Su-tehp, while posting on the DatDB internal forum

"The meaning of life is that in the end you always get screwed."
--The Catch 42 Expression, The Lost Fleet: Beyond the Frontier: Steadfast

I especially forgot that I thought that during Reconstruction, the Terrans would possess and/or patrol more star systems than the Vasudans. In retrospect, I really should have known better than to think that the Terrans would control/populate 24 star systems while the Vasudans only possessed five star systems and thinking that the Terran-Vasudan War would still be so evenly matched as to result in a 14 year stalemate. :sigh: :o :doubt: :rolleyes:

It's not about how many systems you control, but how much population and industry you have in these systems. As such it doesn't matter how many systems you have - in the end the Vasudans probably "won" in a way, their 5 systems survived, while the 24 Terran systems fell apart into blocks. In the end, resources don't matter much, a single system that uses a (still rather tiny) share of its resources (~0.1%) would be able to bury the Sathanas armada in a day.


Offline Goober5000

  • HLP Loremaster
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    • Goober5000 Productions
Has anyone done a tally of which star systems belonged to the Terrans and which to the Vasudans after I published this?

No, not to that degree.  That star system writeup has been accepted more or less as fanon.  It has proven to be very useful, and campaigns still use it to determine which fleet is based in which system.

Any similar tallies have been smaller, and supplementary in nature.  For example, in Scroll, Sesquipedalian decided that Antares, Beta Cygni, Ribos, Betelgeuse, and Ikeya were historically Vasudan systems that were occupied by Terrans during the later stages of the T-V War.  These were returned to Vasudan control following BETAC.