Author Topic: Ubisoft vs. Webcomic. FIGHT!  (Read 1785 times)

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Ubisoft vs. Webcomic. FIGHT!
So there's this webcomic that updates daily, and is quite good. It's about Minecraft:

And today the author made a special "filler weekend" comic decrying the DRM policies of Ubisoft, and asked everyone to send letters to and boycott their products, and also to tell all our friends about it. So that's what I'm doing now.

This should be the permanent link to the relevant comic: though the comic itself is relocated here:

So yeah, there you go, my job here's finished. discuss?


Offline BloodEagle

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Re: Ubisoft vs. Webcomic. FIGHT!
I would sincerely like to know what was running through that person's mind when the decision to have a single frame duplicated to the point that the "comic" reaches 8,133 pixels in height was validated as not being wasteful to the point of disgust.

I may be overreacting because I can remember a time when 3MB was non-trivial to transfer, but damn it, people.  It's called text, use it.


Offline Scotty

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Re: Ubisoft vs. Webcomic. FIGHT!
The "If you read this and don't send a letter, you're on the side of Ubisoft and DRM" line at the end kind of pisses me off.  Yes, make it an "us vs. them" why don't you?  Demonize everyone who doesn't hold your point of view for whatever reason.  That always ends well.


Offline Enigmatic Entity

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Re: Ubisoft vs. Webcomic. FIGHT!
:P There you go...

What games do Ubisoft own, anyway? Sorry I'm not "up with the times" on this..
Juvenescence and multifariousness is eternal.


Offline Nemesis6

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Re: Ubisoft vs. Webcomic. FIGHT!
Ubisoft can do whatever they want because the stuff they're involved in -- Typically not my cup of tea.

In any case,

Re: Ubisoft vs. Webcomic. FIGHT!
*shakes head at Gabe Newell*
Please first ensure that your offline mode works properly, valve...

I also do not quite like the 'If you ar enot with us you are against us" stand in the last part.

Re: Ubisoft vs. Webcomic. FIGHT!
The "If you read this and don't send a letter, you're on the side of Ubisoft and DRM" line at the end kind of pisses me off.  Yes, make it an "us vs. them" why don't you?  Demonize everyone who doesn't hold your point of view for whatever reason.  That always ends well.
Well, yeah that part bugged me a bit too, but I figured it may have been hyperbole or something?
And BloodEagle, sorry I didn't think to warn you about that. It's a thing the artist does, about two out of 7 strips just so he doesn't have to make new art, and I guess it got away this time.


Offline Shivan Hunter

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Re: Ubisoft vs. Webcomic. FIGHT!


Molotov cocktails get more **** done

you know what to do


Offline Kopachris

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Re: Ubisoft vs. Webcomic. FIGHT!
I'd do it, except I run Linux and don't play any Ubisoft games anyway.
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