Author Topic: NOOB to this  (Read 1100 times)

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Hello All,

I've seen great things here, bringing my favorite space combat game back from the low res past.

I've also been looking for a basic guide to what I would need to get into the modern era of making Freespace look really good again. I've found the basic intructions of what you need so I'll break down my overwhelming confusion.

What do I need blow for blow in terms of
1) Open AL
2) FSO 3.7.1
3) Media VPs (which of these to I need specifically for a good start point, as there a loads of them!)
4) Will this enhance FS1 or is it just for FS2, and how do you integrate FS1 into FS2s engine?
5) Saw cockpit yes please!!!

Basically all that as the best of what I would need or is recommended by the wise men here to bring FS1 and 2 up to date and looking goregous again :)

Many thanks :)


Offline General Battuta

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You need OpenAL. Get whatever's linked in the Getting Started thread.

Get FSO 3.7.1. It'll come in an archive. Extract it directly into your FreeSpace 2 folder.

Get the 2014 MediaVPs if you only want to play the FreeSpace 2 campaign with upgraded graphics. Get the 3.6.12 MediaVPs if you also want to play some of the many excellent mods we have available.

If you want to play FS1 in the FS2 engine, you will need to install FSPort (which has its own MediaVPs).

Cockpit mods are a thing! I don't know much about them but they're available.

Your best bet may be to use which can take care of a lot of this for you. But it's still in beta, and it may not handle everything. If you need more help afterwards, or if you meet any errors, just come back and ask.


Offline Shivan Hunter

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cockpit mods!

You'll want to extract the cockpit-mod folder from that download into your freespace2 folder and select it as the mod in the launcher instead of mediavps_2014.

To clarify one of battuta's points: If you're using the 2014 MediaVPs, get a nightly build such as this one: It includes some new features after 3.7.0, but don't worry, test builds and nightly builds are (usually) very stable!

Get the "standard" one- "SSE" and "NO-SSE" are for very old computers, the standard uses "SSE2". These are just compiler optimizations for certain types of CPUs (basically anything newer than a Pentium 3), and FSO still supports extremely old CPUs because they're weird. :7

Whether certain mods work on the new (2014) MediaVPs is an open question. I'm playing through Blue Planet using them and haven't seen any problems, but that doesn't mean there aren't any. If you want to be adventurous, you could edit the

secondarylist = mediavps_3612;


secondarylist = mediavps_2014;

and see if it works! But it's a good idea to have both the 3.6.12 and the 2014 MediaVPs in case you need them.