Author Topic: A celebration of Freespace  (Read 2698428 times)

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Offline Swifty

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Re: A celebration of Freespace
This doesn't require another render pass. It's just another few lines in the fragment shader.


Offline Fury

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Re: A celebration of Freespace
I've been too long away from FSO modding because the only thing I noticed is that how low-res those textures are. :(


Offline Black Wolf

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Re: A celebration of Freespace
Swifty: Does it need a -height map? Or does it somehow extract that data from the -normal map?
Rarely Updated P3D.
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Re: A celebration of Freespace

Save your height maps, lads!

The DL of mod and shader as they are now. May be changed in the future, but not much. That's only 9 lines of shader added :p

Fantastic work that. Small change from me:

Code: [Select]
uniform int n_lights;
uniform sampler2D sBasemap;
uniform int desaturate;
uniform float desaturate_r;
uniform float desaturate_g;
uniform float desaturate_b;
uniform sampler2D sGlowmap;
uniform sampler2D sSpecmap;
uniform samplerCube sEnvmap;
uniform bool alpha_spec;
varying vec3 envReflect;
uniform sampler2D sNormalmap;
uniform sampler2D sHeightmap;

#if defined FLAG_NORMAL_MAP || defined FLAG_HEIGHT_MAP
varying mat3 tbnMatrix;

#ifdef FLAG_FOG
varying float fogDist;
uniform sampler2D sFramebuffer;
uniform int effect_num;
uniform float anim_timer;
uniform float vpwidth;
uniform float vpheight;
uniform vec3 base_color;
uniform vec3 stripe_color;
vec2 teamMask = vec2(0.0, 0.0);
uniform sampler2D sMiscmap;
varying vec4 position;
varying vec3 lNormal;
  #define MAX_LIGHTS 2
  #define MAX_LIGHTS 8
#define SPEC_INTENSITY_POINT 1.0 // Point light
#define SPEC_INTENSITY_DIRECTIONAL 1.0 // Directional light
#define SPECULAR_ALPHA 0.1
#define ENV_ALPHA_FACTOR 0.3
#define HEIGHT_SCALE 0.02
void main()
vec3 eyeDir = vec3(normalize(-position).xyz); // Camera is as (0,0,0) in ModelView space
vec4 lightAmbientDiffuse = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
vec4 lightDiffuse = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
vec4 lightAmbient = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
vec4 lightSpecular = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
vec2 texCoord = gl_TexCoord[0].xy;
  float height = texture2D(sHeightmap, texCoord).g;
  height = HEIGHT_SCALE * height - (HEIGHT_SCALE / 2.0f);
  texCoord = texCoord + height * (transpose(tbnMatrix) * eyeDir).xy;
vec4 specColour = texture2D(sSpecmap, texCoord);
 float gloss = gl_FrontMaterial.shininess;
    vec2 teamMask = vec2(0.0, 0.0);
    teamMask = texture2D(sMiscmap, texCoord).rg;
 #ifdef FLAG_LIGHT
// Normal map - convert from DXT5nm
vec3 normal;
normal.rg = (texture2D(sNormalmap, texCoord).ag * 2.0) - 1.0;
   #ifdef FLAG_ENV_MAP
vec3 envOffset = vec3(0.0);
envOffset.xy = normal.xy;
vec3 envReflectNM = envReflect + envOffset;
vec4 envColour = textureCube(sEnvmap, envReflectNM);
normal.b = sqrt(1.0 - dot(normal.rg, normal.rg));
normal = tbnMatrix * normal;
float norm = length(normal);
// prevent breaking of normal maps
if (length(normal) > 0.0)
normal /= norm;
normal = tbnMatrix * vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
vec3 normal = lNormal;
   #ifdef FLAG_ENV_MAP
vec4 envColour = textureCube(sEnvmap, envReflect);
vec3 lightDir;
lightAmbient = gl_FrontMaterial.emission + (gl_LightModel.ambient * gl_FrontMaterial.ambient);
float dist;
#pragma optionNV unroll all
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_LIGHTS; ++i) {
  #if SHADER_MODEL > 2
if (i > n_lights)
float specularIntensity = 1.0;
float attenuation = 1.0;
// Attenuation and light direction
  #if SHADER_MODEL > 2
if (gl_LightSource[i].position.w == 1.0) {
if (gl_LightSource[i].position.w == 1.0 && i != 0) {
// Positional light source
dist = distance(gl_LightSource[i],;
lightDir = (gl_LightSource[i] -;
  #if SHADER_MODEL > 2
if (gl_LightSource[i].spotCutoff < 91.0) {  // Tube light
float beamlength = length(gl_LightSource[i].spotDirection);
vec3 beamDir = normalize(gl_LightSource[i].spotDirection);
// Get nearest point on line
float neardist = dot( - gl_LightSource[i] , beamDir);
// Move back from the endpoint of the beam along the beam by the distance we calculated
vec3 nearest = gl_LightSource[i] - beamDir * abs(neardist);
lightDir = nearest -;
dist = length(lightDir);
lightDir = normalize(lightDir);
attenuation = 1.0 / (gl_LightSource[i].constantAttenuation + (gl_LightSource[i].linearAttenuation * dist) + (gl_LightSource[i].quadraticAttenuation * dist * dist));
specularIntensity = SPEC_INTENSITY_POINT;
} else {
// Directional light source
lightDir = normalize(gl_LightSource[i];
vec3 half_vec = normalize(lightDir + eyeDir);
// Ambient and Diffuse
lightAmbient += (gl_FrontLightProduct[i].ambient * attenuation);
lightDiffuse += (gl_FrontLightProduct[i].diffuse * (max(dot(normal, lightDir), 0.0)) * attenuation);
// Specular
float NdotHV = clamp(dot(normal, half_vec), 0.0, 1.0);
lightSpecular += (((gl_FrontLightProduct[i].specular * pow(NdotHV, gloss)) * attenuation) * specularIntensity) * ( (gloss/8.0) + (2.0/8.0) );
lightAmbientDiffuse = lightAmbient + lightDiffuse;
lightAmbientDiffuse = gl_Color;
lightSpecular = gl_SecondaryColor;
vec2 distort = vec2(cos(position.x*position.w*0.005+anim_timer*20.0)*sin(position.y*position.w*0.005),sin(position.x*position.w*0.005+anim_timer*20.0)*cos(position.y*position.w*0.005))*0.03;
 // Base color
vec4 baseColor;
if (effect_num == 2) {
baseColor = texture2D(sBasemap, texCoord + distort*(1.0-anim_timer));
} else {
baseColor = texture2D(sBasemap, texCoord);
vec4 baseColor = texture2D(sBasemap, texCoord);
vec4 baseColor = gl_Color;
vec3 base = base_color - vec3(0.5);
vec3 stripe = stripe_color - vec3(0.5);
baseColor.rgb += (base * teamMask.x) + (stripe * teamMask.y);
vec4 fragmentColor;
fragmentColor.rgb = baseColor.rgb * max(lightAmbientDiffuse.rgb * AMBIENT_LIGHT_BOOST, gl_LightModel.ambient.rgb - 0.425);
fragmentColor.a = baseColor.a;
 // Spec color
fragmentColor.rgb += lightSpecular.rgb * (specColour.rgb * SPECULAR_FACTOR);
fragmentColor.a += (dot(lightSpecular.a, lightSpecular.a) * SPECULAR_ALPHA);
fragmentColor.rgb += lightSpecular.rgb * (baseColor.rgb * SPEC_FACTOR_NO_SPEC_MAP);
 // Env color
 #ifdef FLAG_ENV_MAP
vec3 envIntensity = (alpha_spec) ? vec3(specColour.a) : specColour.rgb;
fragmentColor.a += (dot(envColour.rgb, envColour.rgb) * ENV_ALPHA_FACTOR);
fragmentColor.rgb += envColour.rgb * envIntensity;
 // Glow color
// vec3 glowColour = texture2D(sGlowmap, texCoord).rgb;
// fragmentColor.rgb += glowColour.rgb * GLOW_MAP_INTENSITY;
fragmentColor.rgb += texture2D(sGlowmap, texCoord).rgb * GLOW_MAP_INTENSITY;
 #ifdef FLAG_FOG
fragmentColor.rgb = mix(fragmentColor.rgb, gl_Fog.color.rgb, fogDist);
if (effect_num == 0) {
float shinefactor = 1.0/(1.0 + pow((fract(abs(gl_TexCoord[0].x))-anim_timer) * 1000.0, 2.0)) * 1000.0;
gl_FragColor.rgb = fragmentColor.rgb + vec3(shinefactor);
gl_FragColor.a = fragmentColor.a * clamp(shinefactor * (fract(abs(gl_TexCoord[0].x))-anim_timer) * -10000.0,0.0,1.0);
if (effect_num == 1) {
float shinefactor = 1.0/(1.0 + pow((position.y-anim_timer), 2.0));
gl_FragColor.rgb = fragmentColor.rgb + vec3(shinefactor);
gl_FragColor.a = fragmentColor.a;
// ATI Wireframe fix *grumble*
gl_FragColor.a = clamp((position.y-anim_timer) * 10000.0,0.0,1.0);
if (effect_num == 2) {
vec2 screenPos = gl_FragCoord.xy * vec2(vpwidth,vpheight);
gl_FragColor.a = fragmentColor.a;
float cloak_interp = (sin(position.x*position.w*0.005+anim_timer*20.0)*sin(position.y*position.w*0.005)*0.5)-0.5;
gl_FragColor.rgb = mix(texture2D(sFramebuffer, screenPos + distort*anim_timer + anim_timer*0.1*normal.xy).rgb,fragmentColor.rgb,clamp(cloak_interp+anim_timer*2.0,0.0,1.0));
gl_FragColor.rgb = mix(texture2D(sFramebuffer, screenPos + distort*anim_timer + anim_timer*0.1*lNormal.xy).rgb,fragmentColor.rgb,clamp(cloak_interp+anim_timer*2.0,0.0,1.0));
if(desaturate == 1) {
float intensity = 0.0;
intensity = (fragmentColor.r + fragmentColor.g + fragmentColor.b)/3.0;
float alpha = fragmentColor.a;
fragmentColor = vec4(desaturate_r, desaturate_g, desaturate_b, 1.0) * intensity;
fragmentColor.a = alpha;
gl_FragColor = fragmentColor;

Code: [Select]
uniform mat4 envMatrix;
varying vec3 envReflect;
#if defined FLAG_NORMAL_MAP || defined FLAG_HEIGHT_MAP
varying mat3 tbnMatrix;
#ifdef FLAG_FOG
varying float fogDist;
uniform float thruster_scale;
varying vec4 position;
varying vec3 lNormal;
void main()
gl_TexCoord[0] = gl_TextureMatrix[0] * gl_MultiTexCoord0;
vec4 vertex = gl_Vertex;
if(vertex.z < -1.5) {
vertex.z *= thruster_scale;
gl_Position = gl_ProjectionMatrix * gl_ModelViewMatrix * vertex;
gl_FrontColor = gl_Color;
gl_FrontSecondaryColor = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
 // Transform the normal into eye space and normalize the result.
position = gl_ModelViewMatrix * vertex;
vec3 normal = normalize(gl_NormalMatrix * gl_Normal);
lNormal = normal;
 #if defined FLAG_NORMAL_MAP || defined FLAG_HEIGHT_MAP
 // Setup stuff for normal maps
vec3 t = normalize(gl_NormalMatrix *;
vec3 b = cross(normal, t) * gl_MultiTexCoord1.w;
tbnMatrix = mat3(t, b, normal);
 #ifdef FLAG_ENV_MAP
 // Environment mapping reflection vector.
envReflect = reflect(, normal);
envReflect = vec3(envMatrix * vec4(envReflect, 0.0));
envReflect = normalize(envReflect);
 #ifdef FLAG_FOG
fogDist = clamp((gl_Position.z - gl_Fog.start) * 0.75 * gl_Fog.scale, 0.0, 1.0);
gl_ClipVertex = (gl_ModelViewMatrix * vertex);

These shaders allow normal maps and height maps to exist independently. In your shaders, height maps needed normal maps in order to work (or rather, a specific step the vertex shader did when normal maps were active). I've changed both shaders so that the tbnMatrix is computed whenever normal mapping or height mapping is active.

Swifty: Does it need a -height map? Or does it somehow extract that data from the -normal map?

Yes, it does, and while you technically could reverse-engineer the height map from the normal map via some fancy math tricks, making a separate height map is recommended. If you're following Herra's GIMP tutorial, a height map is a first step to making a normal map anyway.

I should also note that you definitely need both a height and a normal map, as the height map on its own does not provide enough information to tell the shader where to put specular highlights.

EDIT: Here is (or will be, rather) a video showing how normal and height maps work together:

« Last Edit: September 15, 2013, 02:17:14 am by The E »
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I came from chasing dreams to feel alone
There must be changes, miss to feel strong
I really need lifе to touch me
--Evergrey, Where August Mourns

Re: A celebration of Freespace
Didn't we have heightmapping at some point, which was subsequently dropped again?


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Re: A celebration of Freespace
Didn't we have heightmapping at some point, which was subsequently dropped again?

I believe it was dropped in favour of normal maps
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Offline Alan Bolte

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Re: A celebration of Freespace
EDIT: Here is (or will be, rather) a video showing how normal and height maps work together:
There's something wrong there, I don't know if it's the code or the height map used. If you watch the top of the sphere, where there are a bunch of square grey shapes on a black background, they look like they're... I don't know, I want to say "swimming" whenever height maps are turned on.
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Offline Kobrar44

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Re: A celebration of Freespace
Yes they were. Reson for that is that the algorithms visually bumps everything with height > 0.5 [128] and insets with height < 0.5. Heightmap for Karnak wasn't properly scaled [swimming parts were well below 0.5] and I fixed that already. I'll upload everything once I'm satisfied with parallax occlusion too.
Oh guys, use that [ url ][ img ][ /img ][ /url ] :/


Offline NeonShivan

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Re: A celebration of Freespace
Who knew alien invasions are so beautiful.

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Re: A celebration of Freespace
That's a pretty planet.


Offline An4ximandros

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Re: A celebration of Freespace
Oh no! The Ceph have succeeded in freezing Earth. Prophet has failed us. :( (Nice Planet.)

EDIT: I just remembered that a long time ago, Aesaar said the Neo-Raynor would not be shown until the release of the new BP part. Did you change your mind or... is... IS IT HAPPENING?!
« Last Edit: September 16, 2013, 03:28:07 am by An4ximandros »


Offline Aesaar

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Re: A celebration of Freespace
I changed my mind.  Now it's not going to be released until it's actually done, which it isn't (also my own personal whims).  No lods or debris yet, and textures aren't quite done either.

Maybe I should torment you and make you wait until the Titan...


Offline BritishShivans

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Re: A celebration of Freespace
Goddamnit, An4ximandros. Now he'll never release it.  :P


Offline NeonShivan

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Re: A celebration of Freespace
Maybe I should torment you and make you wait until the Titan...

Please do
In German even the most beautiful love letter sounds like an execution order -Mito

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 /  \ All the Single Ladies

( •_•)
\(  (>
  /  \ All the Single Ladies

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Author of Dusk Wars - A modification for Freespace 2.


Offline The Dagger

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Re: A celebration of Freespace
Who knew alien invasions are so beautiful.

*** Pretty pictures ***

Wow, that planet looks gorgeous. Can we have it?


Offline NeonShivan

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Re: A celebration of Freespace
Who knew alien invasions are so beautiful.

*** Pretty pictures ***

Wow, that planet looks gorgeous. Can we have it?

Sure! If you take the effort to grab it from Shadow Genesis, cause that's where the planet came from :P

EDIT: The file is called "hab2"

Whether or not Shadow Genesis is willing to allow others to use it is an entirely different story however. I'm using it for screenshot purposes at this moment but if they don't want it distributed in other mods, then I'll remove it and then sadly you can't use it either but hey, why would they deny you access to such a beautiful piece of artwork.
In German even the most beautiful love letter sounds like an execution order -Mito

 <)  )/
 /  \ All the Single Ladies

( •_•)
\(  (>
  /  \ All the Single Ladies

 <)  )/
 /  \  Oh Oh Oh

Author of Dusk Wars - A modification for Freespace 2.


Offline The Dagger

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Re: A celebration of Freespace
Well, Shadow Genesis is in my TODO list . ;) But it keeps getting larger and larger. :nono:


Offline Nyctaeus

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Re: A celebration of Freespace
You can use everything from Shadow Genesis on the same conditions as every public avaliable content. This planet is a stock from the depths of the internet :P, with citylights by me. Is wasn't even used in the first release.
Cool stuff "yes"
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Re: A celebration of Freespace
Just wanted to show something up :D. Recently finished - the Factory Ship escorted by the frigate. Base model by SolCommand []. Special thanks for Scooby for hangarbay model.

And yeah, I still suck at making normals... So here is a clear shot without.

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Re: A celebration of Freespace
Something about that shine map makes the yellow paint look very...faded?
Cool ship though!