Originally posted by StratComm
But you can't use ether as a theory to build from. Ever. Under any circumstances.
The other problem is that this theory relies more on magic and conjecture than simply saying the GTVA can produce roughly 1g artificial gravity (Which, in fact, is all you're saying; a velocity-limiting field is, as I will continue to maintain, a complete logical fallacy, but it's achieving the same goals). Doesn't require explanation. Also, you keep refering to this thing as a derivative of subspace drives, with some kind of fluid/plasma acting as the driver for the force field, but the tech room description of subspace drives cleary shows that they are a mechanical device devoid of any kind of circulating fluid. It breaks too many laws of physics (even by freespace standards) to be a useful theory.
Now, excuse me but where the **** did fluid/plasma stuff come from?
You must have watched way too much Star Trek with their blabber about plasma ducts and such flashing gizmo.
BTW does a river or an air current break physics?
Saying that the GTVA can create a 1g artificial gravity is simply put NO WHATSOEVER EXPLANATION.
Moreover if they could do a real 1g strong gravity field wouldn't need any whatsoever engines or lasers...
I never said a subspace engine is a fluid/plasma thingy...
AFAIK subspace is made of the 10-25 dimensions all particles reside in of what only 4 create a continous environment known as space-time, the rest are in dissarray.
Hawking used the orange parallel - an orange is more or less a perfect sphere - but if you look close you realise it's full of small ridges and bumps.
Gravity affects subspace jumps and it is admitedly easier to jump in a gravity field - hence the presense of only intra-system capable jump drives.
IMHO a jumpdrive either alignes a corridor into/through which the ship can travel or what's more likely it forces the particles in the ship to vibrate on the same frequency (the whole source of loop theory treated particles as miniature oscillators) as subspace which forms a more or less cohesive space from points of space that are close only on a different set of oscillatons.
This forced oscillation on along the n-th dimensions is what a jumpdrive should create. I don't know how this is possible - it probably uses a variant of quantum phenomenons that seem to duplicate particles and/or make pairs that seem to "know" of each other.
This resonating phenomenon passes though the whole ship (probably at the speed of light) in repeated waves until the whole ship is aligned with subspace, then transition can occur and a portion of subspace itself is aligned with normal space resulting in the trademark warp.
The resonance probably travels in all direction and covers a globe of space effecting everything inside - this is the reason that you can still hurt a ship while in transition, since your bullets entering the resonance field recieve the same treatment and/or get aligned enough to still cause some damage.
Most capships don't have a globular design, so most of the field is lost, but you still use tons of energy to align empty space.
What I proposed was that big ships can't create a big enough resonance that could cover the entire ship on its own without a needlessly big ammount of power.
Using multiple jumpdrives would be wastefull and too expensive and difficult to synhronise (it is also possible that even too ships jumping into subspace from the same point won't end up in subspace at the same place since their drives were a tad different - the whole subspace tracking technology could be about dealing with this).
So instead building damn big jump drive they distot the field of the existing one, using methods similar to how one would distort a wave inside a pool.
The subspace conducts are actually these resonators and dampers that shape the resonance field best to cover the ship as accuratly as possible.
Warpfield actually uses the resonance wave created by the subspace drive/aparatus. It aligns space to an extent where it can't be used for jump, but does in an assymetrical manner that result in a bend of space-time very similar to gravity.
The problem is that you can't continously do that and a distortion with potent power would probably tear everything aparat. So instead one big distorion, several waves of them are continously passed through the field to result in a constant average distortion field. The reason a person won't accelerate any more in a warpfield once he reached a speed is that he reached the speed with whic the waves are traveling (not the resonance itself which travels at the speed of light just like gravity, but the speed at which the intervining distortions go).