Author Topic: 3.3 release  (Read 53699 times)

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Offline Trivial Psychic

  • 212
  • Snoop Junkie
You had a ships.tbl file in your tables directory BEFORE you extracted ships-adv.tbl?
The Trivial Psychic Strikes Again!

No, no I didn't...that was a misinterpretation of the instructions on the readme.  I've since reinstalled everything and did the "ships.tbl" thing right, but the game still crashes whenever a subsystem on a capitol ship I'm supposed to protect is destroyed...particularly on Hyperian type ships.  I can't figure out what the problem is...because it doesn't happen nearly as much when I play debug.  I'll post another reply soon with more information.  In the meantime, could you speculate as to what my problem might be?

...and in addition to that, the game also doesn't recognize drakh ships, even though I went through the ships.tbl file and changes all the "DH"'s and "dh"'s to "DK"'s and "dk"'s.


Offline Trivial Psychic

  • 212
  • Snoop Junkie
Why would you go and do that?
The Trivial Psychic Strikes Again!

You know what?  I don't know why I did that....
Seemed like a good idea at the time, but I've fixed the mistake that I just admitted...

Now I've got two new errors:

Assert: be->handle == handle
File: c:\fs2_open\code\bmpman\bmpman.cpp
Line: 2529
[This filename points to the location of a file on the computer that built this executable]

Call stack:
    fs2_open_Red_2006-01-09-P4_d.exe 00756c5b()
    fs2_open_Red_2006-01-09-P4_d.exe 00865d52()
    fs2_open_Red_2006-01-09-P4_d.exe 008663d1()
    fs2_open_Red_2006-01-09-P4_d.exe 00b17cea()
    fs2_open_Red_2006-01-09-P4_d.exe 00b17be0()
    fs2_open_Red_2006-01-09-P4_d.exe 0071434a()
    fs2_open_Red_2006-01-09-P4_d.exe 0086ca9a()
    fs2_open_Red_2006-01-09-P4_d.exe 0086ac27()
    fs2_open_Red_2006-01-09-P4_d.exe 0086d354()
    fs2_open_Red_2006-01-09-P4_d.exe 0076fc1a()
    fs2_open_Red_2006-01-09-P4_d.exe 006c3247()
    fs2_open_Red_2006-01-09-P4_d.exe 006c4383()
    fs2_open_Red_2006-01-09-P4_d.exe 006d184a()
    fs2_open_Red_2006-01-09-P4_d.exe 008841ad()
    fs2_open_Red_2006-01-09-P4_d.exe 006d026c()

and the game also complains that it can't load "shockwave" texture referenced to in "shockwave.pof"

I know I've been posting a lot, but I want to get this game working....and the non-debug game still crashes when certain subsystems are destroyed on capitol ships.

...and how do I correct this spelling error for the word "initial" in the newer builds, because I'll bet good money that the newer builds would work if I could just fix that one little detail...with none of this not loading "shockwave" and "nemisis" textures....


Offline Trivial Psychic

  • 212
  • Snoop Junkie
If you want to make your tables compatible with new builds (2006/03/01 or newer), what you need to do is open the ships.tbl file (the one that was previously named ships-adv.tbl) in wordpad and use the replace feature.  Tell it to find any instances of "inital" (make sure to include the quotes) and replace them with initial (correct spelling, but DON'T include any quotation marks).  Tell it to change all instances of it, then save.  The ships.tbl file should now be up to date with the latest animation code for turret initial positions.
The Trivial Psychic Strikes Again!

Ok, I think that it'll work soon, but here is another problem that has plagued me:  the following debug lines are my only clue...but I don't know what they mean:

Warning: Couldn't open texture 'shockwave01'
referenced by model 'shockwave.pof'

Line: 2852
[This filename points to the location of a file on the computer that built this executable]

Call stack:



Offline Trivial Psychic

  • 212
  • Snoop Junkie
Take a browse through the Base VP file and see if you can find it.  Check in both the maps and effects folders.
The Trivial Psychic Strikes Again!

Hey Guys...After reading ALL the threads on this subject, could you smart fellas tell me the EXACT sequence to install???...I have downloaded ALL the base files and missions/campaigns...Installed Base 3.2...can't go anywhere, mouse hangs bigtime! Installed 3.3. and 3.3a try to run and get error like all the other people with "ships".etc. Although I game alot, MechWarrior, America's Army, etc., I know nothing about Freespace. HELP!!



Offline Trivial Psychic

  • 212
  • Snoop Junkie
I have downloaded ALL the base files and missions/campaigns...Installed Base 3.2...can't go anywhere, mouse hangs bigtime!

Do you mean that it hangs during install?  Its actually supposed to do that (though I'm not sure why).  Just give it some time.

What are your system specs?
The Trivial Psychic Strikes Again!

No, it installed fine, but when I type a pilot in, the mouse hangs for at least 30 seconds..then when I FINALLY
am able to get to the next scree (options, etc.) it hangs again, until it won't move any more!
If I install 3.3 and 3.3a, then I get the error message below..

Error: Error parsing 'ships.tbl'

Error code = 1.

File:E:\Languages\Visual Studio Projects\Visual C++\fs2_open\code\Ship\Ship.cpp

Line: 3033

Call stack:



WinXP Pro
Duel Core AMD 3800
Nvidia 512mg onboard card
No Open AL


Offline Trivial Psychic

  • 212
  • Snoop Junkie
OK.  So the "hang on install" thing isn't the problem.  I haven't actually heard of that particular problem before, although its possible your "no Open AL" thing is the problem.  Can you not install it, or is it simply that you haven't done it?

Regarding install sequence, install Base 3.2 first, then install the 3.3 update on top of that (which will actually modify the base VP file), then extract the 3.3a patch using WinRAR into the same directory that your game is installed to (typically C:\Program Files\The Babylon Project).  The patch contains a VP file which, because of how its named, will be loaded before the core VP, allowing certain critical files to be loaded from there rather than from the Base VP.  The Patch also contains several builds of Freespace Open, and a readme indicating their purpose and how to properly use them.

The error message regarding ships.tbl tells me one of 2 things:

1- you installed the 3.3 update properly, but not the patch (some who've had problems, did so because they simply dropped the Patch RAR file into the directory and thought that was enough).

2- you aren't using the proper build.  Even the default tables in the 3.3a patch are best used with release 3.6.7 of the Freespace Open engine.  Now, since 3.3 installs over the 3.2 install, it still uses by default the same FSO build that 3.2 had as default.  Some of the features included with 3.3 require at least FSO 3.6.7, but most don't know that you need to change the build in the launcher.  If that's the case, open the Launcher and select the "browse" button at the top right.  Assuming you've installed 3.3a correctly, there should be builds in there, one of which has 367 in its name.  The only newer build included that I suggest (that doesn't involve some more tinkering, which is covered in the readme) is the one labelled 2005-12-24, and based on your system specs, I'd advise one with the "P4" suffix.  Also, except for very special circumstances, don't use the builds with "_d" at the end.  These are debug builds that are not advised for average gaming.  Anyway, just select your build and go from there.  You may get some warning messages about unrecognized command line options, mainly because the SCP team has either changed the name of the command line option, or have removed them entirely, because of obsolescence.

Your command lines should look something like this:

 -spec -glow -jpgtga -nomotiondebris -2d_poof -dualscanlines -targetinfo -orbradar -nobeampierce -ship_choice_3d -3dwarp -tbp -snd_preload -ambient_factor 65

Just play with the options until you get that configuration.  There may be other options available both to improve lighting, or better handle some memory issues.

I hope this helps.  If it doesn't,... well, then, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it (or we'll just blow it to pieces  :drevil: )

The Trivial Psychic Strikes Again!

Thanks Psychic!..I installed Open AL and picked the build you suggested..WALA!
Also installed all the missions and Campaigns..have to start with the launcher..
no biggie!...Got the full DVD episode set last month..all 5 about
a marathon watching session!

Thanks for all your help!


Offline Trivial Psychic

  • 212
  • Snoop Junkie
Glad I could help.  Enjoy!
The Trivial Psychic Strikes Again!

So how's v3.4 coming along?

Can somebody tell me what i need to play this Mod and where to get it?
3dsMax User!


Offline IPAndrews

  • Disgruntled Customer
  • 212
  • This site stole my work
Sticky thread.

TBP - Proper Instellation Proceedures & Common Bugs
Be warned: This site's admins stole 100s of hours of my work. They will do it to you.


Offline falcon1

  • 21
Hi guys. I tried to play TBP mod last night but I ran into very similar problems that others have had here. I followed the Instalation Guide and did everything it asked but I still get this error:

Error: Error parsing 'ships.tbl'

Error code = 1.

File:E:\Languages\Visual Studio Projects\Visual C++\fs2_open\code\Ship\Ship.cpp

Line: 3033

I spent about 2 hours looking on this forum and the open source FS2 site for a solution but its confused the hell out of me. When I launch the game the start screen comes up with the station picture but the resolution is off, it doesn't fit on my screen properly. At this point it crashes and I get the above error come up. Interestingly when I dismiss the error message and click on the task bar, the game pops up again in window mode. I can hear some of the sounds from the interface and at this stage it justs bombs out completely, coming up with a windows error message.

Can anyone offer any tips on what I need to do? I'm running this on an Intel iMac core 2 duo with XP SP2.

Cheers in advance!


Offline Prophet

  • 210
  • The know-it-all
Read the guide again. :)
Theres a part called "Problems & Solutions:"
Problem - I'm using 2006-01-09 and I'm getting an error when I start the game:

Error: Error parsing 'ships.tbl'

Error code = 1.

Solution - Odds are you haven't properly enabled the updated ships.tbl file.  Either you didn't rename it properly or you've extracted it to the wrong location.  Re-read Step 5.
So go read step 5. And make sure you have the newest build from the SCP Recent Builds forum. RC7 (release canditate) is a good build and has worked well for me.

If you still have problems, then ask. :yes:
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