Author Topic: Vid's campaigns are too difficult? - advice here!  (Read 49637 times)

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Offline utops

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Re: Vid's campaigns are too difficult? - advice here!
Hello Vidmaster,

I found your campaigns not too difficult but fancy at all. The real frustration is on this:
*mission starts*
nothing happens boring stuff   .... 5 min pass or longer  then  BATTLE or other crucial event for mission succes comes and if fail then i must go pass the boring stuff again and TC don`t work. Don`t understand me wrong, i mean this boring stuff start to be boring after replaying it   a dozen times.
Im playing with Zhatras R1 and 3.6.10 inf so maybe this affect no time compression problem?

What if ?


Offline Vidmaster

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Re: Vid's campaigns are too difficult? - advice here!
no, I...      well, I actually disabled the time compression  :lol:   Even cool stuff bores you after a while, I know that, so I tried to keep the wait to a minimum but get right into the action, the big exceptions are

- 2259 M8: you have some time until you are in attack range. However, you do something in that time, you have to issue orders and to intercept the enemy.
- 2260 M6: the battle at Io (which simply was not possible any other way but forcing me to split the mission into three parts, although I might actually do that for the final voice acted release).
- 2260 M9: which is about waiting  :lol:
- 2261 M2: Some time passes until the battle starts, alright. But you need that time to plan the attack and issue all orders. Plus, how can blowing up a planet get boring eeevvvaarrr?  ;7
- 2261 M5: which is about flying around looking for someone

most other missions don't involve much waiting and usually start to go boom on you after 30 seconds or don't go boom at all, like for example 2260 M7 (the one where you test your new ship) or 2261 M11 (in which you patrol the system).

But yeah, I know the problem.
« Last Edit: May 18, 2010, 03:06:19 pm by Vidmaster »
Devoted member of the Official Karajorma Fan Club (Founded and Led by Mobius).

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Offline babylon5comlink

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Re: Vid's campaigns are too difficult? - advice here!
...most other missions don't involve much waiting and usually start to go boom on you after 30 seconds or don't go boom at all, ....

No boom today, boom tomorrow, there is always a boom tomorrow. What?! Look somebody has got to have some damn perspective around here. Boom. Sooner or later BOOM!--Commander Susan Ivanova of Babylon 5
« Last Edit: June 25, 2010, 09:27:58 pm by babylon5comlink »

Babylon 5 addict!!!

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Offline Vidmaster

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Re: Vid's campaigns are too difficult? - advice here!
hey, you noticed  :yes:
Devoted member of the Official Karajorma Fan Club (Founded and Led by Mobius).

Does crazy Software Engineering for a living, until he finally musters the courage to start building games for real. Might never happen.

Re: Vid's campaigns are too difficult? - advice here!
Hi Vid first of all great campaigns couldn´t stop playing until got trouble with my wife. But there is one mission i can´t handle in FH2261 when you have to scan the 3 omegas. Looks like on the hole huge hull there is only one spot that allows me to scan the ships. It really takes some time to find it and in the meanwhile the fighters have fun with me as a very slow moving target  :confused:. Is there a trick? or isn´t it supposed to be like this? Maybe i missed something special in the briefing... will check it again.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2010, 03:37:30 pm by XxHerrRonnyxX »


Offline Vidmaster

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Re: Vid's campaigns are too difficult? - advice here!
disable subsystem targeting when you are trying to scan a big ship. Usually, you always target a subsystem, a turret, the engines, something like that.
When disabling that, your ship's computer shows you exactly where to point your ship to scan it, which is simply the middle of the vessel.

have fun
Devoted member of the Official Karajorma Fan Club (Founded and Led by Mobius).

Does crazy Software Engineering for a living, until he finally musters the courage to start building games for real. Might never happen.

Re: Vid's campaigns are too difficult? - advice here!
Sorry for resurrecting this old post, but I think it's the most appropriate one ...

I'm having a pretty hard time beating the Fortune Hunters mission where you attack the Shadow base.
I manage to keep the Enfili alive and healthy, but during the shuttle deployment the second wave of the fighters always kills at least one of them.
I can kill the first fighter wave before they reach the shuttles by attacking one of the groups with all fighters when they spawn, then swinging around and attacking the other group before they reach the shuttles, but by the time the second wave spawns, the shuttles are too close for that tactic to work. Did I miss some trick or am I just not good enough for that mission?

OK, I got the mission done on the setting "Very Easy", with actually only a few scratches on one of the shuttles ...
But now I can finally go on with the campaign. :-)
« Last Edit: November 07, 2011, 08:00:51 am by Black Jack »


Offline Toranks

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Re: Vid's campaigns are to difficult? - advice here!
you loose the Hector I suppose?

Destroying the beam cannons of the enemy Midwinter sounds good to me.

On 6º mission, Confrontation, If I destroy the beam cannons of the Midwinter, the Harvester falls. If I stop the bombers, the Hector falls. I can't do both at same time, even with the best bomber available and on easy difficulty and killing very fast. They also fall very quickly, going from 90HP to 0 in a few seconds.
I have found that the defense platform launches a lot of damaging missiles at the Hector, but if I try to destroy them the Midwinter destroys the Hector. No matter how fast I fly, I don't have time to do both things, even leaving directly after taking off at the beginning.

Similar thing happens on 10º mission, Taking back liberty. I fly very fast with the fastest ship and with the best missiles, and order alpha to disarm one Defense and beta other Defense. But the Harvester lost all his life with only 1 or 2 missile salvo from any Defense. Is impossible for us to disarm all missile launchers on all defenses before the Harvester explodes.
I have managed to destroy two of the defense stations with alpha an beta and left the third without sensors or communication by myself (as they say in the dialogues). And when the PSI ships start attacking me and I have to defend myself, the last defense quickly destroys the Harvester in a matter of seconds with a salvo of missiles. Even without sensors or communication. Has no sense.

Can someone give me tips to pass it with 1 player?

« Last Edit: July 15, 2022, 08:54:04 pm by Toranks »


Offline Vidmaster

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Re: Vid's campaigns are too difficult? - advice here!
It is likely that the balancing of these campaigns shifted dramatically with newer versions of FSOpen that caused certain engine limits to be lifted. Since I last posted in this thread over 10 years ago, I am unable to properly support these campaigns anymore. So in short, I moved on and nobody is supporting the FH releases anymore, that they work at all (sometimes) is a miracle. Making matters worse, I had the brilliant idea back then to often do silent update-releases, aka pushing a new unversioned update onto the download server where I tweaked "something". Aka, I have no idea what version of the files you have (and I do not have them myself anymore).

In case the mission in question remains beatable nowadays at all :nervous:, I would recommend ordering the wingmen to protect the Harvester which will make them intercept bombs and missiles as best they can. Also, using your own area-of-effect missiles to eliminate enemy bombers en-masse is a good approach, reducing their damage potential and giving you time to attack the Midwinter. Micro-managing your wingmen is often a hard requirement in my old campaigns, as they are not competent enough to help you achieve your goals (like killing a subsystem) but are usually invulnerable and can therefore act as a damage buffer, especially against fighters or turrets.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2022, 06:41:49 am by Vidmaster »
Devoted member of the Official Karajorma Fan Club (Founded and Led by Mobius).

Does crazy Software Engineering for a living, until he finally musters the courage to start building games for real. Might never happen.