Luke Skywalker, Baron Soontir Fel and Wedge Godamn Antilles
Yeah sure, WHO????? and no, not really
Luke we all know,
Soontir Fel is Wedge's brother in law and the empire's best pilot after Vader untill he joins the Chiss
Wedge, we all know as the guy that pulled out on the first DS run with luke, canonically he is the only person that can claim a full deathstar silhouette on his fighter as the only person in combat against both DS (you got a half silhouette just for flying combat against one), he is the only person to survive combat against both (his was the X-Wing that flew into the central core area of the second Deathstar) and all in all he is considered the best rebel/New Republic fighter pilot after luke
Soontir Fel is a no name that no one cares about. He's even got a dumb name to boot.
Luke sure, maybe he's equivalant to alpha 1 or Anakin but Wedge? No. Wedge is like Snipes and not any better.