
What ranking did you get on the Geek test linked to below?

Geekish Tendencies
Total Geek
Major Geek
Super Geek
Extreme Geek
Geek God
Dysfunctional Geek
I can't be arsed to take it
I used to beat up geeks in highschool

Author Topic: How geeky are you (test and poll)  (Read 18457 times)

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Offline jr2

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How geeky are you (test and poll)

I got 25.64576% - Total Geek

EDIT: Apparently "Poser" is an actual score, so I added it to the bottom of the poll, after discovering there was no way to move the results "down" in the list and add an option to the top.  IDK what the score for the ranking "Poser" is, however... :nervous:

Ratings are:

+ Geekish Tendencies................................≥09%
++ Geek.............................................≥15%
+++ Total Geek......................................≥25%
++++ Major Geek.....................................≥35%
+++++ Super Geek....................................≥45%
++++++ Extreme Geek.................................≥55%
+++++++ Geek God....................................≥65%
+++++++! Dysfunctional Geek.........................≥75%
« Last Edit: July 13, 2010, 11:06:10 am by jr2 »


Offline Angelus

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Re: How geeky are you (test and poll)
Geek with 19.00369%.  :nervous:


Offline iamzack

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Re: How geeky are you (test and poll)

Re: How geeky are you (test and poll)
16.05166% - Geek.

Also, I know who Snuffle is :P

And that his name is spelled: Snuffleupagus
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Offline Nuke

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Re: How geeky are you (test and poll)
I can no longer sit back and allow communist infiltration, communist indoctrination, communist subversion, and the international communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids.

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Offline Snail

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Re: How geeky are you (test and poll)

iaz srs win


Offline StarSlayer

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Re: How geeky are you (test and poll)

Geeks and Nerds are two different things, but that survey doesn't seem to make that distinction.

A nerd is smart/brainy and while many are prone to liking geeky topics thats not a given.  But being a geek and liking geeky things hardly makes you smart.  I've seen plenty of geeks who are dense as lead and nerds who could give a flip about Star Trek/D&D/whatever.
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Offline NGTM-1R

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Re: How geeky are you (test and poll)
10.1476% - Geekish Tendencies

Apparently, I really am The Sane One. DAMMIT.
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Offline Shade

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Re: How geeky are you (test and poll)
49.07749% - Super Geek :nervous:
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Offline Shivan Hunter

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Re: How geeky are you (test and poll)
CBA to take it (see my new sig).

One wonders how scientifically rigorous a test can actually be if the only thing it tries to quantify is some subjective measurement from pop culture. This thing probably doesn't even try to disprove a null hypothesis.


Offline Scotty

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Re: How geeky are you (test and poll)
26.93727% - Total Geek

Honestly surprised I didn't get higher than that.


Offline Snail

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Re: How geeky are you (test and poll)

Geeks and Nerds are two different things, but that survey doesn't seem to make that distinction.

A nerd is smart/brainy and while many are prone to liking geeky topics thats not a given.  But being a geek and liking geeky things hardly makes you smart.  I've seen plenty of geeks who are dense as lead and nerds who could give a flip about Star Trek/D&D/whatever.

Re: How geeky are you (test and poll)
29.33579% - Total Geek

I am disappoint. :blah:

This test is biased toward (or against, as you prefer) Star Trek fans. I am not a Star Trek fan.
In other words, I a little peeved that there are so many Star Trek questions, and that that hurt my score.
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Offline Dilmah G

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Re: How geeky are you (test and poll)

I think it'd honestly be tragic if people ticked some of those boxes there...


Offline NGTM-1R

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Re: How geeky are you (test and poll)

I think it'd honestly be tragic if people ticked some of those boxes there...


That's my number!
"Load sabot. Target Zaku, direct front!"

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Offline StarSlayer

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Re: How geeky are you (test and poll)
11.80812% though to be honest it would be a lot lower if it weren't for the programing section
“Think lightly of yourself and deeply of the world”

Re: How geeky are you (test and poll)
38.92989% (Major Geek)
* perihelion  is amused
Frankly, I'm shocked it is that high.  I have never played an RPG (except single-player on a computer, which I did not think they were talking about most of the time).  I have the computer programming skills of a molded cereal box.  And I never got into comic books of any kind.

I guess I got a lot of bonus points for all the SF references that were scattered through there.  That and I assumed that all technicalities still count.
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But everything is so meaningful, and most everything turns to ****.
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Offline Dilmah G

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Re: How geeky are you (test and poll)

I think it'd honestly be tragic if people ticked some of those boxes there...


That's my number!
Great minds think alike? :P


Offline Flipside

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Re: How geeky are you (test and poll)
14.39114 - Geekish Tendencies.

One question did make me laugh, which was:


'the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow'

First thought that went through my head was 'African or European?' then I realised, '****! Yes, I do know...'


Offline Jabba

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Re: How geeky are you (test and poll)
27.30627% - Total Geek pfft as if.

Although I guess I know moar stuff than I realised re: g33kiness

Wha-evar  :rolleyes:
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