Author Topic: XQ2 Rework  (Read 20266 times)

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Offline LordMelvin

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So cool!  Don't forget the white glowing rings around areas open to space :D

You mean the Magcon Field Integrity Indicator Lights? Those're fun!
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A little update:


Offline swashmebuckle

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Love the nods to the DS, very iconic :)

Hmm, looking at it now, I think I need to scale done the the textures. They make the space feel a bit too small.


Offline MetalDestroyer

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Could you place a Tie or an X Wing, just to see if they fit well in the hangar ? ^^


Offline chief1983

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I saw shots of a YT-1300 fitting in there earlier, so I'm sure the snub fighters can :)
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Offline LordMelvin

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Hmm, looking at it now, I think I need to scale do[wn] the the textures. They make the space feel a bit too small.

certainly without anything that's fixed in terms of scale for the eye to recognize, it looks small. You probably could keep the textures just about the same if you just made sure that a half-assembled YT-1300 or something obviously human-scale (control booth with visible chairs with or without persons in 'em? Maybe recessed into the sides of that ring in the hangar roof? Sort of a cargo traffic control tower?) was visible...
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certainly without anything that's fixed in terms of scale for the eye to recognize, it looks small. You probably could keep the textures just about the same if you just made sure that a half-assembled YT-1300 or something obviously human-scale (control booth with visible chairs with or without persons in 'em? Maybe recessed into the sides of that ring in the hangar roof? Sort of a cargo traffic control tower?) was visible...

I might have to make some additions to the mesh as well. The control boot would be cool. It would be a bridge between our game and the Freespace main hall. Though I disagree about the texture. With smaller lights, the space does feel a bit bigger.

Of course, now there's too much repetition with the lights, so I might have to vary them a bit. Delete the odd one here or there


Offline LordMelvin

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I like the change more than my previous post made it sound like I would. However, now that they're all shrunken and down just at the bottom of the wall, the hangar looks like an oppressive place. The shipboard landing bays seen in the films all concentrated light sources near the top of the wall/on the ceiling or else distributed them evenly across the vertical space. If those panels are going to continue to function as they are in the current configuration, I'd suggest adding small auxiliary light spots around the tops of the walls. It might just be the large quantities of dark gray in your coloring, but it now feels really dim and oppressive.

Also, is the horizontal seam in the hangar door indicator light intentional?
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Offline Dragon

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This is an imperial station. It's supposed to feel oppressive.  :)
Also, I think that the lights should stay regular as they are. It fits well into imperial style.


Offline brandx0

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I dunno, I'd kind of like to see it a bit more brightly lit, like the death stars' hangars:

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Offline MatthTheGeek

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This is an imperial station. It's supposed to feel oppressive.  :)
Imperial stuff don't try to look oppressive. They try to look formidable, grandiose. To quote Tarkin : "the effectiveness of the Star Destroyer stems from not only its massive firepower, but from its size." You definitely need a feeling of space, even if that space might be wasted doing so. Lots of lights help giving that feeling of space, like in the screenshot above.
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MatthTheGeek: you mispelled grâce
Awaesaar: grace
batwota: oh right :P
Darius: ah!
Darius: yes, i like that
MatthTheGeek: the way you just spelled it it means fat
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MatthTheGeek: or grease
Darius: the killing fat!
Axem: jabba does the coup de gras
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Axem: bring me solo and a cookie


Offline LordMelvin

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Imperial stuff does, however, tend to panel the lights allllll the way up the wall, like in Brand's picture... Hey, just my $.02.
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Offline -Norbert-

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Wasn't that station also used by civilians in XWA? Or is the station (Harkin station if memory serves me) around which you butted heads with the Ekindu another one?


Offline newman

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Wasn't that station also used by civilians in XWA? Or is the station (Harkin station if memory serves me) around which you butted heads with the Ekindu another one?

In the games, there was a ton of varaints of these stations iirc, and they were pretty much used by all factions. BTW, the ship's name was Enkidu, probably inspired by a character from the Sumerian myth "The Epic of Gilgamesh".
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Offline CountBuggula

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Imperial stuff does, however, tend to panel the lights allllll the way up the wall, like in Brand's picture... Hey, just my $.02.

So take the smaller lights and repeat them all the way up the walls.

Also, based on the death star shot there should be lights on the bottom of the hanger entrance as well.

So I haven't put lights on the upper portion of the walls yet, but it is  still in consideration. I've also decided that since the lighting in the hangar never changes, I'm drawing the tromp l'oeil panels directly into the diffuse map. I'm thinking of doing away with the hangar-normal map entirely. There's also a little desk on the far wall. It even has little chairs.

Today was a day of discovery. Did you know that, in Photoshop, if you draw a point with the brush, then shift+click somewhere else, it makes a straight line?

I've also found a way to get rid of the aliasing on my textures, with out re-sizing and Gaussian blurs and whatever. Just rotate it a few degrees, then back again. Gets rid of the jaggies like a dream. Seems obvious now that I know it...


Offline Enioch

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Did you know that, in Photoshop, if you draw a point with the brush, then shift+click somewhere else, it makes a straight line?

Handy, ain't it?  :p

It gets better: if you use the Pen tool, Shift-clicking gives you 45 degree angle control (while, obviously, painting a line). Perfect for panels. And then you can either fill or stroke the path.  :D
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Offline LordMelvin

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So I haven't put lights on the upper portion of the walls yet, but it is  still in consideration. I've also decided that since the lighting in the hangar never changes, I'm drawing the tromp l'oeil panels directly into the diffuse map. I'm thinking of doing away with the hangar-normal map entirely.
Be warned, my lasers and I intend to add additional intermittent light sources to the inside of the hangar. *ka-pew! ka-pew!*

There's also a little desk on the far wall. It even has little chairs.


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Offline zookeeper

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