Author Topic: Warships of the TEI (GTD Titan WIP)  (Read 119296 times)

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Offline Delta_V

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Re: Warships of the TEI (Updated 08-09-12)
Been a while since I've stopped in here, and I must say, the new Diomedes and Chimera look amazing!

However, something just seems... off with the proportions of the Bellerophon.  The engine section seems massive in comparison with the front half, and it makes the model look back-heavy.  Other than that, I love the direction you've taken with the TEI ships and can't wait to see what you do with the destroyers.

edit: I think it might just be the orthographic projection messing with me.  Considering I spent last semester in an engineering graphics class, I should be used to it, but, well, it's been a long summer.

Also, both of the Diomedes v1.1 models have the width set to over 1300 meters (the v1.0 models had it set to somewhere around 400).  I don't know if will cause issues in game or not, but I thought I'd point it out.
« Last Edit: September 11, 2012, 09:53:15 pm by Delta_V »


Offline bfobar

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Re: Warships of the TEI (Updated 08-09-12)
Hey I noticed something odd when testing the diomedes v1.1, and I was wondering if anybody can confirm: The bottom rear sterpulse turret model isn't rotating. The rest do just fine, but it just sits there facing forward while shooting sideways. Is it just me?


Offline Aesaar

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Re: Warships of the TEI (Updated 08-09-12)
bfobar: Ok, try this table, see if that solves the problem. 

Keep in mind that it is perfectly possible for turret weapons to shoot off of the barrel's centerline (like sideways).  The "fire down normals" flag should solve this problem, but I'm told it's bugged, so I didn't add it.

Delta_V: The Bellerophon is a fair bit bigger at the back than the old model is.  To compare, if the two were lined up side by side with their prows touching a wall, the back of the old model would reach slightly behind where the new model's engine section starts.  The old one's wings are also a bit smaller.
« Last Edit: September 12, 2012, 07:23:57 pm by Aesaar »


Offline bfobar

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Re: Warships of the TEI (Updated 08-09-12)
ok I'll test it tonight with the stock table and the blue planet mod and that table too. It just struck me as odd that it was just one of the turrets. I'll report back if I notice any patterns. Is there a link for the "fire down normals" bug thread? I think I was using that on the turrets in my custom table.


Offline bfobar

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Re: Warships of the TEI (Updated 08-09-12)
I don't think its the tables. I think its something in the POF. I am still learning here, but when I change from the nodrone version to the drone version, the third turret on the bottom works normally. Also, the path on the nodrone version looks weird...not like the paths for the other turrets. Also, on the drone version, the forward bottom turret picks up this same problem.


Offline Aesaar

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Re: Warships of the TEI (Updated 08-09-12)
Yeah, you're probably right.  I've just identified another set of issues.  First there's what Delta_V mentioned, with width and whole model radius being completely off.  Then there's the fact that for some reason, the LODs and debris are offset a good hundred meters back.

I can't reproduce your problem, but I'm probably going to have to rebuild the .pof anyway, so maybe I'll solve it along the way.  I'll handle it this weekend.  At least I saved the .blend file this time, so I won't have to redo the whole object naming, smoothing and parenting again.

Aren't I just awesome at quality control?


Offline bfobar

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Re: Warships of the TEI (Updated 08-09-12)
Thats what we're for!

Re: Warships of the TEI (Updated 08-09-12)
I have a question about Diomedes 1.1. Is it possible to change the model radius, because it is too big in my opinion (just like in new Karuna), and annoys me a lot. AI is almost unable to attack enemy without waypoints, because ship turns away from enemy, while still being far far away :banghead: I have new Diomedes in my mod, but I need set the radius just like in 1.0 one.

#Sorry for my language mistakes, if there are any xD


Offline Scotty

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Re: Warships of the TEI (Updated 08-09-12)
You should probably always be using waypoints when dealing with anything larger than freighters.


Offline Aesaar

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Re: Warships of the TEI (Updated 08-09-12)
Col. Hornet: Like I said two posts above yours, I screwed up the .pof.  I'm working on it as I write this post, but I'll probably be releasing the fix tomorrow or Monday.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2012, 09:41:32 pm by Aesaar »

Re: Warships of the TEI (Updated 08-09-12)
Oo, my fault, sorry. I will wait then :) No need to hurry.


Offline bfobar

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Re: Warships of the TEI (Updated 08-09-12)
BTW Aesaar, In my other thread you mentioned making your texture .psd available for the diomedes? Is that still cool?

Re: Warships of the TEI (Updated 08-09-12)
Oach, I almost forgot... Aesaar, would You like to make the second version of the texture :)? Once I had a green Diomedes(I changed only stripes and main beams , but the shine map didn't work after re-color).
It looked like this


Offline Aesaar

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Re: Warships of the TEI (Updated 08-09-12)
Fixed version download added to first post.  Replacing previous tables is not necessary.

Also added the .psd files for the main, glow, lod, and debris textures.  They're a bit of a mess because many layers aren't named.  I will not provide support for their use.  Terms of use are the same as the model itself.


Offline bfobar

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Re: Warships of the TEI (Updated 08-09-12)
Thank you sir! I will fiddle with this when I get home and see how the turrets act now, and I will pointedly not bother you with the .psd files.

Re: Warships of the TEI (Updated 08-09-12)
Cool, now everything works fine :) I will make a good use of it.


Offline Aesaar

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Re: Warships of the TEI (Updated 18-09-12)
Alright, another model update.  Barring further suggestions, I'm almost ready to begin UV mapping, so I'm again calling for feedback on the mesh.

Notice I've added a small utility hangar to the top, right behind the bridge.  This isn't meant to have any gameplay purpose whatsoever.  It is not a fighterbay, but rather where I'd expect shuttles and such to dock.  I'm not sure about it, so I thought I'd ask you guys what you think.

Places I'm not satisfied with are large flat areas on top and bottom of wings and directly forward of the top front turret.
« Last Edit: September 18, 2012, 01:41:37 pm by Aesaar »

Re: Warships of the TEI (Updated 18-09-12)
Notice I've added a small utility hangar to the top, right behind the bridge.  This isn't meant to have any gameplay purpose whatsoever.  It is not a fighterbay, but rather where I'd expect shuttles and such to dock.  I'm not sure about it, so I thought I'd ask you guys what you think.

I like this idea. Even if it's not able to be used by fighters, it always gives more possibilities for mission designing.

How about adding some "armour plates" details on the bottom of the wings? Something like You did on the front section of the hull

Here is a little suggestion about front hull section. Additional armour plates near the beam cannons (instead of these ribs)
« Last Edit: September 18, 2012, 02:31:16 pm by Col.Hornet »


Offline The E

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Re: Warships of the TEI (Updated 18-09-12)
I like this kind of incidental detail as well.
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I came from chasing dreams to feel alone
There must be changes, miss to feel strong
I really need lifе to touch me
--Evergrey, Where August Mourns


Offline crizza

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Re: Warships of the TEI (Updated 18-09-12)
I like it :)
Is there a Perseus modelled into the hangar?  :wtf: