Author Topic: Bloody Corderas  (Read 15163 times)

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Offline Legate Damar

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WoD is pretty black and white, Hertak isn't exactly the kind of enemy you'd like to collaborate with.

I don't know, they are simply looking out for their assets and trying to gain a firm hold over their local sectors. That is completely understandable.

Then again, the way they use other races to fight for them is reminiscent of the Dominion, so my feelings are mixed.


Offline -Norbert-

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... so long as he was careful to not let either GalSpan or the Bora know about the ordeal (Like showing up to a GalSpan mission in a Bora Warhammer....
Actually he did something close to this in one of the early Bora missions, where he's to repair a jumpgate and Logan claims to be flying a "piece of second hand bora crap" or something like that :P

As for the whole branching stuff, there is madaboutgames' "Earth Braiki War" for TBP. While it does have "only" two branches, they are fully interconnected in so far that, depending on your in-mission performance, you can switch between the branches pretty much after each mission.


Offline Dragon

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In FreeSpace, you play the role as a pilot. Not an officer. You don't make the decisions on which mission to take, you do as your told or try to retire to the private sector. :v: might've been able to do like what was done in Rainbow Six, where you were able to change the mission plan right before entering it, or accept the default mission plan and get cracking.
Actually, you do play as an officer, since all pilots in FS universe (it's based on the way it works in US Navy) are officers. Because of the way FS branching works, Tachyon-style two branch construction is the most feasible one. The branches could've been more interconnected than in Tachyon, but it'd be difficult to FRED. There's plenty of situations where this could be useful, especially if the campaigns is tackling morally ambiguous issues. WC4 could be a good example if it actually let you stick with Confed for the entire campaign, or at least for somewhat longer.

Because there are some organisational similarities between the GTVA military and the US navy, they must be totally identical in rank structure and terminology!

also i love the attitude in this thread that it doesn't matter if a feature makes for frustrating gameplay so long as it's 'innovative' and 'challenging'
The good Christian should beware of mathematicians, and all those who make empty prophecies. The danger already exists that the mathematicians have made a covenant with the devil to darken the spirit and to confine man in the bonds of Hell.


Offline Droid803

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also i love how you're trying to pass your opinion off as a fact

Seriously, it's not frustrating at all.


Offline Dragon

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Because there are some organisational similarities between the GTVA military and the US navy, they must be totally identical in rank structure and terminology!
Did you never pay attention to in-game ranks? They are totally identical to USN ones, and they're obviously officer ranks. There's no reason "ensign" would be an enlisted rank in GTVA, it doesn't make sense. It's a general rule that fighter pilots are officers, very few countries (if any) allow enlisted to pilot aircraft in general.


Offline -Norbert-

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Because there are some organisational similarities between the GTVA military and the US navy, they must be totally identical in rank structure and terminology!

also i love the attitude in this thread that it doesn't matter if a feature makes for frustrating gameplay so long as it's 'innovative' and 'challenging'
That it is innovative and challenging by itself doesn't prevent something from being frustrating.
On the other hand just because it is frustrating to you doesn't mean everyone else has to feel the same way.

Nordera most certainly aren't frustrating enemies for me... more like target dummies. And Cordi aren't that bad either.
The really annoying enemies are the Ravagers, with their pin-ball attacks, but there are so few of them throughout WoD that even they don't get bad enough to overstep my "frustration threshold".


Offline Spoon

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also i love the attitude in this thread that it doesn't matter if a feature makes for frustrating gameplay so long as it's 'innovative' and 'challenging'
And I'm not loving your attitude at all Mr. Phantomhoover.
If you are just posting here to be an ass, I'm gonna have to ask you to buzz off. Consider this your last warning.

[02:42] <@Axem> spoon somethings wrong
[02:42] <@Axem> critically wrong
[02:42] <@Axem> im happy with these missions now
[02:44] <@Axem> well
[02:44] <@Axem> with 2 of them


Offline Dragon

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Cordi are the worst when you're a heavy fighter guy, like me. Either you aim really well with your heaviest cannon, or you get swarmed. Nordera are target practice, but if you don't remember to back off when they go down, they hurt. Ravagers are relatively few and there's a trick to effectively fighting them, if you figure them out, they aren't that bad.
Also, remember that one man's "challenging" is another man's "frustrating". Better pilots tend to have more of the former, BTW.

I have honestly never set out to troll or cause trouble either in #wod or this subforum, although I realise how it seems that way. I don't bear anyone here any animosity (except for space elves and space elf enablers), and I'm not trying to be the next Darth Wang.
The good Christian should beware of mathematicians, and all those who make empty prophecies. The danger already exists that the mathematicians have made a covenant with the devil to darken the spirit and to confine man in the bonds of Hell.


Offline Lorric

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I haven't played this yet. It will probably be a long time away, as I need to install 3.14 to play it and it's been many moons since I've actually played Freespace 2, so it will probably have to wait until I'm in the mood as I'll have to rediscover how everything works again from how to actually set things up to the actual controls themselves.

I'm not sure how much good this will be, since from what I gather, it's only you and one other pilot in this campaign, and Spoon may have modified their AI and/or capabilities for all I know. but in WoD I've always had loads of difficulty with the Cordi when they are engaging me. That training mission thing where you have to take on 2 sets of 3 Cordi is a teeth grinding nightmare for me.

But I believe the Cordi only do their fancy stuff when you shoot at them and their target is you. So when I played WoD I always dealt with Cordi that were going after someone else and had my allies keep the ones that attacked me under control if they were threatening me.

The Nordera, it's just a matter of curbing your aggression. They are large enough targets so you don't need to get in close anyway. I'm much more worried about their guns than the explosion when they die.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2012, 08:45:26 pm by Lorric »


Offline Legate Damar

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Kill Cordi at long range.

Aestivals are more annoying, unless you have good long range weapons, capship support, or are flying something better than LSF ships.


Offline Dragon

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You don't fight them in WoD main campaign though, they were never designed as enemies. They're terribly unbalanced for that, pretty much the biggest threat to an Aestival are it's own missiles (don't laugh, Turquoysa was designed precisely because of Malachyye's... problems with friendly fire).


Offline Legate Damar

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Actually you fight some in the training mission... but I mostly fight them in custom missions I make with custom mods and stuff. Even if I am flying a weaker ship (and not one of my special ships like Deva and Wendigo) I can take them out with a few strategies.


Offline Lorric

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Actually you fight some in the training mission... but I mostly fight them in custom missions I make with custom mods and stuff. Even if I am flying a weaker ship (and not one of my special ships like Deva and Wendigo) I can take them out with a few strategies.

Aestivals are ridiculously powerful. I've had some fun setting up battles in FRED and a handful of Aestivals can lay waste to huge numbers of enemies.


Offline Legate Damar

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Actually you fight some in the training mission... but I mostly fight them in custom missions I make with custom mods and stuff. Even if I am flying a weaker ship (and not one of my special ships like Deva and Wendigo) I can take them out with a few strategies.

Aestivals are ridiculously powerful. I've had some fun setting up battles in FRED and a handful of Aestivals can lay waste to huge numbers of enemies.

Obviously said enemies are not using the proper strategies.

Of course it depends what you are flying and what weapons you have.

One strategy is to use kinetic weapons to strike them as soon as they begin their glide attack. This makes them vulnerable to missiles as they become disoriented. Ravager is best for this.

Another is to counter glide with glide, but slide in the opposite direction and turn downwards, then deactivate glide at the last moment and afterburn past them. This increases the chance of them killing themselves with their own missiles. (Not really sure if I explained this well, it's complicated and very difficult to pull off. But I once killed an Aestival with a Kaze this way. Took a good amount of luck though.)

Of course they are much much easier to kill when I use the custom ships I made. Still challenging, but manageable. (This is excluding the really cheap ones like Deva and Wendigo, which cannot really be threatened by Aestivals unless outnumbered at least 10 to 1 on insane).


Offline Lorric

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Actually you fight some in the training mission... but I mostly fight them in custom missions I make with custom mods and stuff. Even if I am flying a weaker ship (and not one of my special ships like Deva and Wendigo) I can take them out with a few strategies.

Aestivals are ridiculously powerful. I've had some fun setting up battles in FRED and a handful of Aestivals can lay waste to huge numbers of enemies.

Obviously said enemies are not using the proper strategies.

Of course it depends what you are flying and what weapons you have.

One strategy is to use kinetic weapons to strike them as soon as they begin their glide attack. This makes them vulnerable to missiles as they become disoriented. Ravager is best for this.

Another is to counter glide with glide, but slide in the opposite direction and turn downwards, then deactivate glide at the last moment and afterburn past them. This increases the chance of them killing themselves with their own missiles. (Not really sure if I explained this well, it's complicated and very difficult to pull off. But I once killed an Aestival with a Kaze this way. Took a good amount of luck though.)

Of course they are much much easier to kill when I use the custom ships I made. Still challenging, but manageable. (This is excluding the really cheap ones like Deva and Wendigo, which cannot really be threatened by Aestivals unless outnumbered at least 10 to 1 on insane).

Well I only used WoD ships in my experiments. I had packs of Aestivals taking down entire battlegroups of Ravagers and Armageddons. And if I remember right these Aestivals are 100 years obsolete versions of the weakest ships in the CSA. I imagine on that edivdence the Cyrvans could have wiped out all the races sent against them in the war without breaking a sweat.

As for fighting an Aestival, I've never tried I don't think.


Offline Legate Damar

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Seems the problem is with the AI, not the ships themselves. The AI doesn't know the right strategies.

Your comment about Armageddons is odd because I once equipped an Armageddon with a bunch of custom PD weapons (nothing too overpowered) and it took down over 100 Aestivals.

Were you playing on very easy with the Aestivals as friendly?


Offline Lorric

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Seems the problem is with the AI, not the ships themselves. The AI doesn't know the right strategies.

Your comment about Armageddons is odd because I once equipped an Armageddon with a bunch of custom PD weapons (nothing too overpowered) and it took down over 100 Aestivals.

Were you playing on very easy with the Aestivals as friendly?

The Aestivals were friendly, but it wasn't on very easy, that wouldn't impress me. It was probably on medium. I don't know if that's a fair fight, but it's the middle difficulty. I just remember having 2 or 3 armageddons and a bunch of ravagers and a bunch of Aestivals. Now the Aestivals and Ravagers did have several respawns in that one, but I can remember setting up battles against other groups of lesser opponents and the Aestivals having no need of respawns even if the lesser opponents did get them.


Offline Legate Damar

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Insane is the only "fair fight". The rest give the player and friendly side a bonus.

I did all my tests on insane with hostile Aestivals.

If you want to kill Aestivals but don't think you can use my strategies I can send you a ship that can do it easily.