like I say in my last post, SC is a long way from being considered complete so time will ultimately show if my faith in Roberts is justified but given past histories, Roberts has a history of successful games, Smart's reputation crashed and burned somewhere in the 90s, who knows, maybe the 2010s will be when we turn on Roberts, I hope not because I respect the hell out of him but just as SC succeeding is a real possibility, so is it crashing and burning a large chunk of the internet world.
I wouldn't say CR has a history of good games. I'd say he has a history of promising the world and delivering mediocrity. That's what Freelancer was, and I have absolutely no reason to expect he'll do any better here. Back when the KS first started, I thought maybe he'd learned from his past mistakes, but no, it's getting more and more obvious that he isn't able to control his ambition. The fact that CIG has missed every single deadline they've ever set is ample evidence of that, as is the fact that what they have delivered still isn't fun to play. Diaspora, which doesn't have a budget at all, managed to make a more fun newtonian combat sim than CR's $80M dogfight module.
And rather than make the space sim part of their space sim game better, CIG's having trouble making CryEngine, an FPS engine, work as an FPS. Oh, they're also adding minigames for passenger liner flight attendants. Wow, way to have your priorities straight, guys. Wait, hang on, gotta make sure the 3rd person character model blinks at exactly the same time as the 1st person model. Obviously that's way more important than making dogfighting fun.
At what point does it feel like CIG know what the **** they're doing? Because I swear we have more competent developers on HLP (actually HLP has more competent developers than a lot of big studios, but you get my point).
And it's not like I'm expecting much from SQ42 either, given how CR's previous story-based outing was Starlancer, which was a horrible, horrible game. Even the Wing Commander series makes it painfully obvious that CR would much rather be making movies than games. 90% of the (bad) story is in cutscenes, and the mission design is objectively ****awful.
Mission design probably isn't going to be improved in SQ42, because somehow, Foundry 42 is making missions while CIG is still pinning down the base space sim gameplay. No ****ing clue how that works.
No, none of this is legally actionable, but the fact that Derek Smart of all people has declared war on Star Citizen is funny as hell. If you can judge a man by the quality of his enemies, this says a great deal about CR and SC as a whole.