Author Topic: Updating R1  (Read 47326 times)

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Offline neoterran

  • 210
Everything is pretty fine so far, i've played up to the battle with the independance and the diablo (not too far)

The biggest problem for me in testing the new inferno is the fact that the newest CVS builds from late february and march are not stable, they lock up (freeze). I don't have this problem with the older 3.6.7 Release build and a set of patched up 3.6.7 Mediavps.

I guess I'll just wait to play Inferno until the latest builds fix this freezing problem.

And before anyone asks, it happens in either open gl or direct3d, and i have no problems with the earlier builds so I can rule out my graphics card as a problem source.
Official Taylor Fan Club Member.
Chief Grognard.
"How much code could a coder code if a coder could code code?"

Thanks for all the support. Now that I know how to fix the icons.tbl problem, I just need to either get or made the Planets backgrounds, the 8-bit PCX conversion are the harder. With that I can finish and post a new Release, mostly which helps S:AH, but there are a few changes to INF too.
This time the size of the Release will be bigger, I am included 8-Bit PCX and 32-Bit DDS of Planet's Backgrounds. Those backgrounds are both used in S:AH and Solar Wars, so there is no point in packaging them along with S:AH, I would ended packing twice, one for S:AH and another for Solar Wars, and since INF takes place in the Solar System, it is not really out of place.

You must have one icon assigned to each of the icon types per species.. If the sum of the entries does not add up it will give errors and if it is otherwise wrong you'll get pretty fancy effects. You seem to have 8 fighter icons while having seven species and seven of all other icons

I am incredible, I fail to realize when I am doing a minor mistake which breaks....well, I was doing that, originally there are 3 Type Icons for each Species, that means 9 nine Kind of Icons. So I was just cloning the Terran Icons for the GTVA Terran/SOC/EA, the Vasudan icons for the GTVA Vasudan/HoL/Ancient and the Shivan remains untouched.
But as Woomeister wrote is true I write 8 Species, while I have just 7...

This is no secret, there are 2 Main reasons to split the species like this:

1 - Support Ship: that way there won't be 3 Allied species using all the same Support, it can take a while to rearm all the 3 Fighters/bombers of the Terran/SOC/EA

2 - To allow me to set the S:AH FS1 and FS2 Ships to Species: GTA, that way I can set the Centaur to be used as in FS1, and then later use Eos with the EA Fighters/Bombers.

You also need to do the same with the debris section in the asteroids.tbl, and add flyby sounds to sounds.tbl, then you should have support ships and personas for any friendly species in the messages.tbl

That's already included in the expiremental TBL aboves, many thanks to the Debugger for alerting (and bothering) me for those entries. As I made with the Icons I cloned sounds to match Species....

but why do you ask for a highres-map of the earth  doesnt understand this 

Ups...I asked for Hi-Res Backgrounds, not for MAPS, but now that you said it, sorry if I did it, I have the Hi-Res Maps.

When I ask about Hi-Res, it means more like Hi-Colour also, JPG/DDS is not, TGA/TIFF/PNG are used mostly as non-quality loss formats for Textures, and I have seen some images which are 3000x3000 which people thinks is Hi-Res, but the planets are really blurry, the images where originally taken with that size but they seem to be like that originally.

I also have failed to find Hi-Res Backgrounds of Venus and Mercury, Neptune (512x512x32), Pluto (512x512x32), Pluto Background seems really strange, the Texture Map and 3D Model are really different from the Background...

For Venus and Mercury I just take a screenshot (2048x2048x32) to the Model I have, afterall as I say most times the Texture Maps are in better quality than the Backgrounds.

The only 3D Model I'll use is the one of the Moon, used only in Missions where the Background were scale was really big, just 2 Missions (one showing each side of the Moon). I may use maybe Mercury too, but I am not too sure.

For Moons: there is no Mission which happens around a Saturn's Moon in S:AH.
Jupiter's Moon are named in the Briefing of Campaing 4 Mission B2, I was actually thinking that I could use some Camera Viewpoints, place the Resolute and others with the wortest LOD as possible, everything in order around each of Jupiter's Moon, so we could take a least a look at the Moons, and change the Camera facing near each of the Moon as they report, but when they report happens at half of the Mission, it would be somewhat hard...(this probabily won't happen anyways)

how old are you today, if i can ask  ?

I am actually 19 years old, near 20 by now, but not yet. And no I didn't do a Saturn model when I was ten....

Everything is pretty fine so far, i've played up to the battle with the independance and the diablo (not too far)

The biggest problem for me in testing the new inferno is the fact that the newest CVS builds from late february and march are not stable, they lock up (freeze). I don't have this problem with the older 3.6.7 Release build and a set of patched up 3.6.7 Mediavps.

I guess I'll just wait to play Inferno until the latest builds fix this freezing problem.

This is one of the reasons why I sometimes I don't refine the update, not only the Crash as it was before with Decals, but just a few past CVS have the TBM entries changed, and FRED2 just was deleting every "Initial Orders" to ships.

Well, I believe the Decals are not causing it, try without the Impact Decals Flag, the Decals crash was happening mostly at the Mission 07 and 13, just a few seconds and the game crash, I was also playing S:AH and yes the CVS just freeze for some reason, but it's too ramdonly and rarely, so.....
« Last Edit: March 18, 2006, 09:41:38 pm by Shadow0000 »


Offline CaptJosh

  • 210
I had to ditch the subspace node pof file. with it in there, the node didn't show up in briefing when I clicked on it, and I didn't want to chance that it wouldn't show up in play.

There are only 10 kinds of people in the world;
those who understand binary and those who don't.

That's strange, I am seeing the SubSpace Node, both the INF one and the SCP one, that's really strange. I don't know I'll take a look but it doesn't seem to be happening to me at least...


Offline CaptJosh

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Well, I don't know. Maybe the mod.ini file isn't working right. I didn't get f_shockwave either. I ended up changing the tbm so that bombers had the warhead shockwave and fighters had none.

There are only 10 kinds of people in the world;
those who understand binary and those who don't.


Offline neoterran

  • 210
There was a problem with the Diablo vs the Independance mission. 1.) If the Olemus dies, then you still see it broadcast "Okay see you later Indepenance..." after it is dead. 2.)End briefing gave BOTH SOC Admiral is happy beause you saved Olemus (i didn't  :nervous: ) AND "we lost the Olemus" messages, which isn't right. I think Olemus was the name of the ship, sorry if I didn't get it right.

I was doing all right until the Sol Gate where I got a couple of crashes to desktop. Once just a CTD and the other gave a Freespace error message. But probably to do with the CVS (3/6 non-optimized) and not Inferno. I'll probably keep playing it, i got addicted, even with the instability  :lol:

Inferno is cool ! I only got into it last week, but so many new ships and so many big ships and interesting battles ! But it's harder than many mods....  :(

Shadow, please let us know when you update the download so we can redownload it and update our files correspondingly. It might be a good idea to post dates... too many "final" non final versions :drevil:
« Last Edit: March 19, 2006, 03:19:17 am by neoterran »
Official Taylor Fan Club Member.
Chief Grognard.
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Offline Mehrpack

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Ups...I asked for Hi-Res Backgrounds, not for MAPS, but now that you said it, sorry if I did it, I have the Hi-Res Maps.

do i unterstand that right, that you mean with backgrounds: total view of the planet, maybe with one or more of his moons?
and maps = near shots of the surface of the planet.

but i see, that my englishskill need some training *g*
but no problem, i had my fun and find nice maps of the earth :D.

When I ask about Hi-Res, it means more like Hi-Colour also, JPG/DDS is not, TGA/TIFF/PNG are used mostly as non-quality loss formats for Textures, and I have seen some images which are 3000x3000 which people thinks is Hi-Res, but the planets are really blurry, the images where originally taken with that size but they seem to be like that originally.

yeah, because the jpeg losing a lot of quality and if you saved the picture in another format with no lossless compression again the quality arent really good.
but if you does find only a high-res with hopefull a low compression, then there no much other chose.

I also have failed to find Hi-Res Backgrounds of Venus and Mercury, Neptune (512x512x32), Pluto (512x512x32), Pluto Background seems really strange, the Texture Map and 3D Model are really different from the Background...

if my memory correctly only a voyager probe have passed pluto and neptune and make near-range shots, but the resolution is really limited for the pictures and the picture-material of the probe that put together to a greater picture looks sometimes strange, because the probe moving if they make there shots.
maybe the nasa have some pictures corrected in the color and sun lighting, so that i look different.

but no high-res of venus, mercury
For Venus and Mercury I just take a screenshot (2048x2048x32) to the Model I have, afterall as I say most times the Texture Maps are in better quality than the Backgrounds.

and if you tried to put together the maps, and replace in the background the planet?
the only really difficault is to corrected the different maps in the color and light   :nervous:.

The only 3D Model I'll use is the one of the Moon, used only in Missions where the Background were scale was really big, just 2 Missions (one showing each side of the Moon). I may use maybe Mercury too, but I am not too sure.

For Moons: there is no Mission which happens around a Saturn's Moon in S:AH.
Jupiter's Moon are named in the Briefing of Campaing 4 Mission B2, I was actually thinking that I could use some Camera Viewpoints, place the Resolute and others with the wortest LOD as possible, everything in order around each of Jupiter's Moon, so we could take a least a look at the Moons, and change the Camera facing near each of the Moon as they report, but when they report happens at half of the Mission, it would be somewhat hard...(this probabily won't happen anyways)

aha, i have think about the modells and here aonther suggestion.
you have the 3D Models, why not reduce the resolution and use the modells for the befriefing only.
so the player can hit in the befriefing the planets and see the 3D model.
maybe as an optimal packed, if that possible.

I am actually 19 years old, near 20 by now, but not yet. And no I didn't do a Saturn model when I was ten....

23 going to 24 here *g*.
mhh *scratch* and i had think, ah ...

Nobody is Perfect.
attention: this english is dangerours and terrible, runaway so fast you can!

To all players, remember to download:

A - The HTL Moloch (appears at INF Mission 06). Look here,36647.125.html

B - The DDS Version of the Animated Beam Glows (DXT1 Version). The Red and Orange ones are used in INF R1. Look here,38935.0.html

My Animated Cyan and Silver Beams Glows are already in DXT1 Format, so...I'll compare either quality or size (# Level of Mipmaps) if there is something that can be done.

I'll update the TBMs to match the spell names that are now used, since I see it was changed...


Actually the Main Problem with S:AH, regarding FS1:

1 - The easier: I don't know if to add at least for the Player the Apollo and the Athena, I know:

A - The Apollo has been replaced for the Ulysses at the end of FS1
B - The Athena has been replaced both by the Medusa and the Ursa.

(probabily I won't do anything about that since it's comprensible why we don't see it)

2 - Main Problem, I need to port FS1 Weapons, that means:

A -  New entries bring back the orginal names, from INF "Avenger T2" to FS1 "Avenger".

B - Readjust the Gauges (fire rate/damage/etc.) of Weapons that exist with the same name (ex: Prometheus)

C - Add the extra weapons, that for some "magical" reason why weren't able to use in S:AH

The answer to this lurks between, "There is no Apollo and no Athena because we have money to build newer ships as the Ulysses/Medusa/Ursa, but we have paid with weapons, and ended with an non-existant weapon arsenal"

If you check the S:AH TBLs, you may see that both Medusa's and Ursa's Turrets are not working, just because both are using FS2 weapons (Medusa: Prometheus R / Ursa: UD-8 Kayser), while they should be using the Avenger for the Medusa and the Banshee for the Ursa.

Now the problems comes, where the Banshee was never ported from the FSPort to S:AH. So if I have to port one weapon, that justifies porting the other selectable Weapons (Synaptic/Harbinger/Flail/others). And since we have the Tsunami which is a very Advanced bomb (powerful to be specific), adding the others won't really unbalance anything....

Regardless of all that you will be able to use the "Hell Storm X" in S:AH with the Peregrine at least, the funny thing is that you can kill a Fenris or Leviathan Cruiser with just a few bombs, and if there is one behind the destroyed it can get hit too...
Campaing 4 Mission B1 is an scramble Mission (where the JCD Empress attacks the EA HQ), I don't really think it's fun or it could make any difference using the Hell Storm X, the Empress is just uncovered from every single point you fire...

But it's harder than many mods.... 

That's the idea, well it may depends of difficult, FS2 Insane Difficult is just Insane...

Shadow, please let us know when you update the download so we can redownload it and update our files correspondingly. It might be a good idea to post dates... too many "final" non final versions

Don't worry, the Final Release for the moment is unique, I won't ever post a new one without making an advise, I always post it, so, yes with the next release I will write the date (until someone prefer Post-Final Release 1/2/3/4/5, I am I won't do this)

do i unterstand that right, that you mean with backgrounds: total view of the planet, maybe with one or more of his moons?
and maps = near shots of the surface of the planet.

but i see, that my englishskill need some training *g*
but no problem, i had my fun and find nice maps of the earth Big grin.

Backgrounds means: 2D spherical screenshots of the planets (as taken from an camera, for example). The 2D (Backgrounds) goes into the "effects" folder of FreeSpace 2

Texture Maps: it goes into the "maps" folder. Usually planet's and moon's Texture Maps (or jus Maps) are called Cylindrical Maps. This is the Texture that 3D Models use.

There was a problem with the Diablo vs the Independance mission. 1.) If the Olemus dies, then you still see it broadcast "Okay see you later Indepenance..." after it is dead. 2.)End briefing gave BOTH SOC Admiral is happy beause you saved Olemus (i didn't  ) AND "we lost the Olemus" messages, which isn't right. I think Olemus was the name of the ship, sorry if I didn't get it right.

It's hard for me to see this, usually I win, and even if I loose I hit the retry buttom, so Bad defriefing is a problem.

Well, I can take care of point 1.), and for 2.) I don't know, maybe copy some failure Debriefing from another Mission, adding the line that we lost the Olemus, I want to fix, but not Mod too much.



There was a problem with the Diablo vs the Independance mission. 1.) If the Olemus dies, then you still see it broadcast "Okay see you later Indepenance..." after it is dead. 2.)End briefing gave BOTH SOC Admiral is happy beause you saved Olemus (i didn't  ) AND "we lost the Olemus" messages, which isn't right. I think Olemus was the name of the ship, sorry if I didn't get it right.

Try this, I am still not too good at Events, but I manage easily to undertand Visual Basic, so is just conditionals:

Please test, one loosing the Olemus and the other winning, works? (should)

This was the Problem:

If Destroyed Delay: (Conditional)
 - 28 (seconds)
 - Diablo (Ship Name)
Send (Event)
 - Message (blablah)
 - High (Priority)
 - Ship (Ship sending the Message)

So, I do this (there are multiple ways of do this):

 ** And:
     * Not: (Returns the opposite valour of the next Boolean result)
        * If Destroyed Delay:
         - 0
         - Olemus
     * If Destroyed Delay: (Conditional)
         - 28 (seconds)
         - Diablo (Ship Name)

Then if those 2 are true:

** Send (Event)
        - Message (blablah)
        - High (Priority)
        - Ship (Ship sending the Message)

PS: The SOC Debriefing for when you loose the Olemus is already there, and working fine, I don't really see any problem. Plus, the conditional to show it is very simply and should cause no problem.

If Destroyed Delay:
 - 0
 - Olemus

"The SOSD Olemus has been reduced to Debris.....blablah....."


I hope adding the FS1 Weapons don't break the Bitmap limits for the C block files, probabily will happen, but well, I'll start using repited icons.
« Last Edit: March 20, 2006, 12:54:00 am by Shadow0000 »


Offline neoterran

  • 210
Okay, finally beat Inferno R1. Neat Mod ! But short ! Really short!

Now I understand why everyone is so excited about R2/SCP Inferno.

There were no further problems that I had with the game. Besides the one I mentioned above.

 Hardest missions were taking the Sol Gate and Fighting the nemsis above earth, for sure.

Official Taylor Fan Club Member.
Chief Grognard.
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Offline diceman111

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Ok well I have read through this post right now (rather quick thoug so forgive if someone has already posted this) And I want to play Inferno using SCP. Ok I have gotten the update in the first post put it in the inferno folder where R1 is installed (installer from the homepage) aswell as the patch from the homepage. I also have the mediavps in a seperate folder(freespace2\mediavps).
then I use the launcher and select the mod and everything is fine the inferno logo appears in the little window and the text appears.
Then when I press Run and everything is working fine until I select the pilot(or create a new one and then click choose) and click choose I get the error:

Error: Invalid ship type "GTF Ulysses" found in $Ship Choices: of campaign file
Line: 2490
[This filename points to the location of a file on the computer that built this executable]

Call stack:

My settings are:
C:\Games\FreeSpace2\fs2_open_r_20060425_Kara.exe -mod inferno, ,mediavps -spec -glow -jpgtga -mipmap -nomotiondebris -2d_poof -missile_lighting -dualscanlines -targetinfo -rearm_timer -ballistic_gauge -3dwarp -warp_flash -snd_preload

Currently using the pack released by Shivan_SpS (15c).

any suggestions on how to fix this ( I bet its prob something really stupid that I have missed it always are  :D )

Flames Of War Chapter III -

"If at first you don't succeed try a bigger thermonuclear weapon" - My philosophy on life

"I dont care if we smack it into her or smack it out of her just aslong as there's smacking invovled" - Max from Sam & Max Situation Comedy

 I live in Sweden and before anybody ask NO we do not have polar bears walking on our streets thats Norway, we have penguins (Red ones with blue dots)

 (These messages was brought to you by the people from DFWD (Diceman For World Domination))


Offline neoterran

  • 210
Sounds like you haven't updated it correctly, it's a problem with the table files.
« Last Edit: May 10, 2006, 01:52:07 pm by neoterran »
Official Taylor Fan Club Member.
Chief Grognard.
"How much code could a coder code if a coder could code code?"


Offline diceman111

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  • Keep on playing Glottis, keep on playing.....
Sounds like you haven't updated it correctly, it's a problem with the table files.

ok and how do I do that

Flames Of War Chapter III -

"If at first you don't succeed try a bigger thermonuclear weapon" - My philosophy on life

"I dont care if we smack it into her or smack it out of her just aslong as there's smacking invovled" - Max from Sam & Max Situation Comedy

 I live in Sweden and before anybody ask NO we do not have polar bears walking on our streets thats Norway, we have penguins (Red ones with blue dots)

 (These messages was brought to you by the people from DFWD (Diceman For World Domination))


Offline neoterran

  • 210
post a screenshot of what your inferno directory looks like for starters.
Official Taylor Fan Club Member.
Chief Grognard.
"How much code could a coder code if a coder could code code?"


Offline diceman111

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  • Keep on playing Glottis, keep on playing.....
post a screenshot of what your inferno directory looks like for starters.

Ok sorry for being a little short earlier, well heres a screenshot of my inferno map:

Flames Of War Chapter III -

"If at first you don't succeed try a bigger thermonuclear weapon" - My philosophy on life

"I dont care if we smack it into her or smack it out of her just aslong as there's smacking invovled" - Max from Sam & Max Situation Comedy

 I live in Sweden and before anybody ask NO we do not have polar bears walking on our streets thats Norway, we have penguins (Red ones with blue dots)

 (These messages was brought to you by the people from DFWD (Diceman For World Domination))


Offline neoterran

  • 210
yeah that doesn't look like my Inferno installation. I have the patch1 and patch2 vps and then i have INF_CBGTVA1.vp, INF_Core.vp, INF_EA.vp, INF_Enemies.vp, INF_GTVA_CH1.vp, INF_SOCVas.vp, and INF_terran.vp . I don't know what's up with the INF_Main.vp you have. You appear to have another version. Maybe someone else could shed some light ?
Official Taylor Fan Club Member.
Chief Grognard.
"How much code could a coder code if a coder could code code?"


Offline diceman111

  • 28
  • Keep on playing Glottis, keep on playing.....
yeah that doesn't look like my Inferno installation. I have the patch1 and patch2 vps and then i have INF_CBGTVA1.vp, INF_Core.vp, INF_EA.vp, INF_Enemies.vp, INF_GTVA_CH1.vp, INF_SOCVas.vp, and INF_terran.vp . I don't know what's up with the INF_Main.vp you have. You appear to have another version. Maybe someone else could shed some light ?

Ok well thx for the help guys I think that I have figured it out I had only donloaded the main relese there where also akot of other files to download so I will download them and give it a try. (Dont ask me why I didnt think of this before......)
Flames Of War Chapter III -

"If at first you don't succeed try a bigger thermonuclear weapon" - My philosophy on life

"I dont care if we smack it into her or smack it out of her just aslong as there's smacking invovled" - Max from Sam & Max Situation Comedy

 I live in Sweden and before anybody ask NO we do not have polar bears walking on our streets thats Norway, we have penguins (Red ones with blue dots)

 (These messages was brought to you by the people from DFWD (Diceman For World Domination))


Offline diceman111

  • 28
  • Keep on playing Glottis, keep on playing.....
yeah that doesn't look like my Inferno installation. I have the patch1 and patch2 vps and then i have INF_CBGTVA1.vp, INF_Core.vp, INF_EA.vp, INF_Enemies.vp, INF_GTVA_CH1.vp, INF_SOCVas.vp, and INF_terran.vp . I don't know what's up with the INF_Main.vp you have. You appear to have another version. Maybe someone else could shed some light ?

Ok well thx for the help guys I think that I have figured it out I had only donloaded the main relese there where also akot of other files to download so I will download them and give it a try. (Dont ask me why I didnt think of this before......)
Nope that didnt fix it any other ideas guys
Flames Of War Chapter III -

"If at first you don't succeed try a bigger thermonuclear weapon" - My philosophy on life

"I dont care if we smack it into her or smack it out of her just aslong as there's smacking invovled" - Max from Sam & Max Situation Comedy

 I live in Sweden and before anybody ask NO we do not have polar bears walking on our streets thats Norway, we have penguins (Red ones with blue dots)

 (These messages was brought to you by the people from DFWD (Diceman For World Domination))


Offline Goober5000

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This has been confirmed by karajorma as a bug in the SCP.  Use a different build.


Offline Eugene

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Need help dl-ing Shadow's updates:, and the 2nd one also.

No matter how many times I try this link, on a number of different days, I just get the file hosting company page with a "register" button at the bottom. No hint of Shadow's updates. I think maybe I need to register in order to get the file, but clicking the register button just loads the same page. Other files listed in this thread: no trouble at all. Just these two vital files.  :confused:

I must be doing something really wrong, since I don't see any one else asking this question. But please, put me out of my misery and tell me the obvious "secret"!

Thanks for any help on this!


Offline jr2

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Try going to and registering first.  Then, login, and try pasting the link into your address bar and pressing enter after you've logged in.  I think that'd work.