Author Topic: Freespace Port 3.0.3 Released!  (Read 56876 times)

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Offline Goober5000

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Freespace Port 3.0.3 Released!
Main release:
Download the full version (36.0 mb)
Download the patch from version 3.0.2 (222 kb)
Download the patch from version 2.3 (20.9 mb)
Download the mission pack (905 kb)

Updated sparky_hi_fs1:
Download the full version (22.1 mb)
Download the patch from version 2.2 (3.4 mb)

Updated stu_fs1:
Download the full version (63.2 mb)
Download the patch from version 2.2 (10.8 mb)

IMPORTANT: Please note that this version is incompatible with all previous ported campaigns and third-party enhancements.  Unless the campaign supplies its own table files (like Shrouding the Light), you'll need to keep 2.3 around for them to work.

IMPORTANT: There are some known pitfalls that people are running into.  Read the next post for details.


It's been just over two years since our last Port release, but this one might just be worth the wait. :) Here's what I posted on the website:

After several weeks of concentrated effort and many sleep-deprived nights, the FSPort team is proud to bring you... not Silent Threat: Reborn. :p Rather, we've completed version 3.0 of the Freespace Port, rebuilt from the ground up to bring you the most true-to-FS1 experience yet. The most notable feature of the new version is the fact that it supports a number of the latest SCP enhancements (including FS1 music) while retaining retail compatibility. Plus, we've added a host of classic FS1-era mods for your enjoyment.

Visit the Downloads page to grab the latest version, along with the sparky_hi_fs1 and stu_fs1 upgrades that go along with it. You can either download the full versions or use the patch utilities we've provided.

And here's the latest version of the readme:

        Version 3.0.3 3/28/2006

This is a brand spanking new version of the Freespace Port that has been rebuilt from the ground up to provide you with the best possible Freespace 1 experience. :D We've abandoned the attempt to keep the Port compatible with the main Freespace 2 campaign (considering the now-common use of the -mod feature and the fact that several ship stats changed between FS1 and FS2) and turned it into its own separate mod.  We've re-imported the original tables and missions from FS1 with the absolute minimum changes necessary to get them working in FS2.  It's just about as close as you can get to playing FS1 without actually playing FS1. ;)

As with recent versions of the Port, this file contains only the core files needed to play, so you'll have to download the mission pack separately.  This was done to facilitate updates, since missions are changed far more often than core files.  You'll also have to download (or patch) sparky_hi_fs1 if you want to play in 1024x768 resolution or higher.

This version of the Port was specifically designed to play simultaneously on FS2 Retail and FS2 Open while at the same time taking advantage of the additional features in FSO whenever possible.  One of the benefits from this is the new way the music is handled.  Music.tbl will no longer cause crashes with retail, and switching to the FS1 music is as simple as adding the required music files... no table-swapping or mission editing required!


If you own Freespace and/or Silent Threat, you're in for a treat!  You can extract all the necessary files from the previous games and play the Port with full voice acting, command briefing animations, and music.  If you prefer, you can download them prepackaged from the Freespace Port website.

Copy these files:
FreeSpace\data\cbanim.vp to FreeSpace2\data\
*.mve (on the FS1 CDs) to FreeSpace2\

Extract these files, using Descent Manager's VPVIEW32:
*.wav from data\voice\command_briefings in freespace.vp to FreeSpace2\data\voice\command_briefings
*.wav from data\voice\special in freespace.vp to FreeSpace2\data\voice\special
*.wav from data\voice\briefings in voc.vp to FreeSpace2\data\voice\briefing
*.wav from data\voice\debriefings in voc.vp to FreeSpace2\data\voice\debriefing

NOTE that data\voice\[de]briefings was changed to data\voice\[de]briefing (without the S) in FS2.


If you've FREDded or downloaded any missions for Freespace 1, it's quite simple to convert them to run on Freespace 2 using the Port.  Follow these steps.

1) Download and run a recent version of FRED2 Open.  Any version created after March 1, 2006 should work.
2) "Preconvert" the mission(s) by replacing any ship classes that have # in them with their Port equivalents.  For example, you should replace all instances of "GTD Orion#1 (Galatea)" with "GTD Orion (Galatea)".  For the vast majority of user-made missions, this step isn't necessary; but for the missions which use these ships, it's much easier to do it beforehand than afterward.
3) Select File->Import->FS1 Misson.  Select the mission or missions you want to import and the folder where you want to save them.  The conversion will take a short time (usually only a few seconds, but longer if you're doing several missions at once) so if you get a "This program is not responding" message, ignore it.
4) If you changed any ship classes in step 2, load up those missions and add whatever FS2 features are necessary.  Some classes will need alternate names (so that "GTD Orion (Galatea)" appears on the HUD as "GTD Orion") while others will need special explosions (for example, a Faustus that was previously of the class "GTSC Faustus#2 (big blast)").


Q: The ship listing in the Tech Room displays the wrong ships.
A: The best solution is to create a new pilot from the Pilot Select screen when you first start Freespace 2 (cloning your current pilot won't work).  This will reset the tech room so that the proper ships appear.

Q: Whenever I click on the weapons database, the game crashes.
A: This is a bug in retail FS2.  You can either use FS2 Open or visit the Port website for data on all the new weapons.


Updates in 3.0.3:
--Fixed the crash caused by incorrect filenames for some interface art.
--Added the Terran Command traitor debriefing (for sm2-06a).

Updates in 3.0.2:
--Fixed the crash caused by the main hall referencing an invalid sound index.

Updates in 3.0.1:
--Fixed the crash caused by certain Orion nameplates exceeding the texture filename limit.

Updates in 3.0:
--Overhauled the Port to use the FS1 tables, including ships, weapons, sounds, and main halls.
--Added the revised and enhanced FS1 music table (SCP).
--Added the FS1 personas.
--Added the FS1 ranks (SCP) and medals.
--Reconverted the FS1 missions using the import feature in FRED2 Open.
--Restored the FS1 shockwave behavior (SCP).
--Added the following ships:
----GTF Angel (Venom/Woomeister)
----GTT Hunter (Zarathud)
----GTI Polaris Extension (Dark)
----GTI Polaris Pylon (Dark)
----GTSC Faustus (medical) (Dark)
----GTFr Chronos (medical) (Dark)
----TAC 1 (medical) (Dark)
----GTT Elysium (medical) (Dark)
----PVF Ulysses
----PVB Sekhmet
----PVSC Imhotep (Ryx)
----PVI Shah Extension (Dark)
----PVI Shah Pylon (Dark)
----SF Gorgon (Dark)
----SB Nahema
----Vasudan NavBuoy (Dark)
----Terran Probe (Dark)
----Vasudan Probe
----Terran Asteroid Base
----Vasudan Asteroid Base (Dark)

Updates in 2.3:
--Fixed a few more crash bugs.
--Fixed a bunch of mission bugs in both the FS1 and FS2 campaigns.
--Some more small fixes that I forget.

Updates in 2.2c:
--Fixed the out-of-bounds game sound indexes that were causing crashes.
--Rebalanced and fixed bugs in some missions.
--Fixed the conflicts between Cyclops and Cyclops#short.

Updates in 2.2b:
--Port reorganized by splitting into three VP files: the essential files, the hi-res interface art, and the hi-res texture maps.  These can all be downloaded from the FSPort downloads page.

Updates in 2.2:
--A cleaner, ultra-efficient ships.tbl now accepts all tech room descriptions.
--New animated FS2-style ship selection interface art!  Wow!
--Selected engine sound effects from FS1 integrated.
--A remodeled PVI Karnak with better LODs and cleaner geometry.
--The ever-present bug fixes and enhancements to the original campaign.

Updates in 2.1:
--Fixed a bunch of table errors.
--Added a new splash screen.
--Fixed glowmaps for the Athena and Fenris.
--Enhanced multiplayer support with Towani's dogfight weapons.
--The Amun, Anubis and Athena models are now more stable.
--Dozens of new briefing icons by Black Wolf!  Please note the following:
----The Large Ship icon is now the Faustus science cruiser
----The Shivan Support Ship icon is now the Demon
--A much nicer version of the pilot select screen.
--Slight changes to the FS2 missions Into the Lion's Den, Slaying Ravana, and Clash of the Titans II.
--Lots of mission fixes in the original ported campaign.
--FS1 subspace POFs included.  Subspace looks much nicer now; no more 'rings.'
--Ancients cutscenes now included in the ported campaign file.
--All instances of the Vasudan Light Laser have been renamed to the VLL-9 Laser, so it doesn't spill over the HUD.
--Tweaked the Huge laser turrets, the Megafunk turret, the VLL, the Havoc, the Unknown Bomb, and the Unknown Megabomb.
--Faustus model modified so that anything towing it goes forwards.
--GTC Leviathan skin hue slightly modified, to differentiate it from the Fenris.
--New Ancients cbanim, borrowed from one of Setekh's renders.  I'm sure he won't mind.
--Interface art for the SF Dragon (Terrans) is now complete, thanks to Sesquipedalian.
--Fused Karnak is now included.
--Squad logo added for the Vasudan Imperium.
--Asteroid-field-debris has been reskinned.
--Pilot images from FS1 now included.

Updates in 2.0:
--Hi-res FS1 maps included - not all of them, just the ones at a higher res than the FS2 versions.
--All Terran and Vasudan fighters and bombers now have squadron insignias.
--Brand spanking new weapon interface art in the FS2 style.
--FS1 weapons now use the FS1 sound effects.
--Tables stabilized by squeezing under the 130 ship limit.
--Changed the Hades to have five engines instead of one.
--Subspace palette fix.
--New pilot selection screen.
--Fixed Clash of the Titans II bug caused by renaming the Bastion's table entry.
--Still more bug fixes in the original campaign.
--Shielded Lucifer (by DTP) and corresponding HUD icon (by Sesquipedalian) added.
--Silent Threat converted (badly) to FS2.

Updates in 1.5:
--Fixed hitpoint values for most of the imported ships, including nearly doubling the Athena's shields and armor.
--Karnak now has dock points, fighterbays, and turret paths, thanks to DTP.
--Weapon animations added for those who don't have Freespace. Only one weapon table is needed now.
--Fixed the turrets on the Amun.
--Added credits to Act III, mission 10.
--Fixed a few small bugs in some of the missions.
--Added transcripts of the Ancients cutscenes to the campaign.
--Added an icon for the Karnak installation, and edited the icons table to accommodate it.

Original release 1.0:
--All Freespace ships and weapons added to the FS2 tables.  FS1 to FS2 model conversions provided by Dark.
--Main Freespace campaign converted to FS2.
--PVI Karnak, Railgun, Fang, Barracuda and Havoc added for use in future campaigns.
--Earth background added for use in the final mission.


All material included herein is copyright 1998-1999 Volition, Inc., Interplay, and THQ.  Ported with permission to Freespace 2 by Peter Oliver (Galemp) and Ian Warfield (Goober5000).  You may use these files for your own missions, campaigns, and mods on a no-cost non-commercial basis.  Hosting provided by Hard Light Productions (  No Vasudans were harmed in the making of this Port.

S I L E N T   T H R E A T :   R E B O R N

              coming soon
« Last Edit: December 01, 2006, 06:30:47 pm by Goober5000 »


Offline Goober5000

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Re: Freespace Port 3.0 Released!
Okay, I'm splitting off the old posts since the thread was getting way too heated.  Hopefully this should clear some things up.

When you install 3.0, you need to update the following
--sparky_hi_fs1 (using either the patch or the new version on the website)

and remove the following
--fsport2_3.vp (incompatible)
--fsport_music.vp (obsolete)
--fs1_scp.vp (incompatible AND obsolete)

In addition to that, mv_core 3.6.8 delta has a bug in it that causes FSO to crash if you view the Pegasus in the tech room.  (It adds an empty entry with invalid data.)  So if you're using the mediaVPs, just don't click on it.

The starfield skyboxes and extra ship nameplates (aside from the ones on the Orions) have been added to fsport-missions.vp.  You'll need to redownload the zip from the link in the first post.

If you're getting crashes about texture names being too long, you probably downloaded a version of 3.0 in the few short hours before I had time to fix it.  Re-download it (or re-download the patch and re-patch 2.3) and it'll be fixed.

If you've read through this post and are still having trouble, then you can post your problem here. :)
« Last Edit: April 23, 2006, 03:57:49 pm by Goober5000 »


Offline NGTM-1R

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Re: Freespace Port 3.0 Released!
There is no MDU-01. IIRC there never was, but I haven't had actual FS1 installed in a long time and I'm not totally sure. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong.

Also conversion broke something in MDU-25 "The GTI Shadow", because it gives you the RTB message right at the beginning. I know it didn't do that in the original.
"Load sabot. Target Zaku, direct front!"

A Feddie Story


Offline Goober5000

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Re: Freespace Port 3.0 Released!
I'm surprised there are so few replies now after that previous huge thread.  Does that mean most of the problems are fixed? :D

There is no MDU-01. IIRC there never was, but I haven't had actual FS1 installed in a long time and I'm not totally sure. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong.

Yeah, MDU-01 isn't in the original Silent Threat pack either.  I'm not sure why.

Also conversion broke something in MDU-25 "The GTI Shadow", because it gives you the RTB message right at the beginning. I know it didn't do that in the original.

Run it in FS2 retail.  If it happens there too, it's a mission bug.  If not, it's a SCP bug and it should go on Mantis.


Offline Mongoose

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Re: Freespace Port 3.0 Released!
I really wish I had the time to fool around with this right now.  It sounds like you've finally brought everything that is FS1 to FS2. :)


Offline Fenrir

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Re: Freespace Port 3.0 Released!
Freakin' sweet! I hope they come out with 3.6.8 Epsilion soon or I'll have to redownload 3.6.7 to play with this.


Offline Nuclear1

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Re: Freespace Port 3.0 Released!
Already downloaded and making The Adjustments™.
Spoon - I stand in awe by your flawless fredding. Truely, never before have I witnessed such magnificant display of beamz.
Axem -  I don't know what I'll do with my life now. Maybe I'll become a Nun, or take up Macrame. But where ever I go... I will remember you!
Axem - Sorry to post again when I said I was leaving for good, but something was nagging me. I don't want to say it in a way that shames the campaign but I think we can all agree it is actually.. incomplete. It is missing... Voice Acting.
Quanto - I for one would love to lend my beautiful singing voice into this wholesome project.
Nuclear1 - I want a duet.
AndrewofDoom - Make it a trio!


Offline T-Man

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Re: Freespace Port 3.0 Released!
I'm running 3.0 on retail. Everything is working correctly except the music, which still uses the FS2 stuff.

Is the FS1 music FSOpen only?
Also goes by 'Murasaki-Tatsu' outside of Hard-Light

UEF fanboy. Rabid Imagination.


Offline ShivanSpS

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Re: Freespace Port 3.0 Released!
I still getting the crash in the loading of the next mission afer destroying the Lucifer.

Re: Freespace Port 3.0 Released!
In addition to that, you can't use the Port with mv_core 3.6.8 delta.  This is because mv_core has a bug in it that causes FSO to complain about the Pegasus and crash.  So you'll just have to wait for the next version (epsilon).

Could it be that this is fixed in CVS?
I'm using the 3.6.8 delta VPs and with the newest CVS-Build (Linux) it just runs fine without complainig about anything...


Offline Goober5000

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Re: Freespace Port 3.0 Released!
I'm running 3.0 on retail. Everything is working correctly except the music, which still uses the FS2 stuff.

Is the FS1 music FSOpen only?


I still getting the crash in the loading of the next mission afer destroying the Lucifer.

Okay, this is a bug with the mission.  I'll have a new uploaded in a few hours.

Could it be that this is fixed in CVS?  I'm using the 3.6.8 delta VPs and with the newest CVS-Build (Linux) it just runs fine without complainig about anything...

You haven't looked at the Pegasus in the tech room (or gotten to the last mission), I'm guessing. :)


Offline Qwer

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Re: Freespace Port 3.0 Released!
Is 3.0 supporting mediavps 3.6.8 delta? :confused:
If in your opinion there's no difference beetwen "Master Game" and "Game Master", I can only feel for you.


Offline Goober5000

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Re: Freespace Port 3.0 Released!
Is 3.0 supporting mediavps 3.6.8 delta? :confused:

Read the second post:
In addition to that, you can't use the Port with mv_core 3.6.8 delta.  This is because mv_core has a bug in it that causes FSO to complain about the Pegasus and crash.  So you'll just have to wait for the next version (epsilon).


Offline Fenrir

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Re: Freespace Port 3.0 Released!
I'm not getting the FS1 music in either the mainhall (if it's supposed to be there) or in breifing (I know it's supposed to be there). I haven't gone in-mission yet. I have Warble_FS1.vp and am using 3.6.7, build 20051222. I don't have any conflicting tables in that mod path or anything, so I'm lost.


Offline Goober5000

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Re: Freespace Port 3.0 Released!
I'm not getting the FS1 music in either the mainhall (if it's supposed to be there) or in breifing (I know it's supposed to be there). I haven't gone in-mission yet. I have Warble_FS1.vp and am using 3.6.7, build 20051222. I don't have any conflicting tables in that mod path or anything, so I'm lost.

You need a more recent version of FSO.   Something from after March 1.

Re: Freespace Port 3.0 Released!
You haven't looked at the Pegasus in the tech room (or gotten to the last mission), I'm guessing. :)

I have the latest CVS build (optimised) and use 3.6.8 delta and have run through the entire campaign (including the last mission) without any problems or crashes, great work and looking forward to STR. :yes:
I feel like a one legged man, in ass kickin' contest!


Offline Backslash

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Re: Freespace Port 3.0 Released!
In addition to that, you can't use the Port with mv_core 3.6.8 delta.  This is because mv_core has a bug in it that causes FSO to complain about the Pegasus and crash.  So you'll just have to wait for the next version (epsilon).

...or you could just download the little fix?  see Shadow0000's post since I can't attach files here...

Working great for me.  Kudos to the team!

Re: Freespace Port 3.0 Released!
Thanks Backslash, I was just going to inform about this, remember is a temporary fix, only needed by the Media VP v3.6.8 Delta, and not by the Media VP v3.6.7.
« Last Edit: March 07, 2006, 10:57:49 pm by Shadow0000 »


Offline Goober5000

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Re: Freespace Port 3.0 Released!
Hm.  I forgot that Taylor made the warning message not show up for release builds.

Anyway, I've uploaded a new version of fsport_missions that fixes the problem.  And I've updated the main zip with the filename fsport3_0_1 to reflect the fact that the nameplate thing was a bugfix.

Thanks for the kind words, Paladin1. :)

Re: Freespace Port 3.0 Released!
Goober could you add the Date next to the Missions Pack download, so we can now when the Missions are updated, and also if we have the last version without going on downloading everytime someone one doesn't know the data/version, just like the date in the CVS Builds.

I still can't test it, but seems to be really improved from FS1, excellent work.