Author Topic: What is the most funniest/coolest/weirdest/scariest moment you've had in freespa  (Read 9239 times)

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Re: What is the most funniest/coolest/weirdest/scariest moment you've had in fre
me also the derelict dream scene with the sathanas jumping at me lol but im stuck there i disabled the gold wing in accettable losses destroyed the shivans but it just sits there the mission bug?  does nothing after 40 minutes of 64x compressed time


Offline lefkos

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Re: What is the most funniest/coolest/weirdest/scariest moment you've had in freespa
coolest: my own mission with only capital ships from almost every campagne( if i not asked for permission and used in own mission is that bad? i didnt upload the mission) (including me) uhm more than 140 capships
70 shivan  and 35 vasudan and 35 terran. that was my coolest mission in fs2 ever!
funniest: i was a little fighter and i was followd bij 149 enemies from fighters to juggs xD
Weirdest: The disco sequence in Just another day 2 that was damn weird xP
scariest : dont really have one  but i maybe the first encounter with the sathanas  in the nebula i couldnt see on  what it was or how big it was it was really cool but scary:P

ps sorry for my bad english
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Offline Snail

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Re: What is the most funniest/coolest/weirdest/scariest moment you've had in fre
My coolest moment in FreeSpace was in MT when Earth first attacked. 8)

Funny was when in DEM when the Colossus self destructed itself. :lol:

Weirdest was when I was in a mission I made, where the Orion and a Hecate warped in, they were colliding inside each other and those little debris bits were everywhere... :wtf:

Scariest was in Transcend, freakkkkkyyyy. :nervous:

Would you even be able to have 140 capships in mission? :doubt: ::)

Anything above a bomber (cruiser, corv, destroyer, jug, etc.) wont 'chase' you, they will only shoot at you.


Offline AlphaOne

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Re: What is the most funniest/coolest/weirdest/scariest moment you've had in freespa
weirdest thing that ever happened to was not beeing able to finish Homesick. Yeah i know i'm ashamed to sai it.
Die shivan die!!
Then jumps into his apple stealth pie and goes of to war.What a brave lad....what a brave lad say the ladies in red.

(> < ) 

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Offline Prophet

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Re: What is the most funniest/coolest/weirdest/scariest moment you've had in freespa
Coolest: In FS1 ages ago. I was chasing this slippery Shivan, and damn was he slippery. I couldn't get decent hit in no matter how much I violated my joystick. Then suddenly there was a stream of laser fire from the bottom left corner of my screen. The Shivan blow up and a Ulysses (my wingmate) flew trough the explosion. It doesn't sound like much here, but the whole chain of events was so cinematic (and cool) that I still remember it like it was yesterday.

Funny: In self made mission. Two Faustus science vessels have attack orders on same ship and they fly so close to each other that the other one gets stuck on the solar panel and starts rotating with it around the other Faustus...

Scariest: Transend of course...

Weirdest: In multiplayer, seeing someone flying Herc II. With 4 Cyclops right on his tail... :wtf: After the match someone mentioned he almost got a couple of kills with them. I don't know what made him think bombs would be useful ordnance in a dogfight...
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I am not breaking radio silence just cos' you lot got spooked by a dead flying ****ing cow. -Sergeant Harry Wells/Dog Soldiers

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Offline Snail

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Re: What is the most funniest/coolest/weirdest/scariest moment you've had in fre
If there was the most annoying moment in FS, it would be Playing Judas. :mad: :mad2: :hopping: :mad:


Second place was definately in Enter the Lion's den, when Snipes said 'DIVE' I went up. Come to think of itI was pretty stupid. ::)


Offline Centrixo

Re: What is the most funniest/coolest/weirdest/scariest moment you've had in fre
Weirdest: In multiplayer, seeing someone flying Herc II. With 4 Cyclops right on his tail... :wtf: After the match someone mentioned he almost got a couple of kills with them. I don't know what made him think bombs would be useful ordnance in a dogfight...

hehe cyclops torps, i remember one time i fired 2 torps at a shivan fighter and it destroyed it, then tried it again but the damn torps exploded before impact, it was very funny at the time.

i think i might have to change the funniest thing ive done.

funniest: jad and jad2, both campaigns kept me laughing through out.
Would you like to have a piece of duct tape shoved up your arse? - 'Duct Tape man', Derelict.

"You never know what your going to find until you take a look" - Snipes, Fs2.

Terwin Castronenves:"Centrixo, your car is slow, bye bye" *zoom*.
Centrixo:*sigh!* Damn!.


Offline Snail

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Re: What is the most funniest/coolest/weirdest/scariest moment you've had in fre
In FS1, I was doing a gauntlet and I ran out of Hornet missiles, and I automatically switched to Tsunamis. I was wondering why it took so long to lock... Then I fired, and I found out.


Offline Centrixo

Re: What is the most funniest/coolest/weirdest/scariest moment you've had in fre
hehehe. what happend after?
Would you like to have a piece of duct tape shoved up your arse? - 'Duct Tape man', Derelict.

"You never know what your going to find until you take a look" - Snipes, Fs2.

Terwin Castronenves:"Centrixo, your car is slow, bye bye" *zoom*.
Centrixo:*sigh!* Damn!.


Offline Polpolion

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Re: What is the most funniest/coolest/weirdest/scariest moment you've had in fre
I was playing a multiplayer mission with Cobra and IIRC DW Hunter, we were doing shivan gauntlet and they were in ursas. There was one mara left and they both were trying to kill it with cyclops (I was in enrinyes). We were there for a couple of minutes  when one of their turrets accidently killed it.


Offline BS403

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Re: What is the most funniest/coolest/weirdest/scariest moment you've had in fre
Coolest: Burn Baby Burn

Funny: Burn Baby Burn

Weirdest: Burn Baby Burn

Scariest: JAD Derek Smart

Also in FS1 when you have to save the plato, I always get it to the jump node alive and then it just sits there. I end up shooting it my self because i'm tired of waiting for these so-called destroyers to blow it up.

Homer: Aw, twenty dollars! I wanted a peanut!
Homer's Brain: Twenty dollars can buy many peanuts.
Homer: Explain how.
Homer's Brain: Money can be exchanged for goods and services.
Homer: Woo-hoo!


Offline bizzybody

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Re: What is the most funniest/coolest/weirdest/scariest moment you've had in freespa
How about the most confused moment? Paving the Way. Here I am, supposed to blast asteroids in the way of the Galatea and I can't figure out how to target them, my wingmen take them out for me and the Shivans, I dunno what happened with them but they didn't do much damage. Fire off any shots? Nope! Just flew along with the Galatea for about five minutes and done!

The most annoying mission I've played so far is Pandora's Box. Woulda been easier had I known to replace the disrupters with real guns! Does this mission ever run out of fresh pairs of Shivan fighters? Took me at least an hour or more to finally blast all the cargo containers after my wingmen got fried.
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Offline S-99

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Re: What is the most funniest/coolest/weirdest/scariest moment you've had in fre
Cool and scary: Hard to think of. The absolute coolest part was the whole entire second SOC loop. Going back into the nebula (a dark one). Going beyond the second knossos (sweet). That shivan system was pretty ****ing alien (binary star, comm nodes, more knossi, more saths, and light fighter patrols). And yes DIVE DIVE DIVE.
Then there was when i was running away from the super nova. I got fried. Then came me flying the herc 2 potato with all power switched to engines, and beat the nova. That's also something i never heard of. Switching all power to shields and then experience the supernova. Real great idea there  :lol: It is a stroke of genious, if the shields were stronger.

Scariest: Transcend wasn't really scary for me, but i did detect the scary atmosphere, enjoy it, and took part in it. The scariest moment for me was when i was playing derelict and the damn lucifer activates with all of its beams cutting itself out of the docking rings. I did not go near that ship during the rest of that mission.

Wierdest: I did that the other day. I was flying a bomber on a sathanas level, and i decided to take out a fighter because i could. The mara or whatever was a fair distance out, and my aspect targeting thing comes up, but it doesn't really take too long because that fighter wasn't really going anywhere, and i had a lock on, i started going after it a little more. Then i finally launched, and i was like oh ****, i just screwed the mission launching two helioses instead of trebs, and more overly forgot i was on dual fire for my missiles. And that really ****ed up the mission where you disarm the sathanas since i didn't quite have all those arms destroyed. I launched those bombs when i needed them for destroying one more arm on the sathanas. Talk about the worst time to use bombs on fighters. The fighter was toasted, but when i heard that bomb launch noise i was like OH ****!!!...NOOOO!!!...DAMMIT!!! I really wanted those bombs for the last an arm on the sathanas to pass the mission.

Funniest/****ed up: Me versus an asmodeus freighter. THOSE THINGS ALWAYS GET ME! They have enough firepower to keep me at a distance, damage me, keep me flying away from the asmodeus. They also have enough armor to withstand a good beating. So i usually am a good deal beaten up, or near death if i destroy an asmodeus by myself. But the asmodeus, keeps blasting me while it picks up it's cargo, or maintains formation in a convoy, and warps out. Somehow i see freighters, destroy them, and i never think properly about asmodeuses. The asmodeus is usually the first frieghter i engage by myself in a shivan convoy, then all of the other shivan freighters warp out while i was busy. Then maybe the asmodeus warps out too. I fall victim to this ****ing thing every time. So now alpha one orders his wingmates to take the asmodeus kill, because asmodeuses are my weakness. Maybe not really funny, but it is damn ****ed up.
Every pilot's goal is to rise up in the ranks and go beyond their purpose to a place of command on a very big ship. Like the colossus; to baseball bat everyone.


I won't use google for you.

An0n sucks my Jesus ring.


Offline Centrixo

Re: What is the most funniest/coolest/weirdest/scariest moment you've had in fre
what i do after each hit is equalise shields if im being attacked from 3 directions, or otherwise i put max to the front shield after every turret round hits my shield. i just fire away with tornadoes or hornets.

btw that mission with the sj's, the only sj on that mission is where you have to dive, the others are sjd's. sathanas Juggernaught Decoy. but it works :)

confusing: custom made mission, GTD Hades engine is weak im still trying to figure that out.

coolest 2: arming the GTC Aeolus (RTC Xander) with LRed beams, it destroyed the GTD Hecate (GTD Aquitaine) in less that 15 seconds.
Would you like to have a piece of duct tape shoved up your arse? - 'Duct Tape man', Derelict.

"You never know what your going to find until you take a look" - Snipes, Fs2.

Terwin Castronenves:"Centrixo, your car is slow, bye bye" *zoom*.
Centrixo:*sigh!* Damn!.


Offline 0rph3u5

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Re: What is the most funniest/coolest/weirdest/scariest moment you've had in freespa
Coolest: every mission after you got the maxim ;)

Scariest: the end of trancedent; when the transcendant goes *boom* and the time compression is set down 0.25 (thinking "what now???")

Funniest: [at the end of Derlict:]
Command: ... You will all recive a recommandation, pilots.
Alpha 2: And I'm gonna duck-tape that into my cockpit!

Wierdest: any subspace mission; my stomach does not like them at all ( has the worlds stopped turning yet??? :nervous:)
"As you sought to steal a kingdom for yourself, so must you do again, a thousand times over. For a theft, a true theft, must be practiced to be earned." - The terms of Nyrissa's curse, Pathfinder: Kingmaker


"I am Curiosity, and I've always wondered what would become of you, here at the end of the world." - The Guide/The Curious Other, Othercide

"When you work with water, you have to know and respect it. When you labour to subdue it, you have to understand that one day it may rise up and turn all your labours into nothing. For what is water, which seeks to make all things level, which has no taste or colour of its own, but a liquid form of Nothing?" - Graham Swift, Waterland

"...because they are not Dragons."

Re: What is the most funniest/coolest/weirdest/scariest moment you've had in fre
Most funny: Reading about voice recognition and seeing:
Snipes: 'DIVE DIVE DIVE! Hit your burners pilot'
Player: 'Down! Down! DOWN! Afterburner! I said AFTERBURNER!!'
I was chewing gum at the time, and ended up with a 2 inch sphere of pink on my screen. >.<
Second Most Funny: Duct Taping Commendations to my cockpit along with my fellow Alpha wingmates :P

Coolest: I'd have to say the Supernova mission. I'm sorry, but there's something epic about racing against a force of nature...

Wierdest: Transcend. Period. No not one part of it. All of it. I knew everything before it was going to happen. And it STILL wierded me out.

Scariest: The first time I heard the words "Dive dive dive, hit your burners pilot!" I had played FS2 all the way though up till that point. After I was rammed by the SJ #3, I went and took a shower and grabbed a change of clothes. <.<


Offline Centrixo

Re: What is the most funniest/coolest/weirdest/scariest moment you've had in fre
another funny and weird moment, alpha 2 "i got a piece of duct tape i like would to shove up your arse" on that mission where you run into the loki drones.
Would you like to have a piece of duct tape shoved up your arse? - 'Duct Tape man', Derelict.

"You never know what your going to find until you take a look" - Snipes, Fs2.

Terwin Castronenves:"Centrixo, your car is slow, bye bye" *zoom*.
Centrixo:*sigh!* Damn!.

Re: What is the most funniest/coolest/weirdest/scariest moment you've had in fre
another funny and weird moment, alpha 2 "i got a piece of duct tape i like would to shove up your arse" on that mission where you run into the loki drones.
Oh hell yes. :D
Basically anything involving duct tape and Freespace is made of humor and win. :P


Offline lefkos

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Re: What is the most funniest/coolest/weirdest/scariest moment you've had in fre
My coolest moment in FreeSpace was in MT when Earth first attacked. 8)

Funny was when in DEM when the Colossus self destructed itself. :lol:

Weirdest was when I was in a mission I made, where the Orion and a Hecate warped in, they were colliding inside each other and those little debris bits were everywhere... :wtf:

Scariest was in Transcend, freakkkkkyyyy. :nervous:

Would you even be able to have 140 capships in mission? :doubt: ::)

Anything above a bomber (cruiser, corv, destroyer, jug, etc.) wont 'chase' you, they will only shoot at you.

wel my fred was broken/****ed up/etc and i modded most of the tables  but  i know for sure that i  could do almost every thing and this is not bull****
Music is an expression of our inner creativity.


Offline Kie99

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Re: What is the most funniest/coolest/weirdest/scariest moment you've had in freespa
Coolest was the bullet time ending to Transcend

Weirdest was the dream mission in Derelict

Scariest was Transcend again, everything with the whispered voices in the nebulae.

Funniest was Derelict where the Nyarlathotep enters the subspace corridor, it did it it when the AWACS was self destructing and smashed right into it, the AWACS went spinning up away from the Lucifer exploding.  Looked so good.
"You shot me in the bollocks, Tim"
"Like I said, no hard feelings"