Author Topic: Minecraft  (Read 583946 times)

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Offline Scotty

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This discussion is stupid and pointless.  Go be productive and build something.


Offline pecenipicek

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So placing 10,000 blocks in creative mode isn't grinding?

Nope. It isn't the same thing over and over. Things you build (hopefully) have enough design in them that you can avoid doing the same thing for more then 15 mins or so. Also, when you're done, its over, unless you screwed up you dont have to do that part again ever.

All you're doing is placing blocks, this by definition is the same thing. You decide the wall of a ship is going to be 30 high by 100 long, you spend X minutes placing 3000 blocks. You decide your hull should be double-wide. You place another 3000 blocks.

Minecraft as a "game" consists mainly of three things:
1. Mining
2. Crafting
3. Building

With the underlying elements of exploration/adventuring and creativitiy. Even if you're doing all three of those things for one express purpose, you are still doing three different things. Which is further broken up by for example exploring a cavern during mining, or building a subterranean base hub for crafting, etcetera.

If you remove 2 of those elements and focus only on the building you are by default grinding more.
do you have a point or is "retarded" your natural state of mind?

dont like the fact that both admins of either servers like to protect players from that idiotic game-based griefage? find other servers. there are metric ****tons of servers out there running "untampered with", pure survival. if you want that, go play there, stop bothering us. we dont like anything that ****s around with our carefully placed virtual blocks. especially when something like Notch-induced griefage is running rampantly around.
* pecenipicek glares at endermen...
Skype: vrganjko
Ho, ho, ho, to the bottle I go
to heal my heart and drown my woe!
Rain may fall and wind may blow,
and many miles be still to go,
but under a tall tree I will lie!

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Offline rev_posix

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Come on everyone, calm it down.  I know that people have put a heck of a lot of time into building the fenris and they have every right to want it protected.

Also, it's the prerogative of the admins to nerf whatever they want, it's their server.  They are paying the bills for it, they are doing the backend work to maintain it (and there is a good amount of that), if they want to make creepers and TNT not do any damage, it's their right as the owner/admin.

If a player doesn't like it, too bad, there are a metric arseload of servers out there, go find another one.  Name calling and violation of Wheaton's rule is not necessary here or anywhere.

Please play nice.
POSIX is fine, as is Rev or RP

"Although generally it is considered a no no to disagree with a mod since it's pretty much equivalent to kicking an unpaid janitor in the nuts while he's busy cleaning up somebody elses vomit and then telling them how bad they are at cleaning it up cause you can smell it down the hall." - Dennis, Home Improvement Moderator @ DSL Reports

"wow, some people are thick and clearly can't think for themselves - the solution is to remove warning labels from poisons."


Offline deathfun

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Minecraft CAN be of two things (crafting = building)

Put both together and you have yourself a pretty solid game. Take away Mine, and you've got Craft. Craft is still a lot of fun because you can see everything you ever wanted to build come to life sans spending ridiculous amounts of time to build a part of what you want

Take away Craft, and you've got Mine

The **** you going to do with Mine? Mine ****, and then what?

The game is all about the crafting. Mine just adds effort giving you virtual proudness
Honestly, I'm proud of a project being finished regardless of how I did it, mined or creative


Offline Mongoose

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I would say there's a third element to the game: exploring.  I still find it fun hiking over new terrain and seeing some crazy feature, or delving through a huge cave system, or fighting my way through an abandoned mine.  And while straight-up mining gets dull pretty fast, coming across resources while caving adds some enjoyment to the mix.


Offline TrashMan

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People, people....all games consist of watching and clicking.

you always watch things on the screen and you are always clicking on something. BOOOORING.
Nobody dies as a virgin - the life ****s us all!

You're a wrongularity from which no right can escape!


Offline TrashMan

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Yesterday, after exploring some caves with grimper, one of his lines sparked a rather obvious idea.

What was missing the in New TrashMania?
An Arena/Collosseum! A giant fighting pit, where the crowds will cheer as brave wariors face against eachother and summoned monsters!
« Last Edit: May 10, 2012, 03:53:08 am by TrashMan »
Nobody dies as a virgin - the life ****s us all!

You're a wrongularity from which no right can escape!

So placing 10,000 blocks in creative mode isn't grinding?

Nope. It isn't the same thing over and over. Things you build (hopefully) have enough design in them that you can avoid doing the same thing for more then 15 mins or so. Also, when you're done, its over, unless you screwed up you dont have to do that part again ever.

All you're doing is placing blocks, this by definition is the same thing. You decide the wall of a ship is going to be 30 high by 100 long, you spend X minutes placing 3000 blocks. You decide your hull should be double-wide. You place another 3000 blocks.

Minecraft as a "game" consists mainly of three things:
1. Mining
2. Crafting
3. Building

With the underlying elements of exploration/adventuring and creativitiy. Even if you're doing all three of those things for one express purpose, you are still doing three different things. Which is further broken up by for example exploring a cavern during mining, or building a subterranean base hub for crafting, etcetera.

If you remove 2 of those elements and focus only on the building you are by default grinding more.
do you have a point or is "retarded" your natural state of mind?

dont like the fact that both admins of either servers like to protect players from that idiotic game-based griefage? find other servers. there are metric ****tons of servers out there running "untampered with", pure survival. if you want that, go play there, stop bothering us. we dont like anything that ****s around with our carefully placed virtual blocks. especially when something like Notch-induced griefage is running rampantly around.
* pecenipicek glares at endermen...

Oh look another person who doesn't know how to respect another human being. Do you hate yourself as much as you hate people on the internet?

I was simply asking a question, and discussing the merits of having it in-game or not. If you don't care to participate, then don't.
Just resume your regularly schedueled server promoting.


Offline deathfun

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Seems like someone skipped over my comment which essentially negates the point you were trying to make in a decent fashion

As for grinding more... not really
How is having everything at your disposal grinding more...


Offline FireSpawn

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In other news....

I've just thought of making the greatest thing EVAR!


Boobs so large, they can be seen from the Dynamap.

What say you, fellow madmen?
If you hit it and it bleeds, you can kill it. If you hit it and it doesn't bleed...You are obviously not hitting hard enough.

Greatest Pirate in all the Beach System.

Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.
The Force shall free me.


Offline Pred the Penguin

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You'd probably only succeed in making some very awkward looking domes. In any case, if you are serious, cause I can't tell, I vote for keeping Minecraft family friendly. :p


Offline rev_posix

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Yesterday, after exploring some caves with grimper, one of his lines sparked a rather obvious idea.

What was missing the in New TrashMania?
An Arena/Collosseum! A giant fighting pit, where the crowds will cheer as brave wariors face against eachother and summoned monsters!
Mobarena.  You want mobarena.

The dev is really busy IRL, so the current dev versions are the only ones that work with the 1.2.5 releases, and they aren't perfect, but they do work pretty well and have leaderboard abilities.
POSIX is fine, as is Rev or RP

"Although generally it is considered a no no to disagree with a mod since it's pretty much equivalent to kicking an unpaid janitor in the nuts while he's busy cleaning up somebody elses vomit and then telling them how bad they are at cleaning it up cause you can smell it down the hall." - Dennis, Home Improvement Moderator @ DSL Reports

"wow, some people are thick and clearly can't think for themselves - the solution is to remove warning labels from poisons."


Offline Grimper

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grimper, what the **** is wrong with you? you come to my server, i give you permissions after confirming who you are, you start asking about why we should merge the servers, i tell you its not happening and i dont have to justify anything to you and then you ***** that i'm hostile? seriously? have fun on qaz's server. noone is dragging you over kicking and screaming nor forcing you to stay on either server.
Tell ya what. You make somehting as large, good, and complex as the Fenris, then see how you feel about a creeper that can damage blocks being within even 200 meters of it.

Until you've made anything truly amazing, you have no basis to judge on. And no offence, but if you only play in survival, then odds are way against you building anything close to the level I'm talking about.
Tell ya what, how about you try having a discussion without resorting to being an asshole.
Yeah and so is this picture here to help justify you being a dick head? Does spending a lot of time in a video game entitle you to talk down to other people?

It may surprise you but some people enjoy games with adversity where a creeper can blow up your hard work and you need to repair it, or your thaumcraft factory starts polluting your world and turning it purple.
This discussion is stupid and pointless.  Go be productive and build something.

Rofls so much rage in the last 3 pages..amazing how angry people get over video games xD
Also pec I suggested a server merge so that the whole HLP MC community could play together...but I don't really want you in a server I'm in anymore so don't worry ;)

Anywayz this is getting buried again:
Rawr found a way to fix the messed up biomes in the server.


Would reallyyyyyy love to have my base (-171,797) turned from swamp biome into Forest, and trashman probs wants the same for trashmania.
Howevers note the bit about backing up the world first.
(EDIT: See my post on May 7th)

EDIT: Tutorial seems kinda meh...will take a look when I have time for it and see if I can transcribe the gist of it to here so you don't have to endure the average film making. Don't follow the tutorial word for word else you'll change the entire server into Forest biome.
EDITEDIT: Nvm tutorial seems clear enough actually...the text is more important than the stuff he's moving around on his tiny screen.
When Australia burned.

Together since the world began, the madman and the lover.

"Post-counts are like digital penises. That's why I don't like Shrike playing with mine." - an0n

Seems like someone skipped over my comment which essentially negates the point you were trying to make in a decent fashion

If you take away the crafting and only have mining, then as the responder said, you still have exploration. That's why there are abandoned railways and caves underground, to explore while mining.

With mods like Better Dungeons, Millenaire, Battle Tower you can take away the crafting pretty much altogether (except for weapons and tools). You can just explore, fight, trade with villages and sleep in the houses they build for you.

As for grinding more... not really
How is having everything at your disposal grinding more...

Because you're spending your time on one activity instead of splitting it into three or more. Lack of variety, etcetera.
I would also think that people tend to create larger projects in creative, so instead of mining and building a 30x30 house, you do creative and do 100x100 mansion. And while you spend less time mining, you spend more time laying 9100 more blocks per floor.


Offline pecenipicek

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grimper, what the **** is wrong with you? you come to my server, i give you permissions after confirming who you are, you start asking about why we should merge the servers, i tell you its not happening and i dont have to justify anything to you and then you ***** that i'm hostile? seriously? have fun on qaz's server. noone is dragging you over kicking and screaming nor forcing you to stay on either server.
Tell ya what. You make somehting as large, good, and complex as the Fenris, then see how you feel about a creeper that can damage blocks being within even 200 meters of it.

Until you've made anything truly amazing, you have no basis to judge on. And no offence, but if you only play in survival, then odds are way against you building anything close to the level I'm talking about.
Tell ya what, how about you try having a discussion without resorting to being an asshole.
Yeah and so is this picture here to help justify you being a dick head? Does spending a lot of time in a video game entitle you to talk down to other people?

It may surprise you but some people enjoy games with adversity where a creeper can blow up your hard work and you need to repair it, or your thaumcraft factory starts polluting your world and turning it purple.
This discussion is stupid and pointless.  Go be productive and build something.
Also pec I suggested a server merge so that the whole HLP MC community could play together...but I don't really want you in a server I'm in anymore so don't worry ;)
so you are just being a little douchebag then, okay, thats nice to know.
Skype: vrganjko
Ho, ho, ho, to the bottle I go
to heal my heart and drown my woe!
Rain may fall and wind may blow,
and many miles be still to go,
but under a tall tree I will lie!

The Apocalypse Project needs YOU! - recruiting info thread.


Offline FireSpawn

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Let's face it, some people just want to create big things without disruption, which is why creepers don't destroy blocks. If any of us want to play smp with a bit more challenge, there is nothing stopping us from going on another server. It's just that these ones are known and open to us and if we need it, get help from others and show off our creations with no risk of any (major) griefing from other players.

Sure it's a challenge (that one might enjoy) to repair creeper damage, but as was mentioned before, there's stuff here that is rather complex and a complete ***** to repair over and over again.

If we want a bigger challenge and feel the repurcusions of a creeper detonation, then we visit other servers or play single. But on these servers we just want to socialize and make big things with all the extra doo-dads and gee-jaws without fear that a single creeper could set us back X amount of minutes work.

Wow, minecraft really brings out the worst in us all. DAMN YOU HEROBRINE!!!
If you hit it and it bleeds, you can kill it. If you hit it and it doesn't bleed...You are obviously not hitting hard enough.

Greatest Pirate in all the Beach System.

Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.
The Force shall free me.


Offline Grimper

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so you are just being a little douchebag then, okay, thats nice to know.

xD I'm not even trying and yet I'm managing to infuriate you so much you resort to childish name calling.
When Australia burned.

Together since the world began, the madman and the lover.

"Post-counts are like digital penises. That's why I don't like Shrike playing with mine." - an0n


Offline General Battuta

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is this what minecraft is


Offline KyadCK

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is this what minecraft is

*****ing, whining and arguing? Ya, thats a part of it.
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Offline Sandwich

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Two things come to mind as a result of the past page or two in this thread:


2) No way in hell I'm gonna let a creeper or Enderman anywhere near this:

That's merely the wiring for the airlock on the Fenris.


Ok, I'll say a bit more. Originally I wanted to do the Fenris legit, with every block mined and crafted manually. This was before they even had creative mode in the game. We got decently far on the shell (IIRC TrashMan did a lion's share of the work on that ill-fated version) before discovering that the spinal skeleton I had made was completely misleading the rest of the shell when compared to the more-accurate layer-by-layer plans. By that time, I had been granted creative since I was working way up on the top of the outlined hull and rhx or qaz (I forget who) didn't want to see me plunging to my death. So, I tore it all down and started afresh, with creative mode.

Point being, I understand the value of making something legit; matter of fact that's why my own home on the server has stagnated for the past year, since I want to keep it 100% legit. But for Fenris, now that I've seen the scope of what we're trying to do firsthand.... doing it legit is too high of a bar to set. If we were planning on only doing the outer hull, fine - that's feasible to do legit. But all the internals as well? Nope, no way.
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"...The quintessential quality of our age is that of dreams coming true. Just think of it. For centuries we have dreamt of flying; recently we made that come true: we have always hankered for speed; now we have speeds greater than we can stand: we wanted to speak to far parts of the Earth; we can: we wanted to explore the sea bottom; we have: and so  on, and so on: and, too, we wanted the power to smash our enemies utterly; we have it. If we had truly wanted peace, we should have had that as well. But true peace has never been one of the genuine dreams - we have got little further than preaching against war in order to appease our consciences. The truly wishful dreams, the many-minded dreams are now irresistible - they become facts." - 'The Outward Urge' by John Wyndham

"The very essence of tolerance rests on the fact that we have to be intolerant of intolerance. Stretching right back to Kant, through the Frankfurt School and up to today, liberalism means that we can do anything we like as long as we don't hurt others. This means that if we are tolerant of others' intolerance - especially when that intolerance is a call for genocide - then all we are doing is allowing that intolerance to flourish, and allowing the violence that will spring from that intolerance to continue unabated." - Bren Carlill