Author Topic: Wing Commander 6: The Undiscovered Release Date (Star Citizen Thread)  (Read 614281 times)

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Offline Luis Dias

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Re: Derek Smart might be taking legal action over Star Citizen
I'm putting my faith on No Man's Sky. Adventure, space travel, surprise and exploration.

Limit Theory all day erry day

Also Enemy Starfighter.

That poor Josh Parnell... he had quite the mental breakdown.

e: regarding Total Biscuit's opinion, I haven't heard that podcast, but I think I know his opinion already. If I'm willing to guess what he says there is something to the effect of "I see no gameplay there, seems boring, how does it play? Serious doubts, etc."

I share those doubts as well. But I guess that my expectations are just not the biggest stuff ever. In my mind, that's kind of a game like Minecraft meets Journey. It has a huge open world that seems mildly interesting, but still fun. I totally see myself just wandering those places about. For tight narratives, I'll have Mass Effect.

Also, given IGN's latest video, I'd say they already have a functioning build. It seemed to work perfectly fine, without performance hiccups, great visuals, everything up and running. So, I'm convinced that at least they have something that will ship, which is a lot more than I can say for Star Citizen.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2015, 03:20:47 pm by Luis Dias »


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Re: Derek Smart might be taking legal action over Star Citizen
Not having ever really been interested in the game, what I really take away from this is a perfect example of the reasons I think kickstarters are generally a terrible idea and I will never participate in one, along with pre-orders and early access.  Hopes, dreams, and intentions don't earn my money.  Product (or service) does.
Personally I tend to back Kickstarters based on the scale of what's being delivered.  So far I've successfully received rewards from 3 projects, and those involved dubbing/releasing an anime movie, creating an anime short, and publishing a webcomic book.  Most of the other ones I've backed are in the same vein, and even for the one or two larger ones, they have clearly-defined scopes and have updated regularly enough that I feel confident about getting the finished product.  With something as pie-in-the-sky as SC, I'd definitely wait until a nearly-finished product was on the table before committing anything to it.  It still utterly amazes me that people have dumped tens of thousands of dollars on it for virtual spaceships that haven't even been modeled yet.

As far as SC itself goes, I can't help but look at our humble little 15-year-old space sim with its 300-polygon fighters and think, "Yeah I'm good."  I don't have any real interest in the sprawling open-world types of space games; I'd much rather have a tightly-focused gameplay experience with a good story than play space stockbroker.  And when you look at what SC has displayed thus far, which largely seems to consist of how many doors you can open and close on your fully-modeled freighter, it's like...why bother?


Offline Aesaar

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Re: Derek Smart might be taking legal action over Star Citizen


Offline starlord

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Re: Derek Smart might be taking legal action over Star Citizen
Actually, I think some Newtonian space sims were quite close to the fun mark (this is my opinion only).

I could name a few like Terminus, I-war (both of them), Warhead and its successor mantis.
I personally happen to be curious what route rogue system will be taking.

But I certainly do have a crave for the more standard freespace like game mechanics as well.


Offline CP5670

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Re: Derek Smart might be taking legal action over Star Citizen
I wouldn't be surprised if Derek Smart joins this discussion himself sooner or later. :D

As for Freelancer, I thought it was very good. It may have been cut down from its original plans but has a great main campaign and universe to explore, and the mouse feels fine for the game's movement mechanics. Actually, Freelancer is very highly regarded on other forums I go to. I think we've been spoiled by FS around here. :p

Not having ever really been interested in the game, what I really take away from this is a perfect example of the reasons I think kickstarters are generally a terrible idea and I will never participate in one, along with pre-orders and early access.  Hopes, dreams, and intentions don't earn my money.  Product (or service) does.

I agree with this. I don't like buying effectively incomplete and/or untested products, and usually wait some time after a game is fully released to buy it.


Offline Mongoose

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Re: Derek Smart might be taking legal action over Star Citizen
Silly me, I thought immersion was defined by good writing and plotting, not being able to open a storage cabinet.


Offline Aesaar

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Re: Derek Smart might be taking legal action over Star Citizen
I thought so too, but the Star Citizen forums taught me otherwise.  Immersion actually means simulating the flow of air over my character's eyebrows.

But seriously, on the SC forums, "immersion" is a buzzword used for pretty much everything.  People typically use it to add legitimacy to their opinions.  It's most commonly thrown around when discussing pointless things that have no impact on gameplay, like working toilets and being able to open every little hatch on your ship.

It's what "freedom" is to to American public figures: It doesn't actually mean anything, but it sounds good.

If it were me in charge, every time someone mentioned the word immersion, I'd just fill their hangar with water.  "Here, immersive hangar."

« Last Edit: July 09, 2015, 05:16:08 pm by Aesaar »

Re: Derek Smart might be taking legal action over Star Citizen
'Immersion' as used by Star Citizens does have a pretty defined meaning, but it's really more like disjointed simulationism. Star Citizen's design is like one of those deep dream pictures that are so popular right now: it has a pretty reasonable top-level structure, but the fine detail of all the systems is a nightmarish mosaic of misplaced simulation mechanics invented because they sound good when you talk about them to the fans.
The good Christian should beware of mathematicians, and all those who make empty prophecies. The danger already exists that the mathematicians have made a covenant with the devil to darken the spirit and to confine man in the bonds of Hell.


Offline Luis Dias

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Re: Derek Smart might be taking legal action over Star Citizen
But does the game correctly models the eyebrows according to different hair strenghts? That's the important question here.


Offline Flipside

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Re: Derek Smart might be taking legal action over Star Citizen
There must be a terrible compulsion when you have a tap that money comes out of. You just turn the tap, and out pours the money. Everything's great until the tank runs dry.


Offline karajorma

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Re: Derek Smart might be taking legal action over Star Citizen
Warhead and its successor mantis.


See you guys in about a week.

I wouldn't be surprised if Derek Smart joins this discussion himself sooner or later. :D

He is a forum member. If he does, he better be treated with the respect I'd expect any other HLP member to get. Of course that goes both ways.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2015, 08:02:17 pm by karajorma »
Karajorma's Freespace FAQ. It's almost like asking me yourself.

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Offline Mongoose

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Re: Derek Smart might be taking legal action over Star Citizen
We're probably safe in assuming he's reading this, since his name has been mentioned more than three times. :D

Hi Derek!  How are things?

Re: Derek Smart might be taking legal action over Star Citizen
Also Enemy Starfighter.

Also, I couldn't be bothered to read Smart's post(s), so have been gleaning the content from you guys here. What's the possible legal action he can take, and on what grounds? Did he contribute to the SC crowdfund, and wants to see results? That would be reasonable, but if he doesn't have a stake in it, then what?
« Last Edit: July 09, 2015, 09:01:26 pm by Scourge of Ages »

Re: Derek Smart might be taking legal action over Star Citizen
I assume the accusation is that CIG took crowdfunding money to make a product that they then didn't deliver. This won't get anywhere at this stage because they're only a few months behind schedule and development is still ongoing. Smart isn't making the complaints himself, he's working with someone who did contribute as a proxy.
The good Christian should beware of mathematicians, and all those who make empty prophecies. The danger already exists that the mathematicians have made a covenant with the devil to darken the spirit and to confine man in the bonds of Hell.


Offline Luis Dias

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Re: Derek Smart might be taking legal action over Star Citizen
That piece is all over the place. At first he notes that Derek's "trolling" might be the "best thing ever" to happen to SC, at the end he's reaching the obvious opposite conclusion. It is a TL DR piece. All that was needed to be said was "DEREK IS TRYING TO CREATE BAD PRESS". Christ, as if it needs any help. Even captain John - Obvious - Bain over there, right after speaking about No Man's Sky, he ends that part with a "Well, at least they have a game which is more than I can say about Star Citizen..." followed by a group trashing of that whole enterprise.

SC is going to become the buttjoke of Kickstarter. Basically, the NU-Duke Nukem Forever. Unless they wise up, which, ahah, I'm guessing not.


Offline Aesaar

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Re: Derek Smart might be taking legal action over Star Citizen
Diehard Star Citizen fans don't respond well to people that haven't bought into the hype.  It's gotten to the point where the SC forum mods are locking threads and probating people who cast too much doubt on the project, citing their "no trolling" rules as justification.  And I don't mean stuff like "SC sucks".  I mean more negative but still civil comments like what we've seen in this thread.

And before you ask, no, it hasn't happened to me.  I don't bother actually arguing with people over there.  Waste of time.
« Last Edit: July 10, 2015, 12:00:09 am by Aesaar »


Offline The E

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Re: Derek Smart might be taking legal action over Star Citizen
That piece is all over the place. At first he notes that Derek's "trolling" might be the "best thing ever" to happen to SC, at the end he's reaching the obvious opposite conclusion. It is a TL DR piece. All that was needed to be said was "DEREK IS TRYING TO CREATE BAD PRESS".

I think that first sentence is a quote from somebody else.
If I'm just aching this can't go on
I came from chasing dreams to feel alone
There must be changes, miss to feel strong
I really need lifе to touch me
--Evergrey, Where August Mourns


Offline Luis Dias

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Re: Derek Smart might be taking legal action over Star Citizen
I wasn't referring to the first line.

Re: Derek Smart might be taking legal action over Star Citizen
Oh also while we're talking about actually good upcoming space games, Heat Signature's looking better and better with every post about it.
The good Christian should beware of mathematicians, and all those who make empty prophecies. The danger already exists that the mathematicians have made a covenant with the devil to darken the spirit and to confine man in the bonds of Hell.