Author Topic: BP: War in Heaven discussion  (Read 930031 times)

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Offline Ravenholme

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Re: BP: War in Heaven discussion

did i forget to mention i am insane?

My dear chap, you didn't need to mention it  :D
Full Auto - I've got a bullet here with your name on it, and I'm going to keep firing until I find out which one it is.

<The_E>   Several sex-based solutions come to mind
<The_E>   Errr
<The_E>   *sexp


Offline Droid803

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Re: BP: War in Heaven discussion
I think that's readily apparent. :P


Offline Rodo

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Re: BP: War in Heaven discussion
Ok, now my stupid wingmen went ahead and nuke the Norfolk when I gave them all the order to friggin ignore it, after smacking into me in a retarded series of collisions for the past five minutes and preventing my rearm :/
Thank you for failing the mission for me, worthless bozos.

Gotta do this one again too and pray they don't get any stupid ideas :/

hahaha I can't stop laughting at your bad luck mate, I suffered the same stuff... but I'm well past it so... I'm sorry, it's funny :D

want a kitty picture for those nerves? :P


not sure if this requires a spoiler, but still..

Despite some frikking annoying missions (looking at you Deter....notrememberwhatwascalled Est), the campaign is well done, amazing stuff you got.
I'll be waiting for the next release, until then!
el hombre vicio...


Offline MP-Ryan

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Re: BP: War in Heaven discussion
I don't know what Infamus is on (yet I'm pretty sure I seized some of it when I worked Customs :P) but I've yet to see any evidence of deus ex machina, the story is coherent and well-written, and I'd like to say an enormous THANK YOU to the team for introducing characters whose sexuality is not strictly and obviously heterosexual.  Having a female lead, let alone one who isn't stereotypical, is great.

Also, Laporte is a much better-rounded character than Bei - Bei felt to me like a whiny brat with a daddy complex, which made me want to play AoA as someone else entirely in several of the missions.  I definitely think the backstory, character development, and plot development is much more sophisticated and interesting in WiH.  I do a lot of reading, and the level of writing in this campaign is not pop-culture; it's essentially literary.  That's part of what makes it interesting - much in the same vein as Ransom's campaigns, the dialogue isn't forced and the plot is coherent and polished (which is part of why Sync and Transcend were such a joy to play).  A lot of the community modders suffer from serious over-dramatization and/or underwhelming sophistication in their writing; it's something we tried to avoid when reproducing Warzone (the first time around; I've no idea what Mobius has done recently :P) and you've done it very well here.

To those posting in this thread:   please, if you're going to post a long review of the campaign for the rest of us to read, do us a favour and edit for the following BEFORE posting:
1.  Spelling
2.  Grammar
3.  Paragraphs / Sentence structure
"In the beginning, the Universe was created.  This made a lot of people very angry and has widely been regarded as a bad move."  [Douglas Adams]


Offline Dilmah G

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Re: BP: War in Heaven discussion
Actually the 'daddy complex' that Bei had was what I really loved about the guy, I could relate to it. It felt like I was playing as someone close to myself when I played AoA, which is what made it such a real emotional 'journey' for me.

But that's just how I viewed it. Carry on, gents. :P


Offline General Battuta

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Re: BP: War in Heaven discussion
Actually the 'daddy complex' that Bei had was what I really loved about the guy, I could relate to it. It felt like I was playing as someone close to myself when I played AoA, which is what made it such a real emotional 'journey' for me.

But that's just how I viewed it. Carry on, gents. :P

Well I really relate to Laporte because I have a lot of unresolved issues with how easy it's been for me to kill all these


look just PM me about it


Offline Dilmah G

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Re: BP: War in Heaven discussion
I think you must've misread my post somewhere...

I'm not making any statement about Laporte or any issues 'getting' her, Battuta.

Re: BP: War in Heaven discussion
I think the best part of the story was the fact, that WiH showed that there is no good or evil in a civil war. War is pure horror, especially a civil war and even if many of the combatants need a moral excuse to get going, there is really no morale, no code of conduct. The Tevs learned that in the wars against the shivans and NTF and now the Earthlings learn the lesson too.
WiH perfectly shows, that there is no glory in war, only loss, death and despair and for me this is the perfect atmosphere for a campaign / game which deals with an intergalactic civil war.


Offline Dilmah G

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Re: BP: War in Heaven discussion
I think the best part of the story was the fact, that WiH showed that there is no good or evil in a civil war. War is pure horror, especially a civil war and even if many of the combatants need a moral excuse to get going, there is really no morale, no code of conduct. The Tevs learned that in the wars against the shivans and NTF and now the Earthlings learn the lesson too.
This. :yes:


Offline General Battuta

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Re: BP: War in Heaven discussion
I think you must've misread my post somewhere...

I'm not making any statement about Laporte or any issues 'getting' her, Battuta.

did they use anesthetic when they removed your sense of humor or did you have to weep and struggle like a tiny baby


Offline Snail

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Re: BP: War in Heaven discussion
I love you guys! LOVE LOVE LOVE!


Offline K.d.R.

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Re: BP: War in Heaven discussion
i played it and i know i don't have any problems on my end, could be a corrupted installation, but this campaign is no where near as good as AoA, its full of bugs from what Ive got.

i have a few gripes with this Ubuntu god character and holy than thou attitude. i don't have tolerance for a religious figure without sounding insulting to what you may or may not believe in.  

the campaign until the Indus was plain boring and starts getting better.
the terrorists and the GTVA admiral, i like them, full or irony. i don't see the treachery or the emotions other see, but it's funny and well constructed, at least from what i can read, to that end i'm not getting any audio feeds, just a comm noise. one of the missions where Simms and you go for a patrol, every time her portrait comes up a momentary grey screen happens,  lucky it didn't happen shortly after or i'm sure i would of been slaughtered otherwise. Then there is the poorly constructed mission around Saturn, i had to restart that numerous times because there is no way i could shoot the beams down with general rank fighters attacking my craft. btw, the difficulty level was set on very easy so that tells you how overpowered that is, but the important thing is i got as far as i could to destroying the target and before the retreat, of course the ships you have to protect is always destroyed because of those beams from that other ship. before that it was a levy hitting one of your ships during it's jump taking both ships out stating i could of prevented it which was total BS.

i'm also getting the same problem everytime with the incoming transmission, the only way around it is to break into the debugger read what it says, press f2 and then esc and continue playing. that is annoying but manageable.

i'm gonna re-download bp2 again and see if i encounter the same problems.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2010, 04:48:06 am by K.d.R. »


Offline Fury

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Re: BP: War in Heaven discussion
BP: WiH does not have voice-acting, message beeps are all you're going to get. Voice-acting would take several years to complete.

However, WiH is not full of bugs. Quite the contrary. What bugs there are currently, are very minor. Let me list some of them from top off my head:
- Key-bindings in directives and such do not use player's actual keybindings. Easy fix and will be in the next update.
- Ships are taxing to system resources as they are not optimized for performance. This is very lengthy process and will be addressed slowly, but surely over time.
- Weapons in loadout screen have poor descriptions. This is an oversight because beta-testers never said a word about them.
- Few other very minor mission bugs that do not really affect missions, but will be fixed.

I'm sorry you find the campaign boring and so on, but we already knew that we're not going to please everyone with the direction and design we decided to go with.


Offline K.d.R.

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Re: BP: War in Heaven discussion
so i got a corrupted installation... great.

i wished these things came as one installation as an optional.


Offline ssmit132

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Re: BP: War in Heaven discussion
I'm several missions through now, and I have to say that, even though I'm only part way through, that this is a real masterpiece :)

One thing I did notice, though:
In the mission where you attack the Meridian, you can order the Vilinus around. I believe that shouldn't happen?


Offline Dilmah G

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Re: BP: War in Heaven discussion
Oops, haven't noticed that before!


Offline K.d.R.

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Re: BP: War in Heaven discussion
I'm sorry you find the campaign boring and so on, but we already knew that we're not going to please everyone with the direction and design we decided to go with.

i didn't say i found it ALL boring i said the part before the Indus :).


Offline Spoon

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Re: BP: War in Heaven discussion
Quote from: General Battuta
Also one of our design goals was to reduce the Alpha 1 Effect. Which I will admit does not always produce player-centric, agentic gameplay, which is a problem we worried about a lot during development.
Well you succeeded quite well there. WiH really made me feel like 'just a small cog in a bigger warmachine' which worked with the story telling approach.  :nod:

[02:42] <@Axem> spoon somethings wrong
[02:42] <@Axem> critically wrong
[02:42] <@Axem> im happy with these missions now
[02:44] <@Axem> well
[02:44] <@Axem> with 2 of them


Offline OllieG

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Re: BP: War in Heaven discussion
This is an absolutely wonderful mod, one of the best narrative gaming experiences I've ever had - music, writing and story all very much on point. 

That said, I don't think I've been able to fully enjoy the experience because of the hardware requirements - certain ships (frigates mostly, but also some of the UEF fighters I think, it's hard to tell exactly) cause such a serious framerate drop that it makes the relatively difficult missions more or less impossible.  Having to turn the graphics all the way down seriously degrades the game play quality and some sections STILL slow down so much they're unplayable.  Now, I'm playing on a Macbook Pro so some of this is my fault (if I had a better computer this wouldn't be a problem I think), but I don't want to have to reduce the graphics to Tetris levels in order to pass each mission - especially missions so cinematic and grand in scope that they really demand drinking in ever detail. 

I don't know what people are worried about with the weapons btw, nailing a wing of Herc IIs with a slammer and watching all four go down in flames is awesome, and splashing an incoming bomber with a single huge burst from that kinetic weapon brought a huge smile to my face.  I just wish I could get targets in my sights with the framerate.

I know people want to see big capital ship fights, but the two skirmish missions (the fight with the SOC wing and the dialogue mission where the raiders jump you) were some of the best in my opinion - they really personalized everyone involved, even the enemy pilots, and ratcheted up the emotional impact of the bigger battles where people were dying left and right.  There was more of a feeling of the "day to day" of this type of war.  I can't believe you made me kill Xinny and Zero, that was just...nasty.  Xinny's sign off line was especially heart-wrenching, not exactly sure why.  I did think it was great how their deaths corresponded to the fluff about the best GTVA pilots dying in their heavy fighters - both of them bought it because they couldn't turn fast enough and that long profile is a perfect target for dumbfires and guns.

If this campaign was voice acted and a little more polished you could put it in a box and sell it.  I'd buy.  I know it's a vast amount of dialogue and I'm not complaining.  Thanks for all your hard work!


Offline Gloriano

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Re: BP: War in Heaven discussion
Fantastic job guys really enjoyed the War in Heaven, missions were neat and everything else too. I just hope we don't need to wait the release 2 for 2 years  :p
You must have chaos within you to give birth to a dancing star.- Nietzsche

When in despair I remember that all through history the way of truth and love has always won; there have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time they can seem invincible, but in the end they always fall.- Mahatma Gandhi