Author Topic: HLPX-COM 2: Electric Shot From Deep One Boogaloo  (Read 86113 times)

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Re: HLPX-COM 2: Electric Shot From Deep One Boogaloo
War...war never changes.  And not even death can change that.

I don't remember anything from that final mission--an unfortunate side-effect of the regeneration process.  Hell, maybe it's for the best...I don't know that I'd want to relive my final moments anyway.  They say I gave a noble account of myself in my final battle, that I downed a couple of alien bastards, and even withstood a hit that would have floored most men.  I wasn't so lucky the second time.  After I came to, floating in my tube, the techs said it was a miracle that there was enough left of me to put me back together.  I sometimes wonder...could the me that came out the other side still be called "me" in the first place?  Who knows.  What I did know is that, while my personality and memories were intact, the reflexes and instincts that had been honed through months of intensive training were not.  Oh sure, I eventually got back into the field, labeled with the dubious nickname "Junior," but it was with a bunch of scrubs, and we only ran a few token missions.  The legendary Squad One was already well on their way to staging the final assault on Cydonia, and soon after that, X-COM was disbanded.  We could all go home.

What was I left with?  Other than my service medal and the blank spots in my reconstructed mind, nothing but a lingering sense of regret.  What would it have been like had I made it through that fateful mission?  Would I have achieved the highest level as well?  Would I have had the chance to show what I was capable of, instead of watching the entire war play out on news reports?  These questions gnawed at me for decades, and I didn't have any good answers.  That's why, when news first broke of the seaborne menace, there was a part of me that reacted  This was my chance, a chance to finally put aside those old regrets.  I was starting to push "old," but there was still enough life left in these bones for one more go-round.  Hell, if a legend like The E was up for the challenge again, there's no way I'd miss it either.  So I re-enlisted in the newly-formed unit, vowing that they wouldn't catch me off-guard two lives in a row.  Unlike the old expression, sometimes, you don't only live just once.


Offline IronBeer

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Re: HLPX-COM 2: Electric Shot From Deep One Boogaloo
IronBeer waited by the alien sub's outer hatch. The lights above him blinked sporadically and sparks popped though the water. There were alien agents still in the crashed sub. He didn't see them, but he had expected them now for years. His time as a spirit after a friendly-fire death had revealed the hidden alien city of evil: T'leth. He had known about the city for years, had tried to warn Commander NGTM-1R for just as long. But his warnings were ignored, and now it was too late.

Too late for now, anyways. HLP-XCOM had been resurrected to fight a new alien menace, one IronBeer knew was striking from that cyclopean terror-realm. IronBeer was an HLP-XCOM marine, and had been a more regular marine serving the United States for 14 years. When he was young, he loved watching the big ships come and go through the port in Houston. One day, a young IronBeer told his father "I wanna be on the ships, Daddy!"

"No! You will be killed by ALIENS!"

For a while, IronBeer believed his father's desperate warnings. Then later he grew older and skeptical, and finally stopped believing his old man.

But now, standing outside the door of a wrecked submarine clearly of non-human construction, IronBeer knew there were aliens.

"This is The_E!" His earpiece crackled. "IronBeer, I hate to do this to you, but we need you on point for the breach! Waste anything non-human you find, but don't get too far up!"

"Three!" A nearby squadmate signaled with three outstretched fingers.

IronBeer checked the power clip on his sonic cannon- full charge.


IronBeer flexed his hands, craned his neck a bit, shrugged his shoulders under his suit of heavy armor.


IronBeer planted a foot, prepared to move.


The door to the alien craft slid away and IronBeer blew through the doorway, turning to face a corridor with some distinctly non-human figures skulking within.

"He is going to kill us!" One of the figures croaked in an unintelligible language.

"I will shoot at him!" Said a nearby lobsterman in the same language.

IronBeer didn't know what his targets were saying, and didn't care in the slightest. An ultrasonic blast from his weapon blew apart the nearest creature with a heavy BWOMP sound and a satisfying spray of greenish viscera. The lobsterman ponderously raised its own sonic cannon at IronBeer and loosed his own sonic blast. It missed IronBeer's helmet and left shoulder by only centimeters, instead putting a frighteningly large dent into a nearby wall. The two traded shots for several seconds. While the lobsterman never managed to actually hit IronBeer, the creature severely messed up the area around the marine. IronBeer landed a few hits on his foe, but to no avail.

Suddenly, several large chunks of metal came crashing down around IronBeer and his opponent, blocking the two from each other. Still hyped up from the intense firefight, IronBeer screamed "NO! I MUST KILL THIS ALIEN FREAK!" to an audience that couldn't possibly hear him.

The next thing IronBeer knew was the subtle feeling of something large and sharp retracting from a hole in his right upper back. Turning abnormally slowly, IronBeer found himself face-to-face with some kind of floating brain, its wicked-looking beak streaming blood. With scenes from his life flicking through his mind, regret and sorrow quickly began gnawing at his heart.

The last thing IronBeer knew as the gnawing grew stronger was a radio message, drifting through the ever-deepening fog in his mind.

"No, IronBeer. You are the aliens!"

"I have approximate knowledge of many things."

Ridiculous, the Director's Cut

Starlancer Head Animations - Converted


Offline NGTM-1R

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Re: HLPX-COM 2: Electric Shot From Deep One Boogaloo
Our research into UFOs has left us with a number of projects. First, the Manta.

The Manta has gone through a number of revisions. Initial specifications called for two weapons hardpoints, two crew, and six passengers; overall size and weight similar to the alien Escort. We started designing it just after we took our first Escort in fact. It became obvious early on this was too ambitious. We didn't know enough about alien tech yet to make it work. A much more modest proposal included no alien tech navigation or engines, two crew, and two weapons pods. The hull and hull form would incorporate alien tech and lessons learned from UFO design.

In the meantime, however, we deployed the Spoonzer VI Tiger Shark for combat testing with Squad 1, and XenoWatch (who only just now got a Triton for Squad 2), had plenty of time to use their Barracuda to pace their own Tiger Shark in tests around the base. The Displacer hull has given us plenty of experience with alien-tech engines and navigation gear, so the Manta proposal was again revised to include alien engines and navigation.

Regardless, such a long gestation period means we're not going to build one. We have better stuff in the pipe.

Following on the Manta came the Hammerhead. The Hammerhead team started work on the design just after they finished working on the Displacer hull prototype. The Hammerhead has one weapons hardpoint and the ability to carry twelve troopers, though no tanks. We might actually build one. Only one weapon isn't much of an issue since we have...

Sonic Oscillators. Like the Plasma Beams from the FAW, our sonic cannon weaponry for interceptions came from pulling guns off alien ships and studying them. In this case, though, we started with the very best: the weapons the Dreadnaught that taking cost us StarSlayer and IronBeer. While ours lack the range and power of those weapons due to the fact we had to scale them down a bit, they still outrange all alien craft but the Dreadnaught.

Due to circumstances of their design recovery, each Sonic Oscillator is named after an HLPX-COM operative who was lost to the aliens. Barracuda 1, first equipped with them, mounts cannon StarSlayer and IronBeer, named for the soldiers who lost their lives getting us these weapons. Barracuda 2 carries cannon Akalabeth and watsisname. Barracuda 3 carries cannon Sandwhich and Polpolion; four other cannons have been built and will be named and assigned to craft as they come into service.

(And we're now taking volunteers for Triton 2 and Barracuda 4, btw.)

Oh, and...Squad 3, EastPac, has just been activated. They'll be operating on the other side of the Pacific from Xenowatch, off the Western Seaboard of the US. Unless any of them volunteer for other duties, the composition will be:

Alex Heartnet
Argenteus a.k.a. Fox
"Load sabot. Target Zaku, direct front!"

A Feddie Story


Offline Cyborg17

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Re: HLPX-COM 2: Electric Shot From Deep One Boogaloo
I'll take Triton duty, unless there's still a massive number of people not doing anything.


Offline z64555

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Re: HLPX-COM 2: Electric Shot From Deep One Boogaloo
Subject: "z64-555"
Date: [Redacted]

Fist day as a HLPX-COM Operative! All these years, I've been stuck behind a desk job under the label of "Alien Technology Engineer" that mostly involved pushing papers around instead any of the awesome reverse engineering.

Up until this day, I've been getting mixed reviews of the operation. Casualties are supposedly low, but then again, when did command ever tell the whole truth?

I'm stuck with a group of other rookies, but since we're somewhat late in the game we're outfitted with the higher tech weaponry. That is, if you don't mind the broken gear that came from Squad 1 and 2. I'm not going to even ask if it was from somebody that made it or didn't.

My brother, [Redacted], better known as z64-556, seems to be doing well in the sister operations. Detachment [Redacted].

My combat title is "Combat Engineer," which hopefully means I'll get to blow up stuff in addition to recovering the loot. Lately, we've been getting more and more delicate equipment from the raids, and unfortunately most of it was trashed due to rough handling. Command put me here so I can oversee the recovery operation right from the start of the combat to ensure we get the needed tech.

Oh, and I also get to play field mechanic for Spoon's tanks. The displacer has a tendency to clog up with seaweed when not taken care of properly... which I get the joy of cleaning out that crap.

Haven't been issued weapons yet, but I hope I get something like the Blasta. I don't like the name, but I prefer rifle-sized weaponry over pistols and cannons. I dunno, it's just something about rifles that makes me like them.

Don't wait up for me,

Secure the Source, Contain the Code, Protect the Project

funtapaz: Hunchon University biologists prove mankind is evolving to new, higher form of life, known as Homopithecus Juche.
z64555: s/J/Do
BotenAlfred: <funtapaz> Hunchon University biologists prove mankind is evolving to new, higher form of life, known as Homopithecus Douche.


Offline Alex Heartnet

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TO: Xenowatch Field Commander
CO: Xenowatch
FM: Alex Heartnet, HPLX-COM Operative
RE: Incorrect posting

Path: Xenowatch Barracks | Xenowatch Internal Communications | Xenowatch Command Center

To whom it may concern:

I do believe there may of been a mistake in my posting.  My training lies in gunship piloting, not foot combat.  The only small arms I know how to use are sidearms.

I hereby request my transfer to the first available Barracuda squadron immediately.

- Alex Heartnet


Offline NGTM-1R

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Re: HLPX-COM 2: Electric Shot From Deep One Boogaloo
Fixed. You'll fly Barracuda 4 out of EastPac.

Next: the last mission before we do Squad 2's first.
"Load sabot. Target Zaku, direct front!"

A Feddie Story


Offline NGTM-1R

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Re: HLPX-COM 2: Electric Shot From Deep One Boogaloo
We've brought down an alien Battleship off Tripoli. The area was part of a experimental underwater habitat, so we brought in Triton 1 and Squad 1 quickly to clear it. We suspect this is roughly equivalent to the Terror Ships from the FAW.

First blood to BloodEagle.

Doesn't look too big, does it?

Well, that's 'cuz you're looking at it wrong. The design is actually fairly graceful as alien craft go. Certainly moreso then the UFOs of the First Alien War.

The bottom floor is a mess. The engines all blew out judging from it.

Good news: A Tentaculat attempted to charge us and instead got himself blown away by Jack. Bad news: Lobstermen and Tentaculat. The E, clearing one of the habitat buildings, took a Sonic Cannon shot to the chestplate. His armor held, but he and the Lobsterman are having a shots-into-the-dark slinging match.

BloodEagle confronts another Sonic Cannon-armed Lobsterman. Surprisingly, he drops it with one shot for our second genuine one-shot one-kill for these creatures.

The E's armor holds a second time, and a third, and then two more. (What the hell; five shots, three turns.) He replies again with his fourth round into the alien and it finally drops dead. The new Magnetic Ion Armor has proved its worth beyond all doubt.

MP-Ryan had a brief shooting match with the alien on the stairs, where it hit him once and he hit it twice. It wasn't prepared to deal with that; but MP-Ryan's armor didn't breach. Then he and deathfun took down one near the doors (which is invisible due to perspective). The Mag Ion Armor is doing superb work this mission.

LordMelvin comes face to face with another Tentaculat, but he kills it before it can react.

More damage. This ship would have had a huge haul of equipment and fuel undamaged, but our Transmission Resolver reported its mission orders were to attack surface targets and that couldn't be allowed. If you're curious how we figure these things out, it's just basic traffic analysis. They use certain frequencies for different mission types.

MP-Ryan and Jack shot this Lobsterman twice, but it wasn't enough to drop him, so they retreated down the lift again.

BloodEagle, still clearing exterior structures, runs into this pair. He kills the Tentaculat and the Lobsterman doesn't appear to immediately notice.

The next turn, he shoots it in the back and it spins around to return two shots. One was a miss, but the other struck BloodEagle's faceplate. Which did not breach. Granted it's only a Sonic Rifle shot, but that's still quite impressive. It takes another turn, and another shot, to finish the matter.

Jack finally finishes off the obstinate Lobsterman on the third level, and he and MP-Ryan get the last one on the bridge. Mission Complete.
"Load sabot. Target Zaku, direct front!"

A Feddie Story


Offline Cyborg17

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Re: HLPX-COM 2: Electric Shot From Deep One Boogaloo
It'll take more than that to take out The_E, fishface!


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Re: HLPX-COM 2: Electric Shot From Deep One Boogaloo
Rage is one hell of an anaesthetic.
If I'm just aching this can't go on
I came from chasing dreams to feel alone
There must be changes, miss to feel strong
I really need lifе to touch me
--Evergrey, Where August Mourns


Offline Sandwich

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Re: HLPX-COM 2: Electric Shot From Deep One Boogaloo
(You really should include geoscape shots so we can tell what date/time it is... ;))

Sandwich's Personal Log, date: [redacted]: Finally shipped out. Got choppered out from Alameda to a Los Angeles-class sub a few miles offshore, which took me out to... well, I'm not entirely sure. The sub took a few days getting here; not sure if it was travelling slow and silent or fast and loud. We're presumably somewhere in the Pacific, and probably closer to the western US seaboard than Japan, but for all I know, we could be near Hawaii.

Wherever we are, this facility is brand-spanking-new by the looks of it - probably built no more than a few months ago. Underwater, that's actually not a good thing. There hasn't been time to find and repair all the usual leaks that come with building underwater facilities. Thankfully, the only leak in our quarters is near the drainage grate, so we only have a small unusable floor area. Poor guys in Room 103 - they've got leaks above a couple of bunks.

Speaking of the other guys, I can't believe who I ran into here - The Goobster! He's going by Goober5001 for some reason these days. Anyway, we go back quite a ways, in basic training. I think I even.... yeah, here it is! A photo of the two of us on leave back in the summer of 2029. Man, those were the days...

It's good to have someone I know here. The other guys all seem like good, solid folks, but there's nothing like an old, trusted friend to have  your back in combat situations. I told him about the bizarre ordeal that happened to me; he had some interesting things to report of his own related to that. Apparently, he had- dangit! The alert just sounded, gotta run!
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"...The quintessential quality of our age is that of dreams coming true. Just think of it. For centuries we have dreamt of flying; recently we made that come true: we have always hankered for speed; now we have speeds greater than we can stand: we wanted to speak to far parts of the Earth; we can: we wanted to explore the sea bottom; we have: and so  on, and so on: and, too, we wanted the power to smash our enemies utterly; we have it. If we had truly wanted peace, we should have had that as well. But true peace has never been one of the genuine dreams - we have got little further than preaching against war in order to appease our consciences. The truly wishful dreams, the many-minded dreams are now irresistible - they become facts." - 'The Outward Urge' by John Wyndham

"The very essence of tolerance rests on the fact that we have to be intolerant of intolerance. Stretching right back to Kant, through the Frankfurt School and up to today, liberalism means that we can do anything we like as long as we don't hurt others. This means that if we are tolerant of others' intolerance - especially when that intolerance is a call for genocide - then all we are doing is allowing that intolerance to flourish, and allowing the violence that will spring from that intolerance to continue unabated." - Bren Carlill


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Re: HLPX-COM 2: Electric Shot From Deep One Boogaloo
Log entry #likeIeverkeepcount

They told me they needed the best, they wanted this old electronic man back on the controls for the X-COM tanks again. I could not refuse.
So here I am again, piloting state of the art submarine tanks with alien pew pew lasers. I don't think I've lost my touch but I think I'll leave the maintenance up to the young kids. I'm getting too old for this.

I must be really bored inbetween missions, I've never been one to keep a diary.
It's such a hazzle
Screw this.

-end of log

Log entry #likeIeverkeepcount2

Ha! That crazy old fool Trashman is finally sharkfood. Good times, good times.

-end of log

[02:42] <@Axem> spoon somethings wrong
[02:42] <@Axem> critically wrong
[02:42] <@Axem> im happy with these missions now
[02:44] <@Axem> well
[02:44] <@Axem> with 2 of them


Offline FireSpawn

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Re: HLPX-COM 2: Electric Shot From Deep One Boogaloo
[Start Log]

So, here I am. Strapped into a flying submarine, and more metal than meat.

It's been so long since one of my squadmates dropped a grenade at my feet and killed me. Yeah that's right, I was dead. The doctors said that my heart stopped beating when we were only minutes out from the base. Can't say that I was surprised, considering that the blast peeled me open like an orange.

I was lucky is what they kept on telling me after I woke up in the medlab six months after the war ended. I didn't feel it, that's for sure. I was only awake for a few hours before the Commander strode into the ward covered in the medals he earned for "saving the world", and told me that my brother was a hero. That was all I needed to know.

Years passed and I was stuck in a hospital room, not even able to sit up on my own.  Then one day, He walked through the door. I didn't even get the choice to say no.

The surgeries were inhuman. The put stuff in, took even more out and almost all of it while I was awake. Then they took what was left and wired me into an old modded suit of flying armour, before plugging me into a simulator for a few days.

It turns out that with my new...body, I made for a more effective pilot. I could pull maneuvers that would crush a normal person's organs, and process information at a greater rate due to having more circuits in my head than a cyberdisk. Did I also mention the small Elerium warhead embedded in my chest? Yeah, the official story is that it's a powersource, but how many reactors have an implosion device and hyperwave receiver? Not many I'd guess.

So, here I am. Nothing but a damned tool for command to use, and ensure it stays loyal with a ****ing small scale WMD.

Maybe after all this is done and the rest of those alien bastards are dead, I'll just take a leisurly stroll outside the base.

Yeah, that sounds great...
A nice long walk....I think I might even lose the armour. Enjoy the feel of water on my skin...
...Damn it...

[Recording Ends]
If you hit it and it bleeds, you can kill it. If you hit it and it doesn't bleed...You are obviously not hitting hard enough.

Greatest Pirate in all the Beach System.

Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.
The Force shall free me.


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Re: HLPX-COM 2: Electric Shot From Deep One Boogaloo
Personal Log, MP-Ryan.

Hypothesis tested and null rejected - tequila hangovers are indeed good as an alien-killing performance enhancement.  If this operation ever gets declassified, I'm shooting for an Ignobel Prize.

Also - I'm off to get whomever put the final touches on that Magnetic Ion Amrour rip-roaring drunk - smart bastard deserves some free drinks on me after his invention saved three of us last mission.  I'm sure The_E echoes the sentiment, but I'm betting he's too busy pulling the lucky horseshoes out of his ass to join us for drinks tonight.
"In the beginning, the Universe was created.  This made a lot of people very angry and has widely been regarded as a bad move."  [Douglas Adams]


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Re: HLPX-COM 2: Electric Shot From Deep One Boogaloo
Dammit E.
5 shot and you're still alive? Are you sure your last name isn't Kal'el?
Nobody dies as a virgin - the life ****s us all!

You're a wrongularity from which no right can escape!


Offline NGTM-1R

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KNOW YOUR FOE: From the Desk of Doctor Fox 2

We have no idea what to make of the Tasoths. Like the Ethereals did, they violate most known laws of physics and biology. Unlike the Ethereals, their mechanism for getting away with this is completely unknown. Tasoth have an open circulatory system, something which shouldn't work at all for anything larger than an insect. There are only a couple of internal organs, a very small brain and a digestive/excretory system. They have a partial exoskeleton of Aqua Plastics but for the most part appear to maintain their shape via pressure, like a balloon. This would make them incredibly vulnerable to most weapons, but the lack of solid objects in their body actually offers them a fair measure of resistance to Sonic weaponry.

Their late appearance, their possession of MC powers, and their resistance to Sonic weapons suggest the Tasoth may have been designed specifically to combat HLPX-COM and based on knowledge of the events of the First Alien War. Despite the observation of their behavior, suggesting great bravery in captivity, we do know one thing from combat experience: Tasoths are aware they're one step up from walking balloons. They will run to the sound of guns, but if injured or if many of them are killed, they quickly panic.

Though they can be briefly returned to life by the aliens even after technically dead, we've never witnessed it in the field. Considering they tend to deflate once badly injured, it's possible the aliens simply don't bother as they wouldn't normally be able to still effect their environment.

Tentaculats, despite their Lovecraftian appearance and excess of brain matter, behave in an animalistic fashion and do not appear to have any psionic or Molecular Control powers that pose a distance threat. There is no sign of reproductive organs or excretory organs and their DNA code is remarkably short, with as far as we can tell zero coding left over from previous evolutionary steps. This, and their inability to survive without eating highly processed food, leads us to believe they are engineered creatures. The problem is we have absolutely no idea how they work. At all. The zombifying process is an absolute mystery to us, as is the method in which zombies act as hosts for new Tentaculats. We knew at least how the Chryssalids worked; these we do not. Our working hypothesis is for some kind of specialized psionics or molecular control. It came about after our captured Tentaculat managed to zombify someone in Alien Containment without coming into physical contact with them. They were, in fact, separated from the Tentaculat by a three-inch titanium plate at the time.

It is also of interest that, left to its own devices, a Tentaculat is incapable of distinguishing friend from foe. Aliens carry small IFF tags which flash coded infrared signals that allow the Tentaculats to distinguish them. We have been unable to crack the codes; they appear to change often and be unique to individual ships and installations. We know for a fact, however, that if the tag malfunctions or is removed Tentaculats will attack aliens, as the creature the Tentaculat zombified in Alien Containment was a Sectoid.

It is of interest to note that the Hallucinoid's ranged attack can only be used out of the water; we didn't even know about it until somebody was dumb enough to lift the lid on the tank we were keeping it in. This egregious violation of procedure was quickly self-correcting, as the Hallucinoid shot the responsible tech and killed her. Since Hallucinoids cannot leave the water that we know, they are unable to support their own weight on land, it is unlikely to be a problem for Aquanauts in the field.

The Hallucinoid is as mindless as most of its closest kin, with aliens taking direct control via Molecular Control implants in it when they need more than very basic predatory behavior out of them. They should nonetheless be ranked a high threat, as our armor designs did not anticipate the need to handle this kind of temperature shock and could be seriously damaged by it. Hallucinoids are extremely hard to keep alive in captivity. Ours died in only a couple of days and was clearly sick for most of that time.
« Last Edit: May 20, 2012, 10:35:23 am by NGTM-1R »
"Load sabot. Target Zaku, direct front!"

A Feddie Story


Offline z64555

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Re: HLPX-COM 2: Electric Shot From Deep One Boogaloo
The techies these days seem to be more ignorant than the ones we had during the FAW. Just who hired these people, anyway?
Secure the Source, Contain the Code, Protect the Project

funtapaz: Hunchon University biologists prove mankind is evolving to new, higher form of life, known as Homopithecus Juche.
z64555: s/J/Do
BotenAlfred: <funtapaz> Hunchon University biologists prove mankind is evolving to new, higher form of life, known as Homopithecus Douche.


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Re: HLPX-COM 2: Electric Shot From Deep One Boogaloo
Sandwich's Personal Log; Date: [redacted]

Well, apparently that alarm was the biosensors of one of the containment cells going off. The programming detected a change in readings it didn't have a preset response for, so it took the cautious route and set off the entire facility's alarms. Apparently, the containment cell in question had been holding a Sectoid we'd captured God-knows-when - had being the operative word. It currently contains a zombified Sectoid.

Freakish aliens. Kill 'em all.
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"...The quintessential quality of our age is that of dreams coming true. Just think of it. For centuries we have dreamt of flying; recently we made that come true: we have always hankered for speed; now we have speeds greater than we can stand: we wanted to speak to far parts of the Earth; we can: we wanted to explore the sea bottom; we have: and so  on, and so on: and, too, we wanted the power to smash our enemies utterly; we have it. If we had truly wanted peace, we should have had that as well. But true peace has never been one of the genuine dreams - we have got little further than preaching against war in order to appease our consciences. The truly wishful dreams, the many-minded dreams are now irresistible - they become facts." - 'The Outward Urge' by John Wyndham

"The very essence of tolerance rests on the fact that we have to be intolerant of intolerance. Stretching right back to Kant, through the Frankfurt School and up to today, liberalism means that we can do anything we like as long as we don't hurt others. This means that if we are tolerant of others' intolerance - especially when that intolerance is a call for genocide - then all we are doing is allowing that intolerance to flourish, and allowing the violence that will spring from that intolerance to continue unabated." - Bren Carlill


Offline NGTM-1R

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Re: HLPX-COM 2: Electric Shot From Deep One Boogaloo
The techies these days seem to be more ignorant than the ones we had during the FAW. Just who hired these people, anyway?

Partially it's the fact we're even more isolated than before so it's harder to get good staff, and partially it's the fact that, well, our knowledge base is narrower. We have hundreds of years of studying land animals. Even by 2040 you'd be hard-pressed to say we have a single century of intensive study of sea life.

And some of this crap is downright weird.

However, as Squad 2 proves, that's really not a problem when it dies after you shoot it.

The scene: The Sea of Japan, about 11:30am local time on the 14th of June. Triton 2 has just touched down for Squad 2's first mission. We think there's a colony around here; we know for sure that Sectoid-crewed Fleet Supply Cruisers make regular runs. Squad 2 is here to raid one of those ships for fuel, engine, and navigation parts; anything else is just gravy.

Turambar drives the tank out the hatch and around the back of the sub, where it's promptly shot at twice for a miss and a hit. This is, however, a Tiger Shark. You're going to have to work harder than that to bother a VI. MatthTheGeek and Kobrar44 fire the first shots of Squad 2 in anger. Both hit their targets. Two Sectoids down.

LHN91 gets his first kill. We've had some MC attacks land but nobody appears to have been affected.

And now pecenipicek gets a first-round kill on another Sectoid. You know, the rookies are really making a good impression here. Especially considering some of the Squad 1 veterans having occasionally questionable accuracy.

And then MatthTheGeek had to blow it all by missing a Sectoid. Fortunately, Kobrar44 didn't. (If these two screens look similar, it's because they are; maps are assembled from “building blocks” and alien spawn points in these blocks are always the same, though they move around a bit if you give them time. Which we did not.)

With Col. Fishguts we're back to form; this was a moderately difficult shot considering the range and the level difference. The aliens are MC-ing the hell out Hades for some reason, but it's not sticking.

pecenipicek took a Sonic Cannon shot in the stomach, but his armor held. Response was a little rocky, the rookies aren't used to getting shot at, and pecenipicek and Rhymes_With_PSYCHO missed their return shots. Madcat didn't.

Kobrar is tearing the hell out of this mission. It's his first combat, six turns in, and he's got three kills already.

Well, they were rookies, it had to happen. Five people fired at this Sectoid and missed. Dilmah G then made them all look shockingly incompetent by taking it down with a shot from the hip at about thirty squares.

They're still attacking Hades with MC stuff, but aside from a brief dip in his morale (which went right back up with Dilmah G's kill), it's just not accomplishing anything. Matth also seems to be subjected to some of it now, but he's proving equally resistant.

(I checked after the mission; it turns out Hades has the lowest bravery stat on the team, with a flat 60, with everybody else somewhere between 61 and 70; they just kept trying to panic somebody who doesn't.)

Again with the five-people-miss bit, only this time it's Madcat on cleanup.

And, uh...mission complete. Breaching the UFO was never required, the entire crew came out to meet Squad 2 and got killed outside their ship.

Aside from a few real screwups in the accuracy department, that was a very good performance from a new squad. The haul of stuff we're not going to keep is worth about 2.7mil for further operations.

Squad 1 ran a pretty routine recovery mission again an alien Escort that was shot down in the North Atlantic. These small ships really don't handle it well when we hit them with Sonic Oscillators and it was in very bad shape, so material recovery was minimal, but dead Lobstermen are always welcome.
« Last Edit: May 20, 2012, 03:05:39 pm by NGTM-1R »
"Load sabot. Target Zaku, direct front!"

A Feddie Story


Offline NGTM-1R

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Re: HLPX-COM 2: Electric Shot From Deep One Boogaloo
There's an alien colony very close to our main base. Squad 1 intercepted the first alien supply run to it. The mission was not very notable except on three counts. First, The E is not the Last Son Of Krypton. He actually got hurt here, though considering it was just a lucky rifle hit, not by much. (1 HP, truly a devestating blow.)

However, he inadvertantly proved that the armor resealing systems work, as his chestplate absorbed a further two hits from the same source without breaching. (Plus one more later in the mission; The_Force also took a rifle hit to the chestplate but no breach.)

Second, we've confirmed the deployment of a new alien weapon. We're calling it the Disruptor Pulse Launcher for now; it shares a number of similarities with the Blaster Bomb launcher but we haven't actually seen one fired yet. The technical types are working on an example as we speak.

Third, The_Force actually ran out of ammo while storming the bridge and had to finish the last Lobsterman with his Thermal Tazer.
"Load sabot. Target Zaku, direct front!"

A Feddie Story