Author Topic: Come and get your giftwrapped starships!!!!  (Read 39010 times)

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Offline Getter Robo G

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  • Elite Super Robot Pilot
Re: Come and get your giftwrapped starships!!!!
Well I'm getting pretty screwed right now, in fact for years. (apparently a lot of models I thought were broke might actuyally be fine. It's jsu somethign is preventign PCS2 from working right on my last 2 computers).

Kazan told me it was teh models but various people have taken a few of the uploads I left here and said it works fine for them so now I have no idea of what is truly broken and what has problems...

PCS2 can often handle meshes that pcs1 can't and since I am limited to PCS1/MV that almost puts me back to square one.

It's been a revealing weekend and a the most frustrating one to boot.

I means I need skilled help more than ever and that maybe I should just quit since things seem stacked against me despite the fact I've hung in there for years with deluded thinking "I can do it through sheer perseverance!"
and that would mean the progress I've made during that time is a joke!
  :mad::hopping: :mad:

I've been watching GUNBUSTER to many times...

I'm very upset right now and don't even want to talk about "projects" for a while:...
"Don't think of it as being out-numbered, think of it as having a WIDE target selection!"

"I am the one and ONLY Star Dragon..."
Proof for the noobs:  Member Search

[I'm Just an idea guy, NOT: a modeler, texturer, or coder... Word of advice, "Watch out for the ducks!"]

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