Author Topic: Wing Commander 6: The Undiscovered Release Date (Star Citizen Thread)  (Read 614989 times)

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Re: Derek Smart might be taking legal action over Star Citizen
I mean...Battuta's right. It's also one of those things that depending on the tone of the actors, the meaning could be changed as well - rather than being funny, I got a vibe of "annoyed and pissed off" from most of the dialogue.

I didn't go through the script in great detail, it just felt like the same plot that I've seen in other WC games from reading the brief spurts of dialogue and how the "Old Man" kept referring to the player as "kid". I could be wrong, it just feels derivative.


Offline Luis Dias

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Re: Derek Smart might be taking legal action over Star Citizen
Everything that is a cliché is derivative. If I were annoyed by clichés, I wouldn't be able to watch 99.99% of **** out there.


Offline General Battuta

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Re: Derek Smart might be taking legal action over Star Citizen
Mad Men went a bunch of seasons while keeping every conversation fresh and engaging, even in the very very saturated space of "petty people quip in an office and have bad love lives". Execution is everything.


Offline Det. Bullock

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Re: Derek Smart might be taking legal action over Star Citizen
Well, part of the point for the Wing Commander games is being Top Gun IN SPACE with a dash of Battlestar Galactica and Star Wars but yes, there is something naive about Roberts' writing, the guy has a bit of a problem with sfumatures and his cliché storm narratives aren't as self-aware as say, Mass Effect.

I mean, I don't even think Roberts may have conceived characters going "Oh my god what have we done" like at the end of Wing Commander Saga.
"I pity the poor shades confined to the euclidean prison that is sanity." - Grant Morrison
"People assume  that time is a strict progression of cause to effect,  but *actually*  from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint - it's more  like a big ball  of wibbly wobbly... time-y wimey... stuff." - The Doctor


Offline Unknown Target

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Re: Derek Smart might be taking legal action over Star Citizen
I only played 4 and that was awhile ago. What ended up happening?

But I think you're right. The big problem with his writing is that it's simplistic military hero cliche's without being self-aware enough to understand that they're simplistic. They're written as simple teenage boy war stories but read with the conviction of a self-reflective multi-gender view of the world at large.

I don't mean to turn this into a gender debate, it's just the cliche audience for this sort of war-hero stuff is a 10-15 year old boy who likes to play soldiers in his backyard. If the stories had any self awareness they would actually work really well with this, but they don't.


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Re: Derek Smart might be taking legal action over Star Citizen
Plus his big series-encompassing adversaries are quite literally a race of furries.


Offline Det. Bullock

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Re: Derek Smart might be taking legal action over Star Citizen
I only played 4 and that was awhile ago. What ended up happening?

Wing Commander Saga is a fangame based on FSopen, it's a story that runs parallel to Wing Commander 3 and let's just say that the method used in that game to end the war with the Kilrathi was very drastic* and during the last mission of the fangame some of the pilots when the hear they news of Blair's success have that reaction.

The humans blew up the Kilrathi home planet killing billions of civilians, the emperor and most of the ruling class. Blair launched the doomsday device himself, a bomb that caused such a powerful earthquake that it tore the planet apart.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2016, 03:28:41 pm by Det. Bullock »
"I pity the poor shades confined to the euclidean prison that is sanity." - Grant Morrison
"People assume  that time is a strict progression of cause to effect,  but *actually*  from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint - it's more  like a big ball  of wibbly wobbly... time-y wimey... stuff." - The Doctor


Offline Spoon

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Re: Derek Smart might be taking legal action over Star Citizen
To play devil's advocate here for a bit:

It effectively communicates that the new guy protagonist has to prove himself to the competent woman who will eventually subordinate herself to him narratively, which is a beat that has been written 386,988,045 times before (such as the intros to WCP and the Wing Commander Cinematic Mistake)
We cannot conclude that this is what will happen from just this snippet.

Mad Men went a bunch of seasons while keeping every conversation fresh and engaging, even in the very very saturated space of "petty people quip in an office and have bad love lives". Execution is everything.
We do not know if Crobert's execution of this will be awful. He's a decade older now, he very well could have learned a whole bunch of new tricks.

I only played 4 and that was awhile ago. What ended up happening?

But I think you're right. The big problem with his writing is that it's simplistic military hero cliche's without being self-aware enough to understand that they're simplistic. They're written as simple teenage boy war stories but read with the conviction of a self-reflective multi-gender view of the world at large.

I don't mean to turn this into a gender debate, it's just the cliche audience for this sort of war-hero stuff is a 10-15 year old boy who likes to play soldiers in his backyard. If the stories had any self awareness they would actually work really well with this, but they don't.
I was a 10-15 year old boy when I played WC3 and WC4. I liked to play with toy soldiers and play soldiers in the forest. I was the cliche audience.
I absolutely loved WC back in the day.
This is not a bad thing.

Plus his big series-encompassing adversaries are quite literally a race of furries.
This is not a bad thing. Space cats are cool. Cats are cool
Humans dressing up in fursuits is... arguably not really cool. But that's not what they were.

[02:42] <@Axem> spoon somethings wrong
[02:42] <@Axem> critically wrong
[02:42] <@Axem> im happy with these missions now
[02:44] <@Axem> well
[02:44] <@Axem> with 2 of them


Offline Spoon

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Re: Derek Smart might be taking legal action over Star Citizen
P.S. I actually think you guys are right and Croberts is most likely a one trick pony and SQ42's story will be completely generic and cliche.

[02:42] <@Axem> spoon somethings wrong
[02:42] <@Axem> critically wrong
[02:42] <@Axem> im happy with these missions now
[02:44] <@Axem> well
[02:44] <@Axem> with 2 of them


Offline Unknown Target

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Re: Derek Smart might be taking legal action over Star Citizen
It's not a bad thing then, and it's not a bad thing now. I just have a feeling that his story is not going to be very deep and won't have lasting value.

That being said, his target market is iffy and I think it's gonna end up with an Episode 1 thing in reverse - ostensibly it's for adults but it ends up being for kids. Sort of like CoD but with worse dialogue.

I'm downloading the installer now...24 gigs is...a lot, but I pledged $40 like 3 or 4 years ago so I might as well see what that money has been used for.


Offline Luis Dias

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Re: Derek Smart might be taking legal action over Star Citizen
But hey at least the protags won't be alpha 1, so at least this game will have a story, unlike FreeSpace 2, and we all know that is what sells games.


Offline Unknown Target

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Re: Derek Smart might be taking legal action over Star Citizen
So I downloaded it.

Oh. My. God. I can't believe I waited so long!!!!!!!!! This game is AWESOME!

I mean, I thought Goat Simulator was the king when it came to funny gameplay and quirky bugs, but Star Citizen, wow. Well I mean, it was great when I would get playable framerates, right now it's kind of like...not? I also had to unplug my 3D Mouse, Xbox 360 Controller, and Joystick, otherwise the ship would spin in circles.

I tried to fix it but I found that the key mappings were not only unchangeable, but I had to navigate them by a pictographic keyboard layout that I hovered my mouse over.

This game is super innovative, because while most *plebian* games would have "slow down" and "reverse thrust" mapped to the same key, in Star Citizen it does away with all that and has the S key for slow down and then Alt-S key to reverse. It's like they didn't play any other space games, allowing them to innovate more fully!

Anyway, the first time I spawned I ran through the window into open space, then got in someone else's spaceship. I was all set to hijack it but I immediately fell through the floor. So instead I tried again, and this time I just kept running at the locked door to the cockpit, until I clipped through it enough to "Use" the chair.

I got in and immediately started spinning wildly out of control, eventually crashing and dying.

I respawned and woke up in my bed, then I was like, hey, maybe I should actually try putting on a spacesuit this time. So I went to the airlock. Then I thought that was lame, but I went to the external view and found out I had no body!

So I tried to go through the window again. This time I did, but got stuck on some geometry and couldn't move.

So I quit to the menu and started again. This time I actually got in my own ship (an Aurora), and figured out the jump drive. I jumped to some place, and found another ship. So I started shooting them - at least, I think I did: at 1280 x 720 (the only resolution I get some decent FPS on), I couldn't actually see my laser bolts. But they turned to attack me so I think I was doing something. We went at it, and it was some of the most gripping laser blasting I've ever played. We charged, then collided....then I went spinning off into nowhere at an impossible rate, where the entire universe was a blur. I couldn't regain control, so I decided to bail out. I got out of my chair, and turned around, frantically trying to find the exit.

But Star Citizen must have some sort of super-AI in ever ship that knows exactly what I want, because no sooner did I orient myself then I just popped out of my spaceship by clipping through one of the walls. I watched as my Aurora frantically spun itself outwards into oblivion, then the game crashed.

$117 million dollars! 4 years of development! FIDELICIOUS!


Offline 666maslo666

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Re: Derek Smart might be taking legal action over Star Citizen
I tried to fix it but I found that the key mappings were not only unchangeable, but I had to navigate them by a pictographic keyboard layout that I hovered my mouse over.

This game is super innovative, because while most *plebian* games would have "slow down" and "reverse thrust" mapped to the same key, in Star Citizen it does away with all that and has the S key for slow down and then Alt-S key to reverse. It's like they didn't play any other space games, allowing them to innovate more fully!

You can change the key mappings by clicking on advanced customization button.

S key is used for applying thrust in backwards direction, which obviously can be used to both slow down and then to reverse in a continuous motion, just like in most other space games. Thats how it should be. At least thats the default for me, not sure what the problem is on your end.

Devs have said that low fps is mostly due to lack of net LODs, right now all the clients process all the things in the game world, even if they are thousands of km away. It is why performance is much better in Arena Commander single player mode. Anyway, I have Radeon 390X and the game runs around 30-40 fps at 1080p on very high, which is playable, but very much in need of optimization.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2016, 08:37:06 am by 666maslo666 »
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Arguing on the internet is like running in the Special Olympics. Even if you win you are still retarded.


Offline Unknown Target

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Re: Derek Smart might be taking legal action over Star Citizen
The keybinding chart (so lazily done btw) shows reverse as being under a modifier, since it's orange, so I figured that's what it meant.  Didn't see the advanced button.

I know that the network LOD is the issue...not to mention the regular LOD (pop-ins like it's 1999). It's just funny that they decided to go with CryEngine instead of any other engine that has netcode actually suited to an MMO.

Anyway, game is pretty bad, or, if you'd prefer, it's very, very alpha. Like super alpha. Like "this is the first run after they got basic feature implementation in" not "this is 4 years of development later".

But I know you don't care about any of that, so I'm just gonna enjoy my new Goat Simulator. :) See you in the 'Verse!


Offline Spoon

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Re: Derek Smart might be taking legal action over Star Citizen
10/10 review  :yes:

[02:42] <@Axem> spoon somethings wrong
[02:42] <@Axem> critically wrong
[02:42] <@Axem> im happy with these missions now
[02:44] <@Axem> well
[02:44] <@Axem> with 2 of them


Offline Col. Fishguts

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Re: Derek Smart might be taking legal action over Star Citizen
$117 million dollars! 4 years of development! FIDELICIOUS!

Working as intended. See you in the verse commando! o9
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Offline Spoon

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Re: Derek Smart might be taking legal action over Star Citizen

Spider man~ Spider man~

[02:42] <@Axem> spoon somethings wrong
[02:42] <@Axem> critically wrong
[02:42] <@Axem> im happy with these missions now
[02:44] <@Axem> well
[02:44] <@Axem> with 2 of them


Offline Luis Dias

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Re: Derek Smart might be taking legal action over Star Citizen
That's one of those infamous Dead Space death animations right?


Offline NGTM-1R

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Re: Derek Smart might be taking legal action over Star Citizen
What in the **** is that.
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Offline Kszyhu

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Re: Derek Smart might be taking legal action over Star Citizen
Well, the Best Damn Space Sim Ever, can't you see (Where we're going we don't need eyes to see)?