
What is your favourite capital ship in Freespace 2 (try to pick Shivan and Terran)

Lucifer (Not in the game I know, but it can be placed in FRED)
Lilith (practically same as cain but oh well)
Arcadia (more of a base really but still It's a significant installation)

Author Topic: Favourite Cap ship  (Read 46735 times)

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Offline blowfish

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You can treb out anything's turrets (unless the turrets mount Trebuchets themselves :nervous:, but that almost never happens, and they would probably be pretty easy to evade anyway).  They can even be useful in some situations against slower fighters.


Offline Killer Whale

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Modded missiles.

Faster than a speeding beam cannon

More powerfull than a BFRed

Able to bend juggernauts, planets (well, a sphere with millions of hitpoints), and supercapitals with one hit

though that would be pretty boring. Trebuchets take a long time taking out a juggernauts BFReds or subsystems. For that, call in a helios, cyclops, or stilleto (i don't think stilletos are that good personally)


Offline blowfish

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Stilettos actually do less Subsystem damage than Trebuchets IIRC.


Offline AlphaOne

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Also one tiny little detail the Treb's Styletos and Maxim are all terran weapons which are ment to be used against shivans. You remember the shivans the big galactic bad guys with a whoping load of jugg's ??!!

Also please let us not forget thet the Collie has more beam cannons then the Stahani and if all those beam cannons were facing one side or something like that the Jugg would go down so fast it would make the shivans spin theyr heads. I mean you would have like what 12 or so overloaded LRBG of BFG shooting all at one against a jugg . I dont care if the jugg has 4 BFReds it can not sustain that much punnishment for very long it would take what 2 or 3 salvos to take out the jugg? Asuming the Collie can keep on for that long.

Anyway what i really miss in the FS universe is some sort of monitor class ship beeing available to the GTVA in massive numbers. You know like the ones in Babylon5 i believe they were calleed WhiteStars or something like that those things were awesome. Imagine having a few hundred of those things available for the GTVA to engage shivan fleets toghether with the larger capships. Awesome no?
Die shivan die!!
Then jumps into his apple stealth pie and goes of to war.What a brave lad....what a brave lad say the ladies in red.

(> < ) 

This is Bunny . Copy  Bunny  into your signature to help him on his way to world domination!


Offline Mars

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Treb and maxim are lame weapons IMHO


Offline blowfish

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Better than getting your hull ripped to shreds by flak guns and anti-fighter beams.


Offline Killer Whale

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Treb and maxim are lame weapons IMHO
I welcome you my opposite.

Also please let us not forget thet the Collie has more beam cannons then the Stahani and if all those beam cannons were facing one side or something like that the Jugg would go down so fast it would make the shivans spin theyr heads. I mean you would have like what 12 or so overloaded LRBG of BFG shooting all at one against a jugg . I dont care if the jugg has 4 BFReds it can not sustain that much punnishment for very long it would take what 2 or 3 salvos to take out the jugg? Asuming the Collie can keep on for that long.
A Sath destroys the Collie in about a minute, assuming it's on the 'correct' side. All the Collie's beams together don NOT match those 4 BFReds. No way.


Offline Mars

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BFred sustained damage per second: 4756
BFGreen sD/s:                                   1072

1 BFRed= 4.4 BFGreens


Offline Droid803

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If that is right, then...
4 BFReds = 17.6 BFGreens

Colossus has 13 beam turrets. (7 TerSlash 6 BGreen)
Even if you overdrive every single one of them to BFGreen (or LRBGreen), and they are all on the same side, the Sathanas will still come out on top. (Colly and Sath have same HP)


Offline Hades

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$Name:                     BFGreen

$Model File:               none             ; laser1-1.pof
@Laser Bitmap:               laserglow01
@Laser Color:               0, 255, 54
@Laser Length:               0.0
@Laser Head Radius:            0.3
@Laser Tail Radius:            0.3
$Mass:                          100.0
$Velocity:                      1600.0            ;; speed of the weapon (initially) -- may or may not change
$Fire Wait:                     35.0            ;; in seconds
$Damage:                        1900            ;; NOTE: for beam weapons this is kind of a "continuous" damage applied every few fractions of a second that the beam is on.
$Armor Factor:                  1.0
$Shield Factor:                 1.0
$Subsystem Factor:              1.0
$Lifetime:                      30.0            ;; How long this thing lives
$Energy Consumed:               0.30            ;; Energy used when fired
$Cargo Size:                    0.0                ;; Amount of space taken up in weapon cargo
$Homing:                        NO
$LaunchSnd:                     125                ;; The sound it makes when fired
$ImpactSnd:                     88                 ;; The sound it makes when it hits something
+Weapon Range:               4000            ;; Limit to range at which weapon will actively target object
$Flags:                         ("Big Ship" "huge" "beam" "supercap")
$Icon:                          icongun05
$Anim:                          LoadGun07
$Impact Explosion:              ExpMissileHit1
$Impact Explosion Radius:       120.0
   +Type:                  0               ;; 0 - 4 are valid #'s
   +Life:                    4.0               ;; how long it lasts once the beam is actually firing
   +Warmup:                 5000            ;; warmup time in ms
   +Warmdown:               3500            ;; warmdown time in ms
   +Radius:                 160.0            ;; muzzle glow radius in meters
   +PCount:               25               ;; particles spewed every interval
   +PRadius:               1.4               ;; particle radius
   +PAngle:               60.0            ;; angle of the random "cone" where the particles are generated
   +PAni:                  particleexp01      ;; particle ani
   +Miss Factor:            1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4            ;; magic # - higher == miss more (only really applicable to type 0 and type 3 beams)
   +BeamSound:               148               ;; the looping beam-firing sound
   +WarmupSound:            155               ;; associated warmup sound
   +WarmdownSound:            160               ;; associated warmdown sound
   +Muzzleglow:            beamglow3         ;; muzzle glow bitmap
   +Shots:                  0               ;; only used for TYPE 3 beams
   +ShrinkFactor:            0.1         ;; what percentage of lifetime where beam starts shrinking (0.1 == 10% life left)
   +ShrinkPct:               1.8         ;; what percentage of max width we subtract per second
   $Section:                              ;; one section of the beam (you can have up to 5)
      +Width:               40               ;; width of the section
      +Texture:            beam-red         ;; texture for this section
      +RGBA Inner:         255 255 255 255      ;; rgba values (only for non-textured beam compiles)
      +RGBA Outer:         150 150 150 10      ;; rgba values (only for non-textured beam compiles)
      +Flicker:            0.0               ;; how much it flickers (0.0 to 1.0)
      +Zadd:               4.0               ;; hehe
   $Section:                              ;; one section of the beam
      +Width:               50               ;; width of the section
      +Texture:            beam-green2         ;; texture for this section
      +RGBA Inner:         160 160 0 255      ;; rgba values (only for non-textured beam compiles)
      +RGBA Outer:         60 60 0 10         ;; rgba values (only for non-textured beam compiles)
      +Flicker:            0.45            ;; how much it flickers (0.0 to 1.0)
      +Zadd:               3.0               ;; hehe
   $Section:                              ;; one section of the beam (you can have up to 5)
      +Width:               60.0            ;; width of the section
      +Texture:            beam-green         ;; texture for this section
      +RGBA Inner:         255 255 255 255      ;; rgba values (only for non-textured beam compiles)
      +RGBA Outer:         150 150 150 10      ;; rgba values (only for non-textured beam compiles)
      +Flicker:            0.4               ;; how much it flickers (0.0 to 1.0)
      +Zadd:               2.0               ;; hehe
   $Section:                              ;; one section of the beam
      +Width:               90.0            ;; width of the section
      +Texture:            beam-green3         ;; texture for this section
      +RGBA Inner:         255 0 0 255         ;; rgba values (only for non-textured beam compiles)
      +RGBA Outer:         60 0 0 10         ;; rgba values (only for non-textured beam compiles)
      +Flicker:            0.5               ;; how much it flickers (0.0 to 1.0)
      +Zadd:               0.0               ;; hehe
[22:29] <sigtau> Hello, #hard-light?  I'm trying to tell a girl she looks really good for someone who doesn't exercise.  How do I word that non-offensively?
[22:29] <RangerKarl|AtWork> "you look like a big tasty muffin"
<batwota> wouldn’t that mean that it’s prepared to kiss your ass if you flank it :p
<batwota> wow
<batwota> KILL


Offline Zoltan

  • 26

$Name:                     BFGreen

$Model File:               none             ; laser1-1.pof
@Laser Bitmap:               laserglow01
@Laser Color:               0, 255, 54
@Laser Length:               0.0
@Laser Head Radius:            0.3
@Laser Tail Radius:            0.3
$Mass:                          100.0
$Velocity:                      1600.0            ;; speed of the weapon (initially) -- may or may not change
$Fire Wait:                     35.0            ;; in seconds
$Damage:                        1900         ;; NOTE: for beam weapons this is kind of a "continuous" damage applied every few fractions of a second that the beam is on.
$Armor Factor:                  1.0
$Shield Factor:                 1.0
$Subsystem Factor:              1.0
$Lifetime:                      30.0            ;; How long this thing lives
$Energy Consumed:               0.30            ;; Energy used when fired
$Cargo Size:                    0.0                ;; Amount of space taken up in weapon cargo
$Homing:                        NO
$LaunchSnd:                     125                ;; The sound it makes when fired
$ImpactSnd:                     88                 ;; The sound it makes when it hits something
+Weapon Range:               4000            ;; Limit to range at which weapon will actively target object
$Flags:                         ("Big Ship" "huge" "beam" "supercap")
$Icon:                          icongun05
$Anim:                          LoadGun07
$Impact Explosion:              ExpMissileHit1
$Impact Explosion Radius:       120.0
   +Type:                  0               ;; 0 - 4 are valid #'s
   +Life:                    4.0               ;; how long it lasts once the beam is actually firing
   +Warmup:                 5000            ;; warmup time in ms
   +Warmdown:               3500            ;; warmdown time in ms
   +Radius:                 160.0            ;; muzzle glow radius in meters
   +PCount:               25               ;; particles spewed every interval
   +PRadius:               1.4               ;; particle radius
   +PAngle:               60.0            ;; angle of the random "cone" where the particles are generated
   +PAni:                  particleexp01      ;; particle ani
   +Miss Factor:            1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4            ;; magic # - higher == miss more (only really applicable to type 0 and type 3 beams)
   +BeamSound:               148               ;; the looping beam-firing sound
   +WarmupSound:            155               ;; associated warmup sound
   +WarmdownSound:            160               ;; associated warmdown sound
   +Muzzleglow:            beamglow3         ;; muzzle glow bitmap
   +Shots:                  0               ;; only used for TYPE 3 beams
   +ShrinkFactor:            0.1         ;; what percentage of lifetime where beam starts shrinking (0.1 == 10% life left)
   +ShrinkPct:               1.8         ;; what percentage of max width we subtract per second
   $Section:                              ;; one section of the beam (you can have up to 5)
      +Width:               40               ;; width of the section
      +Texture:            beam-red         ;; texture for this section
      +RGBA Inner:         255 255 255 255      ;; rgba values (only for non-textured beam compiles)
      +RGBA Outer:         150 150 150 10      ;; rgba values (only for non-textured beam compiles)
      +Flicker:            0.0               ;; how much it flickers (0.0 to 1.0)
      +Zadd:               4.0               ;; hehe
   $Section:                              ;; one section of the beam
      +Width:               50               ;; width of the section
      +Texture:            beam-green2         ;; texture for this section
      +RGBA Inner:         160 160 0 255      ;; rgba values (only for non-textured beam compiles)
      +RGBA Outer:         60 60 0 10         ;; rgba values (only for non-textured beam compiles)
      +Flicker:            0.45            ;; how much it flickers (0.0 to 1.0)
      +Zadd:               3.0               ;; hehe
   $Section:                              ;; one section of the beam (you can have up to 5)
      +Width:               60.0            ;; width of the section
      +Texture:            beam-green         ;; texture for this section
      +RGBA Inner:         255 255 255 255      ;; rgba values (only for non-textured beam compiles)
      +RGBA Outer:         150 150 150 10      ;; rgba values (only for non-textured beam compiles)
      +Flicker:            0.4               ;; how much it flickers (0.0 to 1.0)
      +Zadd:               2.0               ;; hehe
   $Section:                              ;; one section of the beam
      +Width:               90.0            ;; width of the section
      +Texture:            beam-green3         ;; texture for this section
      +RGBA Inner:         255 0 0 255         ;; rgba values (only for non-textured beam compiles)
      +RGBA Outer:         60 0 0 10         ;; rgba values (only for non-textured beam compiles)
      +Flicker:            0.5               ;; how much it flickers (0.0 to 1.0)
      +Zadd:               0.0               ;; hehe
"A child of five would understand this. Send someone to fetch a child of five." - Groucho Marx


Offline Mars

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The Damage value is not the measure of damage.

Beams are unusual that way.

Sustained damage / second is the amount of damage a beam would do in an average second if it were fired indefinitely (including when it's not firing between shots)


Offline Droid803

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BFRed waits for 10 seconds and fires for 7, and has a damage rating of 2100
BFGreen waits for 35 seconds and fires for 4, and has a damage rating of 1900

It's clear to see which one is superior... Assume the damage rating is applied every second. (I know its not really like that, but it scales properly)
The BFRed would do 14700 per shot, while the BFGreen 7600 - BFRed outdamages per pulse by about 1.9x
And that is disregarding the much longer fire wait the BFGreen has.


Offline blowfish

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Damage is applied about 5.5 times per second, just so you know.


Offline Droid803

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Doesn't matter though, the BFRed will still do 1.9 times the damage of the BFGreen per shot, and reload 3.5 times faster.


Offline Mars

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Doesn't matter though, the BFRed will still do 1.9 times the damage of the BFGreen per shot, and reload 3.5 times faster.
That doesn't matter...

The BFred still does 4.4 X the sustained damage of the BFgreen,

Now can we talk about something involving cap ships please


Offline blowfish

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Now can we talk about something involving cap ships please

My capship PWNS ur capship!


Offline Colonol Dekker

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 :wtf: What's your capship...............

Campaigns I've added my distinctiveness to-
- Blue Planet: Battle Captains
-Battle of Neptune
-Between the Ashes 2
-Blue planet: Age of Aquarius
-Inferno R1
-Ribos: The aftermath / -Retreat from Deneb
-Sol: A History
-TBP EACW teaser
-Earth Brakiri war
-TBP Fortune Hunters (I think?)
-TBP Relic
-Trancsend (Possibly?)
-Uncharted Territory
-Vassagos Dirge
-War Machine
(Others lost to the mists of time and no discernible audit trail)

Your friendly Orestes tactical controller.

Secret bomb God.
That one time I got permabanned and got to read who was being bitxhy about me :p....
GO GO DEKKER RANGERSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
President of the Scooby Doo Model Appreciation Society
The only good Zod is a dead Zod


Offline blowfish

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Never mind, I was just spamming.