Author Topic: BP: War in Heaven discussion  (Read 974475 times)

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Offline Pr011

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Re: BP: War in Heaven discussion
Amongst peers interpersonal relationships were tolerated as long as it was quiet and strictly kept off ship. That said, long term relations did not often happen and it was normally a very short thing.

Relationships breaking the commissioned / non-commissioned barrier, however, were massively frowned upon, as well as ones between direct line managers and subordinates. A good way to kill a career! The superior would open themselves to allegations that s/he could be abusing their position, certainly with far younger and less experienced people in subordinate roles. It also could offer a breakdown in discipline. Then we enter the dangerous world of boards, panels and hearings.

Regardless, those in relationships would find themselves posted elsewhere to prevent bad situations – what if the superior had to discipline the junior? What if the superior had to order the junior into a dangerous situation, such as fighting a fire? Would the concentration of both in a critical moment be impaired if they knew the other was in danger nearby?

Each situation would have to be judged on its merits. In training, it was well known amongst us sprogs that one of the Lieutenants training us was in a relationship with a Marine Sergeant. They were both instructors in different departments and it was never seen in public, so not a lot happened and it continued. If that Lieutenant or Sergeant had formed a relationship with a cadet under training however, the establishment would have dropped on them (and the cadet) from a great height. I think what I’m trying to say is that’s not so black and white as “NO RELATIONSHIPS ALLOWED”.

To put this back on topic – would Simms be in the wrong to have a relationship with Laporte as her direct line manager? Probably. If not for the operational side being so intense and demanding on his time, I would suggest the Captain of the Indus or his senior officers would eventually intervene (although Simms ended it on her own terms before anything really started). Would it be different if they were pilots of similar rank in different units? I think it would be tolerated. I think that such a relationship adds depth to both characters, and allows massive potential in terms of drama - let them challenge the rules and get court martialled! Or have a situation where they have to choose between their relationship and their military objectives! For me, the fact that they are same sex is not relevant, the story is still good either way.
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Offline Liberator

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Re: BP: War in Heaven discussion
Meh...I tire of this conversation...WE NEEDZ MORE 'SPLODEY!
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The age long strife I see
Where I fought in many guises,
Many names, but always me.

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Offline Pred the Penguin

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Re: BP: War in Heaven discussion
I literally wanted to rip Steele's head off by the end Delenda Est, and that was after completing the campaign 2 times.
Steele is a very excellent character, but...
can't wait to hear him voice acted

I finally understand what to do on The Blade Itself.
Guns blazing at the Tristea the first chance I got 5 times in a row. XD


Offline Hellzed

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Re: BP: War in Heaven discussion
What are the rotating things on the UEF ships ?


Offline General Battuta

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Re: BP: War in Heaven discussion
What are the rotating things on the UEF ships ?

Melee weapons to defend against close-range fighter attack.  :nervous:


Offline Dilmah G

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Re: BP: War in Heaven discussion
They're pretty poor at that actually. Any pilot keeping a proper lookout should be able to avoid a centrifuge moving at about 2k's an hour.

When you lose situational awareness and snuggle in with a Karuna however, that's a different story. ;)


Offline Jellyfish

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Re: BP: War in Heaven discussion
What are the rotating things on the UEF ships ?

Artificial gravity, I think.
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Offline Hellzed

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Re: BP: War in Heaven discussion
Yeah... I thought it was gravity, because it's too big for a radar dish (except AWACS)...
How can anyone explain why GTVA has a different artificial gravity technology, since it has been cut from Earth a relatively short time ago (and why are there no Orion class or Fenris class cruisers in the UEF fleet, they existed long before the subspace link was severed) ?

I see 2 possible explanations : this has something to do with natural ressources (something (unobtainium ! XD ) needed for maintaining gravity without rotating parts in the ship, that can't be found in Sol; or a big modernization plan based on new tactics in case the Shivan could return to Sol, including decomissioning all GT cruisers, to build lighter, more effective cruisers with a lower power consuption (assuming that a good old rotating device is less power hungry that some kind of advanced high energy physics machine producing a less-thant-stable artificial gravity field).


Offline General Battuta

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Re: BP: War in Heaven discussion
How can anyone explain why GTVA has a different artificial gravity technology, since it has been cut from Earth a relatively short time ago (and why are there no Orion class or Fenris class cruisers in the UEF fleet, they existed long before the subspace link was severed) ?

We did actually discuss using FS1-era ships in the UEF fleet, and we may still do so. But most of the GTA First Fleet was scrapped or mothballed during the big collapse in Sol; think of it as akin to what happened to most of the US WWII fleet.


Offline Vidmaster

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Re: BP: War in Heaven discussion
this seriously beats everything so far. Freespace, BSG, my own stuff for TBP, the upcoming WingCommander Saga  :lol:
This is insanly good, brilliant fredding, design and writing. Great use of music, interesting scenarios through and through, incredibly tense. HOLY ****ING ****, you people just outclassed pretty much anyone else  :yes:

impressed doesn't nail it here ;7
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Offline General Battuta

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Re: BP: War in Heaven discussion
this seriously beats everything so far. Freespace, BSG, my own stuff for TBP, the upcoming WingCommander Saga  :lol:
This is insanly good, brilliant fredding, design and writing. Great use of music, interesting scenarios through and through, incredibly tense. HOLY ****ING ****, you people just outclassed pretty much anyone else  :yes:

impressed doesn't nail it here ;7

Don't put yourself down! But thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it.


Offline Jellyfish

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Re: BP: War in Heaven discussion
something to do with natural ressources (something (unobtainium ! XD ) needed for maintaining gravity without rotating parts in the ship, that can't be found in Sol
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Offline T-LoW

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Re: BP: War in Heaven discussion
There are gas giants in Sol :nervous:

(I guess most ships run with Helium3 & Deuterium of course)
« Last Edit: October 18, 2010, 11:17:11 am by T-LoW »
The german Freespace-Galaxy

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Offline Ypoknons

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Re: BP: War in Heaven discussion
I'm guessing from a cost/performance point of view it made more sense to just build new more tactical versatile and relevant Sanctus-class cruisers rather than upgrade these really old ships. It's not like the UEF was desperate for more pickets until the civil war started, and even then new cruisers shouldn't be that hard to churn out. Plus the Sanctus was the first UEF capital ship design IIRC, and that means there's been plenty of time to retire the old cruisers.
« Last Edit: October 18, 2010, 11:37:07 am by Ypoknons »
Long time ago, you see, there was this thing called the VBB and... oh, nevermind.


Offline General Battuta

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Re: BP: War in Heaven discussion
Yeah. There's the issue of the FS1-era ships being kind of ****ty without beam upgrades, and they probably weren't build with the magazine space for the new railguns-n'-torps paradigm.

The UEF found itself with an enormous amount of antimatter generation ability and its military direction really went down the road of utilizing that, which meant designs built around a projectile-centric tactical paradigm.


Offline -Sara-

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Re: BP: War in Heaven discussion
I can still imagine a Fenris or Levianthan being refit as an effective minelayer perhaps, but I'd imagine every Orion was probably recycled for material and electronics to be replaced by frigates (and later, the Solaris-class). Also I imagine that this universe too has a Sanctuary, but that the GTA never launched it unlike in the AoA universe thus probably scrapping it.
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Offline ssmit132

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Re: BP: War in Heaven discussion
(and why are there no Orion class or Fenris class cruisers in the UEF fleet, they existed long before the subspace link was severed) ?
I thought about that too, but then I realised that hardly any GTVA ships you encounter in the campaign come from the FS1 era (A couple of Leviathans, an (upgraded) Orion, and a few Elysiums). It was just that I was used to the FS2 GTVA ships, and how radically different the UEF ships were compared to them.


Offline -Sara-

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Re: BP: War in Heaven discussion
Am also curious about what makes up the Vasudan armada. Probably a mixed fleet of both the venerable Typhons and Hatshepsut destroyers, along with a whole bunch of corvette's and newer ships. I'm guessing it's atleast the size of the Terran GTVA fleet.
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Offline General Battuta

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Re: BP: War in Heaven discussion
There are a number of new-to-the-story (though not to the community) Vasudan assets, and in general the Vasudan fleet is about half a generation ahead of its Terran counterparts, both technologically and numerically. Expect a few lovely surprises.


Offline -Sara-

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Re: BP: War in Heaven discussion
I always imagined whoever (GTVA or UEF) is best at playing a little game of make-believe to draw the Vasudans to their side would ultimately win the war. Guessing though they learned from the Colossus and didn't put all their money on a single racing horse anymore by building supercam ships.
Currently playing: real life.

"Paying bills, working, this game called real life is so much fun!" - Said nobody ever.