Author Topic: Wing Commander 6: The Undiscovered Release Date (Star Citizen Thread)  (Read 617133 times)

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Re: Derek Smart might be taking legal action over Star Citizen
As someone who frequently struggles to finish large projects, I know well the travails of the over-promise.

Star Citizen could have been managed by me.  That is all.

You have my vote!
Maybe someday God will give you a little pink toaster of your own.


Offline Aesaar

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Re: Derek Smart might be taking legal action over Star Citizen
In other news: CitizenCon rumors, courtesy of Beer4TheBeerGod, Something Awful thread, direct quote:

EDIT: Beer4TheBeerGod quoting Derek Smart.

1.They are going to parade all the A-List actors – all of whom cost a ton of money – for SQ42. This despite the fact that that stand-alone game is reported to be almost fifteen months away.
2.They are going to show the opening cut-scene sequence for SQ42 with Gary Oldman giving his speech, someone flying and landing, NPCs waving etc.
3.They are going to show Star Marine. Again. It’s still a mess – and nowhere ready for production release. Reports tell me that if it gets released before year end, it would be a miracle.
4.They are going to show multi-crew. Again. Problem now is that, as of the last report I got, it doesn’t run smoothly at all. And so they are now running the demo on super computers with 16 cores, loads of memory etc. Again, not production release ready.

Holy ****. If they seriously don't release a single ****ing thing on Saturday, and instead just show a bunch of actors and demo **** with no timetable... yeah that's going to warrant a refund.

For reference, Beer4TheBeerGod is basically the SA insider to the Star Citizen community.  I don't mean he's a studio member, but he's a fairly prominent community member.  I don't think anyone else has had more questions answered by CR in the 10 For the Chairman videos, and not many people outside of CIG itself are better informed about the game at this point.  He's the same guy who wrote that huge list of questions I posted on the first page of this thread.

If these are true and CIG don't release anything at CitizenCon, that's just... wow.  Even I wasn't that pessimistic.  I at least thought they'd have managed to make a basic FPS out of CryEngine by now.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2015, 02:15:18 am by Aesaar »


Offline Falcon

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Re: Derek Smart might be taking legal action over Star Citizen

Re: Derek Smart might be taking legal action over Star Citizen
That Derek Smart's a smart guy. Think his comments about Robert's "reply" are pretty apt with regards to it being an attempt to deflect attention from the issue by associating the escapist & its author with GG and/or Derek Smart.  The sad thing is that a lot of CIG supporters eat that **** up in spoonfuls.


Offline Spoon

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Re: Derek Smart might be taking legal action over Star Citizen
Much to my dismay

[02:42] <@Axem> spoon somethings wrong
[02:42] <@Axem> critically wrong
[02:42] <@Axem> im happy with these missions now
[02:44] <@Axem> well
[02:44] <@Axem> with 2 of them


Offline Luis Dias

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Re: Derek Smart might be taking legal action over Star Citizen
That beer4thebeer "insider quote" is a direct transcript from Derek's blog.


Offline Aesaar

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Re: Derek Smart might be taking legal action over Star Citizen
Never said it was an insider quote.  I said Beer4TheBeerGod was SA's community insider.  As in he's a very well informed RSI community member who posts in the SA thread a lot.  If you have a serious question about SC, he'll answer it, provided the answer was given to the community at some point.  Saves the rest of us needing to go through the ****hole that is the RSI forums.

I missed the Derek Smart post, so I assumed he'd gotten it from someone on RSI.  Guess not.

But that it's Derek Smart posting it adds a lot of credibility.  He's been very accurate about short term CIG happenings.  All the recent departures/firings since Alex Mayberry were called by him long before CIG or even the people being fired mentioned anything.  He's clearly got people inside CIG feeding him information.

Quote from: Derek Smart
If what he said was true, that if funding stopped that he could still finish the game, go ahead and call him on that. STOP funding the project. Test him.
This is actually a very reasonable request.  Probably why the RSI cultists will never do it.  These are people who proudly bought ships for the explicit purpose of spiting Derek Smart and The Escapist.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2015, 02:59:34 am by Aesaar »


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Re: Derek Smart might be taking legal action over Star Citizen
I must admit I have for the longest time leant towards the Chris Roberts camp but after the Escapist article and some of the more analytical media coverage surrounding events, it is my sad position to find myself increasingly behind Derek's investigation and calls for information to be made public.
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Offline Luis Dias

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Re: Derek Smart might be taking legal action over Star Citizen
Well I read you (Aesaar) saying it was a quote from "this guy" who happens to be your SA "insider guy"... I was just clarifying though, I actually think Derek posted a very powerful blog post there. We are slowly reaching a moment of truth in SC....

Also. A 20 THOUSAND DOLLARS coffee machine? That's amazing. Absolutely "Next Gen" technological material right the **** there.


Offline 666maslo666

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Re: Derek Smart might be taking legal action over Star Citizen
For your information, there was no plan to release anything at CitizenCon, the con is only to show the progress, any releases were planned some time after the con. How soon that will happen is another matter, tough..
"For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards, for there you have been and there you will long to return." - Leonardo da Vinci

Arguing on the internet is like running in the Special Olympics. Even if you win you are still retarded.

Re: Derek Smart might be taking legal action over Star Citizen
Yeah, they're not releasing anything; it'll just be more demos. Which means they're doomed: the vultures are circling and they desperately need a decisive sign of progress.
The good Christian should beware of mathematicians, and all those who make empty prophecies. The danger already exists that the mathematicians have made a covenant with the devil to darken the spirit and to confine man in the bonds of Hell.


Offline Aesaar

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Re: Derek Smart might be taking legal action over Star Citizen
For your information, there was no plan to release anything at CitizenCon, the con is only to show the progress, any releases were planned some time after the con. How soon that will happen is another matter, tough..
This would be a lot more compelling if, at Gamescom, CIG hadn't said they planned to release the FPS module before the end of September.  So you're right.  They didn't plan to release anything at CitizenCon.  They planned to release something before CitizenCon.  And they failed.

Just because it's become standard procedure to expect CIG to miss their own deadlines doesn't mean it isn't a bad sign.

CitizenCon would be the best place to release something.  That they aren't going to isn't because they don't want to, but because they can't.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2015, 05:46:23 am by Aesaar »

Re: Derek Smart might be taking legal action over Star Citizen
Having backed at the very beginning and now looking at this mess is kinda frustrating. Whatever they promised during the first crowdfunding seemed reasonable and doable given a certain amount of funding. Now I see tons of promised features, many extended deadlines for whatever reason and way too much insulting coming from the CEO (seriously, why?) and his "enemies". Apparently they changed the terms of service and I have no rights for whatsoever anyway. As in CIG could blow it hard and then laugh at their backers.

What surprises me is that if I were a good german only reading german game news sites the world would be fine. Nearly all of them are in favour CIG and you are hard pressed to find criticism anywhere, be it in the articles or the comment sections.

At least I didn't sink much money in it and in the end I'll get my entertainement one way or another: Either I can play a game that at least fufills some of ambitions or I can watch the huge ****storm when all the convinced followers realize that they got tricked :lol:
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Re: Derek Smart might be taking legal action over Star Citizen
Hey look at the brightside, just like Minecon if you attend Citizencon you will get an exclusive digital conent! But instead of a cape for your character, you'll get a digital poster for your Hangar!!

Except, unlike Minecon anyone who doesn't attend can also just poney up some more cash and buy it from the online store.

At this point if the financial rumours are true CIG should probably just double down on one module and get it finished and out the door so they can start selling it and bringing in some more money to finish the other modules.  Technically they're already sort of selling it anyway but if it's actually released and reviews at least mediocre it should bring in some more sales from those who want a finished product.


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Re: Derek Smart might be taking legal action over Star Citizen
Hey look at the brightside, just like Minecon if you attend Citizencon you will get an exclusive digital conent! But instead of a cape for your character, you'll get a digital poster for your Hangar!!

Except, unlike Minecon anyone who doesn't attend can also just poney up some more cash and buy it from the online store.

At this point if the financial rumours are true CIG should probably just double down on one module and get it finished and out the door so they can start selling it and bringing in some more money to finish the other modules.  Technically they're already sort of selling it anyway but if it's actually released and reviews at least mediocre it should bring in some more sales from those who want a finished product.

While it would stoke up the core supporter base, releasing a module given the current media climate which performs less than amazingly could easily do more damage than good as it would only serve to provide the detractors with a new salvo to aim back at the project.
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Re: Derek Smart might be taking legal action over Star Citizen
Or maybe Microsoft will buy out his company again, down-scale the graphics and throw it on xbox one to compete with PS4's No Man's Sky hahaha. That would be the height of irony.

Either way even if they focused on one finished module it probably would come out next year at the earliest when maybe it would have a better reception.


Offline Aesaar

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Re: Derek Smart might be taking legal action over Star Citizen
Beer4TheBeerGod is my hero.

@Beer, let me underscore what i've arleady said - I've consider you to be well-spoken and often (though not always) forthright and honest.

I do believe you mistake "credibility" with "popularity" in regards to your presence and actions on the SA forums. Where I am challenged is that, even with the "goon glasses" on and understanding full well the operating culture of SA, your aggressive pursuit of damaging the game through your PSA for refunds, how to type them up to customer service, etc. smacks of deep hubris on your part in terms of maximum damage done to a group of people who are trying very hard to make a great game.

It's one thing to be opposed to an idea. It's completely understandable to be vocal and consistent with criticism of the developers(mad props for someone who can form and defend an opinion). I may support CIG more than you do, and I may have an easier time holding them to a more relaxed "be good, but I allow you to make mistakes" level of accountability than you do, but I don't begrudge you your perspective. I just don't agree with it.

I have been exceedingly consistent over the years in my strong belief in, and full support of CIG, I'm as passionate about my perspectives as you are yours. That's the nature of debate, varying opinions and value assessments, and all manner of things that differentiate people. Nothing wrong with your perspective. Equally, nothing wrong with mine. We are both likely right to degrees, and history will bear that out.

However ...

To aggressively pursue a plan to damage the funding of the game by enabling and encouraging backers to pursue refunds cannot be disguised - it is an agenda, by any name or  attempt to deflect it. It isn't feedback; it isn't discussion; it isn't strongly worded dissent. It is intended to do real damage, not only to CIG, but to the folks who work there and rely on employment to feed families' and I take extreme exception to it.

That is why I will be relentless to point this out and shed some light on the truth. It's nothing personal - I do sincerely like you, save this one character flaw that you are resistant to acknowledge and address. As such, I'm going to challenge you when you move out of the realm of intellectually honest debate, and into the fear mongering that furthers your agenda.

My agenda is to defend what is fair and right - that CIG be given the benefit of the doubt until such a time that concrete evidence emerges and ends the debate - to avoid the fear mongering intended to do damage, from the suspect commentary from "anonymous CS1-CS7", from a story with a growing list of murky inconsistencies that to any reasonable adult throw the entirety of the hastily-assembled attack into severe question. It is much more plausible based on salient facts that the allegations are fabricated, inflated and enhanced versus the "evidence" that suggests all of the issues alleged. And Derek Smart - as it is universally accepted that he is among - if not the - worst game developers of all time with a terrible track record at success - to support him takes a certain moral flexibility, and for intelligent folks, doesn't reflect well on you. You know this. That you don't care is unfortunate. Be careful how far you fall, sometimes you only see it looking back...

I've shared a window into what you are involved in, in a public forum but not related to these boards - that's my PSA for the folks here. I'll let others read up and make their mind up. I advocate for informed, educated decision-making, and I'll pursue my agenda for as long as it takes to offset the disingenuous attempts to do real world damage to people who's livelihoods I happen to care about.

Ultimately - and because I'm a positive, optimistic person - I see the silver lining in the long term outcome of all this. Those that do pursue a refund based on all this drek? Most of them weren't cut out for what Star Citizen is destined to be, so it's win/win. I don't want to debate how their illusions were shattered; the point I'm trying to make is agnostic to the "why". Simply stated, if they take the "out", then the remaining community becomes one member more united, and one less member divided; and the person who exits gets a pass and can move on to the next great adventure / drama.

Optimism is cool like that - I recommend it to anyone :)

$90,000,000. Ninety. Million. Dollars. Four times the original asking price of the game. For that we have received a deeply flawed arena fighting game and a glorified chat room. For that we have received three years of broken promises, incompetence, and most recently childish and frankly pitiful behavior on the part of CIG's executives. CIG has done nothing to suggest they have been good stewards of our money, and if you don't find their continued inability to deliver on a basic game to be "concrete evidence" then frankly you will never find it.

If me providing guidance on how disgruntled backers can get their money back causes CIG to lose money then I consider that a success. I did not create the ill will that motivated those people to seek out refunds. I did not break the promises that lead to them making that request. That all lies at the feet of @croberts68, and he's more than welcome to come here and defend his incompetence and mistakes. Perhaps for once he can accept responsibility for his numerous failures.

If a few backers getting refunds does damage to the employees of CIG then those people were already doomed. CIG's coffers should be overflowing with cash. CIG should have a massive contingency fund capable of paying for the remainder of development even if they don't receive another dollar. CIG should be fully aware of their burn rate, the remaining workload, and have a plan to completion. If they don't, if backers getting refunds does anything other than send a message that CIG's actions are unacceptable and things need to change, then frankly this whole argument is moot because CIG is screwed.

Look, I want this stupid game to come out. I want to have an awesome time with my friends running around blowing up helpless merchants and boarding ships. But I have absolutely no faith whatsoever in CIG's ability to produce a viable product or meet expectations and frankly I don't think they even care. Actions speak louder than words, and there is no action with more impact than demanding your money back. Maybe if CIG sees enough of them then they'll actually change.

Incidentally there's nothing preventing those people from buying the game once again and coming back. I mean I guess CIG could not take their money, but they're not stupid.

Also, this post is probably the one that got him permabanned.  For trolling.  That's a sign that development is doing fine, right?  Banning even well-spoken dissenters?

Re: Derek Smart might be taking legal action over Star Citizen
I honestly did not expect things to go to **** this quickly.
The good Christian should beware of mathematicians, and all those who make empty prophecies. The danger already exists that the mathematicians have made a covenant with the devil to darken the spirit and to confine man in the bonds of Hell.


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Re: Derek Smart might be taking legal action over Star Citizen
Those that do pursue a refund based on all this drek? Most of them weren't cut out for what Star Citizen is destined to be, so it's win/win.
What the lol

[02:42] <@Axem> spoon somethings wrong
[02:42] <@Axem> critically wrong
[02:42] <@Axem> im happy with these missions now
[02:44] <@Axem> well
[02:44] <@Axem> with 2 of them


Offline Luis Dias

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Re: Derek Smart might be taking legal action over Star Citizen
He's right if you think about it. They are not cut out to be shat on their faces. They actually have some level of self-worth.